Online Game Classic Tianlong: Please Start Your Choice!

Chapter 181 It's Another Tens Of Millions Of Pets, And The Auction Strategy Makes A Lot Of Mone

【Your round is empty..........】


Just wait for the last two opponents to decide.

Waiting time, Ye Chen teleports to the auction house to collect the payment.

Seven Star Clouds Falling Talisman and Sky Shadow, of which Sky Shadow with 3 Level 8 stones, a total of 1.64 million were photographed.

The sky shadow was dropped by Emperor Ye Tian, and the Barren Emperor paid for it back, and the former brother, at this moment, maliciously mended the knife, the Immortal Emperor raised the price, and let the Barren Emperor cut more meat.

The highlight is the three pets.

2314 pandas, 262 taken away.

His own 2103 crocodile, full super skill, with super bloodstain, the skill value alone is 30, and the result is only 85.

A pet carried at level 5, the speed of price drop is amazingly fast.

It's really early to make money, Ye Chen's choice is so correct!

People who spend a lot of money to buy a level 5 pet and create a level 5 pet, except for 8L, have already regretted it.

Especially Xiaoyao Tianzun, millions of mutant exemptions, directly sent to Perfect Tianyan...."One Seventeen Zero" Wu Ten Qualification 3062 Fire Mane Demon Mouse, the initial qualification is not as good as that of the panda, but the number of bids is many times that of the panda, and the final auction price is higher.

It reached 3.45 million.

The 4-change fire-maned demon rat that is full of fire, in the eyes of men, is too windy, because of the master!

The big guys are willing to spend more money for this appearance and cards.

In the end, it was the palm of the hand that took it.


All kinds of against Ye Chen, not used to Ye Chen, do not still want to send money to Ye Chen.

Finally, there are the spirit penguins of the 3078 initial qualification.

Now there is a refining pill, which can reverse the ordinary growth qualification to perfection.

Enter an era where only qualifications are concerned, not growth.

This new full-service No. 1 pet is particularly competitive.

There are even quite a few new numbers to bid.

Even people from other districts come to the district to open a number competition.

I feel that this spirit penguin with broken three thousand qualifications, even if it reaches the level 90 stage, it is difficult for a pet to surpass.

Be prepared to buy it first, save it at the auction house, and wait until level 90 to get it.

The eight million threshold set by 8L was stepped on in a few seconds, and there were more than eight million people in the helmet account, enough to have a dozen.

Most of them are names Ye Chen has never seen.

Swipe through higher and higher bid data.

Ye Chen exclaimed. "Which districts are these bigwigs?"

All of them are as ruthless as 8L, as if not money, but a bunch of data.

The spirit penguin has bid more than 10 million and is still in office.

It didn't stop until 1118.


Again dozens of bids.

All within ten seconds before the auction ends.

Many people who had not been in the competition before joined in to steal chickens.

"The desert is boundless?"


"Aren't you less financially capable than other bigwigs?"

It turns out that the one who can pretend the most is this guy.

When it's worth a big investment, don't hesitate at all.

Directly add 70,1188.

As a result, he is still less.

Ye Chen pulled directly to the last bid, and the name made him stunned.

It turned out to be his unjust apprentice, Perfect Tianzun.

No wonder that giving the mutant rabbit to Perfect Tianyan turned out to be an imperative for this new internal pet.


Ye Chen sighed.

After Xiaoyao King became a perfect Tianzun, he was even more willing to spend money.

It will be so.

Naturally, he lost himself under the sound of his husband and the divine trench.

"I feel like you're going to be squeezed dry........"

A second of silence for the Perfect Heavenly Venerable.

In the meantime, thank you boss!

In the auction house, at 21.39 million.

"Tax deductions will deduct me more than two million."

"I'm earning, but you will never lose money!"

Ye Chen did the math.

He should have made a lot of millions of dollars, right?

That's enough money to help them feed a lot of employees, right?

If the game is updated against him, it will definitely be rewarded with grudges.


