Online Game Classic Tianlong: Please Start Your Choice!

Chapter 92 Destroy Flowers With Difficult Hands! Kill 20 Girls In 5 Minutes!

"30 seconds to prepare?"

More than enough!

Ye Chen teleported to the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce without hurry and took out the Zhaochai cat.

Switch sect chats.

Ye Chen: [Mutant Zhaochai Cat] Send the baby! The first twenty girls who rushed to the Xuanwu Island ice silkworm refresh point, play games to win me, you can win this baby!

Love at first sight: OMG! Enlightenment 10, the cat with Reiki qualification reached 3,000, or seven skills, all skills upgraded........ Senior brother, you're not joking, are you?

Sexy is not a riot: on the road! Senior brother, don't regret it!

Sky Covering Werewolf: Can our family's Emei come?

Listen to Xie Yue'er: Great, are you sure?

Life and death follow: Fuck, why am I not a girl? Ask men to participate too...

Don't give up: Woo hoo, I regret dying, I pit the master brother in the first place.

Aunt Wang: God, do you mind if I participate?

Perfect Tianyan: Haha, I run first, I will definitely be the first to arrive!

Perfect Red: Follow! Definitely 2nd place!

Blossom Half Summer: Sorry, I have teleportation! It is said that as long as it is a sister, whether there is a hatred or not, whether you know it or not, you can participate.

Holy Lady of the Sky Covering: I go, I also have teleportation! Is it still time to go?

The Sect Channel went crazy.

The news reached the world channel and caused another sensation.

"Is the big guy crazy? Send a 3,000-qualified zhaochai cat? This baby is worth at least a million, right?"

"Is this to steal the limelight from the Desolate Heavenly Emperor? It's too expensive, isn't it?"

"Ah~~ It's abominable, I knew I was playing Emei!"

The horn also exploded.

[Barren Heavenly Emperor: Who dares to make trouble 15, I will kill him until he retreats! ] Haha, this recruit chai cat our family's sister must be decided! 】

[Emperor Ye Tian: Big brother, if the sister of our family wins the Zhaochai Cat, our grudges will be cleared, and we will turn our grievances into jade from now on! ] 】

[Perfect Supreme: Brotherly Atmosphere! ] I can't bear to play with such a good baby. 】

[Desert Boundless: Brother, am I going to play Emei now? 】

[Perfect Tianzun: Haha, boundless, you have to swipe my drop card first! ] 】

[Royalty: I'm curious what game you play?] 】

In the ranks.

Equally noisy.

Krypton Gold changed his life: Big guy, what are you doing? Now the whole district knows that you are going to play games to send the baby, if you regret it, this face will be lost.......

Daji is not demon: Ah~~ great, such a good thing, why didn't you tell me in advance? Luckily I had teleportation!

Spotlessly clean: Big, playing that game of luck again?

Dragon Chopper: Big brother, I am willing to buy this cat for 800,000! Don't send it! Is it bad to sell me?

Ye Chen: Calm down! I don't necessarily lose the game, if I don't lose, I won't send it.

Spotlessly clean: But this time you are comparing luck with twenty people.......

Daji is not a demon: What kind of game is it?

Spotlessly clean: no equipment, watch over the island beasts in seconds! Last time I lost twelve times in a row, and then I came out with a mutant tyrannosaur........

Dragon Chopper: Lying groove, is there still this way to test your luck?

Krypton Gold Change Life: Never heard of... Is it useful?

Ye Chen: Metaphysics, there is faith, if you don't believe, you don't, anyway, I believe!

Ye Chen: Aren't you going to take the baby? I'll take the trick to help you gamble on good luck! If I can win, maybe you can all get a good baby!

Spotlessly clean: but if you lose... This sacrifice is too great!

Ye Chen: You want me to lose?

Spotlessly clean: where there is... Of course I want you to win! No! You must win, you must win!

Ye Chen: Haha, that's pretty much it!

It's only been a minute and a half.

Remove thirty seconds of preparation time.

Four minutes to go.

Seven people were present, all of them liked ice silkworm babies, had long been positioned, and were caring girls who came to tease ice silkworms when they were idle.

Ye Chen: There are 13 places left, hurry up!

The Sect Channel is hot again.

The girls fought each other and let others not participate.

Ye Chen stood in the ice silkworm refresh area and looked into the distance.

A large team came, at least four or five hundred Emei, and many people watching the excitement, the scene was huge!




"Until you.

"The rest have trouble exiting the area."

Ye Chen began to explain the rules of the game.

Twenty people, plus him, could not leave the refresh area of the ice silkworm.

Everyone can't wear equipment, they must be bloody, and they must be able to be killed by the island protection beast.

You can use stealth to dodge the level 60 island protection beast.

The girl who has lived longer than him gets the Zhaochai Cat.

If he dies first, the sister who will save him will get the lucky cat.

The rules are simple and easy to understand.

All twenty girls take off their gear and wait for the game to start.

Ye Chen went to lure the 60 Island Protector Beasts to the center of this area, and after stealth, took off all the equipment.

"The game begins!"

The girls immediately screamed and fled.

The island protection divine beast stared at Perfect Tianyan, and Perfect Tianyan immediately became invisible.

The next to him was bitten to death without reacting.

Eliminate 1.

The island protection divine beast diverted the target and did not demonize.

