Bingxue Fairy immediately landed on the forum. After reading the content posted by the hero, she couldn't help being amused, and at the same time she felt relieved. The maverick is not a mad dog, making her feel that she has not failed so much, she will not always perform in front of others like a clown, and can safely cooperate with this guy called the maverick.

Although the Baihuang tribe is far from being the more famous type of stranger, and because he participated in the Fuxi plot, he was invited by the leader of the human tribe, Fuxi, and he was standing not far from the observatory at this time. .

It’s a joy to be invited by the leader of the human race, but even though Yuan Bizhu’s face is very ugly, because he hung up once not long ago, and was killed after being ridiculed in front of countless people. How can the far be punishable?

Bai Xiaosheng’s post about the strongman is a mad dog, he read, and he thinks Bai Xiaosheng’s inference is very reasonable. If the strongman is a mad dog, he will only feel even more shocked, because he has paid so much. The price of equipment is still not a mad dog opponent at all, he will lose the confidence to challenge the mad dog.

Therefore, although Yuan Bizhu and Bingxue Fairy, the two brothers and sisters who had always been at odds, thought about being together this time, they did the same thing, and they both sent people to investigate the recent whereabouts of the mad dog. If the mysterious disappearance of the mad dog recently, Bai Xiaosheng must infer that it is likely to be true.

The person who sent out to inquire has not reported yet. Although it is far away, he first received the clarification message from his subordinates who reported that the fierce man posted a clarification. When I logged in the forum and saw the fierce man continue to play tricks and said that the mad dog is an ugly man, he would be balanced. Some. After seeing the 100% of the attributes of the powerful warrior's equipment, although Yuan must punish him with a suddenly realized look, he even said that he did not lose injustice.

Just like Bingxue Fairy and Although Far Away, every player who suspects that a strongman is a mad dog no longer doubts it, because no one knows Duobao's unique technology of refining fakes except Lu Xiaoqi. The most depressing one is Hundreds of Xiaosheng. His inferences have been very accurate all the time. He usually has 90% certainty about big things before he expresses his own opinions. He did not expect that he planted such a big petition this time. Made a completely wrong judgment.

Just when these people logged on to the forum to read the post, Lu Xiaoqi and Bai Crow had already changed back to their original colors. There are countless powerful people participating in the Fuxi Sanctification Ceremony. If Lu Xiaoqi continues to go as a hero, Daoist accidentally calls a mad dog disciple, or Tongtian Sage calls a mad dog disciple grandson, Lu Xiaoqi will be completely exposed, so He simply changed back to the way he was.

Not long after Lu Xiaoqi posted the picture on the forum, Tongtian Sage stepped onto the blue bull and hovered in the air. Lu Xiaoqi and Duobao hurriedly flew behind Sage.

Duobao and the others are all driving clouds, but Lu Xiaoqi is Yufeng, and Yufeng has to bring a white crow, which makes him seem very slow.

Lu Xiaoqi has the Phoenix of Flame as a mount, but the Phoenix of Flame is less than Tier 3, and it also belongs to the category of restricted flying ability. It is not useful for the time being. Little Loli, who had always been against Lu Xiaoqi, saw Lu Xiaoqi laboriously carrying the white crow, and sneered: "Mad Dog Nephew, you are really useless. You can't take a flight with someone. I think you should let the girl go on me. Clouds!"

Lu Xiaoqi was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Master Bixiao."

Lu Xiaoqi agreed. What made him helpless was that the white crow shook his head resolutely and said, "No, I want to be with the mad dog Big Brother."

Bixiao Little Loli is not a good-tempered lord. It is rare that she has the mind to do good things and was rejected by others. The unhappy Bixiao Little Loli snorted coldly: "Huh, don't let me take it, you just fly so slowly. Go to the Baihuang tribe!"

Lu Xiaoqi had to smile bitterly. At this moment, Tongtian Sage, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly said, "Kui Niu, you go and take the mad dog, disciple and sun!"Tongtian Sage got off the cow's back and stepped on the Qingping sword and flew in front. The Bull Demon couldn’t believe his own ears. Since he became Tongtian Sage’s mount, no one but Sage has ever gotten on him. Cow back.

At this time, Tongtian Sage asked him to carry a third-generation disciple, which made the Bull Demon King look at Lu Xiaoqi a higher level. He had already made up his mind to make a good relationship with Lu Xiaoqi. He flew to the side of Lu Xiaoqi and said, "Mad Dog Nephew, I'll take you there!"

