Online Game: Island War

Chapter 531 Interference from the Deep Sea

After another ten days, Huanghuang Island's Sky Island troops finally arrived at Bihai Qingtian Island.

The camouflaged clouds of the empty island passed through the sky, and Lei Jiu looked at the land, cities and people below.

The natural scenery on the island is quite good, but the traces of people's transformation of nature are much worse. From the villages, towns and cities we flew over, we can see that the living standards of the people on the island are far behind those of Huanghuang Island. of.

The roads are not wide enough, the transportation is not developed enough, the flow of people and vehicles is very small, and the distribution of houses in villages and towns is also sparse and quite backward.

I don’t know if this situation is caused by the island owner of Bihai Qingtian Island not wanting to manage it.

In fact, there are many reasons for this situation. In recent years, the lack of intention to control the elixir of longevity is indeed one reason, but it is not the only reason.

The immortal elixir himself has no talent in this area and has no long-term plan, which is a more important factor. From the beginning when Bihai Qingtian Island was still a small island, he lacked any idea about the overall planning for the future.

Later, as the island continued to expand, various problems continued to increase, interfering with each other, and becoming more and more chaotic. This was one of the reasons why the elixir of longevity became more and more neglected. It was beyond his ability, and he became upset just looking at it.

Governing a big country is like cooking small dishes?

It's a pity that he can cook very well, but let alone a big country, he can't even manage a small island.

Well, it also has something to do with the fact that he doesn’t have any outstanding talents. The general souls obtained by the elixir of immortality are only two or three kittens. Just look at the general souls fused with his top political leaders. C-level Cai Jing is quite capable of fighting for power. He is a good player, but his management ability... I guess he is not much better than Gao Qiu. At most, he has the skin of a cultural person!

Finally, Lei Jiu looked at other people's territories based on the level of Huanghuang Island. Naturally, it was difficult to see anything advanced.

Not to mention anything else, in terms of technology unlocking in the research center, how many can be compared with Huanghuang Island?

In the beginning, there were only a very small number of island owners who had the money to invest in unlocking technology. Even after more than ten years, there were still many islands who did not have enough funds to invest in all aspects of research.

Of course, even on the worst island, after so many years, the most important energy technology such as crystal furnace technology has been unlocked long ago.

I won’t go into details as to how many detours I took and whether I got into trouble with steam engines, gunpowder, etc.

In short, compared with Huanghuang Island, where life is prosperous, the name of Bihai Qingtian Island is quite refreshing, but the islanders can be said to be living in dire straits.

At least that’s how Lei Jiu sees it!

He wants to rescue them and save the people from hanging upside down, regardless of whether the other party is willing...

This kind of thinking... He has deceived himself, and then it is convenient for him to deceive others!


In Guanghan City, the capital of Qingtian Island in the Blue Sea, the sky island group has removed its camouflage. Because the floating height has been reduced, the shadow cast by it has shrouded the area around the island owner's office.

Many people in Guanghan City looked at the behemoths above their heads with their mouths agape and panicked.

At this time, Lei Jiu had already arrived on the ground, right in front of the island owner's office.

However, his face looked very ugly at this time. He stared at the middle-aged man next to the elixir of life and said gloomily,

"Sorry, I didn't hear you clearly. Can you say it again?"

"This Blue Sea Qingtian Island has signed a 10-year asylum agreement with our Deep Sea Mermaid Empire. Within 10 years, we need to ensure the independence and integrity of its territory and sovereignty. Please retreat from Huanghuang Island!"

The corners of Lei Jiu's eyes trembled, but in the end he did not have a direct attack.

The Deep Sea Mermaid Empire, when Huanghuang Island hated the Ocean Temple because of its relationship with the Emperor River Temple, the trade relationship with the Deep Sea Mermaid Empire was severed. The other party definitely didn't like Huanghuang Island, but they didn't go to war.

Back then, Lei Jiu was on tenterhooks for a while.

Now...even after more than 70 years of development, Lei Jiu still does not have the confidence to fight against the Mermaid Empire.

Learn about the Crystal Palace, which is as famous as the Mermaid Empire.

The pure-blood dragon clan alone has seven to eight thousand super-level Level 2 divine beasts. Counting the even larger number of hybrids, the number of divine beasts alone must be thirty to forty thousand.

Plus a larger number of ordinary super-order...

There's no way I can beat him!


There are also two holy beasts, Jiu Ge and Jiu Feng?

That's true, but don't the three major forces in the deep sea have any holy beasts?

It is true that Jiuge and Jiufeng are the four-elephant sacred beasts at the peak, but in the sea, they cannot use them!

On the other hand, Qinglong and Xuanwu are still powerful in the water, but it is still very early for the candidates of Qinglong and Xuanwu to successfully advance. I don't know how many years it will take...

The current situation is that it is definitely impossible to fight with strength, and Huanghuang Island doesn't even know where the opponent's lair is. In addition, even if it knows, it can't defeat it.

The strength is not as good as it is, and the strategic situation is still completely passive. It is definitely impossible to fight.

But as the leader of the island, he is the leader of hundreds of millions of people and the owner of Huanghuang Island with an area of ​​more than 10 million square kilometers. He retreated just because of a threat from a messenger like the other party. Where is his face?

Well, actually, face was secondary. Lei Jiu didn't care that much. The main reason was that he was unhappy with the other party's attitude.

Being strong is amazing...

It seems that he has forgotten how he has treated others, and just now he looked like he wanted to save other people's people...

In fact, at the beginning, the middle-aged man's attitude was even worse, which could be described as arrogant and arrogant. It wasn't until Jiu Ge showed his momentum that the other party calmed down a lot.

But he still had no intention of backing down.

This envoy has super-level Lv2 combat power, a powerful ocean mage, and a member of the mermaid clan. As soon as Jiuge's momentum is released, the opponent will know that this is a holy beast.

Having the power of a holy beast is indeed worthy of attention, but as one of the three top powers in the deep sea, the Mermaid Empire naturally cannot shrink back because of a holy beast. It is not that they do not have holy power.

After all, the strongest ones in the sea are the Mermaid Empire, the East China Sea Crystal Palace and the Kunpeng clan.

Other forces, like Huanghuang Island who have holy beasts, can give them a certain amount of respect, but the majesty of the Mermaid Empire does not tolerate any provocation.

Yes, in this mermaid's opinion, changing his tone and using the honorific was already showing respect for Lei Jiu. As for coming here alone just to ask Huanghuang Island to withdraw its troops, it was such a slap in the face, he didn't care at all. do not think so.

Mainly because he was used to it, he had never thought about putting himself in the other person's shoes.

Can we fight?

Various thoughts were swirling in Lei Jiu's mind, constantly thinking and weighing...

:. :

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