Online Game: I Am the One

Chapter 80 I regret not meeting him earlier.

Chapter of Wind and Fire seems to be more comfortable for Ah Feng to use, and it is not just a simple matter of letting people fly into the air and then using the hidden attributes of the Dragon Blood Sword to kill. For example, the first move can completely control the player. Stop and make her unable to move. This can be considered an improvement. It is a bit troublesome to upgrade the Dragon Blood Sword. Although the Dragon Blood Sword has been upgraded according to the level, its attributes are obviously much worse than the Peerless Divine Sword.

This competition made Ah Feng sigh. He didn't expect that it would be a bit difficult to deal with two people at random. Although he didn't use his full strength, it was not easy for the opponent's strength.

The silent Ah Feng disappeared. The white tea cup was obviously very popular in this city, and some people were already calling for revenge. But this was not a matter of laziness, and by the time the crowd came back to their senses, they were already gone. Today's game also comes to an end.

Ah Feng is walking on the street now, wearing an ordinary gown instead of the conspicuous silver soft armor. Moreover, Xiao Huang is no longer willing to transform into soft armor. Now Xiao Huang's strength has been raised to the gold level. Every day Feed it the best pet upgrade elixir--Fearberry. It would be weird not to upgrade. However, only Ah Feng has the material resources to let the little emperor eat fenugreek fruit every day. Now the price of this top-quality pet medicine is sky-high. Xiao Huang no longer likes to change into his original appearance, but always appears in human form and stays with Ah Feng. It's a pity that without Xiaolong, Ah Feng can't understand the true thoughts of his pet, although he always has a vague idea in his heart.

Xiao Jiu and Xiao Huan also like to pester Ah Feng very much. Ah Feng, who did not train these people specially, will definitely curse Ah Feng if the beast trainers find out that he wasted three such excellent combat powers. It has been said before that pets need to be trained. Although ordinary players do not train their own pets like animal trainers, they can simply train them. But Ah Feng does not have this kind of nature. He is casual about the growth of his pets. The fighting styles of Xiao Huang and Xiao Jiu all have the shadow of Ah Feng. It can be said that the master is really bringing bad pets. Ah Feng looked at the beautiful woman next to her. She was wearing a black gauze with a beautiful figure. Her face was blocked by the black gauze, only revealing her smart and attractive eyes. She...

She is his own pet!

Ah Feng always sighs like this. Xiao Huan's cute appearance before evolved into a human form after evolution, and she was also invisible, so ordinary players couldn't see her at all. It's just that Ah Feng thought that there was a huge difference between Xiao Huan's little mouse appearance before and the big beauty she is now. Moreover, Xiao Huan's strength has soared, from the original assassination type to the current spiritual spell, which can confuse monsters and even players.

"Is it possible that Xiao Huan is originally a fox?"

Ah Feng has had this idea in his heart for a long time.

Xiao Huang walked next to Ah Feng, his blond hair (originally silver hair) dancing, holding Ah Feng's hand, feeling curious about the things around him. Xiao Jiu was lying on A Feng's shoulder, his little head shaking. Xiao Huan's eyes were fixed on Ah Feng,

But standing behind him, his invisible posture is invisible to others.

If Ah Feng was like this before, he might have a 100% return rate, but now with the addition of the super cute little queen, the return rate is only 80%, and 50% of it is for the little queen. Nowadays, it is not unusual for players on the street to have pets on or behind them, so the cute Xiao Jiu lying on A Feng's shoulder did not attract many people's attention.

Ah Feng is a little worried about Little Huang. If the current age of Little Emperor is calculated according to human beings, he is only about ten years old. However, after the transformation of Little Emperor two years ago, he was only 5 or 6 years old. Ah Feng learned that Little Emperor The stronger you are, the older you can be when you transform into a woman, but when you think about it, if Xiao Huang reaches the same age as him in the future, and still pesters him like this, and then the two of them walk on the street like this (in an affectionate gesture), then that's okay. Don't let people think of going back to the mountains.

There are many things to see on the streets, and even Ah Feng, who has an indifferent mentality, can't help but walk more streets. Occasionally, a few scholar players would walk down the street with their left hand behind their back and a book in their right hand, without even looking at what was in front of them, and they would spit out sentences that made sense.