Daoist saw that his apprentice was so spoiled, his face was also very radiant, while Bixiao Xiaoli was a little uncomfortable: "Master, the mad dog is only a three-generation disciple, why are you so good to him, your Kui I have never been able to ride a cow!"

The other disciples of Jiejiao also had different expressions, some were envious, some were jealous, and some were spiteful. All kinds of eyes gathered on Lu Xiaoqi. As Sage, the Lord Tongtian gave his own mount to a three-generation disciple. This treatment was too high. Although the degree of favored by the alien mad dog is not a newcomer, it is definitely unprecedented.

Tongtian Sage is very thorough in his heart. After the alien mad dog entered "The Myth", he has participated in countless major events, and the role it can play can already affect the senior level of the three religions. Therefore, Tongtian Sage knows that although Mad Dog has targeted evangelism and Buddhism several times, if Mad Dog is willing to join the two religions, the two religions will definitely welcome them with their hands.

The most obvious thing is Zhunti. Although he has been ridiculed by mad dogs again and again, Zhunti still persuades mad dogs to join the teaching, and the price is getting higher and higher. Therefore, in the view of Tongtian Sage, he is better for his baby son and grandson. It is very necessary.

When the Jiejia group arrived at the Baihuang tribe, Fuxi brought many high-level human NPCs to greet the arrival of Tongtian Sage. It was not Fuxi who walked in front, but Nuwa Sage. As Fuxi's Little Sister, Nuwa Sage is naturally more active than other Sages, and is the first Sage to come to the Baihuang tribe.

Nuwa Sage walked down Chen Xiangqi, and walked forward and said: "I have seen brother."

Fuxi also saluted: "I have seen Tongtian Sage."

Tongtian Sage said indifferently, "You don't need to pay much attention. Fuxi worships Yunxiao under my school as a teacher. It is also quite related to me. Today, I can prove the holy emperor of the human race. It is also a good result of cultivation. It is gratifying."

At this time, Nuwa Sage was surprised to find that Tongtian Sage did not ride a kuy ox, but came with a Qingping sword. Sage's kuy ox was actually given to two strangers to ride.

When Nuwa Sage saw the mad dog, his heart moved. He knew how much Tongtian Sage values ​​the outstanding talent among the strangers. After seeing the white crow sitting behind Lu Xiaoqi, Nuwa Sage said, "White crow, your father will You entrust it to me. You haven't been to my Wa Palace for a long time. Your brother will come with me to observe the ceremony today. Come and see him with me!"

The white crow's eyes reddened, and he got off the cow's back and walked towards Nuwa Sage. Nuwa Sage took the white crow directly on the agarwood and gave the white crow a high treatment.

At this time, the Baihuang tribe has gathered countless players and NPCs. It is crazy enough to see the Kui Niu player riding the mad dog riding the Sage. At this time, I see the little girl who has been following the mad dog on the agarwood of Nuwa Sage. Hey, everyone has to sigh that those who follow the perverted side are also perverted.

There are also many people who think that Mad Dog and White Crow are a pair of golden boys and girls, and they have rich imagination, but most of them are some incompetent players, and some female players wish they were the little girl next to Mad Dog and could follow Enjoy this much-anticipated feeling next to Sage.

After Lu Xiaoqi and Tongtian Sage came to the observatory together, they quickly became the focus of everyone's attention. Several hot-eyed Lu Xiaoqi quickly felt it. He saw that even though he was far away, he looked like he was gearing up. It was estimated that he was going to fight with Lu Xiaoqi after he got the strong equipment to see who was better.In addition to being too far away, Star Sweeping Qianjun and Mantian were also there. Seeing Lu Xiaoqi looking in his direction, Sweeping Qianjun nodded and smiled at Lu Xiaoqi. And Star in the sky, always looking calm and calm, showed no ill will to Lu Xiaoqi and did not show favor like he swept away a thousand troops.

Recently, professional player alliances and high-end player alliances have begun to have frictions. Although the two leaders do not want to see conflicts, they cannot control the ideas of a large number of ordinary players in the alliance.

At present, they are the top two big forces in the China area of ​​"Mythology". They will naturally be compared. The ordinary players in the two major alliances are more naturally hostile to each other’s people. When some small conflicts occur, they would have Things that have nothing to do with the alliance have also been hyped as the fuse for the two major alliances to go to war.

