Online Game: God's Eyes, Unlimited Looting Of Opportunities

No52 Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python: Human Magician, You Are Unscientific!

Not only that.

[Eight-Colored Demonic Blood Python] With the blessing of the fifth skill "Magic Blood Boiling", all attributes have increased by 40%, and there are four "slightly smaller ones" that are somewhat similar to it around it. 'Python monster.

The strength of each of the four pythons manifested out of thin air cannot be compared with [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python], but it is almost comparable to the final boss [Flaming Three-Headed Dog King] in the "Fire Spirit Secret Realm"!

[Eight-Colored Demonic Blood Python] The fourth skill - "Snake Spirit Summoning"!

In an instant, Ye Mo was equivalent to being locked in by an LV99 Baijin-level mid-level boss and four LV99 Bronze-level peak boss auras!

Snakes are cunning by nature, and [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python], the LV99 gold-level peak wild map boss, fully embodies the cunning nature of snakes.

Ever since seeing Ye Mo enter the valley, 【Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python】contemptuously contemptuous of Ye Mo, both in its demeanor and its 'words'.

But in fact, the vigilant one is also a solemn one! !

As the overlord who rules the [Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes], it knows better than any living being how many 'snake guards' gather in the 'snake road' leading to the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes.

A total of 10,000 'Snake Guards' who are all above level 75!

Among the 10,000 'Snake Guards', one-third is still an elite 'Snake Guard' that is equivalent to several ordinary 'Snake Guards'! !


Such a number of 'snake guards' with such a 'configuration' failed to stop this human being!

Not only did it not stop it, but in less than a minute, this human killed all its 'snake guards' and broke into the valley! !

Based on this, it shows how powerful and terrifying this human youth is! ! !

Because of this, while showing disdain for Ye Mo, 【Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python】activated the trace of the dragon's blood in the depths of his body 'secretly and frustratingly', and at the moment when the dragon's blood was about to be fully activated , cast "Snake Spirit Call".

So, there is the present scene!

"Hiss!" (Stupid human youth, your strength is good, but you are still too young after all. How dare you be so careless in the wild far away from human gathering places?!! Hahaha, now I have successfully activated the 'dragon' Bloodline', and even summoned the four major 'snake spirits', let's die!!)

The 【Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python】, who thought he had the upper hand and was sure of winning, was full of arrogance. But it saw the huge python mouth open, jetting out wisps of jet-black poisonous mist, filling the area where Ye Mo was.

[Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python] The second skill - "Very Poisonous Mist"!

Immediately, the 【Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python】increased to twenty feet, and the body of the python, like a towering pillar, swooped down and swept towards Ye Mo at the mouth of the valley.




The four 'snake spirits' summoned by [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python], which are comparable to LV99 bronze-level peak bosses, followed closely behind, hunting Ye Mo from four different directions.

Rumble! !

Rumble! ! !


All of a sudden, the ground and walls of the valley shook and there were loud noises.

"LV99 Gold Level Peak Boss, do you know how to use it?"

Faced with this situation, Ye Mo had a look of mockery in his eyes.

[Eight-Colored Demonic Blood Python] I think it is secretly performing it, so why not Ye Mo?

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, not to mention facing the leader of the wild map with high attack, high defense, high blood volume, and the ultimate boss city in the novice area!

At the moment when 【Eight-Colored Demonic Blood Python】 came into view, Ye Mo, who looked at the 'silent', was already silently chanting the casting spell of "Annihilating the Black Hole"!

Even at the moment when I saw the poisonous mist sprayed by [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python], I activated the second special effect of the epic peak [Shen Ling Boots] "God Immunity" through "Double Chanting" (after activation, 15 seconds Immune to all control within) (cooling time 100 seconds)

hum! !

There was a tremor in the void, and amidst the surge of dark energy, a 'swallowing black hole' precisely landed on the path that the [eight-colored demon blood python] must pass through.

And Ye Mo, who got the blessing of the second special effect of "Shen Ling Boots" "Shen Mian", directly ignored the slowdown, defense reduction, attack reduction, and possible The 'silence' that appears. After casting Annihilation Hole, he moves at full speed.

While skimming towards the area not covered by the poisonous mist, while casting the "Fireball" spell to attack the [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python] whose speed and defense have been reduced by 50% due to the "Annihilation Black Hole"!

As for the four 'snake spirits' comparable to LV99 bronze-level peak bosses, Ye Mo seemed to have never seen them.

— 29050! — 23354! — 23354!

— 29050! — 23354! — 23354!


The [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python] that walked through the area covered by the "Black Hole of Annihilation" not only suffered damage from the "Black Hole of Annihilation", but also had red fireballs constantly bombarding it.

And the injuries of the two made it a little frightening.

The damage values ​​that kept floating out were tens of thousands each.

Every second of time, its blood volume dropped by 70,000+!

When it walked out of the 'swallowing black hole', it found that its life value had lost nearly 230,000! ! !

"Hiss!" (Human magician, you, unscientific!!)

The 【Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python】, who noticed this, couldn't help screaming.


PS: Thank you [Southern?|] for your big monthly ticket support, thank you! !

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