Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 966 This is not how battles are fought

"God damn solo mission..."

Looking at the character introduction in the taskbar, Wang Yuan's head was full of black lines.

His original intention was just to help Guo Jing defend Xiangyang, but in the end he embarked on what seemed like an incredible task.

Supreme, it’s just that I have never heard of this mission level. Now, leading so many soldiers and horses, but it is a single mission... This is a bit nonsense.

It is true that Wang Yuan had many clever ideas, but they were just clever and could not be considered elegant. Now if he wanted to lead his troops in a war, his opponent would still be the Mongolian cavalry, so he would need that kind of military wizard.

How could Wang Yuan have such ability?

As the saying goes, the general's incompetence will tire the entire army to death.

Xiao Feng entrusted so many Liao soldiers to him, and Wang Yuan did not want them to be tricked to death by him.

Now that the mission is limited to one person, Wang Yuan still needs to find a few players who know how to march and fight, but it seems that he can't do it now.

However, the system did not kill Wang Yuan completely and gave Wang Yuan one hour to prepare.

An hour later, you will be automatically transferred to the dungeon scene, where you will lead your troops to help Guo Jing defend Xiangyang.

This hour's preparation time is for Wang Yuan to purchase supplies and so on.

After all, it is too late to read military books and learn the art of war now...

When Hua Mulan joined the army, she was buying horses and selling long whips in the East Market, not to mention that Wang Yuan was going to be a marshal.

Wang Yuan doesn't need the horse anymore, as for the strategic supplies.

Something like antlers and horses. Those things are special items used to build gangs. They can only be obtained by completing gang tasks. This group of rabble-rousers is usually too lazy to make a group. It is a small group of only a dozen people, and there is no one even in the gang station. What gang missions will you do?

Besides, this is the demand for a large-scale battle. Just a dozen or so people doing the mission will not be enough for a lifetime.

After much thought, Wang Yuan decided to buy something more suitable for himself.

For example, poisoning, setting fire... these are the moves Wang Yuan is good at using.

After receiving the mission, Wang Yuan went directly to the grocery store and swept away all the torches in the grocery store. Then he flew to the Xingxiu Sea in the Western Region and purchased a batch of poison with the help of Chang Qingzi.

Finally, a batch of gunpowder was obtained from Ding Laoxian.

Finally, I did not forget to borrow the [Shenwu Cannon] for the second spring from Dugu Xiaoling.

Wang Yuan was self-aware of himself and knew that he was far from a match for the Mongols in a military expedition, but he could still do things like scheming behind the scenes.

No matter how powerful the Mongolian cavalry is, it has its upper limit. Now there are a lot of reinforcements in Xiangyang. Even the pigs all over the mountains and plains are enough for the Mongolian army to capture for three days.

I took this opportunity to make some small moves behind my back. As for how many Mongolian soldiers I could kill, it all depended on God's will. I had to support him even before I died. The more, the better. The more, the better.

After getting the resources and preparations, more than half of an hour had passed. Wang Yuan sat in the main hall of the Grand Prince's Mansion in the South Campus, took out a book from his arms, and began to study it carefully.

This book was obtained by Wang Yuan from Feiyun Taxue. It is called "Wu Mu's Suicide Note". According to the introduction, it is a military book. Although Wang Yuan has no foundation in marching and fighting, and he doesn't like reading much, he is about to lead the army to do something. As a marshal, you have to enrich yourself no matter what. If you don't sharpen your weapon quickly in battle, it will be useless.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The preparation time was finally over, and the scene in front of Wang Yuan's eyes changed and he was teleported to the Xiangyang battlefield.

Oops, Wang Yuan was immediately stunned when he entered the dungeon.

If you have never seen thousands of troops, it is difficult to imagine how many people there are. You may think it is just a number.

If you really see so many soldiers and horses at this time, anyone else would be stunned.

The last battle in Xiangyang was a long time ago. At that time, although Wang Yuan flooded Fancheng and burned the Mongolian troops, he never really went to the front line. At that time, the players on the front line to resist the Mongolian soldiers were all players from major gangs.