In addition to the two major alliances, there are many first-class forces in "The Myth". The most eye-catching is naturally Lu Xiaoqi's Sky Demon League. As the only force in "The Myth" that has a mountain gate, the Sky Demon League is almost a stand-up force. In an invincible place. Moreover, the Sky Demon League has the first player, Mad Dog. As the only Tier 3 player, it is not difficult for Mad Dog to deal with the top players of any power. He has the ability to take the first rank of generals in the army, so it has swept thousands. The army has always advocated repairing with the Sky Demon League and fighting against the professional player alliance together.

Sweeping the Thousand Army is a typical realist. When the Demon League of the Day did not gain a firm foothold, he advocated strangling the grassroots forces with all his strength. After the rise of the grassroots forces became unstoppable, he didn't mind cooperating with the Sky Demon League and becoming friends with the Sky Demon League.

However, Mantian Star, who has always cooperated with the Sweeping Thousand Army, did not approve of Sweeping the Thousand Army. Mantian Star knows that it is necessary to win the Sky Demon League now, but he is a arrogant person who has been defeated by mad dogs. I don't want to end the entanglement with the mad dog in this way.

Therefore, Mantian Star said that he had no problem with sweeping the army on behalf of the high-end player alliance and cooperating with the Sky Demon League, but Star Pavilion itself will not have a cooperative relationship with the Sky Demon League. He will continue to fight the mad dog if he has the opportunity. One year is almost here, when the time comes, whether it is a mad dog opponent or not, Man Tian Star will give it all.

Not far from Mantian Star, Mantian Fallen leaves that had evolved into a five-clawed golden dragon stood there quietly, a pair of wonderful eyes staying on Lu Xiaoqi and White Crow. She has become the strongest person in Star Pavilion, but the beast in her mind is even more powerful, still occupying the throne of the first player in the game.

Eight Trigrams are ubiquitous, and some people around Mad Dog have revealed on the forum that the little girl who was originally believed to have been killed by the Mad Dog has been confirmed to have been playing the role of Little Sister, the Mad Dog in the game. Some even think that The little girl is the Little Sister in the mad dog reality.

On the comprehensive strength list of 100 beautiful players ranked by Bai Xiaosheng on the forum, this mysterious little girl ranked first, in front of the sky and the fallen leaves and the Northern Beauty. Tian Luo Ye has been a little bit unconvinced in her heart. This time she saw the little girl with the mad dog. She felt a little bit jealous. With this idea, she was also surprised. Do I hope to be beside the mad dog? Is it me? She asked herself, suddenly becoming irritable.

No matter what the players present think, as the only player able to sit on the viewing platform, Lu Xiaoqi always pretends to have a plain face. After Tongtian Sage and Nuwa Sage were seated, suddenly auspicious clouds were lingering in the sky, Aura Chijo, Laojun Sage and Original Sage arrived at the same time.

Lu Xiaoqi discovered that Laojun and Yuanyuan only appeared after Tongtian Sage appeared on the stage. Lu Xiaoqi wickedly guessed whether it was because of Yuan's love to put on airs. Every time he deliberately let Tongtian come first, so that Tongtian could go there. Greet him.

The newly seated Sages, Tongtian and Nuwa, had to stand up again and walked down from the viewing platform to salute: "I have seen two seniors."

"Meet the big brother."

Tongtian Sage and Nuwa Sage gave salutes at the same time, but they said something slightly different. Nuwa was a courtesy to Lao Jun and Yuan Yuan at the same time, and Tong Tian made it clear that he would not throw away the original account, and he did not recognize the second brother Yuan Yuan, and only bowed to him.

Yuan's face was flushed with anger, and he glanced at Lao Jun, as if he wanted Lao Jun to be fair to him. There is no wave on Lao Jun's face. Even if he agrees with Tongtian's approach, he will not point out Tongtian's fault in front of so many people and let others see Sanqing's jokes. Lao Jun didn't say a word, so Primitive had to follow Lao Jun dullly, and went to the viewing platform with everyone.Not long after Lao Jun and Yuan Yuan were seated, the second sage of the West arrived, Zhunti Sage said with a smile all over the sky: "Amitābha, my journey to the west is far away, but Senior Brother Jieyin and I came too late. Fortunately, we did not miss this event."