Daji didn't know whether he was nervous or excited, and he actually attacked the island protection beast and was killed by three consecutive blows.

Elimination 2.

"Don't bite me." Hua Blossom screamed stealth, watching the island protection beast turn around, only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.


After the island protection divine beast bit the Heaven-Shading Saint Girl, it turned around and came back.

Stealth cooling.

The normal movement speed is not as fast as the island protection beast.

The flowers bloom in half summer and are cool.

Next to her, the one who also used stealth to avoid just now was also cool.

Eliminate 5.

Ye Chen。 "Follow me for what?"

Perfect Heavenly Face and Perfect Red Face are both bad smiles.

"Of course, it's to lure the island protection divine beast over and bite you!"

"Won't we win you if we both live one?"

Ye Chen took the initiative to run towards the island protection beast. "Then come with you! Dare to chase me, I'll let you guys he.

"Bah." Perfect red face covered her mouth and smiled.

Perfect Tianyan also doesn't mind this kind of joke.

This means that the King of True Incense may increase the title of Green Hat King in the future............

The island protection beast is like a bulldozer, rushing back and forth in the refresh area of the ice silkworm baby.

There are still three minutes left, so I will kill ten girls, destroy flowers with hot hands, and show no mercy!

There are 10 left.

Plenty of time.

Ye Chen's stealth has long cooled down.

With the island protection beast, he rushed to the five girls who were in a pile.

The girls immediately screamed.

"Senior brother, you are so bad or bad, I don't take you to play like this!"

"Senior brother, I bite you, believe it or not?"

"Ahh I'm not stealthy! Senior Brother, I hate you!"

"Woo hoo, I'm going to die."

"Senior Brother, I don't love you anymore!"

Ye Chen is invisible among the sisters.

Laugh and watch the girls fall one by one.

Again reduced by 3 people.

Seven people remained.

Perfect Sky Face, Perfect Red Face, Sky Covering Werewolf, Listening to Perfume Xie Yue'er, Royal Princess, Sky Covering Wonderful Clothes, Desert Dream.

Yue'er, Princess, Meng'er, unite immediately.

Protector the island beast to perfection and cover the sky.

There are only two people in these two guilds, and they can't be given this advantage.

Perfect red face is very dish, the first to be killed.

Dreams harm others and harm themselves, and change every day.

There were only five people left.

Tianyan immediately joined forces with the princess and Yue'er to deal with Ruthless and Miaoyi.

"Woman, woman............."

Just now it was still hostile, and in a blink of an eye, it cooperated.

Changing your face is like turning a book!

Miao Yi fell.

Tianyan backhanded pit Yue'er and the princess.

The princess reacted quickly, ran away incognito, and fell.

Add Ye Chen, and there's the last four left.

Ye Chen hid far away and was immediately targeted by three girls at the same time.

"Sisters, why should women be embarrassed women, or should we join forces?"

"Okay, the guild's grudge is the guild's grudge, and in private, we can also be good sisters."

"Let's join forces, kill the big one, and divide the chai cat equally!" Hee-hee........."

Perfect Heavenly Yan, Sky Covering Werewolf, and Royal Princess quickly reached an agreement.

The Sky Shielding Werewolf sacrificed himself and brought the island protection beast to exchange his life with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen performed a light skill, and arrogantly flew over the head of the island protection divine beast, landing next to Tianyan and Princess 543 You.

The two women were shocked.

"Da, you're too daring, aren't you?"

"yes! Aren't you afraid it will turn around and bite you?"

Ye Chen smiled crookedly at the two women. "Piaorou, it's so confident!"


The werewolf screamed and was sent away by the island protection beast.

The two women suddenly fled left and right.

Ye Chen followed the princess, and the island protection beast rushed, and the princess was scared and invisible.

Turning his head to look at Ye Chen, Ye Chen actually used light power to fly to the perfect sky.

The Island Protection Divine Beast turned around and chased over.

Perfect Tianyan is not invisible, and he wants to exchange his life with Ye Chen.

The two stood together, their eyes pointed to Mai Mang, and they did not give in to each other.

"Great, sorry, we won, hee-hee!"

Ye Chen's body flashed.

Perfect Tianyan thought Ye Chen was invisible, and immediately became invisible.

Ye Chen。 "I'm gassed, what are you nervous about?"

Dragged to the island protection beast close, Ye Chen was invisible.

Perfect Tianyan came out of stealth before Ye Chen, and the island protection beast turned back and sent her away.

Ye Chen appeared a few meters away from the royal princess.

The royal princess saw that the island protection divine beast came in a half circle, her position had no advantage, and her eyes turned fiercely.

"Senior Brother, or else....... Let's stand together and let the island protection beast pick the luck of whom!"

Ye Chen waited for this sentence.

The two stood side by side.

The sacred beast of the island rushed like a bus!

The difference is a thousand miles!

The game's program must be incomparably detailed!

Even if Ye Chen is one centimeter back from the princess, the island protection beast will judge that the princess is closer to it and will attack the princess first.

Brush brush brush!

Three in a row!

The royal princess fell!

Ye Chen was equipped in seconds, Zhaojun was out of the jam, blinded, and killed 60 island protection beasts.

Looking at this area, the girls who were upside down everywhere, Ye Chen couldn't help but laugh.

"Wouldn't I be too ferocious?"

[Host, you cow beep! ] 】

【Rewards have been issued.】 】。

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