Online Game Heavenly Dog Swallowing Sun

Chapter 301 Lord of Heaven Court

Daoist was a little bit expectant in his heart. He knew whose head the Emperor Master fell on was mainly for looking at strangers. He knew that his disciple of strangers was very tough. Therefore, Duobao hopes that Lu Xiaoqi can help Jiejiao to win the emperor teacher, and it is best to help Duobao himself to win, so Duobao smiled and said: "Good apprentice, if you are sure to win the emperor teacher, then you will be a teacher. It’s okay to give you a period of time for you to do the task first, but are you really sure?"

Lu Xiaoqi said with a look of shame: "Master, I am ashamed, I am sure of the emperor. I originally planned to let you become Teacher Fuxi, but when I was attacked by Master Yu Wing just now, in order to get out The position of emperor teacher is promised to Master Yunxiao, and Tu'er is ashamed of the teacher."

Lu Xiaoqi took the initiative to bring up this topic because the two generations chose Duobao to be his teacher, and he had already mastered Duobao's character thoroughly. Duobao is a kind person. After Lu Xiaoqi told Duobao the truth, the magnanimous Duobao would not punish Lu Xiaoqi. On the contrary, Duobao, who had a good relationship with Yunxiao, would also allow Lu Xiaoqi to leave and let him Do the task and work hard to get the emperor to fall on Yunxiao's head.

If he didn't clarify the situation at this time, then Duobao would find that Lu Xiaoqi had given the emperor to Yun Xiao, he would be dissatisfied with Lu Xiaoqi. Sure enough, after listening to Lu Xiaoqi's words, Duobao did not blame him at all, because he failed to protect Lu Xiaoqi, and Duobao, who was almost killed by Dapeng, was guilty at this time!

Duobao waved his hand and said, "You don't blame you for this. In that case, you can think of this way to get away. It's a good way to get out. Junior sister Yunxiao can become an emperor. She is more talented than me, and she doesn't. Like I like refining tools, she can calm down to cultivation. After becoming an emperor and gaining merit, relying on the Xiantian Lingbao Mixed Yuan Jindou as the backing, she just happened to become the first person among the disciples of the Three Sects to slay the corpse. Well done, don’t blame yourself.”

Lu Xiaoqi said sincerely: "Thank you Master for your understanding. If there is a chance in the future, I will fight for the Master's position in other emperor teachers."

A foreigner can't reveal the secret secret to the aborigines, but Lu Xiaoqi is not a leak. Second-generation disciples like Duobao can calculate a certain secret secret. They know that there will be three emperors of heaven, earth and man. It's just that these second-generation disciples, even Sage, don't know who the emperor will fall on. With the participation of foreigners, the number of days is not fixed.

In addition to Fuxi, there will also be a land emperor and a human emperor in the future. It is very rare for Lu Xiaoqi to promise Yunxiao that she will become an emperor. Now that Duobao heard his disciple's tone, it seemed that besides Fuxi, he was sure to let the Jiejiaomen become the teachers of the other two future emperors. many

Bao’s first reaction was not to believe it, but his apprentice did many miracles. Duo Bao still had some expectations. At the same time, he was quite satisfied with the apprentice’s filial piety. He said kindly and honestly: "Good apprentice, you have This kind of heart is good, and I don’t care if you can become an emperor or a teacher. However, because of Heavenly Dao's restrictions, even if you want to cultivate you as a teacher, it is very difficult for you to be a teacher. If you can accomplish such a task, you will naturally not be stingy as a teacher. "

With Duobao's words, Lu Xiaoqi secretly vowed that Shennong and Huangdi's two teachers, one of them must find a way to get Duobao. Lu Xiaoqi promised to give Yunxiao the first emperor teacher, Yunxiao compensated him for the whereabouts of a Rosy cloud, and Duobao and Lu Xiaoqi should get closer, if Lu Xiaoqi let Duobao become the emperor teacher, Duobao It will definitely give Lu Xiaoqi the greatest benefit. "

Lu Xiaoqi, who was busy upgrading, quickly left Biyou Palace to say goodbye to Duobao. It was a fake that he went to find Fuxi as an emperor, but it was true that he came out to hurry up and train. Of course, this was not because Lu Xiaoqi didn't pay attention to the task of the emperor teacher. In his previous life, he knew clearly that determining the assignment of the emperor teacher depends on who has performed more tasks under Fuxi, and who Fuxi has a good opinion of. Moreover, he also knew that the emperor mission would not begin until Fuxi had evolved Eight Trigrams. At this time, Fuxi had not yet evolved Eight Trigrams, and Lu Xiaoqi had plenty of time to level up.

If you want to rise to level 30 in three months, you can't even think about the conventional leveling method. Lu Xiaoqi never thought that relying on ordinary killing monsters to be able to rise to level 30. As he participated in a large number of plot missions and killed a lot of BOSS, at this time Lu Xiaoqi's saved reputation value reached more than 300 points.

These 300 prestige points are enough for Lu Xiaoqi to rise to level 30 if it is for guarding missions.

In the past, Lu Xiaoqi had to go to the Tiangong to guard the BOSS and ask for the Bifang Crane demon saint, the organization director of the Heaven Court monster clan, to receive the task. After the Lich War, the monster clan had retreated to Luzhou in North Ju, and the Bifang Crane monster saint did not fall. , Still has a high status in Yaozu. Therefore, if Lu Xiaoqi wants to receive the guard mission or other BOSS missions that interact with the player, he must go to Luzhou, North Ju, to find Bifang Crane.