Therefore, Wang Yuan has never seen the momentum of thousands of troops.

Now that he returned to Xiangyang again and truly stood between the two armies, Wang Yuan felt the momentum of thousands of troops.

The Mongolian army that besieged Xiangyang this time had a total of 300,000 people. It was a serious 300,000 Mongolian cavalry (the author doesn't know why there are so many, there are just so many anyway.), not the ones who were there to gain contributions for the players last time. , a specially created monster.

Wang Yuan stood on a high hill and looked down. He couldn't see the edge at all. The large black area was like black clouds all over the sky. It made people feel despair when they saw it. He couldn't help but question, how could Xiangyang City have been built for so many years? How it withstood the Mongols' attack and kept them at bay for more than ten years.

This is so damn scary.

No wonder the Mongols have been able to dominate the world for so long... With this momentum, the Song Dynasty, which was not short of money, was able to rely on city walls and terrain passes to maintain a stalemate with them...

"Gao Shengtai of Dali State led his army to support Xiangyang and met Marshal Niu!"

Just when Wang Yuan lamented that the Mongolian soldiers were terrifying, a deep voice suddenly came from behind him.

Wang Yuan looked back and saw a big man in armor standing behind him, respectfully.

This person is none other than the Marquis of Dali Kingdom.

This guy Wang Yuan once met in Dali. This man had a very high official position and was the third most powerful person in Dali. Even the three Dukes of Dali would bow down and worship him when they saw him. Duan Zhengchun and his brothers wanted to call him. It is said that this man was responsible for the crusade. Yang Yizhen, who wanted to rebel against the country, was a serious and powerful figure in Dali.

It seems that although Duan Zhengchun is lustful, his character is not bad, and he really sent a ruthless person this time.

"No need to be polite, Mr. Gao!"

Wang Yuan was not an ignorant person. Corporal Li Xian still understood when asking for help. He quickly stepped forward to greet Gao Shengtai, then raised his head and glanced at the soldiers behind him and asked, "I don't know how many people Emperor Duan sent here." !”

"fifty thousand!"

Gao Shengtai said: "All of them are elite soldiers and are very good at ambush and guerrilla warfare. When we come to Xiangyang this time, our Majesty has ordered us to obey Marshal Niu's command in everything."

Wang Yuan was both the general marshal and the organizer, so the command naturally fell into Wang Yuan's hands.

"Thank you!" Wang Yuan thanked him repeatedly.

The Dali Kingdom is not a big country like the Song, Liao, Meng, and Jin Dynasties that once dominated the Central Plains. The country's total military strength is only about 100,000. At this time, it can send 50,000 elite troops to support... It shows that Duan Zhengchun is also a real person.

Duan Zhengchun's act made Wang Yuan secretly ashamed. He killed Duan Zhengchun's two daughters, and Duan Zhengchun could still send half of his troops to help. In comparison, he was really a little unkind.

Of course, although Duan Zhengchun also has selfish motives, everyone knows about the joint force. If he is not really honest, who would dare to go all out.

I think back then, when the eighteen princes attacked Dong Zhuo, they broke up on bad terms. In the end, Sun Wentai also staged a straw boat borrowing arrows, but the interest rate was a bit high.

"Arrange the soldiers to camp!" After giving the order to Gao Shengtai, Gao Shengtai went to take the Dali soldiers to set up camp. The next people to come to the battlefield were the elite troops of the Kingdom of Jin.

"Brother, I'm not too late."

Wei Xiaobao came to Wang Yuan with a smile and asked.

"You've come just in time! How many troops have you brought?" Wang Yuan and Wei Xiaobao were not polite and went straight to the point.

"One hundred thousand Eight Banners soldiers, and thirty divine cannons." Wei Xiaobao said, "Xiao Xuanzi is bleeding heavily this time."


Wang Yuan was a little surprised when he heard Wei Xiaobao's words.

You must know that Kangxi was threatened by Wang Yuan when he sent troops. Generally speaking, he was reluctant and did not want to send troops.

But the troops and horses sent at this time really cost the family money.

