Online Game Classic Tianlong: Please Start Your Choice!

Chapter 76 Brother, Enough Interesting! I Remember You Forever!

The liver and gallbladder returned from washing the knife, and immediately cursed and scolded and killed Myth Wuji.

Ye Chen helps Perfect Tianzun pull full of blood, stealth away from hatred, get on his mount, and go to support him.

It can also be understood that finding an opportunity to kill the myth of Wuji with a knife...

Rush to the side of Mythical Wuji, the moon sets on the West Mountain! Shōgun out of the jam!

", get my brother's gear back!"

Ye Chen's righteous words are sonorous!

Liver and gallbladder photo cooperation, Pegasus waterfall! Flying Immortals! Full fire!

Ye Chen asked. "Brother, what kind of talisman, is the attribute good?"

Liver and gallbladder gritted their teeth with hatred. "8-star amulet! I made more than two hundred Grade 3 Mithril to come out of this one, and I also hit three Grade 9 gems..."

"Horses, one hundred and eight million! And the cost of time..."

Ye Chen was furious. "the horse! It must burst!"

Myth Wuji couldn't stand it, and soon he was bloodied, stumbled, and couldn't run away if he wanted to.

The mythical Emei hurried to the rescue and rushed over to release the moon and set in the West Mountain.

Ye Chen rushed to mend the knife before the middle moon set.

[108,000 experience gained, 108,000 additional experience]

Ye Chen was immediately blinded and ran around, but coincidentally passed by the bag that the mythical "960" pole dropped, and instantly touched the props.

The longitudinal ladder flew to the package, picked up the package, only a dozen gold coins, and immediately cursed.

", why did Lao Tzu fall, he couldn't get paralyzed?"

Ye Chen, who is blind and running around, looks at the package.

[Yuan Ling Shoulder (7 stars) Level 58, Basic Internal and External Defense +170, Internal Defense +942, External Release +942, Dodge +186, Physical Strength +46, Spiritual Power +46, Body Technique +28, Heart Defense +7]

[Producer: Mythical Wuji]

"Do you want to help me put together a complete set of crafts?"

After coming out of blindness, Ye Chen immediately pulled blood on the liver and gallbladder.

Mythical Wuji recovered full of qi and blood transmission, gathered fire and liver with Emei, and asked Emei.

"Did you pick up the shoulder pads I dropped?"

Mythical Dream shook her head. "I didn't pick it up."

Myths are endless. "Which of them picked it up?"

Mythical dreams look at the liver and gallbladder. "The big power was blinded by me, and he definitely didn't pick it up."

"The liver and gallbladder photo flashed next to your package, he must have picked it up!"

Ye Chen praised this girl in her heart!

That's right!

Myth Wuji is all skills in the moment!

All skills are smashed on the liver.

Poison Toad Gong! Blind the target.

Scorpion tail pin! Stiffens the target and reduces the speed of movement.

Transform your bones! Increases poison attacks and weakens the target's aura and strength.

Nether Poison Palm! Increased poison attacks.

Green snake venomous palm!

Ice silkworm poison palm!

Hide a knife in laughter! Continue to exert work, generate damage every second, and absorb damage into your own qi and blood.

Wudang is not out of the game, there are no two sets of skills, and the opponent is not the opponent of Xingshu at all.

What's more, the liver and gallbladder photo has just output a set, and the gentleman's time in Wudang, with Ye Chen plus blood, is also falling into the downwind.

Myths are endless. "Liver and gallbladder, you horse egg! Return Lao Tzu's shoulder pads!"

Show total devotion to somebody. "You're spicy next door! Lao Tzu also asked you for a talisman! If you don't return it to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will beat you until you quit!"

Both thought that the other had picked up their own equipment, and they both gritted their teeth with hatred and wanted to rip each other off alive.

Mythical matchless came to support.

Ye Chen opened the gods to stand in the way. "Brother, you can't win, you go quickly!"

Liver and gallbladder are grateful. "Brother, it's interesting enough, I remember you for the rest of my life!"

Ye Chen。 "You're welcome! Go fast, I have upgrade experience, I can withstand it! Brother, you will lose experience again if you die!"

Liver and gallbladder look at each other, gritting their teeth. "Good brother, when I call someone to save you, you must hold on!"

Leaving an unwilling look, he ran towards the large group.

Ye Chen is not familiar with him, will he take the initiative to sacrifice himself to save him?

Of course not!

What is the use of taking pictures of the opposite stars and Emei in seconds?

It's better to let him go, save him blood.

5,8L - Murderous (R)

Ye Chen naturally did not hesitate to change teammates.........

The blessing of God ended, and 8L arrived with Eastern Evil, Western Poison, Southern Emperor, Northern Emperor, and Zhongshen Tong.

Eight doors of gold lock Emei, Sanyang Kaitai, group attack hula hoop!

East Evil's Khe Shan Travel Hit Amplification Special Effect!

The blood volume of the mythical dream immediately brushed down.

Ye Chen didn't even have time to mend the knife, she had already fallen.

Six people gathered fire myths and infinite skills, and they were all over the place, and they fell in a few seconds!

Mythical Wushuang turned around and ran, still unable to escape the fate of going to see Meng Po.

