Holding the textbook, Heni patiently explained to Professor Delin:

"This is what Professor Victor allowed."

"Professor Victor is not here, so he asked me to teach for him."

However, what he got in return was a sneer.

"You are just an assistant teacher. You haven't even reached the threshold of a first-level mage. How good can you be at teaching?"

"And you are teaching the best class in the academy. Do you know how difficult this task is?"

"If the students' grades drop, can you take on this responsibility?"

Most of the main students in the Royal Magic Academy are from the nobility, especially in this class with the most top talents, there are very few civilian students.

For Devin, it is as funny for a guy like Heni, who is not even a civilian, to teach this class as a beggar telling the emperor how delicious steamed buns are.

Professor Devin twisted his fat body. Just these few steps and a few words made him feel a little tired.

He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the sweat off his forehead, and put it back into his pocket.

Seeing Professor Devin like this, Heni could not help but avoid him.

Instead, Professor Devin continued:

"Class 1 should have the best teacher resources, and you go to teach them magic courses? You are not even a civilian, so what qualifications do you have to teach!"

"I think you will still be like before, get out of the academy in disgrace! Don't let me see you again!"

Derlin became more and more excited, and his saliva began to spray everywhere.

Fortunately, Heni stood far enough away, and the saliva did not fall on her.

Heni couldn't help but retort: ​​"This is Professor Victor's course. The professor is not in the academy now. As an assistant teacher, I naturally have the obligation to prepare for the course for the professor. Do you have any questions?"

When Devon heard Heni mention Victor's name several times, his face suddenly darkened. He looked at her coldly and said:

"You know a lot, kid."

"But you'd better not mention that bastard Victor in front of me."

Henni's face flushed, her heart beat, and there seemed to be some sparks in her eyes:

"Professor Devon! You are insulting Mr. Victor!"

"Professor Victor is the youngest third-level wizard in the academy! He is knowledgeable. What right do you have to say that about him?"

"What right do I have to say that about him?"

Professor Devon's voice suddenly rose a few points, and he said sarcastically:

"You'd better find out what he has done in all these days before talking to me!"

As he spoke, he threw out a magic stone.

The magic stone stopped in midair, turned a circle, and slowly lit up, and a picture appeared in front of the two people.

In the picture, the volcano was moving strangely and was about to erupt. Countless mages stood on the mountainside and prepared to activate war magic. The volcano suddenly shook, like a sky-high monster about to get angry.

A violent white light lit up instantly, filling the entire picture.

After that, the magic stone lost its luster, fell to the ground, and rolled to the feet of Professor Devon.

Professor Devon moved his body, saw the magic stone under his feet, and picked it up again.

He asked Heni sarcastically: "What did you see?"

Heni was very confused. She knew about the large number of mages leaving the capital some time ago, but as for the volcanic eruption, a small person like her naturally had no chance to contact it.

So she naturally didn't know about the recent turmoil in the capital.

At this moment, Professor Devin gave an explanation:

"The volcano did not erupt naturally!"

"Someone did it deliberately!"

Hernie was slightly shocked when she heard this.

"Do you want to know who it was?"

Hernie looked at Professor Devin's cold eyes and had some guesses in her mind, but she immediately rejected this idea.

Delin caught her hesitation and said sarcastically:

"That's right, it's the honorable Professor Victor you mentioned!"

"He angered the natural disaster and caused the volcano to erupt, so he paid the price for his behavior and died in the volcano!"

Hearing this, Heni shook her head and hurriedly retorted:

"Impossible! How could the professor do such a thing?"

"He is so powerful, how could he die in a volcano!"

Professor Devin shook his head disdainfully and continued:

"Refugees are refugees. He almost caused an unstoppable disaster."

"But what about you? You actually cared about whether he was dead or not at the first time?"

"Garbage is garbage! It should stay in the garbage dump instead of coming to the magic academy to affect the environment!"

Hennie's eyes were dull. She stood there, sayingHe said the word "impossible" in a low voice.

Devin shook his head, not caring about Heni's shock, and continued:

"This is a fact recognized by all mages."

"In a short while, the emperor will sentence Victor to death."

Henni suddenly reacted. Professor Devin in front of him was one of the few second-level mages who had not left in the past period of time.

So he didn't see it with his own eyes.

She asked with a trembling voice:

"So you didn't really see Professor Victor die with your own eyes, right?"

"So what? The crime he committed cannot be made up! Even if he didn't die, he would not have the face to stay in the capital!"

Professor Devin couldn't help but get excited when he thought of the consequences of Victor, sweating all over his body, and his thin clothes were soaked.

"Oh, I will apply to the dean. Tomorrow, Victor's course will be given to me."

"As for you, pack up your things early and get out of the college!"

Professor Devon looked down on Heni like a proud rooster and walked away swaggeringly.

Heni was left alone standing quietly at the corner with a book in her arms.

Her mind was confused, and she could only walk towards the class subconsciously.

As soon as she entered the first class, the originally not very noisy voices also quieted down.

The students saw the familiar Heni assistant, and no one reacted too much.

These days, when Professor Victor left, Heni's teaching ability has basically been generally recognized by all students.

But today's assistant seems to be a little bit wrong.

The usual ease and kindness disappeared, replaced by absent-mindedness and a sad face.

Heni walked up to the podium heavily and put the thick book on the podium.

She scanned the students below, and looked at the seat in the front.

