The Sky Demon League had just won a big victory when its morale was high, but it had to face a large number of players. Before Lu Xiaoqi spoke, many Sky Demon League players hesitated, wondering if they should try their best to win this impossible battle. After listening to Lu Xiaoqi’s words, they no longer hesitate,

The bastard in front of him turned on the PA function and yelled, "I'm afraid of a ball, anyway, I won't really hang up, fuck it."

"Fuck it."

Four hundred thousand people shouted in unison, and the members who had already replaced their important equipment took out their own good equipment and put on them again, preparing for a decisive battle with high morale. Lu Xiaoqi, who was flying in front, looked coldly at the players who were constantly gathering on the opposite side, and took out the Spirit Gathering Orb to supplement the Spirit Power of a few Magic Treasures. Even if the entire army wiped him out, his opponent would have to pay a painful price.

The roar of 400,000 people resounded across the sky, and the star full of sky in the distance showed a solemn expression: "Brother Qianjun, although we don't remember the unspoken rules of revenge when doing tasks in "The Myth", this time we seem to have offended the mad dog. "

Sweeping Qianjun shook his head and said: "The arrow has to be sent on the string. Even if we completely turn our face now, we cannot retreat in full view. If the mad dog wants to retaliate because of this incident, we will adjust our focus to the Sky Demon League. In a short period of time, it is impossible to continue to attack professional player leagues."

Behind the sky Star, the sky full of fallen leaves looked sad. She had a premonition that the Houtian Demon League and Star Island would become deadly enemies in this battle.

For a long time, Man Tian Luo Ye feels that Mad Dog is his most annoying person, despicable and shameless to ruin his own reputation, and he is still a Loli control, specializing in the pink and lovely girl. Even when Mantian Star tried to ease the relationship with the Sky Demon League, Mantian Luoye regarded the mad dog as his life and death enemy.

The feelings of the mad dog, Life, were exposed on the forum, including the identity of the white crow, and it was confirmed that it was not a little Loli, but the black-bellied queen of the mysterious force Black Wind. At that time, Man Tian Luo Ye found that he had always been prejudiced against mad dogs and had too many misunderstandings about him.

She found that she resented the mad dog so much because the mad dog refused to help herself with the task of inheritance. After being rejected, as long as it was about a mad dog, she always thought about it in a bad direction, and gradually created an image of a heinous mad dog in her heart.

After no more grievances, she planned to introduce Shen Gongbao who was abducted to Star Island to the mad dog, but she couldn't let go of Face. Although the Sky Demon League pretended not to care about Shen Gongbao, the woman's sixth sense told Tianluo that Shen Gongbao should be very important to the Sky Demon League.

The true identity of the mad dog was exposed, and the inside story of his first love girlfriend was unearthed. It was learned that he had been emotionally injured, and the sky and leaves felt inexplicably distressed. She had never scolded her swearly before, and she scolded that woman as a slut in front of Big Brother.

Mantian Star was surprised at the time, and she herself felt baffled. She only knew that she wanted to scold the woman, so she scolded.

After listening to the conversation between Man Tian Star and Sweeping Qianjun, Man Tian Luo Ye couldn't help but said: "Brother, haven't you been trying to change the relationship with the Sky Demon League? Why do you want to destroy the mission of the Sky Demon League? He Qianjun Dage and retreat with the core team! Anyway, you won't get any top rewards for completing the mission."

Mantian Star said in amazement, "Ye Zi, don't you always hate mad dogs? This time it just happened to be the opportunity to beat the dog in the water. Instead, you spoke for him."

"I...I also consider it for the benefit of Star Island! I don't want you to ruin the overall situation because of this mission." The sky full of fallen leaves squeaked.

Mantian Star said indifferently: "At this moment and then, the professional player alliance has no longer threatened us, and there is no need to continue to confess with the sky demon."

Falling leaves all over the sky said anxiously: "This...isn't it despicable to do this? When there is a professional player alliance confrontation, use the Sky Demon League, and deal with others when you are done using it."

Sweeping Qianjun laughed and said: "Sister Fallen Leaf, there is no friendship between us and the Sky Demon League. At first, when the professional player alliance was strong, the Sky Demon League propaganda approached us. In the period of development, the interests of the people are not there, and it is impossible to talk about who will use who."

Mantian Falling Leaves fell silent and found that she was a little abnormal. Mantian Star couldn't help but sink. He tentatively said: "Ye Ye, Shen Gongbao is an important figure in the conquest stage. The Heavenly Demon League spent great efforts to find him in the first place. You are optimistic about the Shen Gongbao, don't give the Sky Demon League a chance."The sky full of fallen leaves said indifferently: "I brought Shen Gongbao back to Star Island from Kunlun. It is my quest NPC. It has nothing to do with Star Island. I know how to deal with it."

Man Tian Star said with a serious face: "Ye Zi, brother has never been harsh to you since childhood, and hope you have a good life, but there are some facts that cannot be changed. In our world, marriage can never be the master, you should have such awareness... …"

Falling leaves all over the sky turned pale, and the always strong dewdrops appeared in her eyes. She bit her teeth and said: "Thank you for your concern, I know what I have in my mind, so please don't bother you! Dage! "

Mantian Falling Leaves uttered the word "Dage" extremely heavily. She was extremely disappointed with Mantian Star, and Mantian Star protected her from childhood. However, Mantian Star has never been vague on major issues related to family interests.

