Online Game: Island War

Chapter 186 Afterglow Echo

After listening to Luo Zheng's narration of the whole process, Lei Jiu stared at the two corpses silently for a while.

The others and the warriors were silent until...

Lei Jiu stepped forward and pulled out the dagger from the waist of the wild boar demon's corpse, "Good thing!"

"Ah?" Everyone was shocked, and the island owner was silent just now. Could it be this dagger that he was looking at?

"Ah what? If you fall behind, you will be beaten, if you are not strong enough, you will be bullied, and you will fight with your life! Just keep this in mind, and it's useless to think too much."

The behavior of the middle-aged captain's traitor was probably arranged by the human tribe, and the old priest Kevis should be the insider, or even the mastermind.

Moreover, the possibility of owning a magical dagger like this is relatively small, and it is more likely to be one of the inherited treasures of the tribe.

Name: God's Punishment Dagger (Legendary)

Attributes: Weight: 5

Sharpness: 345

Toughness: 432

Self-obscure: This is an unremarkable dagger, and the owner must be an unremarkable person. Holder strength, attack intention concealment +500%

Firmness: Protect the will of the holder and make it stronger. Mental abnormal state resistance +100%, resistance to pain and curse +100%

Sacrifice: The user takes the initiative to sacrifice their own essence, energy, and spirit, which greatly enhances the ability to kill in the next blow. Note: This skill can be interrupted.

Devout Strike: When the owner is a devout believer, the attack will deal damage of divine revenge. Note: Divine revenge damage is conditional real damage, ignoring the defense of equipment below the level of artifact.

God's Punishment: It can be activated when attacking a target that cruelly persecutes the believers of the gods and bears a large number of believers' curses. God's punishment attack is real damage + soul damage, and the damage intensity is related to the number of believer curses on the target.

Note: The curse of believers is a curse launched by believers with their own devout beliefs combined with all negative emotions before they die. Ordinary fighting is difficult to provoke, and it usually occurs when believers are persecuted, massacred, and tortured in large numbers or for a long time.

This is a legendary dagger with a special purpose. It is most suitable for dealing with targets like the wild boar demon who have been persecuting some god believers for a long time.

Of course, even if it is not such a special target, it is still difficult to escape the assassination of this dagger.

The attribute of self-obscurity greatly strengthens the concealment of the holder. The two skills of Sacrifice and Pious Strike, coupled with the sharpness of the legendary dagger itself, make the assassinated target very likely to be directly and seriously injured by the first blow.

Therefore, even if the skill of God's Punishment cannot be activated normally, it does not prevent assassins from pursuing this dagger.

At least for Groningen, this legendary dagger is much stronger than the vampire dagger he is using now.

The most important thing is that this dagger of divine punishment does not limit the types of beliefs, believers who believe in any god can use it, including believers of death like Groningen.

In addition, recently, the loyalty of the blood clan has slowly increased, and the ultimate ownership of this dagger is self-evident.

However, even though it was planned to give this dagger to Groningen for use, right now, it still belonged to the Afterglow Tribe after all. Even though the Yuhui Tribe had agreed to merge into Huanghuang Island, Lei Jiu felt that it was better to discuss this matter with others.

After all, quietly hiding,

Always seems a little petty.

Of course, after talking about it, Lei Jiu didn't care if the young people in the Yuhui tribe would think it was an extortion.

"I'm back!"


Back to the Yuhui Tribe, they can already clearly feel that the temperature on the island is dropping.

After all, the abnormal temperature on the island was affected by Nanming Lihuo. Now that the fire has been taken away by Jiu Ge, the temperature will return to normal soon.

Of course, the drought conditions will continue until the next rain or snowfall will be partially alleviated. And if you want to be completely fertile, you can't do without a few large-scale precipitations.

But even so, it was enough to excite the old priest.

The change in temperature made him aware of something, so he took his daughter Heliu and a group of tribesmen to wait at the gate of the tribe in advance, and when they saw Lei Jiu and his party reappear, they greeted them happily.

