Online Game Heavenly Dog Swallowing Sun

Chapter 141 The Sword Guardian's Statement

Xiaoyao Hou Wenyan's eyes lit up and said: "It turns out that this is the case. You immediately let the family members pick up the soul of life, and then let them continue to find mad dogs to pay. I have to see how long he can hold on."

Returning to the Bu Zhoushan trading site, Lu Xiaoqi again received dozens of applications for the payment of life souls. Many of these people were players from the Xiaoyao family. At this time, the mission of the sword guardian envoy reached the most critical moment. Lu Xiaoqi knew that if he went to the wild to collect the soul of life, what he would have to face was the siege again and again.

Knowing that the life soul in the Sword of Life Soul Slaughter Witch would be reduced if the player refused to pay, Lu Xiaoqi still gave up going to the wild. When the enemy was all about besieging Lu Xiaoqi, Lu Xiaoqi had no chance of being spared. After Lu Xiaoqi refused, the number of souls in the Slaughter Witch Sword was reduced by more than 4,000 again, causing Lu Xiaoqi to vomit blood in depression.

If Lu Xiaoqi collects a living soul by himself, the system will increase karma by 10 points. Killing a human player will increase karma by 2 points. Killing a player who is also a monster will increase karma by 5 points. Therefore, each time Lu Xiaoqi collects one. The value of good and evil of the soul is reduced by more than 10 points. Every time the sword of slaughter absorbs a soul of those players, Lu Xiaoqi will also reduce the value of good and evil by a little.

Now the number of souls in the Slaughter Witch Sword is declining, and Lu Xiaoqi’s good and evil values ​​are still so low. If this kind of loss-making business continues, it will turn out that Lu Xiaoqi has gained more than 100,000 karma on the back No benefit. After refusing these players to pay the soul, Lu Xiaoqi logged into the "Mythology" forum.

The "Mythology" forum is bound to the characters in the game. Lu Xiaoqi doesn't know whether the name he posted on the forum at the moment is Mad Dog or Black Whirlwind Li Kui. After logging into the forum, Lu Xiaoqi first found a small section and posted a post. Lu Xiaoqi was relieved when he saw that the name of the poster was Hei Xuanfeng Li Kui.

A post named "Sword Guardian Statement" soon appeared on the forum. The poster was Black Tornado Li Kui. In the post, Black Tornado Li Kui was very arrogant and authentic: "This messenger's business is too busy. Those who collect hundreds of thousands of students. The souls have been troubled by my uncle. I go to the wild to collect 100% of the souls, so even if all the souls of the Slaughter Witch sword are cleared, I will not go to the wild again."

"In order to give everyone a chance, at this time there is still a shortage of 50,000 souls in the witch-slaughtering sword. If 10 players collect 50,000 souls in total, I will go to the wild to collect them once. If you want to assassinate me, that is the best chance. Everyone, work hard to collect the souls of life! When the number of souls paid is 50,000, I will definitely appear in the wild."

The mission of the monster sword guardian and the top mission of the witch race to assassinate the sword guardian are completely opposite. At least one of them cannot complete the task. But if Lu Xiaoqi stayed in the safe zone and allowed his life to decrease without going to the wild, the player receiving the Witch assassination mission would not have any chance to kill Lu Xiaoqi, and it would be impossible for Lu Xiaoqi to complete the sword guard mission.

The meaning of Lu Xiaoqi's expression is very simple, you can kill me if you want, and I will give you a chance, but you must pay the number of souls up to 50,000 at the same time. Everyone buys and sells with one hammer. If the player pays 50,000 souls at the same time, Lu Xiaoqi appears in the wild, or Lu Xiaoqi is killed, the top mission of the Witch Clan is completed. Either Lu Xiaoqi took away 50,000 souls under the eyes of countless players, and Lu Xiaoqi's sword guard mission was completed.

After the black whirlwind Li Kui's post appeared on the forum, it caused an uproar. Many players who want to collect a small amount of souls in exchange for equipment items yelled. The people of the big powers, while paying close attention to collecting the souls of life, began to purchase the souls of life on the market, striving to become one of the ten people who had the opportunity to assassinate Li Kui of the black whirlwind to complete the top mission of the Witch Clan.

When Xiaoyao Hou saw the news, he said with a bitter expression: "Buy me a large amount of souls, and I must make the number of souls reach 5000 in the fastest time."

After reading Lu Xiaoqi's post, Sweeping Qianjun, Mantian Star, and Northern Beauty converged at the trading place in Buzhoushan. Sweeping Qianjun looked puzzled and said: "What the hell this monster sword guardian is going to do? Does he think he can capture all the souls under the siege of the player by himself?"

Man Tian Star smiled indifferently: "This person's Ruyi Scepter is so good. Let all players collect 50,000 souls at once, and then after he makes the clone appear, we can only kill his clone. "

Sweeping Qianjun was taken aback for a moment, and said in amazement, "Did the Sword Guardian really have a clone last time? In addition to the mad dog, there are people who can do that clone skill?"Man Tian Star shook his head and said: "I can't confirm whether it was a clone last time, but after the player killed the Sword Guardian, the system did not prompt that the task was completed but it was true. Moreover, I feel that this person's behavior is similar to that of the monster clan. The first player of the player is very similar. I think it is very likely that he is a monster sword guardian."

