Online Game: God's Eyes, Unlimited Looting Of Opportunities

No2 [Blessing Of The Gods], The True Face Of The Special Awakening Helmet! (210, Looking For Flowers

At this moment, those around Ye Mo are ridiculed and ridiculed, how would they know that the awakening helmet in Ye Mo's hand is not green at all.

They also don't know that Ye Mo chose not a green hat, but an invincible start!

Not to mention how bitter and regretful they felt when they didn't even have the qualification to look up at Ye Mo's back after a few years!



"Okay, now everyone take your awakening helmets and follow me to the ancient martial arts building."

After all the students present had selected the awakening helmets, the female teacher on the high platform said aloud.

Immediately, a group of students followed the female teacher to the Awakening Building.

The Awakening Building has a total of ten floors. Except for the first floor and the top floor, the remaining eight floors are equipped with a large number of secret rooms for cultivation.

Being in the secret room of cultivation, you will not be peeped and disturbed by the outside world.

And these students are going to log in for the first time in the practice secret room and complete the awakening.

"Ye Mo, you go to practice secret room 666 on the 6th floor."

Not long after stepping into the Guwu Building, Ye Mo heard the autumnal voice of the beautiful teacher.

"Okay, teacher."

No. 666 on the 6th floor... a very auspicious number.

Ye Mo walked towards the elevator.

"What a queer little fellow."

Looking at Ye Mo's back, a hint of curiosity emerged in his eyes, which were as thick as autumn water.

Among the group of students who are about to log in and awaken, the only one Qiu Yinong remembers is Ye Mo.

One is because of Ye Mo's handsome appearance.

The second is because Ye Mo chose the green hat.

Ye Mo was not the last one to choose. When he came out, there were still nearly two-thirds of the awakened helmets to choose from.

It's not that he has no choice.

He chose the green hat in everyone's eyes.

This not only puzzled the students, but Qiu Yinong also didn't understand.



Boom boom boom~~~~

After Ye Mo entered the secret training room No. 666 on the sixth floor, the alloy door of the secret training room closed with a sound.

The entire practice secret room is like a quiet space isolated from the world.

"The first thing I need to do is to remove the [Blessing of the Gods] on the surface of this awakening helmet."

Taking the [Special Awakening Helmet] closer, Ye Mo turned it slightly while carefully observing the edge of the Awakening Helmet's surface.

Soon, Ye Mo's black eyes narrowed slightly, and he found a small gap that was easily overlooked on the edge of the awakening helmet.

Ning Mei paused for a moment, Ye Mo used the nail of the little finger of his right hand to carefully pick at the small gap.


With an inaudible sound, the surface of the awakened helmet raised a corner along the small gap.

Clasping it with two fingers, and then slowly turning it, a green thin sticker appeared in Ye Mo's palm.

The emerald green sticker is a special item [blessing of the gods] that allows the user to greatly increase their luck within five minutes.

And looking at the green hat again, its appearance has changed drastically at this moment, showing a cool purple color, revealing mystery and dignity.

"This is your true face!"

The special item [Blessing of the Gods] has been obtained, and now it is time to log in to "Shentu".

Ye Mo lay down on the giant magic stone in the middle of the training chamber, and then put the cold purple [special awakening helmet] on his head.

In an instant, a strong sense of weightlessness hit him.

The picture in the mind and soul changes rapidly, and when the picture is completely stable, Ye Mo finds himself in a chaotic world.

At this moment, he is like a drop of water in the vast ocean, he will be ignored if he is not careful.

[Adventurers, welcome to the world of "Shentu"! 】

This chaotic world is the initial place that every player who logs into "Shentu" for the first time will arrive.

Players will complete character creation here.

[The heart of a gun is like fire, and the gun is like my heart! The sharp gun is tempered with fire, and the evil spirits are wiped out, and the world is blessed! 】

【Heaven and earth live side by side with me, all things are one with me. In the three thousand worlds of reincarnation of life and death, the law of causality of everything in the world is clear in the heart! 】

[The strong live, the weak die. Destruction is for greater creation. Death is to wake up to the true meaning of existence! 】

[A person can be destroyed, but absolutely cannot be defeated. The fate of meddling, fragmentation and the will of the swordsman! 】

【Know your true self, see your true nature, be benevolent, and save all beings! 】

The five different discourses correspond to the five basic professions of Warrior, Mage, Assassin, Swordsman, and Pharmacist in "Shentu" respectively.

Boom boom boom! ! !

When the five mechanical words dissipated, five ancient and vicissitudes of life suddenly descended from the chaotic sky.

Each one is lifelike, and each one represents a basic occupation.

[Adventurer, please name your character! 】

"Remnant night!"

Ye Mo revealed the character name that he had thought of for a long time.

[Congratulations on your successful naming! 】

After the character is named, the talent is awakened.

Whether the talent can be successfully awakened, and what level of talent can be awakened, will be decided later.

Because of the [Special Awakening Helmet] that Ye Mo is wearing, what he needs to do is not to awaken talents, but to directly draw two talents above B level from the 'Talent Pool'!

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