Online Game: God's Eyes, Unlimited Looting Of Opportunities

No118 The Ninth Prince Of The Obsidian Dynasty: This 'Script' Is Wrong! !

Almost at the same time.

The spiritual phantom of the looted [Golden Indus], as well as the "Spirit of the Killing God" that was born for fighting and killing, like a dragon entering the sea, plundered into the crowd, and launched a ruthless killing



buzz buzz!!!!

At the same moment, Ye Mo and the four demon puppets also completed the chant of "Annihilation Black Hole". The five "Devouring Black Holes" congealed out of thin air are connected together to form a huge dark field, like a The huge abyss that fell from the sky covered nearly five hundred players in the inner circle at once!

Especially those warriors, swordsmen, and assassins who rushed out first... It seemed as if they rushed into the black hole of the abyss on their own initiative!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!!! "Two Nine Zero"

Immediately afterwards, crimson fireballs were released from the weapons of Ye Mo and the four demon puppets, like red cannonballs, falling into the field covered by the five-style "annihilation black hole".




In an instant, scarlet and terrifying damage values ​​floated out from the dark field.

But Ye Mo and the four demon puppets cast "Annihilating Black Hole" and the damage output of "Fireball!

Even the players that Long Jiu mobilized to [Black Demon Plain] are all above level 80, wear decent equipment, and have far more combat power than ordinary "loose people" players.


Their blood volume and defense are not enough for them to withstand such horrible damage!!!

[Ding! You have killed the player 'Natural Cool', and the kill value has increased by 1 point!]

[Ding! The 'Demon Puppet' you summoned killed the player 'Cang Sheng Tage's kill value increase point! 】

[Ding! The "Demon Puppet" you summoned killed the player "My conscience has been fed to the dog", and the killing value increased by 1 point!】

[Under the effect of the exclusive passive skill "Magic Mind in the Heart", experience value +50!]

[Under the effect of the first effect of the talent "Death and Withering" "Death and Death", the experience value +910! 】

[Under the effect of the second effect of the talent "Death and Withering" "Soldier·Slaughter", the 'refinement value +91! 】

All of a sudden, thousands of mechanical prompts flooded Ye Mo's hearing like rolling waves.

Except for the cold mechanical beep, it is difficult to hear other sounds.

As for the spiritual phantom of [Golden Indus] and the 'Spirit of Killing God', one has the power of LV99 Legendary-level low-level monster boss, and the other has the power of LV99 Baijin-level low-level monster boss. After the two rushed into the crowd, it was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. There was no one who was the enemy of the two in one blow!

Whether it is the spiritual phantom of [Golden Indus Tree] or the 'Spirit of Killing Gods', they haven't used any harmful skills!

One is holding a golden long sword, the other is holding a black long spear, simple sword cuts and spear stabs, easily harvesting the lives of one player after another.

They seem to be killing artists. They are clearly killing people, but they give people a sense of cleanliness and 'pleasing to the eye'.

Let the creatures who see their behavior, can't help but have the thought of "killing, that's it"!

[Ding! Your first battle pet 'Golden Indus' killed the player 'Impermanence in the World' and the kill value increased by 1 point!]

[Ding! The "Spirit of the Killing God" you created killed the player "Meteor Scratch Wuhen" and the killing value increased by 1 point!】

[Under the effect of the exclusive passive skill "Magic Mind in the Heart", experience value +50!]

[Under the effect of the first effect of the talent "Death and Withering" "Death and Death", the experience value +890! 】

[Under the effect of the second effect of the talent "Death and Withering" "Soldier·Slaughter", the "Soldier Refining Value" +89!]


It is worth mentioning that the spiritual phantom of [Golden Indus] and the "Spirit of Killing God" both deliberately avoided the area covered by the "annihilation black hole".

Their goals are all on those players who are not shrouded by the dark field!

This caused two 'dead zones' to appear on the entire [Black Devil Plain]

The area covered by the skills of Ye Mo and the four demon spirits is one, and the spiritual phantom of [Golden Wutong] and the hunting place of the "Spirit of Killing God" are one.


No matter where it is, those players that Long Jiu mobilized here are all the ones who were slaughtered!!!


Long Jiu, who was originally at the forefront of more than 2,000 players, after giving the order to attack, a large number of fighters, swordsmen, and assassins filed out, making his position change to the front.

Therefore, Long Jiu was not covered by the first round of "Annihilation Black Hole" cast by Ye Mo and the four demon puppets!

And looking at the subordinates who fell like wheat under the attack of the spiritual phantom of [Golden Indus] and the 'Spirit of Killing God'.

And from the ink-stained black field, densely packed bright red damage values ​​floated out, the screams and explosions made Long Jiu's pupils shrink sharply, and there seemed to be a turbulent sea in his heart!

What kind of existence is this?!

What kind of damage is this horse riding?!!

When Ye Mo killed nearly a hundred of his subordinates before, because the distance was relatively far, and the number of "hundreds" was still within the range he recognized in his heart. At that time, Long Jiu 2.8 didn't feel anything, confident that Ye Mo would be "the fish on the chopping board" and let him be slaughtered.

But this scene right now...

It's different from the 'script' he thought!!

There is indeed a 'fish on the chopping board', but it's not [Can Ye]'s side, but his own side!

As long as Long Jiu thought of "the waves are monstrous", the dark field in his sight may have disappeared.

And disappearing together, there are nearly 500 of his subordinates who were shrouded in the dark field!

Just three seconds.

His 2,600 subordinates lost nearly 500!


Counting the 'female player' who couldn't see her face clearly and was wearing a golden battle armor and the one killed by the black and gold strange ghost...his dead subordinates already exceeded five hundred people, flat!!.

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