Several government officials, wearing official uniforms, had nothing to say in their mouths. During the training, they randomly picked up fresh fruit from a street vendor, but the player could only helplessly shout in his heart: The world is getting worse. The people will not fight against the officials. This is a theorem and cannot be changed.

Several knight-like figures walked past proudly, their green shirts swaying slightly, showing off their style. A painting player was helping players draw portraits while praising the paid models. Several Taoist priests set up a formation at the door of a house, and then went out with fireballs, peach wood swords, and ringing bells, saying they were to get rid of ghosts. The reason is just to earn a few silver dollars to get rid of ghosts. Of course, I don’t know if there are real ghosts or fake ghosts.

There are shops on both sides of the street, selling clothes. Weapons, medicines, and pawn shops are all indispensable. Ah Feng discovered that his drugstore also opened a branch here. Why didn't he know about it? Ah Feng is a good shop owner, and his shares are divided between the two major gangs in the game. No one from any background dares to come, and there are players protecting his store every day.

Ah Feng was about to go in and get some medicine. After all, he had been practicing in Kunlun for so long and the medicine had been used up long ago. The ancient-style door and medicine cabinet are also opened in the style of a traditional Chinese medicine store. A door fence separates the player from the shop owner. If you want to sell medicine, just talk.

When I walked in, I saw a row of gray wooden chairs on both sides. As soon as I entered the gate, I could see five medicine buying points about ten meters in front of me. Now that the game is over, it is not a good time for leveling, so no one comes to buy medicine, so it seems a bit empty. However, Ah Feng naturally knows that as long as he is busy, he will have to wait and line up to buy medicine.

I walked straight to a window, patted a child who was dozing, and thought to myself: "Nowadays, people are really getting more and more individual."

"Huh? Huh?"

The child squinted and woke up suddenly. When he saw Ah Feng, he immediately said, "What do you want to buy, sir?"

"Are there any special medicines that can instantly increase blood and status?"

"Huh? It seems that the guest officer doesn't know the rules of the shop."

The kid said a little cautiously.


Ah Feng is curious, what are the rules in his store?

"Ahem." The little medicine boy cleared his throat and said: "Because special medicines are rare and precious, there is a limit on how much they can be sold within a period of time. Recently, because of the martial arts competition, almost hundreds of heroes are here. Wait, I bought them all as soon as I came in the morning. Of course, if you are from our store or an important customer, you can also go to the head office or other branches to get the medicine you want to buy. Of course, if you are, there should be a record in the record Yes, what about you?"

The little medicine boy's eyes were a bit expectant. After all, those who could or were stuck were some famous figures, not something he, a poor man, could see.

Ah Feng felt a little ashamed: "? Why didn't I know?" Ah Feng was already indifferent to the situation in his store. Although Ah Feng's shop usually sells some medicines, it occasionally sells some good things, such as some special-effect charms, which are not available to ordinary people. Under normal circumstances, Ah Feng's shop can be regarded as a golden sign in the game. (The charms and other strange objects are the work of the shopkeeper Li Fu. Who asked Ah Feng to pass on the heavenly book and the random synthesis technique to him?)

"Follow the wind."

Ah Feng said his name. According to Wei Wei's character, he would definitely include his name, right?

"Okay, please wait. Why does this name sound familiar..."

The little Yaotong asked Ah Feng very politely to wait, and then the little Yaotong was wondering where he had heard this name.

"I'm your boss!"

Ah Feng shouted in his heart.

"Suifeng... Suifeng... eh? Could it be..."

The little medicine boy was startled, and then pointed at Ah Feng and said, "Are you the legend who taught the big shopkeeper the invincible skills that make him invincible in the world, loved by everyone, able to escape ghosts, powerful, and a hero in the eyes of girls?" Boss Feng!”

After saying this, he still looked excited, and then he thought that it was impolite to point his finger at others and immediately put it down. His face was filled with excitement. When the few medicine boys next to him heard this, they immediately came over and looked at Ah Feng with the same ardent eyes. Ah Feng was speechless now, with a shadow on his face: "When...I became a legend. How did that guy Li Fu educate his men?"

But I could only think about it in my heart, and sent away a few admirers. The owner of the store branch came out to greet Ah Feng, and then Ah Feng told him his purpose. Without saying a word, the boss brought the list of precious drugs across the country to Ah Feng and asked Ah Feng to choose by himself.

