Mo Wei didn't bother to explain, and continued to follow the large group of guardian mine spirits, leading the elves all the way down the tunnel to the underground.

After passing through the narrow and countless passages, the hole in front of him finally saw the end, and a glimmer of light appeared in front of him.

The miners rushed to the end of the tunnel, and the squeaky cries continued to sound, as if urging the people behind to follow as soon as possible.

Mo Wei hurriedly followed the large group of short figures to rush out of this cave, and the huge underground basin was once again displayed in front of their eyes......

A large group of figures stood on the edge of a high cliff, looking at the high cliff in front of them, overlooking the magnificent scene of the underground city, and the dragon-like suspension bridge suspended in mid-air, which suddenly made the eyes of the two goddesses and elves widen in surprise......

"I'm going! It's scary to see that there really is such a big underground city!" Liana said with her mouth wide open in shock.

"Just listening to Xiao Mo's introduction, I can't feel the grandeur of the city, but now I see it with my own eyes, it's like a dream. Ouyang Jiaojiao also said in disbelief.

"The Protoss actually built such a grand city here, they must be brewing some conspiracy plan!" Princess Zixin said with an unusually solemn expression.

"Whatever they want, let's get out of here. Mo Wei immediately led everyone along the circular passage above the cliff and hurriedly rushed towards the entrance of a nearby suspension bridge.

The large group of miners led the way, rushing directly to the suspension bridge in front, and following the bridge to the tall mountain in the center of the basin.

Walking on the rickety suspension bridge, the two goddesses and elves were still curiously looking at the spectacular city at their feet, and crossed the suspension bridge in amazement, entered the opposite peak, and continued to set off down the spiraling passage.

The long procession descended around the peaks of the hill until it reached the central square of the city, where it was surrounded by a patchwork of streets and a large cluster of magnificent buildings.

At this time, several groups of short black shadows were already crowded at the entrances of many streets in the Guardian City, and all the mine spirits seemed to have been informed by the clansmen and had already gathered in the city, waiting to leave this dangerous place together.

"Brave warrior, all the mine spirits have gathered, what should we do next?" Princess Zixin asked.

"Don't worry, let's follow a street to the mouth of the cave before we make a decision. Mo Wei immediately issued an order to let all the members of the large army gather towards the entrance of a street in the city, and then let all the mine spirits gather at the mouth of that street.

After a while, all the dense figures gathered at the edge of the square in front of the street, and Mo Wei stood at the front of the line with the two goddesses and the elven princess.

Right in front of them, a long straight street led to the foot of the cliff at the end of the city, where they wanted to pass today.

Looking at the time, it is now 4:31 in the morning, and half of today's online time has been used.

Mo Wei knew very well that he had to take the Anode General and the elves before 8 o'clock, and even these large numbers of mine spirits out of the Sleepy Dragon Mountain Range, and the mission would be declared a failure a minute later, and the consequences would be very serious!

Now in this large army, the elves counted Princess Zixin, a total of 601 people, and the number of mine spirits actually reached about 2,000 people, which is really a huge NPC group.

However, Mo Wei knew that the Mine Spirit was just a kind of auxiliary NPC character set by the system, and no matter how many of them there were, they could not be counted as the last race, and they were only subordinate pets of the elf race at present......

Standing at the entrance of the street, he immediately issued an order that all the elves and miners must remain absolutely quiet, and even pay special attention to the footsteps, lest they alarm the protoss guards guarding the cave in advance.

After receiving the affirmative reply from the elves and the miners, he immediately led the huge team behind him and began to slowly advance towards the end of the long street, trying to ensure that the large team of so many people could not make too much noise.

Just like this, the long queue slowly passed through the empty street, but fortunately, the current residents of the city are only the existence of these mine spirits, and those protoss guards have been guarding the entrance of the cave, and there are no other figures in the city at all.

As he continued to advance, Mo Wei led a long line through the city, passing through many intersections on the way, and finally slowly approached the high cliff on the other side of the city, and the end of the long street was also impressive.

"Everyone left the street and hid in the building complex on the right, without making any noise. Mo Wei hurriedly ordered.

"Got it. Princess Zixin nodded, raised her arm and waved it, quickly relaying his order.


slight voice sounded, and a large group of elves and all the mine spirits rushed to the right side of the street in accordance with the order, and soon disappeared behind the large group of buildings at the edge of the street, and the entire long street instantly became quiet again, leaving only Mo Wei with three beauties and the tower-like figure of the anode general in the empty street.

The five of them stood there quietly, waiting for the elves and the mine spirits to disappear completely, and then the two goddesses stared at Mo Wei curiously, wondering how he wanted to rush through the cave.

"Venerable princess, with your speed, can you get rid of the pursuit of those Protoss Holy Light Knights?" Mo Wei asked at this moment.

"Knights of Light, they can't catch up with me. Princess Zixin quickly replied.

"That's good, so I don't have to think of anything else. Mo Wei said in surprise.

According to the plan he had thought in advance, he was going to use the existence of the mine spirits to lure out the protoss guards guarding the cave, but Princess Zixin suddenly made a request to ask him to take the mine spirits ......away safely

In this way, in order to protect the safety of the mine spirits, the original plan must have made some changes.

But through the inquiry just now, he learned that Princess Zixin's speed could completely shake off the pursuit of the Protoss guards, so he had no scruples.

"That's it, let's hide it for a while, the princess chooses two mine spirits, and we ......" Mo Wei told ......everyone in detail about the plan he thought of

"It's a ploy to divert the tiger from the mountain, can this work?" asked Liana.

"What if those Protoss guards aren't fooled?" Ouyang Jiaojiao questioned.

"If it were us, we would definitely not be able to lure those Protoss guards away, so after leaving here last time, I didn't expect to be able to leave here, but now it's different, with the help of the Elves, those Protoss guards will definitely be fooled. Mo Wei said with a smile.

"But yes, the Protoss have scattered the elves and imprisoned them, and if they find out that the elves here have entered their city, they will definitely chase them after them, and they will drive the elves out of the city no matter what. Liana nodded.

"Okay, let's do it. Ouyang Jiaojiao said excitedly.

Mo Wei immediately left the two goddesses and the anode general, and also rushed to the middle of the building on one side, looking for the elves and the mine spirits to gather.

Princess Zixin, on the other hand, followed the plan to select two mine spirits first, and then returned to the street, waiting for the action to start ...... at any time

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