Online game: Forbidden talents increase ten thousand times at the beginning!

Chapter 126: Capture a few adventurers for experiments


As the heavy east gate of [Ice City] slowly opened, the guards patrolling in the distance looked over.

They raised the torches in their hands and stared at the sentry NPCs who were changing their defenses with wary expressions.

"Boll, what are you doing?"

"Why don't you take a detour when changing defense? You damn drunkard likes to open this heavy door every time."

A patrolling NPC yelled at the sentries.

Apparently this has become commonplace.

Although he said this, he didn't make things difficult.

Instead, they were allowed to return to the main city.

"Haha, I'm afraid Bol can't bear it anymore."

"You know."

There was a patrolling NPC nearby who couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

"I heard that he has fallen in love with women in the tavern recently, and he throws a lot of money into her every day."

"Perhaps because he misses that girl from [Burning Town] too much, Bol actually closed the door obediently this time."

Hear this.

The captain of the patrol guard felt a little happier.


"He still has some conscience."

After the patrol team discovered that the city gate had been closed tightly, they came over cursing.

"Damn pervert, sooner or later he will die on a woman's bed..."

"Stop talking. I heard that you also went to the pub last night. Do you want to join us tonight..."


As the patrol team left.

Eveya, who had already stepped into the [Ice City], breathed a sigh of relief.

She is not afraid of this group of guard NPCs who only have Level 2 strength.

Want to kill them.

You don't even need to chant magic, just wave the staff casually to turn it into a ball of blood mist.

But once the other strong men in the city were alerted.

She couldn't afford the consequences of her plan failing.

After all, no one wants to deal with the evil ghosts in the Dark Court. It is said that last time, a legendary prisoner was transformed into a war machine that only knew how to kill.

Dark camp.

Respect strength.

Compared with the light camp, which advocates order, it is more free.

But in fact.

It’s also less free.

Because respecting strength means that the weak must follow the rules specified by the strong.

Even the legendary level magister.

Eveya can only enjoy a certain degree of freedom and cannot do things without any scruples.


As a legendary powerhouse, she only needs to complete this mission to go to the [Abyss Palace] to learn a forbidden spell.

At that time, I will meet the requirements to become a city lord.

Even if you become the city lord of a remote area, you are still considered a prince, enough to enjoy unprecedented freedom and authority.

Thinking of this, the coldness in Eveya's eyes became more intense.

Although from the outside, there is a layer of disguise covering up her flawless face.

But the look in his eyes was flowing.

It is still enough to make countless people indulge in it.

"It's quite lively."

Walking on the wide streets of the main city, Eveya looked around.

Look around.

Although shrouded in darkness, this majestic main city is still filled with a lot of fireworks.


local resident.

As well as some neutral NPCs from various races.

All scattered in various streets.

It looked particularly lively amidst the snowflakes falling in the sky.

"I didn't expect that adventurers are all the same."

I took a few glances.

Eveya took a breath of hot air.

A small cloud of white mist drifted out from her eyes in an instant.

This legendary strongman from the dark camp felt a little happy in his heart.


She didn't expect that.

In such a cold environment, this group of adventurers still seemed to have endless energy.

And he was almost frozen.

Eveya decided.

After completing this mission, she captured a few adventurers for experiments to see if they could maintain an optimistic attitude in extreme environments.

While thinking about it.

She glanced at the night elves following behind.

Suddenly I felt guilty.

If these lower-ranking tribesmen knew what she was thinking, her image would be completely ruined.


"When we get back, we'll capture the adventurers for experiments!"

While raising the flag, Eveya led the team towards the destination.

In the increasingly heavy snowstorm.

Her figure gradually became blurred.


A few minutes later.

In the bustling [Ice City], several sentinel NPCs gradually approached the city lord's hall in front of all the players.

Many players along the way also noticed this.

But they didn't take it seriously.

On weekdays, there are many NPCs walking around in the main city.

It should be normal for guards with spear weapons to come over.

There are even many players joining in.

It is clear.

They want to try their luck and see if they can dig out valuable information or tasks.

But something disappointing happened.

No matter how entangled they are.

This group of NPC guards were unmoved and didn't even look at themselves.

If it were the real world.

If something like this happened, most people would have left sadly long ago.

But this is different, it's in the game.

Seeing this scene.

The rejected players were not frustrated at all, but became more interested.

"Brothers, I dare to guarantee with my head that there is definitely a big task here!"

"Yes, I heard last time that the Chosen One followed the Grand Mage for three days and three nights and got a main task. Why don't we also..."

"That's right, let's follow too!"

"In this case, will we be regarded as perverts..."

"Stop talking, the NPC didn't say anything, we just follow."


Just like that.

The players fully utilized the advantages of the "Fourth Calamity", ignoring the strange looks of others, and followed this group of NPCs.

Yi Fuya saw this scene.

She was particularly surprised.

She really didn't expect that the adventurers of the Light Camp would be so shameless.

They actually followed her closely.


Or not kill?

If I kill him, it might affect the smooth implementation of the plan.

Not kill him?

Will these adventurers see through my disguise?

I was hesitating.

The City Lord's Hall was already in sight.

Yi Fuya gritted her teeth and temporarily suppressed the murderous intent in her heart.

The reason was very simple.

A third-level magician NPC was passing by not far away.

I waited for two or three minutes.

The NPC disappeared from my sight.

Yi Fuya patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

With this group of players following, I can't be too abnormal.

It seems that I can't go to the Magician Association, so I can only change my plan.

No hesitation.

With her eye contact, several night elves disguised as sentinel NPCs dispersed.

With a burst of rustling footsteps.

They surrounded this majestic and magnificent City Lord's Hall.

Then, in front of the players following behind, they took out magic materials one by one and began to build a magic circle.

Seeing this scene.

Many players became excited.


"I said these guards are not ordinary NPCs. Do you think there is a possibility that we are about to trigger a main quest?"

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