The mysterious valley is absorbing the gas of Five Elements faster and faster. The gas of Five Elements around Phoenix Valley is quickly absorbed. The energy that prevented players from entering the mysterious valley disappears. Countless players ignore the danger of entering the valley and follow along. Taniguchi rushed in. In these players, there are three people, Star Man Tian, ​​Qianjun Sweeping, and Northern Beauty.

The members of the Sky Demon League led by Lu Xiaoqi also entered the valley. In the valley, a large, colorful bird with a length of one meter and a height of five meters is constantly absorbing the energy of Five Elements between the heavens and the earth. That big bird is exactly the son of Phoenix, Kong Xuan, Phoenix felt the aura of Five Elements and gave birth to a peacock, and felt Yin & Yang and gave birth to the Golden-winged Great Peng. It was not Phoenix's intention to become pregnant, so it laid two eggs. Afterwards, Phoenix left straight away.

This peacock is worthy of being a natural alien, and he has cultivated to the Taiyi Loose Immortals in a short time. After transforming, his strength will break through to the Taiyi Golden Immortals in one fell swoop. As for Kong Xuan, this wild alien species, heaven and earth will definitely descend Heavenly Tribulation when transforming, so many NPCs below Taiyi Loose Immortals rushed over, hoping to launch a sneak attack during Kong Xuan's Transcends Tribulation and seize Kong Xuan's inner alchemy.

At the beginning, the player thought it was Phoenix in this valley. When they saw it was a peacock, most people understood who the peacock was in front of them. Players' thoughts are much more cruel than NPCs. Not only do they want to get the inner alchemy, Kong Xuan's five-color light, but they are full of endless temptation for the player.

Since this mysterious valley is open to the player at this time, it should obviously be one of the side missions, which means that the player ten can participate. Therefore, after seeing Kong Xuan begin to transform, everyone is looking forward to the mission that Kong Xuan will release. Kong Xuan is an important figure in the Conferred God battle. The player guesses that he may not fall, and it is likely to be released. Task.

There are more and more tribulation clouds in the sky, covering the entire mysterious valley, and blue lightning is like a snake that shuttles through the tribulation clouds. Kong Xuan's body suddenly began to tremble violently, and the thunder in the sky began to show its power. A bucket of thunder and lightning slashed down fiercely. The tail feathers of Kong Xuan, who were at the moment of transformation, suddenly opened. The blue, red, red, black and white are colorless. The divine light appeared, and after the thunder struck the five-color divine light, it quickly disappeared.

After the cloud of the sky dissipated, the second and third thunders continued to slash down. Kong Xuan also constantly used the five-color light of his tail feathers to resist the thunder. The five-color light is getting dim. The energy of Five Elements in this mysterious valley is obviously not enough to supplement Kong Xuan's consumption of five-color magic light.

After swiping the thunder again, Kong Xuan suddenly let out a screaming scream, and yelled several times in the direction where the player was. The players around this mysterious valley all received the system prompt: "playerXX, Kong Xuan released a side mission. Find the Five Elements fruit, the task completion condition: find the Five Elements fruit and give it to Kong Xuan, the task reward: unknown."

After seeing this task, the player chose to accept the task regardless of whether it could be completed or not. Sweeping Qianjun and Mantian Star and others smiled bitterly at each other after accepting the task. This Five Elements fruit is only the one in the Five Elements formation. At this time, it may have been exchanged by Xiaoyaohou for the first three floors of "Yu Qing" "Xian Jue" now! Where is the Five Elements fruit.

After receiving the system prompt, Phantom Flying ruined his intestines. He glared at Lu Xiaoqi and said, "Do you guys know that Kong Xuan will release the Five Elements fruit mission when he is transformed? You are cheating."

Lu Xiaoqi nodded and said: "Yes, I know that Kong Xuanhui will release this side mission, but the value of the side mission is not great, and there is no reward for this mission. Received another quest. Even if the second quest is completed, the rewards will be items worth about 1,000 top-grade Spirit Stones, so I am not less than 500 Spirit Stones."

Phantom Feixiang stopped talking, and Kong Xuan's screams became more and more stern at this time. Lu Xiaoqi didn't know how long he could hold on. Although Kong Xuan's tail feathers absorbed a large amount of Five Elements' energy, it still couldn't be called the real five-color light, so it would be so difficult to use this thunder.

Kong Xuan's cultivation of the five-color sacred light requires the fruit of Five Elements as a primer, and then nothing can be done without brushing. Lu Xiaoqi didn't trick the Phantom to fly. The reward for this side mission was not good, because it was not difficult to get the Five Elements fruit at first, and the mission of the second ring was not difficult, and the rewards were naturally not good. However, Lu Xiaoqi didn't even think about going to the second ring mission. When he was going to do the second ring mission, he took the quest items by accident.

The power of the thunder in the air became stronger and stronger, and Kong Xuan's cries became more and more stern. Just when he was about to be unable to bear it, and the NPCs began to move around, an unremarkable five-color fruit in the air suddenly flew towards Kong Xuan. Kong Xuan was born of the Phoenix's Five Elements aura, and he was naturally very sensitive to the Five Elements fruit. After discovering the Five Elements fruit, Kong Xuan let out a happy cry and swallowed the Five Elements fruit in one mouthful.After Kong Xuan swallowed the Five Elements fruit, the Five Elements Qi around Phoenix Valley was instantly absorbed by him, and even the Five Elements Qi in the entire prehistoric land was reduced at this instant. His tail feathers were completely opened, and the five colors of blue, yellow, red, and black and white became more dazzling. The aura of Five Elements continued to enter his tail feathers. Kong Xuan, at the most dangerous moment, refined the tail feathers into five-color divine light.