After seeing the old priest boasting a few words, he had no intention of stopping at all, so Lei Jiu had no choice but to interrupt him politely. After all, Lei Jiu never liked to waste time listening to other people's nonsense, even if these nonsense were all flattering him the same.

Then he waved his hands and asked the soldiers to carry the two corpses over.

"Ah~! It's that monster!"

"That's right!"

"It's really it!"

"It actually killed it!"

Lei Jiu found that the moment he saw the two corpses, the corners of the old priest's eyes trembled violently twice.

"Captain Conte!"

The excitement of the tribesmen was interrupted by the last painful exclamation, "What? The one next to you is Captain Conte?"

"It's not a mistake, is it?"

"You can't be wrong, it's really the captain!"

"how so?"

Then, Lei Jiu asked Luo Zheng to tell the whole story. It's just telling the facts normally, without embellishing or hiding any details.


"It's because of Rabis..."


"The last saint was Captain Conte's childhood sweetheart. The two of them were already talking about getting married. Rabis was designated as the saint by that monster."

Many young people didn't know the story of the middle-aged captain, and some elderly people told it from the side.

Lei Jiu took out the dagger again, raised it, but then took it back, without any intention of handing it over.

"This, is this matter planned by the priest?" Some young people don't mind throwing their heads and blood, but they don't want to hear that this plan of sacrificing other people's lives is from the hands of the priest they respect.

After all, the entire tribe is a believer in the God of Light, but as a priest of Light, they are a little unacceptable to use such disgraceful means.

"That's right! This matter was planned by the old man alone."

"Hey! My lord priest, how can you snatch this kind of credit by yourself?"

"That's right, the old man came up with the idea at the beginning, you can't erase my credit!"

Two old men stood up, "The reason why the priest accepted our opinion was because he didn't want us to continue to be persecuted by that monster! However, our strength is too weak. This plan has been set for many years, but it has been Until today, it was truly successful!"

"That's right! Moreover, Conte is also one of the people who participated in the discussion of this matter. As the main implementer of the plan, he recommended himself!"

At this time, an older old man stepped forward, "You are so confused!"

"Uncle Barr, why do you..."

"That Conti is the younger brother of Priest Kevis!"

"What? Why don't I know?"


"This matter is related to a frantic massacre by the wild boar demon 40 years ago. There are very few surviving insiders... Later..."

Saint Heliu looked up at the old priest, "Father, Uncle Conti..."

"Don't worry about it, child. Conte's heart has already died after Labise's death! For him, it is his greatest wish to know this monster with his own hands. He deserves to die!"

Having said that, the sadness in the old priest's eyes couldn't be concealed no matter what.

"Okay! This is the end of Conte's matter, and everyone will be notified when he is buried. Now, we can't neglect the biggest benefactor of our tribe-the owner of Huanghuang Island, Lord Jiuxiao, and his brave warriors.

If it weren't for them, Conte wouldn't be able to kill the wild boar demon at all, because he couldn't break through the opponent's defense.

From now on, we will all live under the protection of Huanghuang Island! "

"What?" Now, the people below exploded again, and this time it wasn't just young people.

Lei Jiu played tricks on Andrew, Andrew understood, stood up directly, raised his cane, and a Tranquility spell flew out, the field fell silent immediately, everyone had peaceful expressions, enjoying the warm tranquility.

Lei Jiu stood up and pointed at Andrew, "Don't worry, everyone, I have other blonds under my command, and High Priest Andrew and the others are also descendants of prehistoric people who believe in the God of Light, just like you."

"High priest? The legendary high priest!"

"The magical technique just now was amazing, worthy of being a high priest!"

"It covers so many people at once, it's amazing!"


Andrew's face turned red. In fact, if it wasn't for the newly acquired cane, he would not have been able to cover so many people with the effect of Tranquility.

This cane is the work of Nangong Yu. The main materials are deep-sea coral and bright crystals. It was just delivered to Andrew two days ago.

With the serenity effect of Tranquility and Andrew's aura of high priest, Lei Jiu's words had a soothing effect, and finally minimized the resistance of the Yuhui tribe.

Coupled with the most important force guarantee, this matter is settled like this.

:. :

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