Turn off the computer, finish a cigarette, and when the time is close to 0 o'clock, Mo Wei stands up and walks to the control chair, ready to start logging in to the game.


was a knock at the door.

"Xiao Mo, the time is almost up, go online on time at 0:01. Liana's crisp voice rang out from outside the door.

It seems that the beauty is more anxious than herself......

"Got it. Mo Wei nodded, reached out and pressed the switch button.


electronic sound continued to sound, and the control device was activated again.

As Mo Wei lay on the control chair, the decks on both sides slowly stretched out, quickly wrapping his body in a closed environment, and then the helmet slowly lowered, and his head fell into a burst of darkness.

The advanced control equipment was only used a few times, and Mo Wei was very surprised.

According to common sense, if players lie there a lot of time, there will always be some degradation of physical function, just like the author of long-term writing, after sitting for a long time, he will always feel a little tired when he walks on his legs, which is a normal side effect of the body.

But he has been playing in the virtual world for the past few days, and after Mo Wei went offline, he found that his body always felt a little tired, as if he was constantly moving, and his arms and calves would also feel a little sore, as if he looked after a long run or after doing hundreds of push-ups.

Mo Wei understands very well that the main credit for this situation is the role of the control device, while the players are playing the game, the body enclosed in the control device is constantly stimulated by bioelectricity, and every muscle and every bone and joint is simulated by the system in the game.

In other words, when players run or fight in the game, the biocurrent will automatically simulate the corresponding movements, so that players can exercise their bodies simultaneously even in the game.

It's just that the amount of exercise in the virtual world and the load on the real body, the system has set an appropriate ratio in it, so as not to make players feel too tired.

However, the system cannot intervene in controlling the fatigue of virtual characters for a long time in the player's brain, so it will limit the time that players can go online every day.

As for why it's set that players who join the Alliance Clan can spend more time online, this is because the system divides the player base into two main categories.

The first type belongs to ordinary players, this type of player just regards the game as a pastime, most of them have other jobs or school students, and only enter the game to pass the time after work and study, of course, there are many game masters, but they always take legitimate work as a source of support for their families, and do not regard games as a career.

The second type is the professional gamer type, this type of player, all of whom have a career in games, or are engaged in a profession related to games.

Therefore, the official has made some classification settings in terms of login time according to the two different types of players.

Many people have to complete the day's work before entering the Eternal World, so 8 hours of gaming time per day for these players is very sufficient, and any longer gaming time will inevitably affect their work and studies.

As for professional players, eight hours a day is not enough for them, so Eternal World has set an additional login time from the beginning, the only condition is that players must join a regular alliance tribe.

This kind of alliance tribe can only be established in the virtual world, and after meeting the system requirements through items and money, you can create a faction-approved player organization, from the junior tribe, the second tribe, the third tribe, all the way to the junior clan, the second level of the clan, ......and so on

It's just that this setting will not be officially opened until the players turn at level 20.


white pillar of light descended in the dark night, and Mo Wei returned to the eternal world again, standing at the foot of a majestic mountain range.

Immediately after that, the two pillars of light around him shone brightly, and the two goddesses also logged in.

At this time, it was exactly 0:01, and the three of them looked at the bottom of the avatar column for the first time after they went online, and sure enough, they saw that the online time automatically returned to the upper limit of 8 hours, and now the countdown deduction time has begun again.

Bite...... System: Don't be sad, do you want to continue the escort mission?


As he confirmed the mission, a huge pillar of light fell from the sky, the light dissipated, and the burly body of the Anode General appeared behind the three of them.

"Let's move on, try to find the ghost fortress before dawn, and we can rest in peace during the day. Mo Wei said with a smile.

"Okay. The two goddesses nodded, and with a slight wave of their jade hands, they summoned their respective pets out, and guarded the NPC on the left and right according to the set protection strategy.

Mo Wei immediately followed the standard direction of the red arrow on the minimap and began to head towards one of the roads up the mountain in front of him.

"Wait a minute, don't be sad warriors, now the route of progress has changed, and you can't continue on this path. General Anode's voice suddenly sounded behind him, making Mo Wei and the two goddesses stunned.

"General, haven't you already determined the route of advancement, why has it changed?" Mo Wei turned around and asked puzzled.

"The terrain of the Sleepy Dragon Mountains changes every day, and this is also the biggest barrier for our Sunset City to defend against the enemy, and the route you asked about not long ago has now passed a day and needs to be reset. General Anode reminded.

"Ah, will it be like this?" Ouyang Jiaojiao exclaimed with wide beautiful eyes.

"It's so amazing, it will automatically change the route of the map!" Liana was also stunned.

"Then may I ask the General, which route should we take now?" Mo Wei asked curiously.

"Let me see ......" General Anode stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up at the night sky, making the three of them feel even more ......curious

Choosing the right route, he didn't look at the passage of the mountain range, but looked at the night sky, what kind of setting is this?

Mo Wei also looked up at the sky curiously, only to see the stars shining in the sky, and in the clear starry sky, a curved crescent moon hung in the sky, emitting a silver light.

This kind of beautiful sight, he had never seen in the real world, and he couldn't help but be shocked by the beautiful starry sky.

"I haven't noticed that the starry sky is so beautiful. The two goddesses were also blinded by the night view.

"This is the right route for today. General Anode's voice rang out, and his raised arm pointed diagonally to the right side of the mountain range, a considerable distance away from the route he had just taken.

"Got it. Mo Wei didn't ask anything more, but his heart was attracted by the magical setting of the map of the Trapped Dragon Mountain Range.

What is hidden in the map of the mountains that changes the correct route every day?

He immediately looked at the mini-map and found that the red arrow outside the blue circle of light of General Anode indicated that it had changed direction and pointed to another ...... that had been corrected

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