The first time I came to the City Lord's Mansion in a main city in the virtual world, everything here was very new to Mo Wei.

After following General Yang Ji all the way through the outer and inner courtyards of the City Lord's Mansion, what appeared in front of him was a key area ...... the entire city

In the night, the gate of the magnificent golden palace not far away has appeared in front of Mo Wei's eyes, as long as he enters this hall, he can figure out who the true owner of this guardian city is.

Unfortunately, he is not qualified to attack the city now, otherwise, he will now be able to enter the city hall unhindered, destroy the city totem, and thus take control of the city ......

But the system will not give the player such a good opportunity, the city hall will only be temporarily released from the protection state when the city is in a state of battle, and the city totem can only be attacked during this time period.

Following General Anode to continue to stride forward, the two finally came to the door of the core hall, stepped on the stone steps and walked quickly to the closed gate, General Anode still just stretched out his hand and gently pushed, and heard a buzz, the two heavy golden gates, so easily pushed open the ......

Mo Wei's eyes widened in surprise, staring at the two doors slowly opening, and a brilliant halo of colorful light came out from the crack in the door, stabbing him to quickly block his eyes with his palms.

"Come in with me, be careful not to touch anything. General Anode reminded and took the lead towards the gate.

"Got it. Mo Wei nodded, followed him over the high threshold, and walked towards the mysterious world ...... with colorful halos flickering inside the door

As soon as he walked through the door, an empty hall appeared in front of him.

The hall is lined with countless tall pillars lined neatly, and in the middle is a wide passage with ornate carpets on the ground, leading to the end of the main hall.

A brilliant pillar of multicolored light, shining from the end of the hall, just shining at the entrance of the hall, as soon as the two entered the hall, the body was shrouded in a colorful halo, in front of them was a gorgeous and brilliant strange world.

Stepping on the cloud-soft stall and facing the huge multicolored pillar of light, the two continued to walk towards the end of the hall ......

Passing through the open passage of dozens of meters, the colorful light shone more and more, and Mo Wei had already seen the direction of the source of the pillar of light, and a tall divine platform was clearly revealed in front of him.

On the high platform, a tall statue stands majestically, it is actually a strange

statue of a goddess! This statue of the goddess is several meters high, and from a distance, you can see that the goddess is wearing a wide holy robe, her left hand is raised, and on the palm of her hand stands a statue of an eagle, and her right hand is holding a magic staff, and the end of the staff is shining with a brilliant ball of colorful light.

The light source of the pillar of light is shot out from the staff of the goddess statue, which not only directly passes through the entire temple space, but also shrouds this altar in a magnificent multicolored halo! The entire altar

is wrapped in a multicolored halo, as if this light cluster is the protective enchantment of the city totem.

"It turns out that this city is theirs!" General Anode had already stopped, staring directly at the tall altar with surprised eyes, completely shocked by what he saw......

"General, do you already know who the master of this city is?" asked Mo Wei in confusion.

The two of them were still more than ten meters away from the Shentai, and they didn't expect the general to figure out the identity ......of the city master so early

"Yes, you look at the statue of the goddess standing on that altar, she represents the supreme glory of a race, and now the city totem uses her as a statue, which means that the city belongs to the tribe. General Anode replied in an unusually heavy voice.

"Then, which race does this goddess represent?" Mo Wei also heard his nervousness, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"The Eagle in the left hand, the Staff of Judgment in the right hand, this is the statue of the goddess of victory, of course, it represents the ...... of the Protoss," General Yang Ji explained lightly, but his footsteps continued to approach the altar.

"What? This Guardian City is actually the territory of the Protoss?" Mo Wei opened his mouth in disbelief.

He never thought that this city, which was built under the ground near Sunset City, would actually belong to the Protoss!

And how could those guardian mine spirits help the Protoss quietly establish this huge underground city?

Mo Wei suddenly thought that the secret mission he had received from the special master of the Demon Race not long ago, judging from the situation of the task he received at that time, although the two major territories of the Eternal World were currently directly controlled by the Human Race, the other races were not very satisfied.

However, due to the long-term battle, the two strongest gods and demons have withered, and they no longer have enough strength to compete with the human race, so they have to temporarily accept the reality of being ruled by the human race.

But these once glorious races will never tolerate being dominated by foreign races for a long time, and they have been trying their best to accumulate strength, wanting to regain the ...... of managing this virtual world again

It can be seen that not only the demons are preparing in secret, but the protoss is not idle, this mysterious underground city is actually controlled by the protoss, and the terrain location is so critical, it can be seen that their ambitions should not be underestimated!

Mo Wei understands that he can think of this problem, and General Yang Ji may have also thought of it, so he will show such an uneasy expression.

Following the burly body of the general, the two of them gradually stepped up the long stone steps to the top of the shrine under the multicolored dazzling light, and approached the ...... under the statue of the goddess of victory

Finally, the two stood side by side at the feet of the tall idol, looking at the huge idol wrapped in multicolored light.

This tall statue of the goddess of victory, carved from a single piece of white jade, emits a faint aura under the wrapping of colorful halos, and Mo Wei is surprised to see it.

"I'm not mistaken, this is indeed the statue of the goddess of the Protoss! They finally achieved their goal......" General Yang Ji looked at the statue blankly, and exclaimed in surprise.

"General, what is going on here?" Although Mo Wei understood some of the background plots of the virtual world, he couldn't help but ask curiously at this moment.

"Don't be sad, there are some things you don't know yet, and it won't do you any good to know now, you still have to hurry up and improve your strength, and you will slowly understand some of the situation in the future." General Anode shook his head and sighed.

"The general looks down on me, I am indeed very weak now, but I still know some of the circumstances, such as the various clans harboring dissent, although they are temporarily under the management of the two empires and the human royal family, but they are secretly ready to move, and they may rebel against the imperial rule at any time and launch an attack on our city. Mo Wei said with a smile.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to know a lot. Since that's the case, I won't hide it from you, the last time there was a turmoil in the imperial court, it happened very suddenly, but it wasn't so simple behind it, I always suspected that this civil strife was because the gods and demons were behind the scenes, and the gods and demons each supported one side of the power struggle. General Anode said with a frown.

"Ah...... Is there anything else about them?" Mo Wei suddenly heard the latest information, and at the same time he was shocked in his heart, but he also felt extremely excited.

This is a very secret plot material, and for players, whoever can figure out the plot information earlier will establish a huge game advantage, which is very crucial for ......future development

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