The question from the purple-haired woman in front of her made Erica feel a little uncomfortable.

She didn't know who the other person was, and this person exuded a mysterious temperament.

Subconsciously, Erica didn't want to answer.

Besides, she couldn't let her father know where she was going!

Seeing Erica evading Kefla's eyes, Duke Levi asked sternly:

"Erica, did you go to the academy today?"

Hearing that her father had guessed it, she didn't dare to lie, and her voice was extremely small, like a mosquito flying.


"But I didn't go into the academy. I met an acquaintance on the road, so I chatted for a while and came back."

Hearing that she didn't mention Victor's name in her words, Duke Levi's face was a little better.

Seeing this, Erica lowered her head and complained in a low voice:

"You are a duke, and you are still so stingy even though you are already a grown man."

"If someone hadn't helped you out, you wouldn't be a duke now."

Hearing Erica's words, Duke Levi's face froze, and he coughed lightly, pretending not to hear.

To be honest, Duke Levi was a little embarrassed. No matter what Victor's purpose was, the other party did help him in the palace.

But Victor's last sentence really made Duke Levi feel very unhappy.

He said that he had to do something to Erica.

What does he want to do? Huh?

As a father, his vigilance suddenly broke out. Duke Levi would never allow Victor to do anything out of line to his daughter.

Kefla covered her mouth and chuckled softly, saying:

"I also heard about what happened in the palace from my sister."

"But the Duke is still in this position after all. If he takes it for granted after accepting favors from others, it is indeed not good."

As for Victor, no matter what his character is, he is her sister's fiancé and is considered a family member.

Kefla must help him a little.

The Duke was caught in the middle of the two and blushed, but fortunately, no one saw it under the cover of night.

He closed his eyes and coughed twice, and said casually:

"I will find a way to repay Victor."

Erica raised her head and smiled, looking very satisfied, and at the same time, she had a better impression of Kefla, the elder sister.

But who is this person?

Erica showed a curious expression, and Duke Levi immediately noticed his daughter's doubts and introduced her:

"This is the eldest daughter of the Delin family, Kefla Delin."


Erica's mind turned, and she immediately thought of the beautiful sister on the volcano.

Her last name seems to be Delin.

"So, Miss Gwen..."

"She is my sister."

Kefla squinted and chuckled.

Erica opened her mouth, a little surprised.

In Erica's eyes, Gwen is a good person.

The Delin family is a knight family, and knights have always been righteous.

So the purple-haired sister in front of her must also be a good person.

Although it looks a little mysterious.

Kefla looked at Erica, who had suddenly realized something, and asked:

"Erica, can you tell me where you went now?"

"Also, who was the acquaintance you met?"

Erica had no worries and told him everything that happened today.

Kefla learned that Erica went to the back mountain of the academy and met Victor's assistant.

The rest was the same as Erica said before.

"Oh? Victor's assistant?"

Kefla thought for a while, then smiled and touched Erica's head, like a gentle older sister.

"Thank you, Erica, but don't sneak to the academy these days."

"My Lord Duke, you have a good daughter."

Kefla praised Erica and left with a smile.

The purple hair looked so charming under the cover of the night sky, gradually disappeared into the darkness, got on the carriage, and left.

Erica was still a little confused.

Why did Gwen's sister ask her these questions?

Also, why didn't she let her go to the academy?

She wanted to ask more questions, but she turned around and saw the Duke with a dark face.

"Erica, go back and tell me, what did you do secretly in the academy?"

Erica suddenly wilted.


Early the next morning, a gloomy atmosphere emanated from the Royal Magic Academy.

The sky was gloomy and the air was heavy, making people feel breathless.

Many people saw VicVictor was a little scared when he walked into the academy.

Victor was famous yesterday.

He dragged Devin Reiser around the academy, and the news spread like wildfire among the nobles.

Many nobles were very interested in the feud between Victor and the Reiser family.

The disappearance of Devin Reiser also angered the Reiser family, who announced overnight that they wanted an explanation from Victor.

And then? Nothing happened.

The Reiser family seemed to be just talking nonsense, saying a few words to show their attitude.

As a result, Victor walked into the academy in a swagger the next day.

He returned to the Mage Tower and dragged Professor Devin out.