Tongtian snorted coldly: "My leader of the Eastern human race has attained the status of the Holy Emperor, but what is it with you in the West?"

Zhunti smiled and said authentically: "Brother Tongtian is not that good! Red flowers, white lotus roots and green leaves. I was originally a family. The emperor's sanctification is a major event related to the fortune of the past. I should naturally come. Besides, I watch the stars at night. By the way, the disciples of Senior Brother Tongtian are connected to me as a master and apprentice. I am here this time hoping to travel to my Western Paradise."

Zhunti Sage is digging a corner in public. If it was before, Zhunti Sage would never dare to do such a thing, because he can't beat Sage Tongtian, and the Western Two Sages can't provoke Sanqing. But now the primitive relationship between Tongtian and Laojun is very poor, Zhunti dare to say such things in front of Tongtian Sage.

Tongtian Sage suppressed his anger and said indifferently, "But I don't know which of my disciples is connected with you as a master or apprentice?"

Zhunti Sage glanced towards Duobao's master and apprentice and said: "Tongtian's senior disciple, Duobao, has a relationship with my senior brother Amitābha, and the third-generation disciple Mad Dog is my master and disciple. I have a relationship with him. Duobao My nephew, worship under Amitābha. I promise you to be my current buddhist buddha, a mad dog boy. As long as you are willing to worship under my sect, I promise you to become my future buddha."

This time, not only Tongtian was surprised, but Lu Xiaoqi was also shocked. He was quasi-excellent in calculations. Could it be that his ability to calculate secrets surpassed that of Tongtian? Do you already know that Duobao will become the leader of Buddhism in the future? Moreover, Buddhism actually used the price of the future Buddha in exchange for joining him. If it were a past life, Lu Xiaoqi would definitely have been tempted.

Buddhism has past Buddhas, present Buddhas and future Buddhas. In Buddhism, they have the supreme status. When the ordinary Buddhist players present heard the promise that Lu Xiaoqi would become the future Buddha, they all became mad with jealousy.

Sweeping Qianjun, Mantian Star and others were once again shocked by the mad dog’s position in the minds of the NPC. Tongtian Sage's willingness to take the own mount to the mad dog ride has already caused many people to be stunned. At this time, he was allowed to promise the mad dog. To become a future Buddha, the price is too high.

Tongtian Sage was so angry that he was so angry that he offered the four swords of Zhuxian: "You should mention the bald donkey. If you don't fix you today, I won't have to do it, Sage, who is Tongtian, will fight me for three hundred rounds."

Zhunti Sage sacrificed the Seven Treasure Trees to block Tongtian Sage's Zhuxian Four Swords, but he was obviously struggling. At this moment, he took the ten second rank golden lotus to offer to help Zhunti block the Zhuxian Sage's Zhuxian sword.

Although Tongtian Sage is powerful, it is not easy to win in a double battle with two saints.

Seeing that Sage was about to fight, Yuan suddenly said: "Today is the moment when the emperor attains the status of the holy emperor. How can I wait for Sage to fight and kill here? You can't stop waiting."

Lao Jun also said with no expression on his face: "Primitive Junior Brother said politely, you can't fight here today, you have lost Sage's face."

On the surface, he was trying to persuade him, but in fact he was favoring the second sage of the West. Sage was supposed to talk about Lotus flower, and he could talk with a mouth. Tongtian Sage was naturally not an opponent when he argued with him. Therefore, every time Zhun mentions a provocation, Tongtian Sage speaks with a sword, and the original tells the Three Sages to stop, actually speaking to Tongtian.

Lao Jun didn't mean to aim at Tongtian. He was speaking with a fair heart, but he also offended Tongtian. Zhun mentioned that the direct disciple who digs into the sky in front of Tongtian Sage has already made Tongtian Sage angry. Laojun and Yuanyuan say the same thing, so that Tongtian feels that Laojun and Yuanyuan are the same thing, and united against him.

The angry Tongtian Sage directly ignored the words of the old gentleman and the original, and the Zhuxian Sword Array was sacrificed again. He actually wanted to lay the Zhuxian Sword Array in the Baihuang tribe. Zhunti and Suyin also showed surprised expressions on their faces. They did not expect that Tongtian was so determined this time, not listening to Daddy and the original words, and setting up such a fierce formation as the Zhuxian Sword Formation when the Emperor was sanctified. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.) (To be continued. If you like this work, You are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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