Online Game Heavenly Dog Swallowing Sun

Chapter 402 Mountain God's Land

After confirming the mountain protection formation, no matter which force will be easily replaced, every force that establishes the mountain gate attaches great importance to the mountain protection formation. After opening the mountain gate, they usually choose to use the best Magical Item to arrange the mountain protection formation. The Magical Item used is not one or two pieces for the arrangement of the mountain protection formation. If the formation is replaced, the loss will be great, and most forces cannot bear such a loss.

It is only temporary for Lu Xiaoqi to use the Eight Trigrams of Jiugong to protect the mountain, so his fabric formation device is only a medium-grade Magical Item, and he doesn't care about the loss. After receiving the system prompt, Lu Xiaoqi chose yes without hesitation.

The head seal once again gave out ten thousand golden lights, and the player on Penglai Xiandao suddenly saw the glow of the 72nd brother around Xiandao rising, and the whole Penglai Xiandao was surrounded by auspicious clouds, and a piece of fog enveloped the entire Penglai Xiandao.

After the formation of the mountain guards, players who are not on the island can only see the rising clouds and fog, and cannot see the reality and reality of the island clearly. And those players who don't have permission to enter the island, as long as they enter without authorization, the guardian formation will be weakened. The guardian gods guarded by the sect will defend against foreign enemies as soon as possible, and the players on the island will also receive an intrusion prompt.

Of course, Lu Xiaoqi, who has decided to vigorously develop commerce on Penglai Xiandao, will build a special market on the island, and the gate of the market will be on the edge of the mountain protection formation. At the edge of the mountain guarding formation, Lu Xiaoqi will hire a teleportation land. Players from other forces can only enter the bazaar through the gate when they come here. Players with permission can teleport to the island of Penglai through this land, without permission. The player can also teleport away through this land.

After the establishment of the mountain protection formation, Lu Xiaoqi once again used the head seal to set the location close to the South Island where the Sky Arrow League was stationed as a teleportation area. Players who were teleported to Penglai through the Nanzhan Buzhou Teleporter were always teleported to this teleportation area. , And then transferred to other islands in Dongsheng Shenzhou through the land hired by Lu Xiaoqi.

Lu Xiaoqi is destined to work hard. Recently, he has not been offline for many consecutive days in order to open the mountain gate. When he was about to go offline after setting up the teleportation area, there was no dog in the world but he rushed in.

"Brother Mad Dog, the number of players transmitted to Penglai Fairy Island has exceeded one million. These players are now all gathered on the island. After applying to join the Celestial League, some players hurriedly left to do other tasks, but the previous ones on Penglai Island The teleporter is gone, no one can leave, what should we do?"

The World Without Dogs came directly to the mountain gate to find Lu Xiaoqi when he was busy collecting people. Obviously, he thought this was a major issue that must be resolved immediately. Seeing his anxious appearance, Lu Xiaoqi smiled and said, "I was negligent and built it. The mountain god and land can be hired behind the mountain gate. I have forgotten all the time. I will solve this problem right away."

After the World Without Dogs left, Lu Xiaoqi walked out of own Immortal Cave and shouted, "Where is the god of Penglai Mountain Protector?"

The mountain god with blue-faced fangs and holding a three-stranded steel fork quickly appeared in front of Lu Xiaoqi. The original mountain god had been killed by Lu Xiaoqi. Now, although this mountain god is exactly the same as the previous one, he has forgotten Lu Xiaoqi after Samsara. The thing that killed him.

After hearing Lu Xiaoqi's call, the guardian god will come to him respectfully and say, "The guardian god, the tiger pattern, has seen an adult."

Lu Xiaoqi said, "Huwen, I want to hire you to protect Penglai for me. I wonder if you want to?"

This was just a procedural issue. After Lu Xiaoqi defeated the former mountain god, he already had the right to hire the mountain god, and he could not refuse to hire this mountain god.

"Wish to die for the adults." The mountain god knelt down in front of Lu Xiaoqi on one knee.

At this time, the attributes of the mountain god appeared in Lu Xiaoqi's mind. After looking at the attributes of the mountain god, Lu Xiaoqi shook his head. It seemed that his character had not exploded, and he hadn't encountered an upgraded guy showing up!

Name: Tiger Pattern

Race: Mountain God

Stage position: Earth Immortals

Level: 34

Yuanshen: 0

Dao Fa attack power: 0

Dao Fa defense power: 0

Magic Treasures affinity: 0

Physical strength: 720

Physical attack power: 360

Physical defense: 280

Weapon tacit degree: 70

Root bone: 6800

Qi and blood: 68000

Spirit Power: 600Spirit Power value: 6000

Agility: 80

Movement speed: 80

Dodge: 80

Clouds: None

Flying speed: 0

Five Elements: Gold 0 Wood: 50 Water 50 Fire Earth 50

Five Elements resistance: water resistance 0%, fire resistance 0%, physical resistance 20%, wind resistance 0%, soil resistance 0%

Talent skills: Protecting the mountain (protecting the mountain, the mountain god is born in the mountain and is one with the spiritual land where it is located. When the spiritual land is attacked by an enemy, the basic attributes of the mountain god remain unchanged within the kilometer range of the spiritual land, and the mountain god is based on the spiritual land. Attribute Ascension 10%, in the core area of ​​the spiritual land, the basic attribute of the mountain god Ascension 20%)

Supernatural powers: Mandrill ghosts, during battle, the mountain god can summon eight mandrill ghosts of the same level to participate in the battle. The mandrill ghosts at the exhibition are elite monsters, and the blood is one-tenth of the mountain gods)

Most of the mountain gods talented skills hired by the spiritual land are mountain guardians, and all their magical powers are mandrill ghosts. Because Penglai Xiandao is a top spiritual land, Lu Xiaoqi still has a illusion about whether he will encounter the upgraded mountain god. When the player hires a mountain guardian, if you are lucky enough to hire a mountain god with powerful upgraded magical powers or talent skills, that is a great Ascension for the mountain gate.

