Online Game: God's Eyes, Unlimited Looting Of Opportunities

No32 Has Over 10,000 Attacks, The Final Boss Of The Nightmare Level! (Including Level Experience Que

If someone can see Ye Mo's character panel, they will be surprised to find that Ye Mo's attack power has increased by 60% compared to before he used [Xinghua Niang] and [Di Liguo]!

"Instantly restore 65% of health, mana, and stamina, and in the next 30 seconds, attack power +60%, recovery power +100%... the hidden information seen by "Cang Tian Shen Tong" , sincerely do not deceive me. "

At this time, Ye Mo, who felt the change in his own attributes, sighed with joy.

【Xinghua Niang】combined with 【Diliguo】, the efficacy has been greatly enhanced.

The instant recovery of health, mana and stamina has increased by 15%, the duration has been increased by 15 seconds, and the attack power and continuous recovery power have also increased by 15%!

This increase... can only be said to be too 'top'!


Physical Attack: 672

Magic attack: 7862.4


Under the temporary boost of [Xinghua Niang] and [Di Liguo], Ye Mo's magic attack reached an astonishing 7862.4 points!

It is worth mentioning that this is when Ye Mo still has 1050 free attribute points unallocated.


From level 40 to level 75, Ye Mo has reserved all the free attribute points obtained during the upgrade because there is no pressure!

Ye Mo wants to decide how to allocate these 1050 free attribute points after seeing the data information of the final monster boss just like in the 30th wave!


It can be expected that once Ye Mo completes the distribution of these 1050 free attribute points, his magic attack will definitely exceed 10,000!


"Darkness condenses in the void, the darkness that engulfs everything, condense, "Annihilation Black Hole"! "

From taking out [Xinghua Niang] and [Di Liguo] from Ye Mo to using it, it is very long to describe, in fact, it only takes more than a second.

Therefore, when Ye Mo obtained the attribute increase provided by the two, it was exactly 2.5 seconds before the refresh of [Flaming Three-Headed Dog King].

So, Ye Mo took advantage of the situation and chanted the casting spell of "Annihilating the Black Hole".


When the ink-stained engulfing 'black hole' was formed, a giant crimson three-headed fierce dog exuding a strong and violent aura, like a small volcano, refreshed in the attack area of ​​the "annihilation black hole" in due course.


【Flaming Three-Headed Dog King】

Silver level BOSS

Level: Level 60

HP: 400,000/400,000

Mana: 40,000/40,000

Physical attack: 2000~2100 Magic attack: 2500~2600

Physical Defense: 1700 Magic Defense: 1900

Skill 1: Tear Claw (deal physical damage based on 115% of physical attack to the target unit, with a 25% chance of 'tearing'. The target unit that is 'teared', in the next 15 seconds, the defense will be reduced 20% reduction) (Mana cost 200, cooldown 15 seconds)

Skill 2: Claw Light Sky Rush (Wave a sharp claw and shoot a flame beam at the target unit, causing fire damage based on 125% of magic attack.) (Consumption 250, cooldown 30 seconds)

Skill 3: Three heads in one (three heads are temporarily fused, and the power and will are unified. In the next 120 seconds, increase your own attack power by 30%, speed by 20%, and defense by 10%) (consumes 1000, cool ten minutes)

Skill 4: Hard Skin (reduce the damage you receive by 15%)

Skill 5: Life Absorption (every time the target unit is successfully damaged, 5% of the damage can be converted into pure life energy for self-recovery)

Description: One of the three monster bosses in the "Fire Spirit Realm", the king of the [flaming three-headed dog] clan. After defeating it, you will get the ultimate reward of 'Fire Spirit Realm'.

[Hidden Information]: When the 'Flaming Three-Headed Dog King' is in the 'three-headed-in-one' state, the area where its two heads on the left and right were originally located will temporarily become its weakness. Attacking the weak point area can cause double damage to it.


At the same time, the data and information about [Flaming Three-Headed Dog King] was reflected in the depths of Ye Mo's retina.

400,000 health, more than 2,000 double attacks, nearly 2,000 double defenses, three active skills and two passive skills... It can be said that [Blazing Three-Headed Dog] deserves to be the final trial stage of the "Fire Spirit Realm" The level guarding boss, with such attributes and skill configuration, is an absolute nightmare for most players below level 100.

If you encounter it alone, it can only be 'bad' and retreat.


Ye Mo belongs to the players other than the "most players below level 100"!


— 14590.22416!

— 14590.22416!


Also at the moment when Ye Mo learned about the data information of [Flaming Three-Headed Dog King], the "Annihilation Black Hole" also started to cause damage to it!

An attack based on 7862.4 points of magic attack, even if the magic defense of [Flaming Three-Headed Dog King] is as high as 1900, even if it still has the 15% damage reduction provided by the passive skill 'Hard Skin', it is in the attack range of "Annihilation Black Hole" In it, the blood loss per second still reached nearly 15,000! !

In the same second, according to the attributes and skills of [The Three-Headed Dog King], Ye Mo instantly used the reserved 1050 free attribute points.

As a result, Ye Mo's four-dimensional attributes immediately became strength 105, agility 535, spirit 1800.5, and constitution 1000.

Ye Mo's panel magic attack has changed from 7862.4 in the previous second to 11523.2! !




Ye Mo, who completed the "addition point", was unambiguous, and while the [Flaming Three-Headed Dog King] was still in the slowdown and defense reduction of the "Annihilation Black Hole", he cast three "Fireballs" in a row.

— 17998.3624!

— 17998.3624!

— 17998.3624!


Even more terrifying damage values ​​floated out from the head of [Flaming Three-Headed Dog King] one after another.


Well, I saw that many readers questioned the experience level of the protagonist and supporting role Long Jiu in the chapter review of the previous chapter. Let me explain here.

Because of the blessing of the taboo talent "Death and Decay" and the exclusive passive skill "Magic Mind", the protagonist's level reached 44 in the 30th wave.

Starting from the 31st wave, each wave spawned more than 60 elite-level monsters [Flaming Three-Headed Dog], and the experience provided by each [Flaming Three-Headed Dog] was 7,000 points.

It can be said that in the final stage of the trial of the "Fire Spirit Secret Realm", under normal circumstances, each wave of monsters can provide hundreds of thousands of experiences.

For those with experience bonuses like the protagonist, the experience points that can be obtained are even more exaggerated.

But anyone who has played online games knows that after reaching a certain level, you will have no experience points for killing low-level monsters. I have emphasized this several times in the text.

"Shentu" has an experience mechanism of [the player's level exceeds the monster level by 20, and the experience value will not be obtained by killing it].

So after killing all 60 LV38 elite-level [flaming three-headed dogs] in the 33rd wave, the protagonist reached the limit of 59, which is reasonable, right?

As for the supporting role Long Jiu, I wrote that he only reached level 69 in the 45th wave, separated from the main character by more than ten waves, isn't that a problem?

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