Online Game: God's Eyes, Unlimited Looting Of Opportunities

No94 The Breath Of The Undead Phoenix, The Surprise Of The Four Great Demon Gods!

Through the data panel, Ye Mo has a clear view of the current situation of 【Golden Indus】.

Before Ye Mo logged out, [Golden Wutong] had a health value of '1.5 million/6 million, and a mana value of '150,000/600,000.

Now...both are almost back to full capacity.

Except for health and mana, [Golden Wutong]'s double attack and double defense all increased by more than a thousand points!!

From this, it can be seen that He is really about to complete the reunion of the diffused original power!

"Not bad...the reunion is almost here."

Ye Mo said through his mind.

"Oh, right.

I came back this time and brought you some wood-type spiritual essence and life treasures.

No matter what kind of civilization the creature is, after becoming a "Divine Way" professional, there is almost no difficulty in "bringing" strength, money, treasures, equipment, etc. from the "Divine Way" world into reality.

But, in reverse.

It is very difficult to 'bring' treasures, money, etc. from the real world into the world of "Shentu".

First of all, the higher the level of 23 in "Shentu", the more things can be 'brought in'.

Because, the higher the level in "Shentu" means, the higher your 'integration' with "Shentu" is!

Secondly, it is bound with the secret space, inheritance relics, etc. in the world of "God's Way", so that items in the real world can be 'brought into' the world of "God's Way" basically unlimited

And Ye.....

Although the current level and strength are not high, he is the controller of the "Fire Spirit Secret Realm" and has bound the "Fire Spirit Secret Realm"!

A large number of wood-type spirits and life treasures that he bought at the Longteng Trading Lingnan Base City Branch before were all placed in the "Fire Spirit Secret Realm" by him, and thus successfully obtained from the current Blue Star Realm.

'Bringing' into the world of "Shentu"!

"Essence of the wood element, precious life...that, it's really great!"

Hearing this, [Golden Indus] said with some joy.

After regathering all the scattered original power, his current strength will be equivalent to the real LV99 diamond-level peak boss!

If the quantity and quality of the wood-type spiritual essence and life treasures brought by Ye Mo this time are similar, he will surely be able to recover some of his strength again, and restore it to the star-level level.

"The wood-type spiritual essence and life treasures I brought are all placed in the 'Fire Spirit Secret Realm', you can refine and absorb them by yourself."


[Golden Indus] responded immediately.

Refining and absorbing the wood spirit and life treasures brought back by Ye Mo, she can recover more strength with a high probability.

The strength has increased, and the remaining original power of the reunion will only be faster.


Ripples appeared in the void, and a crimson aperture channel appeared near the body of the [Golden Indus] tree out of thin air.

"Huh?! This is..."

"What's the situation, what is this red halo channel that suddenly appeared?"

The sudden appearance of the crimson aperture channel made the "freshmen" players who were "confused" and "collapsed" for the [Golden Wutong] not condense [Fire Spirit Secret Realm Trial Scroll] look puzzled.

"This seems to be the transmission channel to enter the 'Fire Spirit Secret Realm'!"

"That's right... After I used the [Fire Spirit Secret Realm Trial Scroll], I was transported to the 'Fire Spirit Secret Realm' through such a crimson aperture channel!"

Among the people gathered here, there are many old players who have entered the 'Fire Spirit Secret Realm'.

After some players observed it, they saw that the suddenly manifested crimson aperture channel was the transmission channel to enter the 'Fire Spirit Secret Realm'!

boom boom boom!!!

Also at this moment, a huge boom sounded suddenly, and everyone was surprised to see the LV99 quasi-demon plant [Ancient Wutong], which was regarded as the "guardian spirit" by the aborigines of Wutong Village, suddenly rooted up and swept into the red circle of light Disappeared in the channel!

"This... what's going on?!!"

"Yaozhi, the guardian of Wutong Village...has entered the 'Fire Spirit Realm' by himself?!"

This scene made the players who were already in doubt even more puzzled.

Since "Shentu" was launched for 70 years, it is said that this [Ancient Indus] has been rooted here. Except for the record of "shooting" in the first ten years, there was no other action except for gathering [Fire Spirit Secret Realm Trial Scroll] for some players who were "born" in Wutong Village.


Today, not only is it uncharacteristically, it no longer gathers [Fire Spirit Secret Realm Trial Scroll] for 'new' players. And he 'opened' the 'Fire Spirit Secret Realm' and entered it!

"Master 'Guardian Spirit', this..."

The aborigine of Wutong Village who was in charge of guiding the 'newcomers' players to receive the [Scroll of the Fire Spirit Secret Realm Trial], his expression changed greatly upon seeing this.

"You have to inform the old village chief and Master Tieshan!"

Immediately, the aborigine of Wutong Village didn't care about anything else, turned around and turned on the village owner.

at the same time.

The leveling area to the east of Wutong Village.

"Wow?!!! This is?!!"

"It seems to be the breath of 'Huang Ling'...yes, it is the breath of 'Huang 747 Ling'!!"

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and I sensed Huang Ling's breath so quickly!"

"Wolf God, hurry up! Find out the exact whereabouts of 'Huang Ling'!!"

At this moment, in the depths of the wild map [Giant Tree Demon Cave], one of the three major 'forbidden places' in Wutong Novice Village, four terrifying beasts stand like four mountain peaks. They all raised their heads and looked at the location of Wutong Village. Fluttering with bloodthirsty light.

Judging from the aura emitted by the four, each of them is stronger than [Golden Wutong], which has initially recovered and turned into a LV99 diamond-level peak BO$S!

They are the ones who 'hibernate' in the legendary 'Land of the Gods' in "The Way of the Gods", [White-eyed Thunder Tiger God], [Ziyou Star Wolf God], [Iron-backed Cang Bear God], [Golden Thread Ghost] [Python God] These four demon gods consume the "divine clone" condensed from their own "source of divinity".

Although it is against the "God's will", crossing the endless chaotic thunder sea, from the highest "sky world" to forcefully descend to the "earth world" four demon gods, these four gods still retain the attributes of LV99 star-level monster BOSS and combat power!

PS; Thanks [15280..|] for the big monthly pass!!.

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