When Lu Xiaoqi fought with Ao Bing, the third prince of Dragon King, the earth was shaken. The low-level dragon soldiers in the East China Sea did not dare to approach. Specifically, Lu Xiaoqi or Nezha killed Ao Bing and they didn't see it. Therefore, when reporting to the Donghai Dragon King, Longbing was also vague, and did not say that the third prince was killed by Nezha.

Donghai Dragon King doesn't know foreigners, but he knows Li Jing, so he came to Li Jing to settle the accounts at the first time. After listening to Lu Xiaoqi's words, he bitterly said: "My son has no grievances with you, why did you kill him?"

Lu Xiaoqi said indifferently: "I wait for foreigners to look for treasures. Dragon tendons are extremely precious. Of course I want to hunt them. What's so strange about this?"

Ao Bing was so angry that he yelled: "You dog demon is too domineering. My son was killed by you for no reason. You are still righteous. I must skin your dog today. A mad dog, you have the courage to fight. Kill my son, but you have the courage to fight me."

"Could it be that I am still afraid that you will fail?" Lu Xiaoqi finished speaking and flew into the air.

Donghai Dragon King is only Taiyi Loose Immortals, but the level is 60, and it is also a top BOSS. If it weren't for Lu Xiaoqi's ability to have one gasification and three cleansing skills, he would definitely not be able to single out a top BOSS of the same rank. In the case of one gasification, three cleansing, three to one, and a few powerful Magic Treasures, Lu Xiaoqi is confident to fight the East China Sea Dragon King.

Donghai Dragon King took out a Longquan spear and flew into the air to fight with Lu Xiaoqi. Whether in Fengshen or Journey to the West, the Dragon King of the Four Seas is the target of bullying. Lu Xiaoqi really doesn't really appreciate the Dragon King of East China Sea. After fighting for a few rounds, Lu Xiaoqi used one energy to transform three clears, and his body and clone were on the same level.

The Dragon King in the East China Sea is really not good at melee. Only when only Lu Xiaoqi is on his own, he can rely on his qi and blood to resist. After Lu Xiaoqi's two avatars appeared, he was quickly forced into a mess and was at a disadvantage.

Li Jing on the ground showed a look of surprise. He didn't expect that the stranger skills used to fight the black pot were so powerful that he could even fight the East China Sea Dragon King. But Nezha was in a hurry. Lu Xiaoqi helped him carry the scapegoat and was attacked by the East China Sea Dragon King. This was something he couldn't bear. If Lu Xiaoqi hadn't had the upper hand, he would have flown into the air to help.

After Donghai Dragon King forcibly carried Lu Xiaoqi's attack three times, a blue Dragon Pearl appeared on his head, and the misty blue light enveloped him. After getting out of the predicament for a while, the East China Sea Dragon King once again took out a jade Pixiu, and sacrificed Pixiu in the air.

Jade Pixiu changed into a real Pixiu, with a length of ten feet, roaring towards Lu Xiaoqi. In the face of this ancient strange beast, Lu Xiaoqi dared not neglect the slightest. He let the two clones cooperate to resist Pixiu's attack, and he rushed towards the East China Sea Dragon King.

The blue light on Donghai Dragon King still exists. As long as he is willing to lose some magic power, Dragon Pearl can support him for a long time. Even if Lu Xiaoqi sacrificed the Heavenly Seal and used the Bloodthirsty Spiritfang Water Fire Blade as Magic Treasures, he could not break his defenses. On the contrary, Donghai Dragon King Magic Treasures seemed to be endless, and all kinds of Magic Treasures were continuously sacrificed by him.

The Magic Treasures of the East China Sea Dragon King are all Houtian spirit treasures, but they cannot bear the large number. As a god-level BOSS, the East China Sea Dragon King has been practicing Magic Treasures for many years, and there is no problem in operating six or seven Houtian spirit treasures at the same time. Under the attack of Donghai Dragon King's massive Magic Treasures, Lu Xiaoqi secretly cried out, and if this continues, he might explain here.

He somewhat understands why he knows that there are countless treasures of the Dragon King in the world, but there is no player to make his mind. Although the East China Sea Dragon King is only Taiyi Loose Immortals, he who has a large number of Magic Treasures may even be able to fight Taiyi Golden Immortals. In desperation, Lu Xiaoqi sacrificed the Tower of Destiny and activated Destiny's suppression skills.

"Player mad dog, you activated the destiny's suppression skill, but because the Dragon King is the god of prosperity and rain in the Eastern world, he is favored by Heavenly Dao and is not controlled by Western destiny. You failed to use this skill."

Even Amaterasu was once included in the Tower of Destiny by Lu Xiaoqi, but it failed to deal with the Dragon King in the East China Sea, which made Lu Xiaoqi very depressed. In fact, it is not difficult to understand that the Eastern world and the Western world are different systems. Many items in the two worlds can be circulated and used, but the suppression skills of destiny rely on the power of Western destiny. Of course Heavenly Dao in the East does not allow the NPCs under his protection. Be punished by this skill.

After the suppression of destiny failed, Lu Xiaoqi was tied up by a Ribbon offered by the Dragon King of the East China Sea, unable to move for three seconds. Compared with the NPC, the player's vitality and blood are quite different. In three seconds, it is enough to sacrifice four East China Sea Dragon King attacking Magic Treasures to kill him to the scum.

