Online Game Heavenly Dog Swallowing Sun

Chapter 347 Mythological Seminar

As for the game, Tang Qinghe's strength is not bad, but the gap with Lu Xiaoqi is really not so big. She herself was in the Sky Demon League with Lu Xiaoqi, but here she brazenly said that she wanted it in "The Myth". Take care of Lu Xiaoqi. If Lu Xiaoqi tells her identity in "The Myth", I don't know what Tang Qinghe's expression will be.

Of course, Lu Xiaoqi would never do that. His real identity is currently only known to the two men, the wolf and the pig. Lu Xiaoqi can imagine that if the true identity of the "mad dog" is exposed in reality, those big forces will definitely be there. In reality, various methods are used to force Lu Xiaoqi to make concessions in the game.

After listening to Tang Qinghe's words, Lu Xiaoqi smiled and said, "Beauty, are you great in "The Myth"? How many levels are you now?"

Tang Qinghe said proudly: "I'm already level 23! But this is not the most important thing, do you know the Sky Demon League? I am a member of the Sky Demon League, and I have seen the mad dog boss. You want it in the game. As soon as possible, Ascension strength, if you are a monster, I can recommend you to join the Sky Demon League! If you are not a monster, I can also make you a peripheral member of the Sky Demon League..."

Tang Qinghe seemed to be the same as her native Tang Monk, speaking not so much. Just when Lu Xiaoqi couldn't bear her uninterrupted language bombardment, a snow-white slender leg stepped into the classroom. Seeing that slender figure, the eyes of the men in the class fell on her, and Tang Qinghe had to stop the language bombardment. On the first day of class, the well-behaved little girl didn't dare to confront the teacher.

Yang Xue stepped onto the podium with a gentle smile on her face and said: "Today is the first time I teach everyone. My name is Yang Xue, and I will be your head teacher in this year. Recently, "Mythology" has become popular. Throughout the world, all of you present here have a lot of hearts left in the "Myth"! Let me tell you the good news first. Of the four classes every day in the university, two of them are used to learn social knowledge, and the other two classes will be It will be a seminar on "The Myth", and everyone can share their experiences on "The Myth."

As Yang Xue just finished speaking, the students underneath each had excited expressions on their faces. Just like Yang Xue said, most of them are in Cao Ying's heart, and their minds are still in "Mythology." If Yang Xue didn't talk about "The Myth" when he came up, but instead had regular teaching, no one would listen to it at all. Yang Xue started talking about the "Mythology" seminar, which immediately attracted the attention of all the students.

After achieving his own goal, Yang Xue said with a smile: "This first class is our "Mythology" seminar. Now I will take the lead. Everyone will introduce themselves. The content of the introduction includes the actual situation and the "Mythology" seminar. The names, levels, races, magical powers, etc. in "Myth" can help each other in the game after you increase your understanding."

Yang Xue finished saying: "Why not let me start! My name is Yang Xue, the title of associate professor, I have worked for two years, and I am married. In the game, my name is Sunny Xueer, level 23, racial tribe, and learned one. Supernatural powers call the wind and rain, and build a female player-based gang Yangchun Baixue..."

As soon as Sunshine Xueer's voice fell, the students underneath immediately became restless. The Yangchun Baixue established by Sunshine Xueer is not a first-class power, but Sunshine Xueer is very famous in the game. Many people rated her as one of the top ten beautiful women in China. There are countless beauties in the entire China area. Many people not only based on their beauty, but also based on their fame. Sunshine Xue'er, who established a force based on this shortlist, was selected.

Lu Xiaoqi's face showed a suddenly enlightened look. He always felt that Yang Xue was very familiar, but he didn't expect Yang Xue to be the sunshine Xueer in the game. Thinking of Yang Xue's black belly in the game, it is difficult for Lu Xiaoqi to associate her in the game with the gentle and pleasant image in reality. Lu Xiaoqi couldn't help but take a few more glances. After knowing that Yang Xue is Sunny Xueer, Lu Xiaoqi began to guess what the purpose of the game was when she asked the students in the class to introduce themselves.

The base wolf also opened his mouth wide. Sunshine Xue'er is also familiar with him. In the game, he was so angry with Sunshine Xue'er. With Sunshine Xue'er's temper, it is really not easy to do this. Originally, the mean wolf was going to stand up and say the name of own, and then enjoy the worship of the eyes of people around him. After knowing that Yang Xue is Sunny Xueer, the mean wolf began to hesitate, if this woman gave her little shoes in reality. What to do with it?

The cheap wolf whispered: "Xiao Qi, it seems that we have to make up a name and mix it up. If the identities of the three of us are revealed, then the fun will be great."After thinking about it for a while, Lu Xiaoqi shook his head and said, "I and Xiaozhu continue to hide our identities! Don't you like to be the limelight? This time you are the best chance for you to perform! As soon as your suave wolf identities are announced, those Isn't the little girl admiring you to death, succumbing to you one by one?"

