This time the escort mission started, and Mo Wei still didn't know where the mission location was, which was the thing that made him the most anxious.

He had asked countless questions along the way, but he had never been able to get an answer, and now seeing the new map of the Bloody Maple Forest, he suspected in his heart that the location ......of the ghost fortress seemed to be not far away

According to his speculation, since the mission location is called the Ghost Fortress, it can be seen that this is a guard fortress set up by the Sunset Legion, which is dedicated to preventing the enemy's large army from attacking Sunset City.

Since this is already an ancient battlefield map, the location of the fortress may be near this map.

Besides, the system will never set the main quest destination of more than a dozen levels to the advanced map of level seventy or eighty, so no one will be able to complete it, not to mention that now he has come to the field map of level 40.

"Brave warrior, you don't have to worry, I'll tell you the location of the ghost fortress when you escort me safely through the Bloody Maple Forest. General Anode replied lightly.

"Isn't it the same if you tell me now, General?" asked Mo Wei puzzled.

"Absolutely not! The Ghost Fortress is the only place I can guarantee safety right now, and with some of my old men hiding, I will never reveal the location of it in advance. General Anode shook his head resolutely.

"Alright, then let's move on. Mo Wei said helplessly.

Feeling this general, he is so nervous in order to protect the ghost fortress, and since this is the case, he can only take one step at a time.

As he waved his hand to give the order to advance, the mighty army came out of the high hillside, the hole in the ground, rushed all the way down the grassy slope to the grassland, stood on the wide grassland, and looked at the large open area in front of ......

Not far away, there have been many monster refresh areas, large areas of humanoid monsters and beast monsters, wandering back and forth in the grassland.

And in the distance of these monster spawn zones, patches of trees loom visible.

Those large blood-red maple forests will be an even more dangerous and terrifying zone, and there are hidden those warrior souls that General Anode said, and their strength is definitely not comparable to ordinary wild monsters.

The setting of these monsters made Mo Wei very puzzled in his heart, you must know that since entering the 30-level field map, the most ordinary monsters are already active attack type monsters, could it be that those warrior souls in the maple forest will be higher?

Since the mine spirits do not have any attack ability, they must be strictly protected, and the elves are currently mostly between level 25 and 30 because of the limitations of their strength, and they are also very dangerous in this level 40 field map.

Especially in this map, it is very likely that there are some wild bosses, which is a deadly threat

! Mo Wei waited for the elves to arrange the formation, no one dared to run around now, if he hung up any elves, the protection task he accepted would also be a complete failure!

Moreover, he and the two goddesses were facing great danger at the same time, only a dozen levels of them, and any wild monster encountered here could kill them in ...... instant

The most terrifying thing is that none of the three players can afford to die now!

After the two goddesses hang up, they will be directly teleported back to the reincarnation pillar of the Sun City to resurrect, and it is almost impossible to rush through the Sleepy Dragon Mountain Range to return here.

And Mo Wei's situation is even more dangerous, once he hangs up, not only will he not be able to complete all his current tasks, but he will also face a long time in the system prison until all the sin points are cleared......

Therefore, the map of the wide plain that he saw in front of him was like a terrifying area densely covered with countless death traps for Mo Wei!

Unfortunately, most of the maps on the small map were covered by black curtains, and he had no way to organize a safe way forward now, so he could only grope his way through this bloody maple forest ......

"Brave warriors, the defensive formation is deployed, and we are ready to go. The figure flickered, a fragrant breeze blew in his face, and the graceful body of the elf princess appeared in front of him.

"Okay, let's go right away. Mo Wei nodded and stood at the front of the line with Princess Zixin.

The two goddesses and the anode general stood in the queue behind him, flanked by elves for defense.

But Mo Wei knew that this time through the map, none of the elves should be missing.

"Go, follow in my footsteps, don't speed up at will. Mo Wei raised his arms and stepped forward.

There was a sound of neat footsteps behind him, and a phalanx of nearly two thousand mine spirits under the protection of six hundred elves all followed his footsteps and took a step.

Mo Wei just raised his arms and leaped forward step by step, leading the advance speed of the large army behind him, so that they had to adapt to this slow forward speed before they could continue to move forward with confidence.

Led the large army all the way forward for dozens of meters, and after this period of training, the pace of the elves and mine spirits finally adjusted to the speed he wanted, and now he didn't have to worry about it too much.

Lowering his arms and leading the large army forward, Mo Wei began to observe the situation ahead.

After this period of advancement, a large number of monster black shadows not far away have been clearly visible, as far as the eye can see, the front of the map is densely packed with several huge monster groups!

Looking at the situation in front of him, the route of the large army's advance is almost completely blocked by these monsters, and it is very difficult to pass through the middle ......of the monster refresh area

"Oh no, the monster spawn area here is too densely distributed, and the number of monsters is really scary, how can we get there. Ouyang Jiaojiao also saw the situation ahead, and said worriedly.

"yes, the interval between each monster spawn zone is too small, mainly because the number of monster groups is too much, if it doesn't work, let's just bypass the spawn zone and see how it happens elsewhere. Liana reminded.

Entering the level 40 field map, the biggest feeling for the three players is that the more advanced the map, the more densely distributed the monster refresh area, and the number of monster groups in each refresh area has also increased a lot.

This situation must be excellent news for leveling maniacs who like to farm monsters and level up, such as guys like Mo Wei.

They wish that the more monster spawn zones, the denser the number of monsters, and the more comfortable leveling will be.

But right now, he has a task on his shoulders, and the current situation makes him speechless.

"That's all we can do, moving laterally in large forces to find a safe place to walk through. Mo Wei gave an order and asked Princess Zixin to convey it on her behalf.

Then the two immediately walked to the side of the group, leading the large army to begin a lateral search of the dangerous plain map ......

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