He threw the half-dead Devin Reiser directly on the academy square, attracting a group of people to watch.

This incident caused a crazy spread among teachers and students.

Ten people came to the square to watch because of the news.

Soon, the square was blocked.

After all, some people didn't see it yesterday, but only heard what Victor did.

The authenticity has yet to be verified, what if it was an exaggeration?

Many people didn't take it seriously.

But today is completely different, today I saw it with my own eyes.

Those who came to find out the truth because of the rumors were shocked on the spot.

Fuck the rumors!

This is fucking amazing!

No one knows how this poor professor Devin offended Victor.

Under such a cloudy sky, the square of the college also became like a execution ground. Victor hung Devin on the square for a whole morning.

During this time, everyone just watched.

No one dared to say anything to Victor, even those few third-level mage professors.

Just like what Devin did to Heni, humiliating in public.

In fact, after Victor did this, the dean did not come forward for a long time, and they already understood what the dean meant.

Let Victor vent.

Besides, Professor Devin's lesson was still hanging there.

But no one wanted to replace Professor Devin to annoy Victor and become the second person to be hung there.

Finally, it was noon.

The sun did not break through the clouds as everyone wished.


A crisp sound of horse hooves came slowly, and everyone present was attracted by the sound, and Victor also raised his head.

The Knights are coming.

The Knights, led by Gwen, led hundreds of knights and surrounded the academy.

At this time, all the onlookers automatically opened up a path.

Gwen, wearing silver-white armor, led a group of knights and walked in heroically.

She looked at Victor with a terrifying look.

"Victor Cravener, do you know what you are doing?"

"Intentionally hurting people in the academy, are you defying the laws of the empire!"

Gwen said to Victor righteously, without any personal emotions in her eyes.

As a righteous knight, Gwen would never allow or ignore it, even if the person who committed the crime was Victor, her fiancé.

Victor looked at Gwen quietly and asked:

"Did the Reiser family ask you to come and rescue people?"

Listening to Victor's questioning, Gwen replied calmly:

"The Knights are only subordinate to His Majesty, and will not obey anyone else's orders."

Victor has violated the law and has a bad influence.

As a knight, she must uphold the laws of the country and must take Victor away.

However, her hands could not stop shaking.

She did receive a request for help from the Reiser family, but in fact, this job did not require her to lead the team in person.

But she still came, because the criminal was Victor.

Leah told her that this time, Victor might have committed a serious crime.

Leah had many informants, and she knew it as soon as Victor annoyed the Reiser family.

Who is Devin Reiser? He is the emperor's nephew.

And she also told Gwen, who was unaware of this matter.

Even though Victor had stopped the volcanic eruption some time ago, it was a great achievement.

And Victor was a fourth-level wizard.

Logically speaking, the emperor would not arbitrarily deal with such a powerful man of the empire.

But the person Victor attacked was a royal relative.

Gwen didn't dare to bet whether the emperor would severely punish Victor, so she wanted to capture Victor in advance and convict him of intentional injury.

This would protect Victor to the greatest extent.

"Victor! Don't resist! Don't be impulsive!"

She tried to hint to Victor with these words, and she believed that Victor would understand with his intelligence.

Sure enough, the last impulsive sentence caught Victor's attention.

He looked at Gwen, who obviously didn'tThere was no excessive expression, but Gwen still felt that the other party was obviously much more relaxed.

Just when she thought Victor would believe her and let her take him away.


A deep black barrier suddenly rose from the ground and quickly enveloped the entire academy.

The originally gloomy sky became even darker, and even the night sky was not half as dark, as if ink was overflowing from the sky.

Everyone under the barrier suddenly felt weak and drowsy.

Gwen also had this feeling, and she even found that her strength was reduced a little, and even her heart felt weak.

The heart of justice lost its effect.

The people present thought it was Victor who put down the formation. When they looked up, Victor seemed to be less domineering.

If it was really Victor who did it, no one would notice when the formation was put down.

So conspicuous.

It doesn't make sense.

Victor raised his head and looked at the barrier with a little more surprise and admiration in his eyes.

Vega's eyes widened, and his voice only rang in Victor's ears.

"What a wonderful compound magic circle."

"She who can use magic may be a true genius."

Victor also responded softly.


"It seems that the time has come."

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