After seeing Kong Xuan’s success in refining the five-color divine light, the surrounding NPC demon ghosts who coveted Kong Xuan’s Monster core left one after another, and when the power of thunder attacked Kong Xuan, Kong Xuan’s five-color divine light brushed, the tyrannical Thunder’s The strength was quickly brushed into the five-color divine light, and then transformed into the power of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Kong Xuan's five-color divine light became stronger and stronger, while the power of thunder in the air became weaker and weaker.

Sweeping Qianjun and others only saw that Five Elements fruit suddenly appeared in the air, but did not see who threw the Five Elements fruit out, Sweeping Qianjun wondered: "Is there a lot of Five Elements fruit in the world? Why have it been? I only heard that the five ghosts guarded the position, where did this Five Elements fruit come from?"

Mantian Star also said suspiciously: "Xiaoyaohou will not be so stupid that he is willing to abandon the top Cultivation Technique, use Five Elements fruit to complete this task! Although Kong Xuan is powerful, this task is just a side task, according to Heavenly Dao's rules. , The reward for the task is definitely not as good as the first three levels of the top Cultivation Technique."

The three of them were puzzled, so even though they knew that they had become soy saucers and nothing happened to them next, the three of them chose to stay. After Lu Xiaoqi threw out the Five Elements fruit, he immediately sent a message to Tianxia Wugou, and asked Tianxia Wugou to lead 500 mysterious Celestial League players into the valley.

As early as when he entered the valley, Lu Xiaoqi had already seen sweeping Qianjun and others, so he chose to directly throw Five Elements fruit out. After Kong Xuan's transformation is successful, Lu Xiaoqi will go to Kong Xuan to receive the next task. I don't know if Man Tian Star will do it.

However, even if Mantian Star didn't do anything, Lu Xiaoqi, who had suffered a loss this time, would take the initiative to provoke and keep all the 100 people brought by Mantian Star. This time the Sky Demon League was in a big crisis. Although Lu Xiaoqi let the core players hide in a deformed way, many players still chose to withdraw from the Sky Demon League.

Suffering is not Lu Xiaoqi's style. He found that he had been influenced by his previous life and assumed that Mantian Star and Sweeping Qianjun were heroes. After Man Tian Star and others started to attack the Sky Demon League, Lu Xiaoqi understood one thing. The big powers will always only have benefits in their eyes.

Standing in the position of Mantian Star in the previous life, as a large force in the China area, everyone must do their best to deal with foreigners, otherwise they will definitely be spurned by all their compatriots. Therefore, Mantian Star and others do their best to deal with foreigners, it does not mean that their character is noble. If Lu Xiaoqi kills the Star Pavilion, there will also be another force in the East China Sea to deal with foreign players, in Mantian Star With Lu Xiaoqi already regarded as an enemy, Lu Xiaoqi shouldn't keep his hands.

This time, Lu Xiaoqi wanted to retaliate, Star Pavilion, retaliate against the Xiaoyao family, and retaliate against the organization where Huanxing was located. Sweeping Qianjun and others must show a gesture of suppressing the new forces, and Lu Xiaoqi also show a gesture. No matter who you are, as long as you move me, I will report to Yazi.

Kong Xuan is completely unafraid of the thunder in the sky, but the cloud of the sky still hasn't dissipated. Heavenly Tribulation will routinely complete 99 thunder attacks even if he knows that he cannot harm Kong Xuan. Kong Xuan's five-color light quickly absorbed the falling lightning, and his feathers became brighter and brighter.

Finally, after the last thunderbolt struck, the peacock put away the five-color light, slapped its wings, and a young man with an elegant face appeared in the valley. Kong Xuan arched his cupped hands in the direction of Lu Xiaoqi and said, "I thank the fellow daoist for your help just now. I don't know if the fellow daoist for the mad dog would like to come down for a while."

Mad dog? After hearing what Kong Xuan said, Man Tian Star and others were completely stunned, and swept across Qianjun laughed and said: "Haha, where did this crazy dog ​​get the Five Elements fruit? This guy is really difficult! I knew it. It’s not easy for him to hang up. Since he entered the Five Elements formation and didn't hang up, then the Five Elements fruit should have been obtained in the Five Elements formation. This time Xiaoyaohou has been busy for nothing."

Star all over the sky said with a sullen face: "Brother Qianjun, this doesn't seem to be a good thing! If the Five Elements fruit falls in Xiaoyaohou's hands, I don't care much, but this crazy dog ​​is so powerful, but it is our confidant. "

Sweeping Qianjun shook his head and said, "That's your confidant, Star Pavilion. It has nothing to do with me. I didn't agree with you to deal with the mad dog. This is your choice."

Star all over the sky coldly snorted, and he looked at Lu Xiaoqi who walked towards Kong Xuan with a gloomy expression: "Since we have encountered it, let me settle private grievances with him! This time I will see if he can still rely on his own power. One enemy and one hundred.” (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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