", this output is due to history!"

Ye Chen didn't grab a single head, sighing and pulling blood for several people in 8L.

8L。 "The playing style you taught is very useful, but unfortunately there are several groups of people who make trouble and waste a lot of my time."

He looked at the area where perfection, the Langya Pavilion and the sky shading and mythical chaos.

Order. "Kill people first, then kill the boss!

Ye Chen hurried to send a message from the team: Daji, run away! The real werewolf is here!

Daji did not demonize, and immediately God blessed to escape.

Ye Chen got on his mount and followed the 8L team.

8L suddenly killed, and the four teams who fought the chaotic battle were caught off guard.

Ye Chen followed the 8L and they gathered fire output, and successively grabbed the heads of Emperor Ye Tian and Red Dust Fairy.

The two carried knives and sent more than forty parties of experience.

Unfortunately, with the previous experience, all the precious props were stored in the warehouse, and Ye Chen picked up a Heavenly Spirit Pill, dozens of gold coins.......

"Is there no oil and water to catch without experience?"

Killed two more mythical people, almost full of experience, still did not pick up anything valuable.

Ye Chen couldn't help but look at the 8L group of people who were all hanging knives.

Thinking about whether offending 8L is worth it.

Draw conclusions, it's not worth it!

This is the biggest God of Wealth, and the current relationship between the two sides can, and it is best not to die.

Ye Chen。 "King Xiaoyao is my apprentice, you want to fight, I can't help anyone, I'm leaving."

8L nodded and didn't say much.

Before leaving, Ye Chen conveniently mends the bloody mythological officer.

Full of experience!

Level 52, 4.32 million/1.08 million.

Go back to where the team is.

There are also several bags on the ground that will be hand-packed into backpacks.

Ye Chen: It's hard to grab it again, so be it this time.

Krypton Gold Change: Big guy, let's take down forty-four bosses! I think it's enough.........

Dragon chopping hands: First, there is no need to fight, and second, there is no need to pull monsters, and I always stand on the pile and output............ So easy.......... More than 2.4 million experiences in half an hour............

Spotlessly clean: I'm content anyway...

Daji is not a demon: It's really a blessing to be able to turn right! Woohoo!

Back to Suzhou........

Ye Chen's body flashed three times in a row.

Upgraded from level 52 to level 55 with 850,000/1.32 million experience.

If it weren't for 8L coming to disrupt the situation, Ye Chen might have been able to continue to jump repeatedly and rise to level 58 in one go.

But compared to the benefits that 8L may bring, this experience is really not worth mentioning.

Krypton Gold changed his life: Big guy, you actually secretly saved the experience of the level.......

Slashing the Dragon: This great god is obviously super strong but overly cautious! Haha, I don't have itchy hands anymore!

Daji is not a demon: I save two levels, you save three levels, outrageous, outrageous!

Spotless: No wonder Da rushed through the chaotic battle, as if entering a no-man's land, it turned out to be well prepared and fearless.


If teammates understand this, so be it.

Ye Chen teamed up with Krypton Gold to change his life, spotless, and Daji no demon.

Help them breed tigers and badgers.

There is no upper limit to breeding, as long as the pet pen fits well.

Free time to update equipment.

Krypton Gold changed his life and slashed the dragon is also level 55, change hands, and re-hit gems.

Spotlessly clean and Daji went to collect cotton cloth for equipment.

Ye Chen teleported to the Luoyang Kyushu Chamber of Commerce.

Check if the forty-four bosses have fallen out of good craftsmanship this time.

The result is a little disappointing, there is no 8-star handmade, but there are 5 pieces of 7-star handmade, and the attributes are not bad.

[Frost Shoulder (7 stars) Level 58, Basic Internal and External Defense +170 Internal Defense +1098) External Defense +1098, Physical Strength +56, Spiritual Power +56, Concentration +56

Body Style+32】

The attribute is much better than the 7-star shoulder of Mythical Wuji.

Just right.

Mythical Wuji thought that he had picked it up by taking care of his liver.

Ye 4.4chen does not use, directly hide the information and sell, this will always be an unsolved case.

The two families continue to fight each other, fighting back and forth, and for Ye Chen, there is only good and no harm.

[Cloud Fall Talisman (7 stars) level 55, basic internal and external skills +172, Xuan attack +81, ice attack +81, internal strength +978, physical strength +54, body +311

[Xuanqing Beam (7 stars) level 58, blood limit +5515, qi limit +3865, internal strength +969, Xuan attack +80, stamina +54, all attributes +12]

[Xuanqing Bundle (7 stars) level 58, blood limit +5278, internal strength +921, Xuan attack +78, spiritual power +52, concentration +52]

[Saint Tianqiu (7 stars) Level 58, Basic Internal and External Defense +454, Blood Cap +5998, External Defense +1118, Internal Defense +1118, Physical Strength +66, Spiritual Power +66, +66]

Ye Chen counted.

The whole set of equipment has been scraped out, only the level is changed.

The rest of the 5 stars and 6 stars also have a lot of small products full of entries, and together, they are also comparable to a small income.

"Haha, God help me too."

With handmade equipment to wear, Ye Chen heads to the Gem Shop to update his equipment and gems.

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