Online Game Classic Tianlong: Please Start Your Choice!

Chapter 201 The Number One Internal Beta Tester, Is This Your Level?


The desert boundless angrily smacked to the side, only feeling suffocated.

Gu 9 is very bad to fight.

The altar island in the center, pulled up by six chains, is connected to six small platforms.

The 8L team had already set points everywhere, and had long expected that their families would join forces against him again.


8L with the second team and three teams that cover the sky.

Using the map characteristics of Tomb 9, constantly changing points and blocking various chains.

Playing a husband and a man, he tortured the combined army of the eight families to a very uncomfortable extent.

The three teams faced the top teams of eight teams, and they were unexpectedly comfortable, and the 8L team was fighting while [the experience of fighting monsters brushed did not fall.

This hour of entanglement. The entire 8L team has been upgraded to level 76.

Perfect Supreme. "Horse egg, everyone rush together!"

"Rush in a team, isn't this sending death?"

Liver and gallbladder immediately to him. "This chain is only enough for one person, and together they will paralyze you at "two-five-seven".

"Lao Tzu was squeezed down by you brushes and fell into the magma and burned several times!"

"There is a psychological shadow on the horse!"

Palm clean. "Ma Egg, it's not a matter to be entangled like this, or find 8L to talk about peace."

"The center point gives them a position to level up their team."

The Wind and Cloud Tyrant and the Demon Path Evil God were suddenly unhappy.

More than 8 teams, it will be inefficient.

Giving a golden point to 8L means that one of their eight teams will be excluded from the ancient 9, or squeeze a point with the other team.

Fengyun and Magic Path are weaker than other gangs.

To exclude or squeeze a point, it must be both of them.

Naturally, it is necessary to jump out and oppose.

"Palm Star, aren't you the number one master of the test? What about your masterful demeanor? I haven't seen how many people you have killed?"

"Qiankun, do you think you can calculate it if you want to, 8L is clearly with us, not to completely drive him out of Ancient 9, we don't want to level up in Ancient 9."

The two finished speaking.

The palm Qiankun and the palm stars are ugly.

Right at this moment.

A figure appeared in the desert boundless team.


The starry aura exploded, the moon set in the western mountains, four people were blind, blinded, and the fifth person was blind.

The scattered nails were thrown on the Emei Barren Sea of the desert team.

Super Hit!

The two-foot big bird of level 89 has risen to 68620.

Level 7 Super Strike damage increased to 80812!

This one triggers a critical hit.

Damage reached 19924!


The energy exploded on the desert desolate sea, and he seemed to have eaten a grenade, and he was blown up at once.

The blood bar is directly one-seventh less.

"Quan Qi Emei..."

Ye Chen sneered.

Shōgun out of the jam.




Just four seconds.

Before the desert and desolate sea came out of the scattering exercise, it was given seconds by this terrifying output.

The whole person fell into petrification, looking at the resurrection option in front of him in a daze.

The desert was also stunned, and when he came back to his senses, Ye Chen had already ridden the wind domineeringly, crossed the sea of magma fire that blocked the two places, and fell to the platform in the center.

8L: You're finally here to help.

Ye Chen: No. Pet skills cool, come and see, and send away Emei along the way.

If the desert and desolate sea saw this sentence, it would definitely be more self-contained.

God stepped on the horse and took it away

He is an Emei with 7 Emei and 150,000 blood!

But he beat people and cooperated with pets, and there were not 20,000 injuries in seconds.

I really can't understand how Ye Chen's forty or fifty thousand injuries came from...

The 8L team looked at Ye Chen, who was already level 79, with different expressions.

But the envy and shock in the eyes are exactly the same.

8L: It seems that your side is more at stake.

Ye Chen: It's not easy!

Ye Chen: This group of grandchildren, each family sent ten teams to watch me, together 80 teams, 480 people, on top of a third-line gang.

8L: Are you ready to rush to level 90 in one go?

Ye Chen: How is it possible! There are no points in the heart method except for the seventh pure heart, and the experience required by the light heart method is enough to upgrade dozens of levels.

8L: I'm already at level 65, and it seems that I will reach level 90 faster than you.

Ye Chen: How can I compare with you? I just want to raise the rank, so as not to be sealed by their Wudang.

Between words.

Ye Chen saw the palm pulling the car on the chain, and immediately smiled badly.

He has positioned in the middle of the chain.

Teleport immediately.


Precise snap points.

The person appeared in the middle of the team of Qiankun in the palm of his hand.

The moon sets on the West Mountain.

Four people were blind all of a sudden.



"Horse egg, it's terrible! Scare Lao Tzu to death!"

"Lean! Leaning on.........."

Suddenly, four long and long screams resounded throughout Gu 9.

This is a virtual reality game, straight down the head into the magma, that's really scary!

At the same time.

The palm star and the palm wave ate the blind eye method and the lime bag respectively.....

The first master of the hall test also fell into the magma with a scream, burned to ashes in an instant, and went to see Meng Po.

"That's it?"

Ye Chen cut out.

His gaze retracted from the tumbling magma and looked at the seven first-line clan teams gathered at the Qiu entrance.

Cast out the lost yang finger and the lion roar.

"Come here!"

At the front, the liver and gallbladder photo [suddenly shakes his head like a rattle.

The desert shouted. "Don't be afraid! His skills are cooling, and the dark weapon has just run out, and it can be on in the cooling!"

That being said, the man did step back and stand at the end of the crowd

Perfect Supreme swallowed his spit.

It's just a second.

The palm Qiankun team was all sent into the magma.

This operation and reaction is scary!

When talking about Ye Buxiu, he felt that it was just like that.

When he really faced Ye Buxiu, he only felt that Ye Buxiu's aura was too strong, and at that station, it was an unshakable mountain that was across there.

There was only one thought in his heart at the moment, the upper and lower ends must be the same as the palm Qiankun and the others.

"Not coming?"

"Then I'll continue to accompany your family's children."

Ye Chen looked at several people and calmly used teleportation to read the case.

Seeing Ye Chen disappear, these people breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a feeling of the sword hanging from the neck being withdrawn.

How could he be so afraid of him?

Come to your senses.

The big guys were even more shocked.

Unconsciously, he already had a natural fear of Ye Buxiu

As if the suppression of bloodlines.

It's also terrible!

I think it was those who were resigned from 1.7 that have subtly affected them.

Perfect Tianyan's eyes glowed as she looked at where Ye Chen disappeared.

I only think that Ye Chen's every move just now is really handsome to the extreme.

Just like Zhang Wuji Bright Top vs. the Six Great Factions, Qiao Feng alone against Juxian Zhuang, heroic and unmatched!

It made her heart move.

Perfect Tianzun wiped a cold sweat.

Put yourself in his shoes, in other words, in the face of so many top players, it is difficult to be calm, will be nervous, will be afraid.

The operation will naturally not be smooth and will make mistakes.

Ye Chen, instead of being affected, became more ferocious.

He really wanted to open Ye Chen's chest to see if it contained bear heart leopard gall.

Ye Chen's side.

Wiped a cold sweat.

Half a second away from letting the palm stars release Xiaoxiang night rain, this skill has a 50% probability of blindness.

If it's unlucky.

Pretending to beep becomes being slapped in the face........

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