At this moment, Nezha on the ground suddenly sacrificed the universe circle, and the East China Sea Dragon King was caught off guard by the universe circle and fell from the clouds. Nezha stepped forward and stepped on the chest of Donghai Dragon King and said: "Old Loach, your son was killed by me, and he has a lot of debts. If you want to settle the account, just ask me. Don't embarrass the mad dog Dage."After Nezha finished speaking, he slammed his punch on the face of Donghai Dragon King. The Dragon King let out a muffled snort, and Li Jing stomped his feet in panic. Because Nezha's shot was too fast, Li Jing couldn't stop it at all. When he reflected, the Dragon King had been subdued by Nezha. He drew out his sword and slashed at Nezha: "You wicked son, how dare you attack your uncle, and I will kill you today."

Nezha hurriedly dodged and said, "Father, your old Loach is very good at it. I really don't know why you are afraid of him."

The father and son performed a chase scene in the yard. Donghai Dragon King Ao Guang got up from the ground and said angrily: "Li Jing, you are going to act in front of me. Jade Emperor, let Jade Emperor preside over justice."

When Nezha threw out the Universe Circle and knocked Ao Guang down into the clouds, because the silk ribbon that bound Lu Xiaoqi was not controlled by Magic power, Lu Xiaoqi was able to escape. Nezha talked about loyalty and rescued him and let him escape. He should have been happy, but he couldn't.

Even if he is killed by the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Lu Xiaoqi, who has the ability to resurrect the fallen angel, will not suffer any loss, and he can still drive the seven-color Rosy clouds to run away. After Nezha shot, he tried to resolve the Nezha crisis again and failed again. The important story about Nezha returned to the original track.

After Donghai Dragon King received Magic Treasures, he flew away on the cloud. Li Jing threw the sword on the ground and cried bitterly, "This is not a small disaster."

Mrs. Yin heard the movement in the front yard and hurried to the front yard to look for Li Jing. When Li Jing saw Madam Yin, he closed his tears and said, "I Li Jing didn't succeed in pursuing immortality. Who knows that you gave birth to such a good son and caused great disaster to the world. The Dragon King is Shi Yu Zhengshen, and he killed it. The Jade Emperor tomorrow will send the imperial decree. , You and I are both ghosts under the sword."

Madam Yin asked what had happened, she hugged Nezha and said in tears: "I was pregnant with you for three years and six months before giving birth to you. I don't know how much I have endured, but I don't want you to be the bane of the dead family. ."

When Nezha saw his parents crying, he stood upset and knelt down on his knees and said: "Father, mother, I am the real disciple of Taiyi, Magic Treasures are all given by the Master. I am now in such a disaster, but the Master does not stop it. I have a plan. My parents don't need to worry, wait for me to go to the golden cave of Qianyuan Mountain to find the master, and ask the master to be the master for me."

Li Jing just received his tears. As a Taoist man, he certainly knew the status of evangelism. As long as Taiyi was willing to come forward, let alone the Dragon King of the East China Sea, even the Jade Emperor would have nothing to do with it. So he urged Nezha: "Let’s find your Master quickly!"

Nezha is the reincarnation of the spirit pearl, and his heart is naturally clear. Knowing that Taiyi is a real man, he has been reluctant to find Taiyi. Today, seeing his parents feel so sad, Nezha had no choice but to take the initiative to go to Qianyuan Mountain to seek help from the real Taiyi.

After Nezha left, Lu Xiaoqi also left the Li Mansion. He had to admire the rigorous system settings. Even if he changed the plot many times, he still didn't change the result. After Nezha approached the real person Taiyi, the real person Taiyi not only did not come forward to help Nezha mediate, but also instigated Nezha to cause a bigger disaster.

Lu Xiaoqi was the thorn in the eye of the educator. Of course he couldn't follow Nezha to Qianyuan Mountain. If he wanted to keep Nezha's body, he had to fight the East China Sea. After leaving Li Mansion, Lu Xiaoqi explained to No Dogs in the World and asked him to organize 300,000 players to Chentang Pass, while he himself flew in the direction of Kugu Mountain.

The Baigu Cave of Kugu Mountain is the cultivation place of Shiji Empress, Shiji is the famous disciple of Jiejiao, under the sect of Tongtian Sage. According to the plot of the system, Shiji will soon be burned to death by the real man Taiyi with the Nine Dragons God Flame, and Nezha will be the one to blame.

The Conferred God War has arrived. Of course, Lu Xiaoqi has to try his best to save the powerful NPC of Jiejiao. As a second-generation disciple, Shi Ji also has the Cultivation Base of Taiyi Golden Immortal. If it weren't for Taiyi's true calculation, she should be able to play a significant role in the battle of the conferred gods.

Lu Xiaoqi knew Taiyi's calculations, but he couldn't tell Shiji to prevent her in advance. He went to Dry Bone Mountain just to get acquainted with Shiji. That way, after Nezha killed Shiji's disciple Biyun Tongzi, Lu Xiaoqi could beg to ask Empress Shiji to let Nezha go, and not give real Taiyi an excuse.

Skull Mountain is a level 50 leveling zone, with many flying monsters. Lu Xiaoqi was attacked by monsters above the Skull Mountain. These monsters were just ordinary monsters. Lu Xiaoqi couldn't deal with it, but there were so many monsters that fighting was quite a waste of time.

Lu Xiaoqi simply didn't get entangled with the monsters. He took advantage of the speed of the seven-color Rosy clouds to flexibly shuttle through the monsters, and soon flew over the bone cave. When he was about to land on Yuntou to beg to see him, he heard a voice saying: "Everyone says that a mad dog teacher is extraordinary. I didn't believe it very much. Today, I really deserve to be the first one of my three generations of disciples. !"

It was Shiji who was talking. Lu Xiaoqi had already discovered it when she entered Baigushan, and she went out to meet him personally at this time. Shi Ji is an elder, and her politeness made Lu Xiaoqi a little flattered. He quickly stepped forward and said, "I have seen Master Shi Ji." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). .com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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