Online Game Classic Tianlong: Please Start Your Choice!

Chapter 162 In The Crusade Against Swallow Pier, Teammates Actually Drowned All The Time...

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

8L's divine trench name in the game circle is too famous, and in this version of Tianlong, it is the divine trench that is most willing to throw money.

As soon as he entered the group.

The team that had been chatting quieted down.

Even if you believe in slashing dragons and Daji is not a demon, they are people with great social status.

When facing this mysterious divine trench, he also became restrained.

8L: Need positioning? I have the positioning of Taihu Li Gang.

Ye Chen: @ everyone, Suzhou Rare Animal Shop collection.

Brush brush brush.

The team teleported neatly to Yun Feifei, and next to them, they all looked curiously at 8L wearing the Tianlongmen Sect fashion.

The top divine trenches all experience the game, wearing clothes that have more martial arts charm and can better represent the characteristics of the sect.

Are they worthy of wearing fairy love?

All of them are embarrassing.

8L is a personal essence, and when you look at the expressions of the four people, you can probably guess what they are thinking.

Smile at them. "Actually, I am a layman, and I think Tianlong's fashion is very royal and more in line with my identity."

Tenryumen fashion.

Yellow robe and golden crown, hanging jade inlaid with gold, full of nobility.

If you carve the divine dragon again, there is no doubt that it is the dragon robe worn by the emperor.

Ye Chen sighed.

No wonder the Sky Covering Power says that the 8L has a lot of personality. 15

It can be seen from this sentence that 8L is really good at being a person, and the level is very high.

Ye Chen asked Krypton Gold to change his life to trade with 8L, and took the position to Taihu Lake.

Krypton Gold changed his life and returned quickly, and sent a positioning to everyone.

Crusade for the Swallow Dock copy.

Krypton Gold has never done it, and this time Ye Chen has to lead the team.

Teleport to Li Gang of Taihu Lake.


Not a single team is brushing Swallow's Dock.

Ye Chen's team has not been leveling up, but it is still very advanced.

This is an advantage for scattered people.

No need to work for the family and guild, no need to waste time on the gang's.

Players with a level greater than or equal to level 60, forming a team of no less than 3 people, can enter the Swallow Dock quest through Li Gang.

There are three levels in total, and the monsters automatically adapt to the party level.

Level 60 Brush Swallow Dock is a level 60 monster with bosses.

Level 90 Brush Swallow Dock is a level 90 monster with bosses.

The higher the level, the harder it is, and the higher the level, the higher the profit.

Ye Chen talks to Li Gang.

[Li Gang: Our country's borders are very uncalm, and the Liao State may attack us at any time, and actively preparing for war in the north to cope with the Liao State's possible attack at any time is our top priority. 】

[Murong Chao's party claims to be a descendant of the royal family of the Yan Kingdom, and it wantonly recruits troops in Yanziwu, colluding with the powerful everywhere, plotting misdeeds, and vainly trying to cause chaos, which is really a big contrarian! ] 】

[Today, the superior ordered our army to annihilate it, but Murong Chao's party has been painstakingly operating in Yanziwu for many years, its strength cannot be underestimated, and there are many strong martial arts under him, if he assassinates the leading general of our army in front of the battle, the consequences will be unimaginable. ] 】

[Ye Buxiu, seeing that you are a martial artist, can you protect my generals and assist our army in eliminating Murong Chao's party? 】

End of conversation.

Choose Challenge Swallowwood.

The party is teleported into the Song Army camp in the quest.

Ahead is a lake with many warships floating on it.

You need to use light skills to fly over to the warship and find the right route among the chaotic warships to reach the location of the first level, the flagship warship of the Song army.

Virtual reality games, this small level is still a bit difficult.

If you don't jump well, fall into the water, you will definitely drown.

Ye Chen: Come with me and keep an eye on my starting point!

Ye Chen took the lead, walked to the shore of the camp, performed a light skill, and jumped into the warship on the lakeshore with the scratching pink Emei light gong special effect.

In fact, you can use the wind of BUG to directly pull the car and jump off.

But Ye Chen felt that 8L followed and must have wanted to see how he brushed the swallow dock.

Nine times out of ten, this has a specific purpose.

Ye Chen naturally had to hide a little back hand and brush it in a normal way to avoid being stolen.

Coming to the bow, Ye Chen waited for the light work to cool down and flew over to another ship again.


The sound of water came from behind.

Ye Chen turned his head to see that Daji was loaded into the lake, and then drowned.


Ye Chen slapped his forehead.

"Don't you know your own dishes?"

"Honestly follow at the back, is it bad to see how others jump first?"

Daji is not a demon: I go, my magic capital mermaid was drowned......... Da, why can't my light skill fly so far for you?

Ye Chen sighed.

Ye Chen: The maximum flight distance of light skill is the same for all schools! I take off at the bow of the boat, fall to the bow of the opposite boat, you take off in the middle of the boat, naturally you will fall into the water!

Daji is not a demon: scratch the sharp! 【Sticking out your tongue】

Just finished.

Another pop.

Spotlessly clean, it was also planted in the water, rumbling a few times, and also sank to the bottom, and was revived in the Song Army camp.

8L easily fell to Ye Chen's side, and the appearance of driving it was naturally brushed by Swallow Dock.

Spotlessly clean: Er... I flew off-track.

Ye Chen: Zero charge, go back and fly with them both.

Krypton Gold changed his life: leave it to me.

Just after speaking, others crashed on the shore of the Song Jun camp, pulling the shore with their hands, trying to climb ashore, but the character still sank into the water with force majeure.

Ye Chen was speechless.

Krypton Gold changed his life and even made such a low-level mistake.

But think about it.

Also normal.

The first time he challenges a copy of this kind of difficult copy, it is normal to make nervous mistakes.

The dragon slashed normally and fell to Ye Chen's side.

It is worthy of being an old man who has played a lot of online games, and when he does not break the defense, his psychological quality is excellent.

But his wild boar also followed, stuck in front of him, and he subconsciously moved backwards.



Another drowning ghost.

Ye Chen simply sat on the boat and looked at the embarrassed four people in the Song army camp.

Daji is not a demon super blood stain, helping the bloody hand to cut the dragon, spotless, chlorine change life and blood.

Two men, head 630 almost beaten to the waist, blushing like blood, eager to dig a hole into it.

It's a shame!

8L。 "I'll go to the flagship and wait for you."

With a smile, the 8L flew between the ships, first to the largest ship.


Krypton changed his order and brought the two girls to his side, pointing to where he was standing. "When I jump at my starting point, I look at the warship and fly towards it. 27

Between words.

He jumped up with his gun in hand.

Steadily landed on the bow of the first warship.

Next second.

Daji Bu Demon flew over, crashed into him, triggered the system protection, and the krypton gold standing at the bow of the ship was squeezed down, and was resurrected again in the Song army camp.

Krypton Gold gasped, stabilized his mood, and shouted at the warship in front.

"Sister Zhou, trouble you to let me stand in the middle of the boat and jump again."

Daji smiled and waved. "Sorry sorry, it's so fun, I'm a little excited, and I'll never pit you again next time."

The dragon flew up.

Daji Bu Demon suddenly stepped on the bow of the boat.

System protection will be biased towards female gamers.

"Groove! You step on a horse to pit me!"

The dragon was ejected from the ship and drowned again.

Daji did not smile and pointed to the Song army camp. "The pig flew in the sky and then drowned!"

The dragon gritted his teeth in anger. "You step on the horse and wait, Lao Tzu will definitely find an opportunity to kill you."

"Beaten." Ye Chen let out a long sigh. "Okay, you love to play, you love to make trouble."

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