Ah Feng was shocked when he saw the list. The boss took out a book about one meter high. In order to facilitate his selection, Ah Feng chose to use the system to help him (the content in the book was the same as the computer in front of him). No need to read it), but the drug selection menu actually has thousands of pages. How much does that mean if there are dozens of precious drugs on each page? Moreover, these medicines are ‘precious’, and 80% of them have not even been seen by Ah Feng. These things were described by the boss: "These are the personal medicine warehouse left by the big shopkeeper to the big boss."

Ah Feng is really confused about the title, but he only knows that the great master should be Li Fu, but isn't this private medicine store a little too big?

"The big shopkeeper knows that the big boss has returned from practice and specifically asked me to ask you to visit him if you have time to go back. He misses you very much."

"Huh? Oh, I got it."

"So, big boss, do you want to see your private treasure trove?"


"Do I still have a private treasure trove?"

Ah Feng's forehead was trembling. He only knew that his private treasure house was his own black hole. Did they know about it?

"Yes, do you need to see it?"

The big boss who had taken control of him looked strange, and even spoke cautiously. After all, this big boss was a 'legendary' one.

"Ah, let's take a look. Speaking of which, who started all these things?"

Ah Feng waved his hand casually.

"Of course it belongs to the big shopkeeper. Some special things, precious things, and useful things are all in your treasure house."

The shopkeeper put a stack of two-meter-high notebooks in front of Ah Feng. It was a bit vulgar to call it "book", but this one-meter-high book exuded golden light. Ah Feng was really speechless. The previous notebook was only half a meter in size.

"The treasure house is divided into six categories: precious, special, powerful, strange, novel, and valuable. Which one do you want to see first?"

Ah Feng was speechless, but he knew that maybe he should try what it felt like to be a nouveau riche.


"Shopkeeper, a young lady wants to buy medicine. Would you like to go out and take a look?"

A medicine boy saluted Ah Feng and said to his master, the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper touched his beard and looked at Ah Feng, who naturally waved his hand to tell him to go. Ah Feng already knows about Wei Wei's work, which is that there are more discounts, privileges, etc. for buying medicine, and when arriving at branches below second-tier cities, the store owners need to go out to greet them. By the way, half of these are given as gifts, to whom? Of course he is a famous person.

Ah Feng thought about it. At the same time, a little medicine boy came in and said to Ah Feng: "Big boss, there is a bit of trouble in the second inner hall."

"Hmm, what's up?"

Ah Feng came back to his senses and said.

"That person outside is the latest one to be listed on the rumored top ten beauties list!"

I have a small childhood, but when it comes to the opposite sex...

"Huh? Oh, how is it?"

"She hopes to buy a very precious medicine. Even if it is sometimes available, there is nothing we can do about it. However, it seems to have a very important role, for the sake of the customer's concept, and the shopkeeper knows your treasure trove There must be that medicine inside, so I hope you can give up a little bit of it. Of course, that’s what the shopkeeper means, but he hopes you can go and take a look for yourself."

"I know, let's go."

Ah Feng stood up and walked towards the second inner hall. There are also several types of inner halls, just like the outer hall where Ah Feng originally saw only chairs, the second inner hall for ordinary important people, and the inner hall for heavyweights.

As soon as he opened the door, he heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice. Ah Feng frowned. He really couldn't remember where he had heard this voice before. This made Ah Feng think about whether he was getting old. Has the memory deteriorated?

"No matter what, I hope you can give me one. I don't mean to embarrass you, but it's really important!"

Wearing a white robe, he looked like he was not of high rank. Behind him was a shaggy dog-like pet with two fat ears hanging down, lying listlessly on the ground, making painful sounds.

When the shopkeeper saw Big Boss Suifeng arriving, he immediately greeted him with a smile and said to the customer: "If you need something, you can ask our Big Boss if he is willing to give it to you."


The woman turned around, and Ah Feng also looked up, and the two of them were stunned.

With a fairy-like figure, an unearthly temperament, and a beautiful appearance, Shui Moyan was a character that A Feng once occasionally appeared in his dreams.

