In order to deal with Lu Xiaoqi, in order to refine the superb Magical Item umbrella, Mantian Star spent a lot of RMB to buy gems and various rare beads, and this was the result of an upgradeable super Magical Item. The current use level of this umbrella is 18, but as long as you find rare beads or gems, Mantian Star can upgrade the umbrella to level 2, making it more powerful.

At this time, Mantian Star has understood that the double swords in the hands of the mad dog must also be the Magical Item that can be grown, and most likely his natal Magical Item. The Monster Race can cultivation the Magical Item. Naturally, Star knows that he also specialized in cultivating the family’s Magical Item. However, it is too difficult for the Magical Item to be advanced. He spent a lot of money to cultivate the player. , The rank of the Magical Item has just broken through to the middle class.

This mad dog is good, the original Magical Item has turned into the best Magical Item, and it is also a weapon-type Magical Item, and the Sky Star is completely speechless. If the mad dog has the superb Magical Item, it can only prove that he is lucky, but if the superb Magical Item is the natal Magical Item, it cannot be explained by luck. The upgrade of the natal Magic Treasures can only be done step by step, and there is no possibility of trickery.

After the Heaven and Earth Umbrella fails to close, Mantian Star will no longer use the Heaven and Earth Umbrella to attack. Every time the Heaven and Earth Umbrella is taken, it will consume 50 Spirit Power points. Mantian Star is afraid that after the Heaven and Earth Umbrella’s Spirit Power is exhausted, the Heaven and Earth cannot be used anymore. The umbrella resisted Lu Xiaoqi's double-sword attack.

Lu Xiaoqi controlled the Lingfang Water Fire Blade to attack several times in a row, but when Mantian Star had Heaven and Earth Umbrella for defense, Lu Xiaoqi had lost the possibility of slaying Mantian Star as easily as before.

The Star Pavilion player is getting closer and closer to Lu Xiaoqi, and the Spirit Power value in the spirit tooth water and fire blade is only 40 points left. Lu Xiaoqi has to give up and attack with the spirit tooth water and fire blade, turning and running to the other side. go. Lu Xiaoqi was also afraid that after all Spirit Power values ​​are used up, if Mantian Star's heaven and earth umbrella still has Spirit Power values, if Mantian Star launches another capture at that time, Lu Xiaoqi will be taken in by Mantian Star. Heaven and Earth Umbrella, and then think how to ravage how to ravage it.

Lu Xiaoqi was nervous, and Mantian Star was even more nervous than him. After continuously using the Tiandi Umbrella to defend against Lu Xiaoqi's spirit tooth, water and fire blade attacks, Mantian Star's Spirit Power value in the Tiandi Umbrella was only 20 points left. In other words, Mantian Star can only use the Heaven and Earth Umbrella to resist Lu Xiaoqi once and attack the Heaven and Earth Umbrella and it will be unusable.

Seeing Lu Xiaoqi escaping, Mantian Star immediately led the Star Pavilion's player to chase him frantically. After knowing that Mad Dog possesses the best weapon type Magical Item, Mantian Star was even more jealous of Mad Dog. He has decided that he will kill the mad dog anyway this time. The mad dog's karma is heavy. As long as he can kill him once, he won't have to worry about the mad dog's attack for a long time.

Lu Xiaoqi escaped in the direction of the 15th level peach tree spirit area. The sky full of stars saw the hope of killing the mad dog. If the 15th level strange area went deep, it would be a cliff, and the mad dog would never get out. The reason why Lu Xiaoqi ran in this direction was because when he was still manipulating Lingfang, water and fire blade to attack, Lu Xiaoqi was already in contact with Tianxia Wugou, and Lu Xiaoqi asked Tianxia Wugou to take 500 sky demon. The league player entered the depths of the level 15 leveling area.

Lu Xiaoqi entered the valley of the 15th level peach tree refinement area, and Mantian Star also led the Star Pavilion player into it. Lu Xiaoqi fights with Mantian Star Magical Item, attracting the attention of many players at the entrance of Mysterious Valley. After discovering that one of them is the boss of Star Pavilion, and the other is the first player in the past, he was chased by Star Pavilion. When mad dogs were killed, these players kept following behind to watch the excitement.

"The two masters of Mad Dog and Mantian Star have such amazing Magical Items, which is really amazing." An Ashura player said excitedly to the player next to him while running.

"Cut, what's the matter with the mad dog's opponent of the Star Pavilion boss, even if his personal strength is very strong, but he is not to be devastated, why does the mad dog fight with the Star Pavilion boss? Whether it is a game or reality, how does the mad dog compare? The boss of the Star Pavilion? Let’s just take this time! The sky full of Star brings hundreds of people casually, and the mad dog becomes a mourner. This friend, there are too many people, and ants can also gnaw elephants to death. ......" It was a human player who was obviously a supporter of Mantian Star.

"Is Mantian Star amazing? He was still killed by a mad dog in Shituoling, and he was killed by hundreds of people, but his face was lost at home. Playing games is like a mad dog, in the army. Taking the first level of the admiral is like trying to get something..." Hearing what the human player said, a monster player next to him immediately retorted.