Sweeping Qianjun showed a look of surprise on his face and said: "Don't you say that I haven't paid attention, it's really the same when you say it, if he really lets the clone go to collect the soul, what should we do?"

The whole sky Star snorted coldly: "He treats everyone as a fool. This time he takes in the soul, I see how he escapes. Brother Qianjun, I have observed it many times, and his body and the clone cannot be separated. It's too far away, so after the clone appears, his body must be nearby."

Sweeping Qianjun and Northern Beauty nodded at the same time and said: "We will collect 5000 souls in two days. Two days later, let us meet the first player of this monster race."

After leaving the forum, Lu Xiaoqi activated the concealment skill of the sword guard ring. He estimated that at most 10 players would capture 5,000 souls in three days, and there was not much time left for him. As a sword guardian, Lu Xiaoqi has more than 8,000 qi and blood. If you don't hurry up and do something, it won't be his style.

Opening the task panel, Lu Xiaoqi opened the task of "The Cause of Red Cloud's Death". There were few hints for this task, except that Hongyun fell in the west of Buzhou Shanxi, so Lu Xiaoqi went to the Luoyun Valley in the west of Shanxi to look for clues. . Falling Cloud Valley is a Tier 2 leveling area, where monster levels are 21-25, and there are many types of monsters, which is a large leveling point.

There are hundreds of thousands of monsters in Falling Cloud Valley. If the player is looking for it without a clue, I don’t know when to find it. In Lu Xiaoqi’s previous life, a player has been in Falling Cloud Valley for several years, and it happened by accident. Get the task clues. Lu Xiaoqi knew where to look for clues, but it would take a day or two to complete the first link of the task.

This Tier 2 leveling zone, at the level of Lu Xiaoqi, was originally impossible to do this task, but Lu Xiaoqi has a high attack power, and at this time he is doing the task of guarding the sword, with more than 8,000 blood and energy. , So he decided to do this task in advance. As long as the first step of this task is completed, Lu Xiaoqi can obtain the task reward ginseng fruit.

After teleporting to Buzhou Shanxi, Lu Xiaoqi quickly came to Luoyun Valley. Because there was no player to level up, Luoyun Valley was densely covered with level 21-25 monsters. The cause of Hongyun’s death in this quest lies in the monsters in Falling Cloud Valley. The player who completed the first round of the mission in the previous life spent several years in Falling Cloud Valley, but when he hit a monster again, only less than 100 remained. In the blood, the monster suddenly knelt on the ground begging for mercy, and claimed to exchange a message for his life.

At this time, the player understood that mission clues can only be obtained by coincidence. Among these hundreds of thousands of monsters, one monster belongs to a special type of monster. The player can only get clues to the mission of "Red Cloud's Cause of Death" when he encounters that monster and hits its vitality below 100 without killing it.

Lu Xiaoqi tried his best to avoid the area where the monsters were concentrated, and entered the twentieth level of rhino refining level. The three rhinoceros rushed towards Lu Xiaoqi holding their spears. In this second-order strange area, Lu Xiaoqi didn't dare to be careless.

These rhino monsters have very high attacks and thick skin, making them very difficult to deal with. In order to avoid being entangled by these rhino essences, Lu Xiaoqi uses the most stupid method to deal with these rhino essences. With a lot of energy and blood, he directly fights hard with three rhinoceros. The three rhino essences have more than 1,000 blood and attack power. There are more than 140, but the attack speed is slow, Lu Xiaoqi will not lose if he fights hard for his vitality.

After solving the rhinoceros spirit, Lu Xiaoqi, who saw a large number of monsters approaching in his direction, rushed towards the level 22 Red Flame Demon at the fastest speed. In the middle of Falling Cloud Valley is the territory of the Red Flame Demon. These Red Flame Demon are only about half a meter high. They are carrying a fire sword, suspended in mid-air, and using flames to attack enemies who enter the territory.

Lu Xiaoqi ran for a while, the rocks and soil in the valley became crimson, and he entered the territory of the Red Flame Demon. Lu Xiaoqi started to farm monsters along the mountain wall. According to the news announced by the person who completed the mission in the previous life, the monster who knew the clue of the mission was in the territory of the Scarlet Flame Demon, and it was along the line of the mountain wall.

A fire sword in the hands of the Chi Yan Demon was raised high, and a line of fire landed on Lu Xiaoqi's head from the sky. Lu Xiaoqi's vitality dropped by more than 110 points. The second-tier monster's attack was indeed much stronger than the first-tier. The Red Flame Demon attacked very quickly, and it only took about two seconds to swing the long sword in its hand once, and one attack was completed.

When Lu Xiaoqi rushed in front of the Chi Yan Demon, he had been hit twice by Chi Yan Demon's Taoism. The spirit tooth and flame blade in his hand slashed the Chi Yan Demon, causing violent damage. Lost 226 points of blood. However, the system prompts Lu Xiaoqi that the fire attack damage attached to the Fire Blade of Lingfang is invalid.

This Red Flame Demon was originally a monster formed by flame cultivation, and the resistance of the fire element was naturally super high. The power of Lu Xiaoqi's spirit tooth fire blade did not cause it as much damage as the spirit tooth water blade. Although Lu Xiaoqi discovered that the Red Flame Demon had a fast attack frequency, his turning speed was very slow, so he made the clone to attract the attack of the Red Flame Demon in front, while the main body attacked behind the Red Flame Demon. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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