Online Game Classic Tianlong: Please Start Your Choice!

Chapter 198 Ouhuang And Shenhao Pretend To Be Beeps At The Same Time, Who Can Stand It?

8L saw this Xuan Wing Beast and immediately contacted the head of the Tianlong technical department.

"What's going on with you?"

"Doesn't it mean that more than three thousand mutant pets have a probability of falling less than one in ten million?"

"Ye Buxiu is really not your insider?"

Quickly explain over there.

"Eighth Master, it's really not! Absolutely not!"

"You know, there is a notarization before the game is operated, and if there is a trust, our company will be accused of losing even the leggings.

"It's really this player's luck."

"We have now modified the program and data, and we will not play more than 3,000 mutant pets in the future.

"The three thousand rare beasts in your hand and his hand will be out of print."

"You can rest assured, when it comes to top pets, we will absolutely guarantee value."

The 8L is quite satisfied with this.

Contact Ye Chen.

8L: Teacher, I want this Xuan Wing Beast, the real first, I must not give it to anyone, the price we can talk slowly, we must satisfy you.

Ye Chen: [Two-foot big bird] [Three-foot big bird] [Four foot big bird] Which one do you want?

There was silence over there.

I also contacted the head of the technical department.

"I believe that a person can have unparalleled luck in a certain period of time, once, twice, but I definitely do not believe that a person can always have bad luck.

"You have to give me a reasonable explanation."

"Did he use some extraordinary means to obtain these pets with exaggerated qualifications?"

Over there.

"Eighth Master, there really isn't! Don't talk about you, the entire technical department, even our boss doesn't believe it.

"But people's luck is so against the sky, we can't fault anything."

"Now even our boss feels that this game seems to be born for him, which is a matter of fate: .....”

"With our technology, you can rest assured that as one of the only virtual reality games out there, our company is far ahead in terms of technology.

"If he has the skills to control the game, this is enough for him to develop a game that beats us, and the value is not comparable to a few pets."

8L is not very satisfied with this explanation.

But I can only accept it.

"Can people's luck really be so good?"

"That's true."

"Then the money should be earned by you."

Think about it.

8L suddenly smiled.

He can have tens of billions of wealth, looking at the world, it is not a probability of one in hundreds of millions.

In the eyes of others, he is also an incredible and unacceptable existence.

Back to the game.

8L: I want a three-foot big bird, 30 million, your luck is worth this price! In this game, you are the only child of destiny.

Ye Chen: This time I have strings attached.

8L: Say.

Ye Chen: Before you ask for Mount Hua, you want to be my umbrella.

8L: I said you are a child of destiny, do you still need an umbrella? Believe in your own luck, this game is your stage.

Ye Chen: In case I make a mistake and I am caught by dozens or hundreds of people, and I am infinitely controlled, can I be saved by luck?

8L: Okay, if they use this shameless method against you, I will help you and promise to save you.

8L: For the rest, I can't promise you. From now on, I will treat you as an opponent and will suppress you in a normal way.

8L: Because I want to know if my strength can outwit your destiny in this game.

Ye Chen couldn't help but laugh.

8L, is this going to be tied to the system?

If he knew the truth, would he still have such courage?

Ye Chen: Deals, normal competition, no regrets about winning or losing.

Close a deal.

[LLLLLLLI transfers 30 million to you, and the amount that can be withdrawn from your account is 99.251 million.] 】


Two waves of enlightened system notifications once again shocked the whole server.

[LLLLLLLI raises the understanding of the mutant mantis to 10...]

[Ye Buxiu raised the understanding of the two-foot big bird to 10..."

The horn exploded!

World Channel, Sect Channel, Nearby Channel, Various Gang Channels, all exploded.

After the shock.

A large number of players are in a hurry to take screenshots, and quickly take them to the forum to post.