Mountain god tiger pattern qi and blood are more than ordinary 34-level mountain gods, and the basic attributes are also stronger. It is estimated that it has the light of the top spiritual land in Penglai City, but the stronger basic attributes are not very useful, and it is the most important for mountain gods. The important thing is the upgraded skills. Lu Xiaoqi can only hope that the tiger pattern will grow better in the future, and upgrade will occur during the upgrade process, and he will realize the new skills that will be of great help to the mountain gate, but this probability is lower than the chance of hiring an upgraded mountain god.

"Player mad dog, have you confirmed that you have hired Tiger Pattern to become the guardian of the Penglai Fairy Island? After you are hired, Tiger Pattern will guard the mountain gate for you and defend you from attacking enemies. You need to pay 500 Supreme Spirit Stones per month. Once, you need to spend 2000 Supreme Spirit Stones to resurrect. If you start a martial war, tiger pattern can accompany you, but you need to pay an additional 1000 Supreme Spirit Stones."

The cost of hiring mountain gods is very expensive, but every mountain gate must have a professional mountain god. The current level of Penglai Xiandao is level 1, and up to 10 mountain gods can be hired. However, Lu Xiaoqi would not spend so many Spirit Stones to hire the mountain god. In addition to the professional mountain god that must be hired, the other 9 guardian gods, Lu Xiaoqi, are going to find cheap labor on their own.

Although the salary of the mountain god is high, it plays a very important role. When someone touches the mountain guard formation, the mountain god will go to fight the enemy and notify the sect members as soon as possible. The mountain god is very intelligent and good at commanding other guardian generals to fight. When the head of the mountain god is Ascension, the mountain god’s level will follow Ascension, and the mountain god himself also has a growth system. In addition to following the head of the head Ascension, he will rise a few by coincidence. Level is also normal.

After getting the mountain god, Lu Xiaoqi immediately flew to the beach of Penglai Xiandao. The Penglai Teleporter who was on the beach was no longer there, and a large number of players gathered on the beach. Players who have newly joined the Sky Demon League are more of the grassroots forces that come to take shelter of the Sky Demon League.

Seeing Lu Xiaoqijiayun appear, the Sky Demon League player on the beach shouted proudly: "Boss of the mad dog, come down and guide us to cultivate!"

"Boss of the mad dog, how can we leave Penglai! The teleportation messenger is gone, we can't always be trapped on Penglai Fairy Island! We have to do the task!"

Lu Xiaoqi originally didn't want to stay, but he could see that the grassroots forces were basically concentrated here, and Sad Little Arrow and The World Without Dogs were also running back and forth. Lu Xiaoqi, who has always been a hand shopkeeper, was a little ashamed. He decided to meet these grassroots forces after hiring the land to help the world without a dog stabilize the hearts of the people. At the same time, he opened up relations with these grassroots forces. After Lu Xiaoqi broke the tradition, God knows It is necessary to leave a good impression on how many rash heroes will appear in these grassroots forces.

People are vanity. There are more than 100,000 people on the beach. Lu Xiaoqi will naturally not be ambiguous at the perfect moment of acting like this. He shouted, "Where is the Penglai Teleporter?" "

The Penglai Teleportation Envoy suddenly appeared under Lu Xiaoqi, and he respectfully saluted: "The Penglai Teleportation Envoy has seen Lord Mad Dog. I don't know what Lord Mad Dog has ordered?"

Lu Xiaoqi looked at the Penglai Teleporter coldly and said, "I want to hire you to be my Penglai Teleporter. Do you agree?"

The Penglai Teleporter had a greedy look in his eyes, and said humblely: "Respected lord, it is my honor to serve you. As long as you give me an order, I can start working at any time."

At first, Lu Xiaoqi didn't understand why the Penglai Teleporter would appear greedy after he hired it, but after the attributes of the Penglai Teleporter appeared in front of him, Lu Xiaoqi understood.

Name: Tiger Pattern

Race: Land

Stage position: Earth Immortals

Level: 34

Talent skills: Shrinking the ground into an inch (shrinking the ground into an inch, a land-specific skill that can instantly teleport people to a distance)

Talent skills: Greed (greed, greed can deceive a person's intelligence, but greed can also accumulate a lot of wealth, with the greed talent skills, you can increase your income by 10% when participating in economic activities)

"Player mad dog, are you sure you want to hire Penglai Teleporter to serve you? After hiring, you don’t need to spend any Spirit Stones, but during the Penglai Teleporter’s teleportation process, he will charge 10% more teleportation fee, of which 5% belongs to him Owned by himself. At the same time, due to the greed of Penglai Teleporter, he may escape with Spirit Stones)

After the land NPC accepts employment, the player can only see his level and special skills, they will not help the player fight. Seeing the greedy talent skills of Penglai Teleporter, Lu Xiaoqi was very excited, but the system suggested that this guy might abscond with the money, which made Lu Xiaoqi quite entangled. Should he hire it? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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