But the problem came out. Beiju Luzhou is a high-level leveling area, gathering a large number of monsters from the third to the fifth, and the lowest-level monster is the third. If it’s a monster below Tier 4, Lu Xiaoqi can still rely on its own flying speed to try to avoid it, but at Tier 4, it’s useless for monsters and bosses that can fly through the clouds and fog, and it’s useless for Lu Xiaoqi to fly fast. It may have flown past Tier 4 cloud driving monsters.

Most high-level bosses have own likes and dislikes. Lu Xiaoqi is a demon clan and possesses the aura of the demon king. It is very likely that the monsters of Luzhou in Beiju will not attack him, but it is only possible. Lu Xiaoqi dare not take such a big deal. risk.Just when Lu Xiaoqi struggled with this problem, trying to recall the terrain of Luzhou in Beiju to see if he could see the Bifang Crane demon saint, the six Sages of the Orient gathered together in the Zixiao Palace.

After the sages saluted Hongjun Taoist ancestor, Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Master, the demon race has fallen. At this time, the Heaven Court has no owner. There is no god on duty to do things like walking clouds and rain, rewarding good and punishing evil, etc., leading to human management. It’s quite chaotic, and I’m all thinking that Heaven Court should be rebuilt."

The other sages also echoed, Hongjun Daozu glanced at the sages indifferently: "I have this intention. Heaven Court should have been established as soon as possible. Do you have any ideas?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "The real Taiyi under my sect is a virtuous immortal, and he is the lord of Heaven Court. I explain that the sect person is willing to do his part for Heaven Court."

Heaven Court itself is a good place for cultivation. There are many treasures. If you control Heaven Court, you will be able to accumulate a lot of hope for mankind, and you can take the lead in the fight for luck. Yuanshi Tianzun Ruyi Scepter did a good job in abacus, but how could the Lord Tongtian let him do as he wished, he snorted coldly: "Brother, that's a bad word! You only have dozens of people who teach you, and Heaven Court Guangzhengshen needs Three hundred and sixty-five, how do you explain how to manage Heaven Court well with just that little manpower? I have taught more than 10,000 people, and the strong and powerful do not know what is ordinary. My sect Dubao is generous and kind, and he can be the master of Heaven Court. ."

Yuanshi said coldly: "How can the scaly feathers, wet fetus and egg-born generation, enter the Heaven Court? Then after the unruly generation masters the Heaven Court, will there be chaos in the world?"

Nuwa Sage frowned slightly after hearing Yuan Shi's words: "The demon clan can also manage the Heaven Court. This Heaven Court belongs to my demon clan. The bitter cold of Luzhou in the north can allow the demon clan to return to the Heaven Court to maintain the order of heaven and earth."

Zhunti stood up and said: "Sister Nuwa's words are wrong! The decline of the monster clan is God's will. If the monster clan returns to the Heaven Court, it will bring disasters to the monster clan, but it will not be beautiful. Senior Brother Yuanshi and Senior Brother Tongtian make sense. , Senior Brother Yuanshi’s staff is insufficient, and Senior Brother Tongtian is inadequate, and neither is suitable to be the lord of Heaven Court. And I have countless Buddhas of Bodhisattva, all of whom are of noble morality and prowess, and can be admitted to Heaven Court..."

"Zhunti, since you and Jiying have entered the side door and are rooted in Xi Niu Hezhou, it is no idea to interfere with the affairs of my Eastern Heaven Court." As soon as Zhunti Sage's remarks came out, the Lord Tongtian immediately shouted.

Yuan Shi and Lao Jun also acquiesced to the argument of Tongtian, it doesn't matter if Buddhism wants to occupy Heaven Court, Sanqing and Nuwa will definitely oppose it. Seeing several other people unite against Buddhism all at once, the pain on Jieyin’s face became more intense, Zhunti said furiously: "Although brother Jieyin and I built Buddhism, we also practiced under Taoist ancestors at the beginning. Why do senior brothers and sisters speak so much, how can there be half a fellowship?"

As a result, several big Sages quarreled directly in the Purple Heaven Palace, and no one would let anyone else. After a long time, Dao Zu Hongjun said indifferently: "You don't need to fight anymore. I have decided on the Lord of Heaven Court. You will wait as you wish. Doing something for mortals will allow the doorman to enter Heaven Court and serve."

The six Sages stopped arguing at the same time, and said in unison: "Dare to ask who is the Lord of Heaven Court?"

Daozu Hongjun glanced at the side door and said, "Jade, come out!"

From the side door, a young man dressed in purple clothes and a handsome figure walked out. If he saw this man at this time, Lu Xiaoqi would be surprised. Before the decisive battle of the Lich, Lu Xiaoqi met the envoy of the Zixiao Palace at the Buzhoushan trading place. At that time, the envoy called himself Shiyu. At this time, the man in purple who walked from the side door to the Daozu Hongjun was that Shiyu.

Daozu Hongjun said: "You have been arguing. Whose sect I want to be the lord of the Heaven Court must be dissatisfied. In that case, let me be the lord of the Heaven Court, right? You can have an opinion?"

In the words of Hongjun Daozu, how dare the Big Six Sages have any opinions? Daozu Hongjun had made it clear that he wanted to uphold the lucky boy around him, and it would be useless to oppose him, and he made Hongjun Daozu upset in vain. The six Sages are better than ghosts, and they will naturally not object to Hongjun Daozu's mind.

Hongjun Daozu said that the jade boy next to him became the lord of Heaven Court. The Jade Emperor who appeared in mythology many times in the fairy tale, the god of the sky and the sky, has a happy smile on his face. He has been dropped from the sky. The pie that came down was stunned. This jade boy seemed to be the secretary next to the leader. After spending some time with the leader, the local position became vacant. The leader immediately arranged for him to take up his post. This jade easily became the leader of Heaven Court. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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