The human player became even more disdainful, despising the authenticity: "You monsters are weak and small. The mad dog is just the taller one of the short ones. He will make you worship like this with a little performance. In fact, he is nothing at all."

The monster player stopped doing it and took out the lower-grade natal weapon and said, "Is the monster very weak? Then let us both try to see who is better."

"WHO is afraid of WHO! Come here, I will let you know why the flowers are so red today..." The two players clashed and started to merge.Sweeping Qianjun and Northern Beauty were not far from these two players. Hearing the conversation between the two players, Sweeping Qianjun frowned and said, "That player makes sense. Mad Dog has always been a monster player in the game. Because of his sustenance, he has a very high status in the hearts of the monster players, no wonder Star said he is a big trouble."

The Northern Beauty smiled faintly and said: "Dage of the Thousand Army, shouldn't you also be afraid of a player without any background, are you ready to take action on the Sky Demon League?"

Sweeping Qianjun shook his head and said: "No matter how good they are, people like Mad Dog and Sad Xiaojian, who lack strong support in reality, will at most develop to the same level as ours. I have nothing to worry about."

Sweeping thousands of troops paused and said: "This time Star is also dizzy. Since the mad dog has entered the Five Elements formation, he is naturally no stranger to this peach tree refinement area, but the mad dog has been running to a dead end. It's too suspicious. If I'm not mistaken, there must be a large number of Sky Demon League players in this valley."

The Northern Beauty smiled faintly: "Star has always been a proud person. He suffered a loss in the hands of a mad dog. Naturally, he wanted to find his place. It is normal to lose his mind. This is not a bad thing for him. After hitting twice, he will not be so conceited, and he will know that there is someone outside Daoist, there is a day outside of it!"

Sweeping Qianjun laughed and said, "It seems that you have something to do with Star! Why are you always cold in front of him? Star is a good person. In fact, you and her have been familiar since childhood, and you also walked together. good."

The Northern Beauty shook her head and said, "I don't have a bad feeling for him. In general, Star is a pretty good person, but at best I can only become friends with him. In marriage, I will not compromise even if I leave the family."

When the two were talking, more than 30 players suddenly appeared in the crowd of onlookers. These players were all monsters, and the leader was a wolf demon with a bright silver spear. These people were well-equipped and quickly cleared the players Taniguchi was watching, and sealed the non-playing Taniguchi in the level 15 peach tree refinement area.

Sweeping Qianjun smiled bitterly: "I know that crazy dog ​​is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It seems that he not only wants to kill Star, but also wants to wipe out Star's army! This thought is too poisonous."

The Northern Beauty hesitated for a while and said: "Then we are going to help Star? If Star is completely wiped out and we stand by, the long-standing partnership will be ruined."

"It must be rescued." Sweeping Qianjun categorically said: "However, if we rescued Star this time, the mad dog and the Sky Demon League were completely offended by us. With the mad dog Yazi's must-reported character, he was considered to be the one who swept Qianjun and the Huaxian faction. Hate it."

Mantian Star led people to the middle section of the Peachtree Refining Area, and suddenly saw the mad dog in front of him stop, Mantian Star waved his umbrella and said: "Brother Mad Dog, this 15th level Peachtree Refinement The district is the Jedi, does Mad Dog still want to leave?"

Lu Xiaoqi said with a playful smile: "Thank you, Brother Star, for taking care of me. I already knew this Peach Tree Refining Zone is the Jedi, but I knew it was the Jedi and still ran here, isn’t it strange that Brother Star? ?"

Star's face changed drastically, and everyone around him rushed towards Lu Xiaoqi. But at this moment, a large number of monster players suddenly rushed out of the corner behind Lu Xiaoqi. All these monster players were not weak. Of the elite. And Lu Xiaoqi himself rushed towards Mantian Star with his spirit tooth, water and fire blade.

All over the sky Star turned around and ran away. Since the mad dog is deliberately drawing himself here, there must be a lot of players in ambush. In fact, Lu Xiaoqi only had one hundred and fifty players ambushing in this valley, and the other 350 player Lu Xiaoqi let them mix in the group of players outside like the suave wolf and others.

When a person was fooled, the first reaction was definitely to run away. Lu Xiaoqi was right. After discovering that he was in an ambush, Mantian Star's first reaction was to take the person and run towards Taniguchi. Of course, Lu Xiaoqi brought 150 Monster Race players, even if Man Tian Star chose to fight hard, the Sky Monster League would not suffer.

This time Lu Xiaoqi saw that Mantian Star, Huang Sweeping Qianjun and Northern Beauty each took 100 people, and had already budgeted for the other two people. Lu Xiaoqi, who had been aggrieved for a long time, must give out this bad breath. In addition to the 30 core players led by the wolves blocking Taniguchi, Lu Xiaoqi asked the remaining 350 players to sweep the army and others to help. Do it again if the sky is full of Star.

"Star, approach Taniguchi quickly. There are more than 30 elite players guarding the other side of Taniguchi, and Jiaren and I will open Taniguchi for you immediately." After receiving the message from Sweeping Qianjun, Mantian Star breathed a sigh of relief. , He guessed that since the mad dog attracted him, it would definitely block Taniguchi. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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