[LLLLLLLI uses the Washing Pill, and the mutated mantis transforms into a perfectly grown rare beast and descends from the sky! ] 】

[LLLLLLLI took the mutant mantis to Suzhou to find Yun Feifei for identification.] ...... Obtain the title of Nine Turns Heavenly Saint Beast! 】

[Ye Buxiu took the two-foot big bird to Suzhou to find Yun Feifei for identification......... Obtain the title of Nine Turns Heavenly Spirit Beast! 】

The Barren Heavenly Emperor, the Perfect Supreme, and the Perfect Heavenly Venerable, looking at the attribute map of these two rare beasts, at this moment, they only felt that they were a complete sluggish and would become the laughing stock of the whole service

[Mutant praying mantis (level 2 mutation), level 5 carrying, external power type, insect food, perfect growth

【Personality: shrewd】



【Strength qualification: 4465 (+39.3%)】

【Reiki qualification: 2459 (+39.3%)】

【Physical qualification: 3891 (+39.3%)】

【Qualification: 2410 (+39.3%)】

【Body qualification: 3098 (+39.3%)】

[Skills: Super Roar, Super Meat Wall, Tug of Mountain River Level 7, Great Wisdom Ruoyu Level 7, Super Anti-shock, Super Counterattack, Super Smart]

[External power attack: 53745 (Tug of Mountain River Level 7 + 70%)]

[Blood: 30056/30056 (Great Wisdom Ruoyu Level 7 + 70%)]

As Ye Chen said.

As long as the big praying mantis has ten understandings, it will be more powerful than the lightning marten.

As an external pet, counterattack damage is higher than that of lightning martens.

The blood is also thicker and more resistant.

The 80 wild bears that were eliminated by the hero alone have no pressure.

And the next one, the qualification is even more exaggerated.

The whole district was stunned.

[Two-foot big bird (6 changes) level 75 carrying, super spiritual, meat-eating, perfect growth]

【Personality: shrewd】



【Strength qualification: 1694 (+39.3%)】

【Reiki qualification: 4772 (+39.3%)】

【Physical qualification: 2955 (+39.3%)】

【Concentration: 3505 (+39.3%)】


Almost five thousand qualified internal strength type pets, level up, skills pulled up, how terrifying will the output be?

Finished product data is not yet available.

But anyone with more than 3,000 qualified internal strength pets knows that a level 56 super blow, a critical hit into eighteen liters of blood is no problem.

This new number one divine beast in the whole region will be a terrifying existence with at least five-digit damage to hit people in the future.

Even more terrifying.

Ye Chen and 8L both hide better pets.

Extraordinary Eight took the initiative to send the skill book.

[Skills: Super Roar, Super Flesh Wall, Super Punch, Super Counterattack, Super Vampire, Magic Soul, Dull.] 】

This time there is no countershock, because this baby will last a lifetime.

In the later stage, pets with non-physical strength, full of wisdom and foolishness, can not bear the output of top players, and will be seconds.

The role is mainly in brushing levels and various large-scale events to mow grass, targeting monsters and mainstay players.

Counterattack damage will be much higher than countershock damage.

The recoil is replaced by super pain, and it will be faster and cooler to take the head with the mending knife.

There are more than 60,000 more than 60,000 spirit beast pills that won by betting with the system.

The Super Punch, Dharma Soul, and Dullness were upgraded to iQue Level 7, Great Wisdom Ruoyu Level 7, and Super Strike Level 7 respectively.

The Spirit Beast Pill is really not enough!

After giving money for the extraordinary settlement technical book.

Listening to Yuwei, he also sent the rare beast experience made of adult pets with the experience of the rare beast (Promise Zhao) Dan.

Directly help Ye Chen pull the two-foot big bird to level 85, saving Ye Chen the effort of taking a pet.

"." It's really good to have gang support~々.

"But brother, your temple is too small."

[Two-foot big bird... Level 85】

[Internal Attack: 65603 (iQue Level 7 +70%)]

[Blood: 28178/28178 (Great Wisdom Ruoyu Level 7 + 70%)]

[Super Strike Level 7: Extra internal power damage 77180.] 】

Super pain plus super spirit, more than 140,000 internal power ignores the internal defense output, and does not crit has 9500 damage.

As the level increases, this value will further increase, and after level 90, it will definitely break 10,000.

The critical hit is 20,000, catching up with Ye Chen's wave of flat A without taking drugs.

And Ye Chen's full set of equipment is worth tens of millions.

That's the value of top pets.

"Fight back four thousand three, as soon as the super meat is opened, hit me with a wave of tens of thousands of blood against you, and if you also hit critically, I will ask you if you can bear it?"

Ye Chen raised the corners of his mouth.

One foot evolved into two feet.

This pet will be a nightmare for level 567 gem players.

Tens of thousands of blood, or even hundreds of thousands of blood, it is easy to be killed by counterattack without reacting.

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