Online Game: God's Eyes, Unlimited Looting Of Opportunities

No7'S Hidden Information Reappears, The Accompanying Creature Of The Immortal Phoenix—【Golden I


Accompanied by the cold mechanical prompt, Ye Mo felt his vision blurred, and when his sight regained, he found himself outside a beautiful village.

The mysterious village is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with a big river flowing in front of the village, and high mountains and deep valleys behind the village.

At this moment, one after another light and shadow continued to emerge around Ye Mo, and then condensed into one player after another.

These are all novice players who have only logged into "Shentu" today like Ye Mo, from all civilizations in the heavens and myriad worlds.

["Shentu" is divided into nine layers of heaven and earth, which are the earth-earth realm, earth-fire realm, earth-water realm, earth-wood realm, earth-metal realm, bright sun realm, cathode realm, life-and-death realm, and sky realm. For novice players who log in to "Shentu" for the first time, the game system will randomly assign their birthplace. 】

[Adventurer 'Remnant Night', your current location is Land Realm - Wutong Novice Village. I wish you to get out of Novice Village as soon as possible and become the most powerful person in "God's Way"! 】

At the same time, Ye Mo and the novice players around him heard such a mechanical notification sound.

"Indus Novice Village..."

Ye Mo knew that the village in the distance must be Wutong Novice Village in the system notification sound, and it was also the place where he lived before reaching the full value of level 99.

Novice players in "Shentu" want to completely leave the novice area radiated by Novice Village. One of the conditions is to reach the full value of level 99.

"Wow, is this "The Way of the Gods"?

What a beautiful environment....Compared with our Demon Star, it is simply a difference between clouds and mud! "

"Before logging in this time, my father specifically reminded me that no matter which Novice Village I was born in after logging into "God's Way", when I officially enter the Novice Village, I can get a "guardian spirit" from the Novice Village. A trial scroll.

Through this trial scroll, a novice instance can be opened.

And there are ten waves of monsters in this novice dungeon, and the monsters that appear later are stronger.

The longer you persist, the more monsters you kill and the more experience you get.

Even, you can get attribute point rewards!

In short, this is an opportunity to widen the gap in strength! "


When Ye Mo was thinking about it, the conversations from other unknown civilization players beside him were automatically converted into Blue Star language by the game system and fell into his ears, allowing him to learn a lot of useful information.

Trial scroll....novice dungeon...the longer you persist, the more you kill, will there be attribute points rewarded?

Ye Mo's eyes flickered slightly.

He knew about the novice copy, but he didn't know the latter point until now.

This is a silly comment from which world to log in, such important information is just said, 'good man'!

It seems that... the novice trial dungeon has to be taken seriously.



Then, Ye Mo walked along the cobblestone path towards Wutong Village in the distance.

After a while, Ye Mo arrived in front of Wutong Xinshou Village.

At the entrance of the village, there stands a sycamore tree with intertwined roots, the trunk of which is as vigorous as a dragon.

But what is strange is that it is clearly spring in "Shentu" right now, but this ancient sycamore tree is bare, without a single leaf.

What's more, there was a faint smell of decay.

"This is the 'Guardian Spirit' of Wutong Novice Village - [Ancient Wutong], a level 99 quasi-demon plant!

In the novice area radiated by Wutong Village, it is one of the most powerful existences!

With the presence of the 'Guardian Spirit', the fierce beasts and plants in the wilderness will not be able to set foot in Wutong Village! "

Those novice players who arrived here before Ye Mo all gathered under the ancient sycamore tree, listening to a burly man speaking there.

And this middle-aged man in a black leather armor made from the fur of an unknown beast is the aborigine in "The Way of the Gods", the captain of the Wutong Xinshou Village hunting team 'Tieshan'.

That is, NPCs in traditional online games.

"Now, you 'adventurers' who are entering "Divine Way" for the first time, you can get a trial scroll from Lord 'Guardian Spirit' to enter the secret space to improve your strength."

Following the words of 'Tieshan', the captain of the Wutong Novice Village's hunting team, he watched the 'decayed' sycamore wood radiate light, condensing into silver scrolls the size of books in the void.

The words of 'Iron Mountain', coupled with the scene in front of them, made the novice players gathered here looking expectantly at the silver scrolls in the void, wishing to take them into their hands immediately.

Only Ye Mo looked at the sycamore tree that was gathering trial scrolls for novice players with a hint of surprise in his eyes.


【Ancient Indus】

Level: Level 99 (quasi-demon plant)

Skills: "Roots Net", "Roots Puncture", "Branches Chain", "Breeding", "Piercing", "Entangling", "Wooden Shield"

Description: The 'Guardian Spirit' of Wutong Novice Village, the master of the 'Fire Spirit Secret Realm'.

[Hidden Information]: The companion creature of the Immortal Phoenix, the former 999-level super demon plant [Golden Wutong], due to unknown reasons, its strength almost dissipated, descended from the sky to the earth, and took root here.

[Supplementary explanation]: A sufficient amount of wood-type spiritual essence or life treasure can help [Golden Wutong] heal injuries and restore peak strength.


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