Online Game: God's Eyes, Unlimited Looting Of Opportunities

No82【Jiuzhilongginseng】Over 5 Billion, Creating A New Brewing Method!

"[Star Jade Dew Brew], what a [Star Jade Dew Brew]!"

After a long time, the bald Master Zhao sighed infinitely.

"This [Star Jade Dew Brewing], you only have this jar?"

"You haven't said that this one can participate in the upcoming Longteng Auction?"

Ye Mo asked instead of answering.


For this question, Ye Mo already agreed in his heart, seeing Master Zhao's expression and tone. The reason why I asked this question was just to hear the confirmation from Zongshi Zhao himself.


Not only can you participate in this Longteng Auction, but you can also act as the 'finale item' of this auction together with that [Nine-Painted Dragon Ginseng]!!!" Zhao Zongshi said in a high tone

Can it be used together with [Nine-patterned Dragon Ginseng] as the 'finale item' of the auction?

Regarding the fact that [Star Jade Dew Brewing] can participate in the Longteng Auction, Tuquan has been very informative from the beginning to the end.

But what he didn't expect was that this Grandmaster Zhao valued the value of [Star Jade Dew Brew] so much!


It should be that I underestimated the value of [Star Jade Dew].

"Are you... are you sure you want to auction this altar [Star Jade Dew] at the Dragon Auction?" Grandmaster Zhao confirmed to Ye Mo.


How could he participate in this Longteng auction if he didn't use this altar [Star Jade Dew] as a 'stepping stone'.


After getting Ye Mo's affirmative answer, Master Zhao showed a smile on his face.

With the sudden addition of this altar [Star Jade Dew Brewing], this Longteng Auction will inevitably become more popular, and it will also increase customers' expectations for the future Longteng Auction.

"Well, let me ask, what is the expected price for this altar (Star Jade Outcrop)?

Knowing your 'expected price', we can set its starting price. "

"I just heard from you that this altar of mine [Star Jade Dew Brewing] can be used together with [Nine Patterns Dragon Ginseng] as the 'finale item' of this Longteng Auction


That being the case, it is good to set the starting price as well. "

Ye Mo did not directly say the so-called 'expectation price, but chose to say so.

"Is that so...then let's set the starting price of [Star Jade Dew Brewing] to 3 billion, and each increase should not be less than 50 million. Do you think it's okay?"

As soon as Ye Mo finished speaking, Master Zhao said immediately.

The starting price is 3 billion... Each increase must not be less than 50 million...

Hearing this, Ye Mo's heart skipped a beat.

He said that just now, on the one hand because he didn't know what price to set for [Xingchen Yulu Niang], and on the other hand because he wanted to take the opportunity to find out how much it would cost to buy [Nine-patterned Dragon Ginseng].


Grandmaster Zhao revealed the information Ye Mo wanted to know!

According to Zhao Zongshi's words, Ye Mo estimated that if he wants to make an auction of [Nine Patterns of Dragon Ginseng], he may need no less than 5 billion.

even more.

And the gems, equipment, materials, etc. in his [Unnamed Ring], all processed are at most 300 million, which is probably only a fraction of the final price of [Nine-patterned Dragon Ginseng].


Fortunately, there is [Star Jade Dew Brewing]!

"Then set it like this."

Concentrating his thoughts, Ye Mo responded to Master Zhao.

"That's fine.

There are still 20 minutes before the auction starts, so you can go to the private room over the auction hall to take a rest. "

After finalizing the auction price with Ye Hei, Master Zhao was very happy.

"twenty minutes……"

Ye Mo doesn't want to waste such a long time.

"I wonder if there is a [brewing room] here?"

In addition to the combat skills, "Shentu" professionals also have the opportunity to learn and comprehend life skills such as "identification", "brewing, medicine refining, and weapon refining".

So...places like Longteng Trading, where extraordinary people gather, have [Training Secret Room], [Actual Battlefield], [Brewing Room], [Pharmacy Refining Room], [Refining Equipment Room]... . It is convenient to travel to and from extraordinary people, and at the same time obtain certain benefits.

"Of course there is.

Xiao Fang, take this guest to the [brewing room]"

If Ye Mo asks this question, it must be necessary to use the 【Brewing Room】.

Therefore, there is no need for Ye Mo to speak again

Under normal circumstances, non-Longteng Commercial [Brew Masters] need to pay corresponding fees to use the [Brew Room] here.


Grandmaster Zhao didn't even mention this.

After all, there are still 20 minutes before the auction will start, and Ye Mo is bound to participate in the auction.

This also means that Yetesti will use the [brewing room] soil for ten minutes at most.

With this little time, there is absolutely no need to charge a "super premium guest" like Ye Mo.

Zongshi Zhao, who has been in the Longteng Trading Lingnan Base City Branch for nearly 20 years, still has this pattern.

...asking for flowers...

"Understood, Master Zhao."

While the beautiful woman responded to Master Zhao, she turned to look at Ye Mo, "Your side is clear.

So, Ye Mo left the quiet room together with this beautiful woman.

About a minute later, Ye Mo appeared in a special secret room, which contained various brewing tools.

Most of them, Ye Fu had seen in the winery of Tiehu, the winemaker in Wutong Village in the world of "Shentu".

"This is the [brewing room] you need."

The beautiful Transcendent stopped at the door of the [Brewing Room].

"The auction will start in less than 20 minutes. Don't forget the time, so as not to miss this auction."


The moment Ye Mo was about to enter the 【Brewing Room】, the beautiful woman with a transcendent kindly reminded her

"I'll wait for you at the exit of the passage."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"It's nothing, it's what I should do."

Immediately, Ye Mo walked into the【Brewing Room】and closed the door.

"Try to improve the brewing method of [Xinghuaniang], and strive to create a new type of higher-level brewing!"

Although Zongshi Zhao valued the altar [Star Jade Dew Brewing] that Ye Mo brought out, he believed that he could act as the 'finale item' of this Longteng Auction together with [Nine Patterns Dragon Ginseng]


No one can say for sure the final auction result.

And [Nine-patterned Dragon Ginseng] is related to the evolution of the newborn [Immortal Phoenix], which is too important for Ye Mo, Ye Mo must get [Nine-patterned Dragon Ginseng]!

If the final price of [Jiuzhilongginseng] is much higher than that of [Xingchen Yulu Niang], Ye Mo must have enough money to make up the difference.

Limited by the scarcity of [Star Blue], [Star Jade Dew Brewing] is currently used for one jar, so I will save one jar.

No matter how valuable it is, Ye Mo only intends to auction this jar at most!

In order to be safe, he had to make another preparation.


Ye Mo plans to improve the brewing method of [Xinghua Nong] before the auction, and then brew a wine with better efficacy than Lilac Blossom Noodles.

In this way, even if the final price of [Nine-Painted Dragon Ginseng] is much higher than that of [Star Blue], he still has something to exchange for enough money!!

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