Online Game: God's Eyes, Unlimited Looting Of Opportunities

No70 Hunts The Common People, And Is Destined To Fight Against Evil Gods!

"The Way of the Gods is divided into nine heavens, and there are four evil gods dormant in the extreme west of the ninth heaven, the 'Fierce Realm'.

[White-eyed Thunder Tiger God], [Ziyou Star Wolf God], [Iron Back Cangxiong God], [Golden Thread Ghost Python God].

Above the thousand level, it is the realm of the divine way.

Compared with ordinary creatures, the strong in the Shinto way undoubtedly have a longer life span.

But if one day has not attained longevity, even the strong in the divine way will eventually have their lifespan exhausted.

In order to keep the 'source of divinity' immortal, the four evil gods would leave the 'land of the gods' every thousand years, hunt the common people, and absorb the life substances in their bodies.

The more powerful a creature is, the more living matter it contains in its body, so it naturally becomes the best hunting target of the four evil gods.

"Huang Ling" and I were targeted by them more than two thousand years ago. At that time, "Huang Ling" and I were only level 990, so we were powerless to compete with the four evil gods.

If 'Huang Ling' hadn't helped me escape from hiding at the cost of self-detonation, I'm afraid that 'Huang Ling' and I would be reduced to the blood of the four evil gods at that time.


It was also after that self-destruct that Yuan Ling, who was reborn from Nirvana, broke through to the realm of the divine way!

After that...'Huang Ling' and I started a long campaign against the four evil gods. "

Facing Ye Mo's question, [Golden Indus] pondered for a moment, then replied with the most succinct words.

Becoming a god at the thousand level...Maintaining the immortality of the 'source of divinity'...hunting the common people

"So it's `||!" Ye Mo said in a daze.

"Mo, now that you are my contract with 'Huang Ling', you will inevitably become the target of the four evil gods in the land of gods.

Of course, don't worry too much.

We will not encounter them until we reach the ninth level of heaven and earth, the 'Fierce Realm'.

By then, 'Huang Ling' and I should have almost recovered.

And with your aptitude and talent, plus the help of me and 'Huang Ling', you must already be the strongest demigod at that time.

I wait for three, enough to fight them!"

The [Golden Indus] who said this is not yet known, after the four evil gods in the "Land of the Gods" heard the world announcement of "Shentu" triggered by Ye Mo, they did not hesitate to consume their own source of divinity', condensed Created four "God's Clone", forcibly crossed the endless chaotic thunder, and descended from the ninth heaven and earth "Sky Realm" in "Shentu" to the Wutong novice area!

At this moment, the avatars of the four evil gods are looking for Ye Mo's whereabouts!

"[White-eyed Thunder Tiger God], [Ziyou Star Wolf God], [Iron Back Cangxiong God], [Golden Thread Ghost Python God]...

After hearing [Golden Indus]'s spiritual words, Ye Mo didn't speak out, but silently wrote down the names of the four evil gods in his heart.

[Golden Indus] Let Ye Mo not worry too much, in fact... Ye Mo has no worries at all.

On the contrary, this sense of fate that he will eventually fight the evil god makes Ye Mo feel unspeakable passion and excitement in his heart!

Maybe... because at the age of sixteen, the attributes of 'Zhong Er' have not completely faded away.

"[Nine-patterned Dragon Ginseng] must find a way to get it."

'Yangyanhua' and 'Nine-patterned Dragon Ginseng' can allow the talent and aptitude of the 'Undead Divine Phoenix' to break through the shackles of the past and break through to unprecedented heights.

Since the 'Undead Divine Phoenix' of this life has become his favorite in battle, then he must let him face the four evil gods in a crushing manner in the future!

"Before obtaining [Nine-Painted Dragon Ginseng], just make a contract first, and don't rush to let him break out of the shell."

"Jin Wu, I'm going back to the real world now, do you want to stay here temporarily, or enter the 'contract divine space'?"

It has been more than four hours since I logged into the world of "Shentu" this time.

The level has risen from level 0 to the full value of level 99. It can be said that Ye Mo has been in a 'busy' state for more than four hours.

Even though his mental strength and resilience were extraordinary, he still felt indescribably tired by this time.

It's time to take a break offline and replenish your nutrition and strength.

Most importantly, Ye Mo wants to go to the 'Cave' for a trip to the county.

The taboo talent "Death and Withering" possessed by Ye Mo currently only unlocks the effect of "Eternal Soul".

In order to unlock the second utility "Soldier Killing", Ye Mo needs to reach level 99 and kill 500 "real estate" monsters.

Ye Mo's level has met the requirements (king's), and the difference is 500 "heads" of "Cave" monsters!

To be honest, Ye Mo is full of strong expectations for the second effect of the taboo talent "Death and Decay" "Soldier Killing"!

If he hadn't been rushing to do a series of things before, he would have logged out the moment he reached level 99.

PS: Ahem, the first order is 400. As a salted fish, I think it’s okay. In two days, the old book will resume updating, and it will be finished slowly. The combined royalties of the two books are enough to support my family, so everyone can rest assured that this book will continue to be written. .

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