That was Erica's seat, but at this moment, no one was there.

Like Professor Victor, Erica had not been to school for a long time since the mages left the capital.

The two disappeared together as if they had agreed, leaving Heni without a single person to talk to.

She was eager to know the truth of the matter, including whether Victor was really dead.

But Erica was not there, and she had no source of information.

So Heni could only force a forced smile and start the lecture.

In any case, these students' classes could not be missed.

"Okay, our class is about "The Composition of the Empire's Traditional Magic Patterns"..."

Soon, Heni got back into the state, and the students in the audience listened attentively.

Everything seemed to be going so smoothly.

Halfway through the class, Heni was reading a document and suddenly froze.

The contents of the book were covered by a line of black text, which seemed to be alive and wriggling on the pages.

Heni was startled, and the book fell heavily on the podium.

The black text continued to extend its tentacles and spread around, as if it would wrap around Heni in the next second.

The text scattered on the book gradually became agitated, madly craving for something.

The text still did not change-

'You, want power? '

Heni really couldn't bear it anymore, she suddenly slapped the desk and shouted angrily:

"I don't need it!"

At this moment, the classroom was silent, and the students were all stunned. They didn't know what stimulated Heni's assistant teacher, why did she suddenly become so excited.

After venting, Heni reacted and could only bow to the students with her head down and said sorry.

Then she picked up the book and absent-mindedly finished the course.

After the bell rang, Heni didn't even announce the end of get out of class, and rushed out the door with the book in her arms.

Walking on the road, Heni lowered her head and said nothing.

She felt that many people around her were staring at her, which made her feel a little bored.

Heni suddenly looked back. The passers-by around her were either rushing on the road, or walking with their heads down reading books, or telling jokes in pairs. No one was staring at her.

Perhaps Professor Devon's words today affected her mentality.

Heni tried very hard to control herself from thinking about Victor. Until now, she still hoped that Professor Victor was not dead.

The only person who cared about her in this college was Victor.


A cold and arrogant voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Heni trembled and turned around.

What she saw was Professor Devon.

Professor Devon held a contract with an arrogant look on his face and threw it in front of Heni.

Heni picked it up and looked at it, and couldn't believe it.

What was clearly written on the cover was:

'Since Professor Victor has been unable to return to the academy for classes, Professor Devon will take over the course of the next class. '

Seeing this, Hernie trembled slightly, and her face turned much paler. She looked at Professor Devon in disbelief.

Professor Devon looked at Hernie with a triumphant look on his face and said:

"As a professor, I have the right to expel teaching assistants like you who are not even magicians."

"Starting tomorrow, you don't have to come to the academy anymore!"

A startling flame suddenly rose from the book in Hernie's hand, like a poisonous snake, devouring it crazily.

No matter how Hernie struggled, the burning pain in her hands could not put it out.

She was so anxious that she was about to cry, and she cried out in a sobbing voice:

"No! No!"

But the flame of magic is not so easy to put out.

Finally, Hernie, whose resistance was futile, knelt on the ground in grief, covered in dust, and the book filled with her knowledge turned to ashes.

That was her only hard work, her knowledge, her dream.

All burned up in the flames.

More and more people gathered on the roadside, but no one came forward to comfort her.

No one would care about a small assistant, especially when she looked so dusty.

Professor Devon humiliated her in public and left with satisfaction.

From beginning to end, he did not take Hernie seriously.

This was the hostility of others towards Victor.

After Hernie became Victor's assistant, they transferred their hostility towards Victor to Hernie.

Even though she was just an innocent assistant.

In the eyes of others, Hernie was an obvious punching bag.

When these people bullied her, they had no psychological burden at all.

At this time, the ground seemed to be possessed and the black words rose again, dark and deep.

Unlike before, they became more violent, more twisted, and more torn.

Like an ominous messenger, it appeared in front of Hernie again.

‘Do you want power? ’

And this time, Hernie’s answer was:

“I want power, if possible, I want to have power…”

She hated her own incompetence and weakness.

She was the one who held Professor Victor back.

She didn’t want to go on like this.

After Hernie answered, the black words stopped moving as if frozen, and dissipated like a gust of wind.

So Hernie waited.

She hoped that a force would suddenly descend on her.

She hoped that she would no longer be bullied by others.

She hoped that she could better help Professor Victor and those who cared about her.

Finally, one second, two seconds, three seconds...










"Haha! Look, she really believes it!"

"I knew it, just like Professor Devin said. If a talentless waste like her sees a shortcut to becoming stronger, she will definitely believe it!"

"The guy who wants to get something for nothing only thinks about whether he can become stronger every day. But he won't even make an effort!"

The mocking voices rang out from all around, and several students rushed out of the bushes, holding their stomachs and laughing in front of Heni.

The laughter was like a mocking knife piercing Heni's internal organs, and the unspeakable grievances rushed to her throat, and she couldn't say a word.

Heni lowered her head and buried her face in her robe.

'Don't cry...'

The onlookers and the mocking laughter around.

It was like a knife cutting again and again.

She felt no pain, but her heart seemed to be bleeding.

‘Don’t cry, Heni! Don’t cry! ’

The tears she had been holding back could no longer be suppressed.

The tears fell on the ground like pearls.

They poured on the ashes and soaked her robe.

The sharp and hoarse cry echoed on the roadside.

It was as if she wanted to completely cut off the ruthless ridicule and indifferent contempt.

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