Seeing this.

Xu Ran couldn't help but shed tears.

Who would have thought.

Such a touching scene would happen now.

Countless players all accepted the Silver Fortress series of tasks, and then rushed to take the teleportation array to go between [Hurricane City] and [Silver Fortress].

The purpose is very simple.

Just to protect the millions of troops, protect the [Silver Fortress], and protect the Eternal Camp that is in danger and still in its "cradle"!

How can this not make people cry?

But touching is touching.

The players' behavior is certainly worthy of respect, but if they really stop the Dark Camp, it will go against his plan completely.

After all, what he wants to do is not to seize this damn [Silver Fortress] and the Mithril Mine.

But more benefits.


"It seems a little wrong."

Thinking of this.

Xu Ran always feels that something is wrong.

It seems that his plan is not really contrary to the current situation, but has a new turn.

If I guessed correctly.

This turn of events was enough to allow him to get more returns with less investment!

People are like this.

Once you think of the key, the other parts will become clear.

The key now is profit.

And the best way to get profit is to let the dark camp occupy the [Silver Fortress] and various rare mineral veins nearby.

Including Mithril.

Originally, Xu Ran planned to drive the dark camp's millions of troops to the [Silver Fortress], forcing them to sign a series of unfair treaties with him.

Then use the [10,000 times reward].

The harvest is enough to make both camps crazy.

But because he only has one million troops.

It is probably an extremely difficult thing to deal with tens of millions of enemies at one time.

So his original plan was to issue a bounty.

Use the money of the light camp to make the 15 million players in [Winter City] obey his command.

Directly drive the dark camp army like a duck.

Directly drive it to the [Silver Fortress].

However, the current movements of the players have completely confused him.

Look at this situation.

The players seemed to want to stop the enemy between [Winter City] and [Silver Fortress].

It even seemed that.

All the players were ready to delay the enemy with death.

Originally Xu Ran was a little anxious.

He originally planned to drive the enemy to [Silver Fortress], and then spend a lot of gold coins to recruit NPC legions.

Maybe there would be a chance to surround them in the city.

As time went by.

Tens of millions of players rushed to join the Eternal Camp.

Coupled with the accumulation of wars and military exploits.

As of now.

The upper limit of the size of the legion that the Eternal Camp can recruit has been increased from one million to 8 million!

In other words.

As long as Xu Ran recruits.

It only takes a certain amount of time to have an 8 million NPC guard legion.

Not to mention anything else.

The quality should be at least legendary!

But relying on the recruited NPCs to trap these nearly 10 million elites of the Dark Camp, I am afraid he will still have to pay a certain price.

And now there are players blocking.

He can use the attacks of these "workers" to greatly weaken the number and combat effectiveness of the enemy.

Perhaps the players cannot stop the army of the dark camp.

Even if they can stop them all, Xu Ran has to find a way to leave at least half of the troops for the other side.

The reason is very simple.

Check and balance.

After all, the army of tens of millions will give the dark camp enough confidence.

Perhaps the other side will rely on the advantage of numbers to find opportunities to continue to attack [Winter City] and even seize the territory of the eternal camp.

And if they are annihilated to only one or two million.

Not to mention anything else.

The group of high-level people in the light camp who bully the weak and fear the strong will definitely issue an attack order to recapture the [Silver Fortress].

Both situations will result in a situation where the bamboo basket is empty.

So only by making the dark camp half-dead.

Can the light camp be afraid of this side.

Dare not act rashly.

At the same time, it also extinguished the idea of ​​continuing to attack the city, and then only passively defended this [Silver Fortress] and the mithril vein.

In other words.

Today's [Silver Fortress] is a delicious bait.

Only if the Dark Camp swallows it, they will not be in vain and lose millions of troops.

At the same time, only in this way.

The Dark Camp will not fight a desperate battle.

At the beginning, Han Xin ambushed Xiang Yu from all sides, but left a loophole to let him go.

The truth is far from that simple.

What he has to do is to prevent the other party from fighting a desperate battle.

And Xu Ran's current plan is the same.

Of course.

It is different from Han Xin.

What's more.

He did this for another reason.

Only in this way.

He can negotiate the next step with the Dark Camp.

Let them be willing to become their workers.


At present, the number of players cannot be too many, nor too few.

Once the 80 million players who have just joined the Eternal Camp rush into this battlefield.

The number and scale alone can even fill this empty battlefield.

And if the number of people is too small.

Xu Ran would need to use a large number of NPC legions to fill the gap, which would cause a big loss.

Since this is an opportunity.

He must seize it.

Thinking of this.

Xu Ran directly issued an order.

Remove one-third of the directional magic teleportation array built by the previous 200,000 epic eternal guards.

At the same time, the teleportation fee was set.

Each player only charges 1 silver coin!

This teleportation fee is the lowest in history, and it is a small amount of money for players.

But it has great significance for Xu Ran.

Once the only eternal talent [10,000 times reward] is triggered, each silver coin will become a full 100 gold coins.

If the number of players arriving here is 10 million.

Then the amount of gold coins he gets from the teleportation fee alone will reach a terrifying number.

1 billion gold coins!

This huge sum of money will become the funds for him to recruit NPC legions.

According to the current upper limit of the number of NPCs that can be recruited by the eternal camp, he can at least recruit another 7 million troops!

While thinking.

Xu Ran jumped down from the broad back of the ancient ghost dragon and stepped onto the teleportation array to the [Frozen City].

When his figure disappeared.

The directional teleportation array constructed by 200,000 epic eternal guards was also revoked and activated at this moment.

As the brilliant light shone out.

When the sun rose slowly, countless figures appeared on this vast and war-torn land bathed in the special light of the teleportation array.

[Tip: Take the main city-level teleportation array to the end of the directional teleportation array, and a teleportation fee of 1 silver coin will be charged. Do you want to start the teleportation? ]

[Tip: Due to the restrictions of the end of the directional teleportation array, this teleportation needs to wait in line. The number of people in the queue ahead is 1.27 million...]

In the sound of prompts.

Many players suppressed their excitement and stepped onto the teleportation array to the [Silver Fortress]!

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