The patriarch of the Xiao family has already represented the eldest grandson Xiao Tian, ​​that is, Xiaoyaohou in the game, to propose marriage to the Huang family. Of course, the sky and leaves are resolutely opposed, but her opinions can basically be ignored in the family. She pinned her hopes on Big Brother Mantian Star, hoping that Big Brother could stand up to protect her as she did when she was a child. Among those who have a lot of words in the family, only Big Brother might help her.

As a result, just now, Star shattered the hope in her heart.

The NPC involved in the Nezha mission before Chentang Pass quickly approached the eight million mark. Under the organization of the Heavenly Jixing on the Star Island, the player deployed a million Eight Trigrams. Seeing that the battle was about to start, a team suddenly flew up from the side of Chen Tangguan, with no fewer than one million people.

The leading player was dressed in white and looked personable. It was Long Xiaoxiao who opened the gate in Erlong Mountain. Flying to the side of the Sky Demon League, Long Xiaoxiao asked Langjuan Qianyun to organize the Longmen and its affiliated players to form an array. He flew to Lu Xiaoqi and said: "Brother Mad Dog, don't tell me about such a big scene, no Think of me as a member of the grassroots player alliance!"

After the opening of the gate in Erlong Mountain, Longmen developed rapidly, and the number of people also reached one million. Among the one million people Long Xiaoxiao brought this time, about 300,000 belonged to Longmen. After all, he wanted to keep his manpower to defend the mountain gate. The rest of the players are all grassroots forces near Erlong Mountain.

During the confrontation between the professional player league and the high-end player league, the grassroots forces developed rapidly, forming three centers. One is near Erlong Mountain, with the Longmen as the center, there are more than 20 grassroots sects around Longmen; the other is Penglai Xiandao as the center, radiating more than 60 grassroots sects established by nearly 100 islands around. .

Sad Little Arrow is not a willing person. After taking the Heavenly Demon League for a while, he discovered that the living environment of the grassroots forces had greatly improved, so he took the Heavenly Arrow League and returned to the hundred thousand mountains in the southwest. The Shiwan Mountain is extremely vast, and the Xiaoyao Family and the Berserker Family occupy a part of it. Because the two big families cannot work together, the Heavenly Arrow Alliance soon took root in the Shiwan Mountain after entering.

More than 30 grassroots sects have also been developed near Lion Head Peak, the mountain gate station of the Tianjian League. These more than 30 grassroots sects depend on the Tianjian League to survive. Before the entry of the Sky Arrow League, the grassroots forces of Shiwan Dashan were wiped out by the two big families. With the support of the Sky Arrow League, they certainly would not let go of development opportunities and joined the Grassroot Player League one after another.

Lu Xiaoqi hadn't answered Long Xiaoxiao's question, and saw that there were millions of players flying into the sky in the distance. Most of these millions of players were of the Witch clan, and the leader was Sad Xiaojian.

Since the ancient Wu clan NPC Life was in Shiwan Dashan, the people who chose to open the gate in Shiwan Dashan were basically the Wu clan, and 60% of the people brought by Sad Little Arrow were Wu clan.

The sad little arrow punched Lu Xiaoqi and said: "Brother Mad Dog, he has been sheltered under the Sky Demon League many times before, and has never had a chance to repay. This time, the Sky Demon League did not send a message to me for such a big scene. It's so unkind!"

Long Xiaoxiao also echoed: "Just so! Our grassroots player alliance has always been low-key. Brother Mad Dog doesn't call us. Outsiders might think we are a mess!"

Lu Xiaoqi smiled bitterly: "This time it was also a sudden incident. I originally just wanted to complete the Nezha plot task. Who knows that the scene will be so big in the end. Brother Xiaojian, Brother Long, this time, the two are really grateful for their help. Endless."

Long Xiaoxiao was silent for a while and said: "You and I don't need to be so polite. The professional player alliance is defeated, and the high-end player alliance is in full swing. It is impossible for us grassroots to keep a low profile. The other two major alliances can survive intrigue. Our foundation Too shallow, if you can’t work together, it’s self-defeating."

Sad Little Arrow also nodded and said: "I agree with Brother Halong. Although we have a shallow foundation, we are not without advantages. The three of us are all self-made, not like the big powers. We are also well coordinated in our interests. Close together. I propose that in the future, the three of us will act in a unified manner. My Sky Arrow League is willing to look forward to the head of the mad dog."

Long Xiaoxiao also nodded in agreement. Among the three giants of the grassroots player league, Lu Xiaoqi is the strongest in both prestige and strength. The Sky Arrow Alliance had sheltered on Penglai Fairy Island before, and owed Lu Xiaoqi's favor. The rapid development of Long Xiaoxiao’s Longmen was due to the possession of a holy mountain gate, and his mountain gate station was also assisted by Lu Xiaoqi. get.

In order for the three to coordinate their actions, they must have a mastermind, just like the Mantian Star in the high-end player league. Among the three, only Lu Xiaoqi became the dominant player, and the other two would have no opinion. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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