[Saohu Company transferred 19.251 million to your account, and the amount that can be withdrawn from your account is currently 20.251 million.] 】

Go to the Chamber of Commerce and open the first place.

Take out 2220 crabs, 2000 pirate rats, 3 firemaned rats 2001, 2056.

and a lightning marten that has reached the 7-star level and has more than 2300 aura and physical qualifications.

There is also an 8-star level lightning marten, only 6 star level.

8L is just about to make another single-brush pet.

It should grab this 7-star lightning marten at a high price.

As long as he buys.

Ye Chen released the 8-star lightning marten again, and 8L will definitely pay for it again.

Because of this.

The 8L team leads the team separately, and can monopolize the race title of pest elimination by virtue of the single brush advantage of the praying mantis and the 78-star lightning marten.

His team has only one escape, and the title of Hero Swallow Dock will not last long.

18 people get the title of 5% speed, which is better than 6 people get the title of 15% speed.

Future territorial battles.

The team that is first won by the 15% title can also use a 3 times the numerical advantage to quickly clear the opponent and turn the tide of the battle.

With an 8L vision, you can definitely think of these things.

I'm not afraid that he won't bleed heavily.

"I feel like I'm not far from two small targets anymore, haha!"

All five pets are on the shelves.

The game still didn't send a message to inform Ye Chen of the final...

Ye Chen turned on Picture-in-Picture to see how the Raiders earned.

The plot strategy of Wanji Valley, Yanziwu and Juxian Zhuang has 800,000, 680,000 and 90,000 paid viewers respectively.

The first two have gimmicks, the captain looks at the strategy that is enough, and the team members are also lively.

When it comes to the plot of Juxianzhuang, it is serious.

It's just the captain of the team leader watching.

And the strategy of the plot of the 50-level vast mountain [less than five people have seen it.

Because it is more difficult, you may not be able to fight after watching it.

After word of mouth.

Most players choose to suppress with level and higher attributes, and do not do this plot for the time being.

Finally, there are two versions of the Raiders of Swallowwood.

There are too few people who can play swallow dock, and the number of views is only a few thousand.

The VIP version of the strategy is a hundred times more expensive, and more people watch it.

Teams in various districts who want to compete for the title have to pay to see this strategy.

Everyone in the team has to watch, afraid of wrong details, a small mistake will lead to a longer clearance time for the whole team.

#3562次观看 "equal to 356.2 squares."

View the forum account.

Total revenue from paid stickers: 7,783,300.

As a person who ate crab first and also ate it, it was really cool.

Those who didn't earn a dime when Our Lady sent out the strategy for free, saw Ye Chen's paid strategy sold, and they must have regretted it to the point of crying.

[You transferred 200,000 to the gods, and the amount that can be withdrawn from your account is currently 20.051 million.] 】

God blessed: Boss, worry?

Ye Chen: First Territory Battle appearance fee, plus dividends for providing paid strategy ideas.

God bless: Thank you boss, long live the boss!

[You transferred 237,000 to Krypton Gold, and the amount that Tao's account can currently withdraw is 19.851 million. 】

Ye Chen: The appearance fee for the first territorial battle, the dividend of the swallow dock strategy.

Krypton gold changed his life: kneel to thank the boss!

By the way, he also gave the 100,000 appearance fee for not being a demon, playing casually, and cutting dragons.

For them, this is not a lot of money.

Playing casually is the owner of many digital stores, and his assets are not small.

Sister Zhou and the prostitute are both 8-figure signing fees, as well as live broadcast gifts and various advertisements, and they are richer.

But they were happy to make money in the game, and they were thankful.

Dragon Chopper: Big brother, I have been playing games for more than ten years, and I have always been the wronged head of Krypton Gold, after meeting you, I can finally make money by games, and I was moved to cry when I stepped on the horse!

Ye Chen: Aren't you just making money by streaming games? Besides, you're still very early in Japan.

Dragon Chopper: Big brother, I have all my tissues ready, just about to wipe my tears, you stab me... Hahaha!.

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