The devil's eyes lighted up when he heard it, but he quickly said solemnly: "I already have a MM, other women are nothing but clouds in my eyes, Xiao Qi, I don't think I should disclose it. Gentleman Ning sin, Don’t sin woman, I offended Sunshine Xue'er in the game. If I let her know who I am in the game, I wouldn’t be ecstatic by her."

Lu Xiaoqi said indifferently: "Sunshine Xue'er will not play you. According to her personality, after knowing your identity in the game, she will only draw you in. You can rest assured of this."

It was the result of Lu Xiaoqi's deliberation that the idiot wolf announced his identity. He understood the purpose of the son of Sunshine Snow, who announced his identity in his class. Many of the students who entered the university were veterans of the game for many years, and it was relatively easy to get started with the game. In "The Myth", the main body of the elite is usually students. Sunshine Xueer announces his identity in reality and can use the real-world relationship to attract many powerful players to join Yangchun Baixue.

Chinese people have always had a strong regional concept. If they know that a certain force belongs to the city, many people will join the force desperately for this reason. The Sky Demon League has developed rapidly, and the number of players has continued to rise, but this kind of diehard group that has joined for special reasons is missing. Moreover, Lu Xiaoqi not only wants to be big in the game, but also develops his own network in reality. City G is his long-term life base. Using his identity in the game to develop real contacts is a very important part of Lu Xiaoqi’s plan. .

Lu Xiaoqi’s own identity must not be revealed. Mad Dog’s identity is really too sensitive. Once it is revealed, Lu Xiaoqi guesses that the real body will stop wanting, and he will enter the world of "Mythology" forever. It’s not the same to let the wolves reveal their identity. Most people know that the wolves are the core members of the Sky Demon League, and the wolves play the role of charging and fighting in the game. Even if the big forces know the true identity of the wolves, As long as the cheap wolf resolutely denies knowing the real identity of the "mad dog", the cheap wolf will not be in any danger.

After Sunshine Xueer introduced herself, many students' eyes brightened. Yangchun Baixue not only has good strength, but also has beautiful women in it! A student immediately yelled: "Teacher Yang Xue, let us join your Yangchun Baixue, OK? I am a Level 23 Li Witch, and I have never died since entering "The Myth"!"

"Teacher Yang Xue, I am level 23, and I am a flying monster. I have already received the task of racial inheritance. As long as two months later, I will be able to complete the task of racial inheritance. No surprise, I should be able to evolve to Golden- winged Great Peng......"

When someone said that he could complete the task of racial inheritance, Lu Xiaoqi couldn't help but glance at him. After hearing him say that he could evolve into the Golden-winged Great Peng, Lu Xiaoqi laughed dumbly. The easiest racial inheritance task for the Golden Eagle clan is the Golden-winged Great Peng task, but this task is more difficult to complete than ascending to the sky. There is only one Golden-winged Great Peng in the entire "Mythology". This task should be regarded as the only task. After Mirage Flying completes the inheritance of the Dapeng, other Golden Eagle players will never have this opportunity.

After Yang Xue revealed her identity, the classroom was noisy. After calming down the students below, Yang Xue smiled and said, "Dear students, although Yangchun Baixue was created by me, there are strict rules for joining Yangchun Baixue. As long as everyone meets the conditions, I will definitely Everyone will be invited to join. Now is the time for us to introduce ourselves. Next, which student will introduce ourselves."

Order was restored in the classroom, and students stood up and introduced themselves. None of these people made Lu Xiaoqi feel special. Huang Tian, ​​who was sitting in the back row, showed a cold look in his eyes. He said to a small human next to him: "Shuo Rat, please listen carefully to me. After the three guys revealed their identities, they immediately chased me with all their strength in the game. them."

After the other students introduced themselves, only Huang Tian and Lu Xiaoqi were left in the classroom without introducing them, but the four had no intention to take the initiative at all. Yang Xue stopped beautiful eyes on Huang Tian's face and said every word: "Huang Tian, ​​now it's your turn to introduce yourself."

Huang Tian originally wanted to say that there were three other guys, why should I introduce them first, but after seeing the inscrutable smile on Sunny Xue'er's face, Huang Tian swallowed the words that had already reached his lips. He stood up lazily and said: "My name is Huang Tian, ​​I am 19 years old, and I am named Huang Tian in the game, level 23, racial fire witch, supernatural power Zhurong true fire..."

After Huang Tian's introduction, many people immediately turned their attention to him. The fire witch cannot cultivate the Houtian spirit fire that can be continuously promoted, but a few powerful fire witches can cultivate Zhu Rong Zhenhuo. The power of Zhu Rong true fire in the early stage is equivalent to that of Xiantian true fire, and the power of cultivation to late stage is no longer under the true fire of Samādhi.

The expression on Yang Xue's face still did not show much fluctuation. Huang Tian's strength was good, but she couldn't make her look straight. Her eyes fell on Lu Xiaoqi and said: "The three classmates in the front row, you three Who will introduce myself first?” (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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