Shui Moyan's expression was a bit strange. One moment he was surprised, another moment he was speechless, a complex and changeable combination, and finally he sighed silently.

Ah Feng had many thoughts about Shui Mo Yan. Of course, he was not an impure person. It could be said that he had met Shui Mo Yan and had saved himself...

"Come in and talk."


Shui Moyan followed Ah Feng into the inner hall, followed by the shrunken-looking little dog. Xiao Huang looked left and right at this cute dog with curiosity.

The two of them sat down one after another. The shopkeeper asked the medicine boy to bring out the tea without any instructions and stepped aside.

"Need any help?"

"Oh, yes. It turns out you are the boss here. Unexpectedly."

Ah Feng nodded.

"My pet is dying. Don't you sell Biluo Dan, which can bring pets back to life? So..."

Ah Feng looked at the long-eared long-haired dog that Shui Mo Yan had placed on the coffee table without energy, and then glanced at the shopkeeper here. The shopkeeper immediately responded and said: "Pets will evolve after their strength improves." To a more powerful level, but if evolution fails, you will die within a few hours and disappear completely. And we, ah, no, the big shopkeeper has cultivated a pill that can prevent the death of pets, but this pill Some of them that are very precious have already been bought by those customers, and new ones have not been refined yet."

Ah Feng nodded, indicating that he understood, and then thought to himself: "It feels really good to have a subordinate."

Now that Ah Feng knew the whole story, he immediately opened his private treasure house. However, looking at the thousands of pages of item lists, he wisely asked the shopkeeper to find it, and the shopkeeper took it in horror.

"Don't worry, it will be fine."

Ah Feng touched the lifeless shaggy dog ​​and said, Xiao Huang immediately came over and pulled away his hand, and puffed his mouth to show that he was jealous. Shui Mo Yan, who was on the side, laughed endlessly. That smile was indeed extremely beautiful.

Soon the shopkeeper found the 'Bi Luo Dan' and Ah Feng gave it to Shui Mo Yan. After taking it, Maomao Dog screamed happily and got into Shui Mo Yan's arms but could not come out.


Ah Feng shook his head, and then asked: "Why did you show up at that time? I remember that you did not participate in that competition, and..."

And you have disappeared for two years, of course Ah Feng did not say this.

Shui Moyan, who knew it well, thought for a moment and replied: "At that was just a little unexpected..."

Ah Feng saw that she didn't want to answer, so he didn't ask further: "But, thank you for saving me at that time."

"Yeah. It's nothing."


The two of them were speechless. Ah Feng was not familiar with Shui Moyan, and he wanted to teach him a lesson when they met him for the first time.

"I only got into gaming recently."


"I need you to take good care of me from now on."

Shui Moyan said with a smile, Ah Feng couldn't help but be startled, is she really Shui Moyan?

In Ah Feng's impression, Shui Moyan was naturally the stunning, self-proclaimed woman who righteously accused him of what he had done, not the one who showed such a complicated smile.

Afterwards, the two of them talked for a while, and Shui Moyan was about to leave. Ah Feng walked her to the door and gave her some top-quality medicines such as Weihunguo, but she nodded and accepted them without politeness, which made Ah Feng feel sad. The good impression has greatly increased, Ah Feng is not the kind who likes to be polite. Looking at Shui Moyan who had just left, Ah Feng suddenly remembered and immediately chased after him: "Wait a minute."


Shui Moyan turned around strangely and saw Ah Feng rummaging for something in his backpack.

When the transaction was opened, Ah Feng put Zixia Weiyin in. This was something he had accidentally bought for her before. Since he could come across it, he naturally wanted to give it to her. Is this considered a double fate?

Shui Moyan looked at this beautiful but not tacky piece of clothing, but showed a smile that A Feng had never seen before, took it, and said, 'Thank you, goodbye. ’ and disappeared into the sea of ​​people. Ah Feng turned around, he still wanted to look for some strange items in his private warehouse.

Shui Moyan, who was walking in the crowd with a gauze hat on his head to hide his appearance, was surrounded by the roaring crowd and all kinds of laughter, but Shui Moyan's heart was extremely calm: "Is it too late? I regret not meeting him earlier. "

The little things in life can make people recall a lot. Shui Moyan looked at Zixia Weiyin with a smile on his face and wiped away a falling tear with his fingers.

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