
Perhaps sensing the restless ice element in the air, Basal, the bone dragon, immediately raised his wings alertly.

Thousands of ice blades are slowly taking shape.

Bone Dragon Basal seemed to have thought of something painful, and immediately waved his wings and flew upwards.


The figure blocking out the sky and the sun broke the towering trees.

Countless dirt and debris were thrown up!

But Xu Ran was faster.

Before the bone dragon Basal could take off, [Extreme Ice Storm] hit it hard in the abdomen.

High amounts of damage appeared again.



-17208 (crit damage)!

-15354 (true damage)!

-15354 (true damage)!


Weak point attack!

This time, [Extreme Ice Storm] caused higher damage than before.

Bone Dragon Basal's blood volume dropped instantly!

Only half of the blood volume is left! .

But at the same time, the counterattack from it also arrived in front of Xu Ran instantly.


【Falling Blow】!

Dive downwards at extremely fast speeds, causing high damage to the target.


Xu Ran, who had just finished guiding his skills,

After a deafening loud noise, Xu Ran was slapped hard to the ground.

But above his head, two big characters that made Long desperate appeared!


A look of surprise and anger appeared in the eyes of Bone Dragon Basal.

No hesitation.

It raised its giant claw and slapped Xu Ran hard.


After one blow.

What appeared above Xu Ran's head was "dodge" again!


Another blow!

There are still two big words "dodge"!

This is a special effect triggered when the god-level equipment [Cloak of Light and Darkness (God-level)] is worn.

Effect 2: In a light environment, the dodge probability is increased by 60%. In a dark environment, the person can ignore the power gap and be immune to the detection of all creatures.

at this time.

It happens to be daytime.

The increased 60% chance of dodge directly allowed Xu Ran to withstand huge damage three times.

Not a drop of blood was lost!


same moment.

There was a sound of dense footsteps.

Thousands of players from Ye Yu Guild appeared not far away.


"It's so outrageous!"

They happened to see this scene and were stunned.

Even President Ye Yu couldn't help but froze on the spot.

Dodge three times in a row?

What special props were used for this cliff!

The thought of this.

The players of Ye Yu Guild were all excited.

Epic set.

Legendary weapons.

This chosen man is the best of the best.

not to mention.

Who knows how many goodies he has in his bag.

Just pop one out.

That’s a lot of money!


"Take advantage of this guy's reputation and focus his fire in seconds!"

"Maybe we can explode all the equipment on him!"

"Grab the BOSS and seize the equipment!"


Before Ye Yu took the initiative to call out.

The guild members under him could no longer hold back.


The players all had red eyes and ran towards Xu Ran's direction.


Magic skills.

The warriors charge.

Knights charge.

Countless skills bloom like gorgeous fireworks.

At the same time, Bone Dragon Basal did not stop either.

It exuded scarlet light, and a special state appeared on the top of its head.


Immune to all damage during this period.

Attacks will receive a high boost and are not subject to any control effects.

Duration 3 minutes.

The bone dragon Basal, who entered a violent state, kept swinging his giant claws, trying to tear the human mage in front of him into pieces.

Face this scene.

Xu Ran reacted immediately.

With the high speed bonus brought by the epic suit, he skillfully dodges all incoming skills.

So an extremely ridiculous scene unfolded in the Forest of Sleep.

Thousands of players.

The bone dragon that covers the sky and the sun.

At this moment, everyone is chasing the same figure.

"Pure Sword Tomb! The mage wears an acceleration suit?"

"This is the bonus of the epic suit. We have to find a way to give him a slowdown buff!"

"I'm an asterisk, you're an asterisk B, you're so disgusting..."

for a while.

The entire area was filled with curses.

But no matter how angry he was, he couldn't do any harm to Xu Ran.

You can only eat ashes!

There were even many players who were trampled into meat pies by the bone dragon Basal along the way and sent back to the resurrection point.


Except for priests and a few remote professions,

Most of the players in Ye Yu Guild were gathered within a few hundred meters.

Xu Ran glanced at BOSS.

As time goes by, the [violent] state has completely disappeared.

Many players also had other thoughts.

They wanted to take the opportunity to rob the BOSS too.

But they underestimated Xu Ran.

At the same time, he also underestimated the unpredictable bone dragon Basal!




Damage immune!




Due to the high damage avoidance rate and defense value, their damage is almost nothing.

Except for damage immunity and miss.

The vast majority of players can only deal 1 point of forced damage.


"It's those despicable reptiles again!"

The wisdom of the bone dragon Basar is far beyond that of ordinary people.

The human mage who can pose a life threat to it can only dare to face himself.

How dare these weak humans take action?

Think of this.

It couldn't help but feel a burst of irritation in its heart.


No nonsense.

Basal, the bone dragon, raised his giant claw and dropped it hard.

The target - the fastest players in the group below.


As [Dragon Slap] fell, a continuous stream of damage values ​​emerged from the heads of the players in the front row.

A white light flashed.

Hundreds of players were all killed instantly!

Seeing this scene, many players were dumbfounded.

turn out to be.....

Is this BOSS so scary? ! !

Just when they were stunned, Xu Ran stopped.

The rampage of Bone Dragon Basal is over.

His real attack is about to come!


As a roar sounded, the surrounding light magic elements surged instantly.

It seemed like just a moment.

The surroundings immediately fell into absolute silence and darkness.

All light attribute elements are like the tide.

Come all in!

Xu Ran's figure has disappeared.

The figure that replaced it was like a god descending into the world!

The equipment skill from the artifact [Cloak of Shadows that Controls Light and Darkness]——[Control Light and Darkness]!

Activate now!

[Control Light and Darkness] Activate the power contained in the equipment to enter the state of "Controlling Light and Darkness".

During this period, all skills will receive additional light attribute bonuses.

And immune to all light attribute damage.

"Extreme ice storm!"

A low drink.

Xu Ran waved his hand and guided the [Extreme Ice Storm].


This time it wasn't thousands of ice blades.

Rather, it is the fusion of endless light and frost, forming a giant storm!

With the bonus of [Controlling Light and Darkness].

The range of [Extreme Ice Storm] is enough to cover hundreds of meters.


Xu Ran's goal is no longer to kill the Bone Dragon Basal.

But to make sure that no one survives in this area!

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