"Ding! You get gold coins x1888!"

"Ding! You get the material: Frost Core x66!"

"Ding! You get the material: Frost Giant's Fur x88!"

"Ding! You get equipment:"Barbaric Heavy Armor" x1!"

"Ding! You get equipment:"Ice Walker Boots" x1!"

"Ding! You get equipment:"Ice Sword" x1……"


He found a bunch of bronze equipment.

Lin Ye threw them directly into the corner of his backpack.

But the materials that popped out caught Lin Ye's attention.

【Frost Core]

Description: The heart of a frost giant, extremely cold, unknown effect……



Lin Ye grinned.

This thing didn't specify its function.


This is a hidden secondary profession, the alchemist's alchemy material.

According to the ancient alchemy formula, the frost core can be refined and synthesized into a strategic item.

【Frost Core + Ice Rock + Mysterious Ice Iron = Ice Crystal Cannon!】

『Ice Cannon: Has range damage, freezing and continuous range deceleration effects


Except for the frost core, it is not difficult to obtain other materials.

Ice rock can be found everywhere in the Perpetual Ice Field and is the most common rock. You can easily dig out a lot of it.

Black Ice Iron can be purchased from the general merchant, or mined from the icebergs in the Ice Field.

This thing is a great weapon for defending the city!

You can get some ice crystal cannons to play with when you have time!

After building the city... you can directly put a batch of them on the city wall and let the skeleton soldiers operate them.


After touching the corpse, Lin Ye activated his necromancy.

The transformation began.




A moment later... a group of skeleton giants over ten meters tall appeared on the ice field.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for"dying" and successfully transforming the Frost Giant into a Skeleton Giant!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for"dying" and successfully transforming the Frost Giant into a Skeleton Giant!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for"dying" and successfully transforming the Frost Giant into……】

The transformation is complete.

Lin Ye summoned the Skeleton Dragon and jumped on it.


Soon, a group of new monsters, snow leopards, were discovered.

It seems... not all of them are frost giants.


【[Ice Snow Leopard]

Level: 45

HP: 29999

Attack: 1188

Defense: 688

Skills: Ice Claw, Polar Charge, Ice Gallop, Claw Assault, Ice Thorn

Description: A ghostly phantom in the polar regions, with an incredibly fast speed


The bone dragon just stepped into the snow leopard's attack range

『Ice Thorn』!

『Ice Thorn』!

『Ice Thorn』!

『Ice Thorn』……

Ice spikes shot out from the mouth of the extremely cold snow leopard.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A bunch of ice spikes shot rapidly into the air.





Dense and forced damage.

The skeleton dragon didn't even lose blood, but it was enraged.


Lin Ye patted the skeleton dragon's skull.


The skeleton dragon immediately leaned forward and flew towards the group of snow leopards with a"Death Dragon Breath"』






The Skeleton Dragon has reached level 33, and its attack has improved.

But if you want to kill a group of level 45 ice snow leopards with a group attack, the output is still a little insufficient.


Banshee leader Xiweiyana waved her hand

『"Spiritual Storm"!

An invisible spiritual storm swept the snow leopards.




-18888... make up for the damage.

All dead!

"Ding! You killed the Ice Snow Leopard above your level and gained 66666 experience points!"

"Ding! You killed the Ice Snow Leopard above your level and gained experience.……"

A lot of experience.

After killing the snow leopard, let the skeleton giant touch the corpse.

Lin Ye then transformed it into a ghoul.

All in one go!


The next journey...

Lin Ye lay comfortably behind the bone dragon.

When he encountered monsters, he didn't need to take action at all.

The skeleton dragon and the banshee leader cooperated and released skills together.

It was easy to wipe out the whole group!

Occasionally, when encountering a group of elite monster-level frost giants, it only took more than ten seconds to kill them all.

Not long after, Lin Ye leveled up!

Really leveling up while lying down!


After killing another group of snow leopards, he waited for the undead below to clean up the battlefield before he could transform the undead.

Lin Ye frowned slightly, a little impatient.

He didn't need to kill monsters, but it was too troublesome to clean up the battlefield!

The bone dragon was faster.

After the monsters died, he needed to wait for the undead brothers to arrive and let them clean up before he could transform the undead.

In this way, it would take several minutes to complete a set!

The speed of searching corpses by himself was about the same.


Too slow!

It seriously slowed down the speed of moving and leveling.


Lin Ye chose not to kill the monsters and drop them.

But this was too much of a loss.

After thinking for a while,

Lin Ye had a flash of inspiration. Perhaps, there were items in the exclusive mall that could solve the problem?

He quickly opened the exclusive mall.

After searching for a while...


Lin Ye laughed.

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