Although there are only 100,000 troops, the Eight Banners Army is the main force of the Jin Kingdom. They are the best among the elite and are good at riding and shooting. If they can come to 100,000 troops at a time, it can be regarded as a huge help.

Moreover, there were actually thirty strategic weapons like Shenwu Cannon!

The Kingdom of Jin was not as rich as the Song Dynasty. Even for a grand event like Kangxi's, the entire artillery camp only had a hundred Shenwu cannons. At this time, thirty cannons were brought in at once, which really surprised Wang Yuan.

On the Liao side, Wang Yuan is the generalissimo.

Due to the Liao Kingdom's long-term war and militarization, the country's decline was severe, Xiao Feng implemented the tax policy, and there were not many domestic grain and grass reserves.

Therefore, the Liao army that followed Wang Yuan this time also numbered 100,000. Like the Mongolian soldiers, they were also cavalry, and they were also heavy armored cavalry that could fight the Mongolian soldiers head-on.

In this age of cold weapons, aside from the overwhelming long-range firepower coverage of Shenwu cannons, heavy armored cavalry are basically invincible.

The Liao Kingdom was able to pull out so many heavily armored cavalry and spent all their resources.

This made Wang Yuan quite touched.

I didn't expect that the countries I contacted would do their best and not be as evil as I expected. This is quite rare.

In fact, Wang Yuan overlooked one point. In the game, NPCs have to act according to the instructions of the player's request system... They also want to have evil intentions, but how dare they!

Furthermore, the emperors did not attend the meeting in person, but only sent their subordinates. The IQ of these subordinates could not compare with that of the emperor.

Trying your best in the game is the most normal thing.

The last thing that came belatedly was the Five Elements Flag of the Demon Sect.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

Is the Five Elements Flag awesome? In front of those people in the world, these well-trained and well-coordinated guys appear quite professional. But compared to the well-disciplined elite troops of Liao, Jin, and Dali, the Five Elements Flags' flashy outfits looked like a grass-roots team. Those who didn't know better thought they were from an art troupe.

A large number of people walked in the crowd very casually, causing bursts of laughter.

"Holy crap! Is this Zhang Wuji reliable?"

Wang Yuan heard the sound and looked up, seeing the messy Five Elements Flags, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

I secretly regretted it.

It seems that asking the Demon Cult for help was a miscalculation after all! No matter how well-trained these guys are, they are still people from the martial arts world... Without professional marching training, they will never be a match for the Mongolian cavalry on the battlefield, and they will probably die if they go up there.

Moreover, the undisciplined temperament of this group of guys can easily affect other armies. At that time, they may also give preference to the temperament of those elite armies.

Zhang Wuji didn't stand up to the challenge at the critical moment, so it was really a bad idea to find him.

At this time, the people from the Demon Cult have entered the dungeon scene, and it seems impossible to let them leave.

Under the ridicule of the three armies, a man dressed as a leader of the Five Elements Banner walked through the crowd and came to Wang Yuan and said: "Fifty thousand Five Elements Banner soldiers from the Divine Sect have come to support Xiangyang City, drive out the Tartars and restore China!"




As soon as the leader said this, the entire army fell silent.

Gao Shengtai's face turned red and white.

Wei Xiaobao also whispered: "This person can't speak..."

It’s not that they can’t speak. All the soldiers here are helpers invited by Wang Yuan from various countries. From Wang Yuan’s point of view, they are all Tartars, not Chinese. This man keeps talking about driving away the Tartars. They didn't respond to the situation, and instead made it very embarrassing.

Wang Yuan frowned and glanced at the man.

Good guy, it doesn't matter. Wang Yuan was shocked.

I saw that this man was also a monk. He had a very ugly appearance. His chin was pointed forward, like a shovel. His face was bumpy and convex, with many scars and black moles. His eyes were sunken, but they were bright and energetic. He looked so imposing. It looks quite amazing.

This is definitely the first time Wang Yuan has seen a person in this world be so ugly. It is even rarer in the world for someone to be so ugly and have such an amazing aura.

In the game, the best expression of a person's status is momentum.

The higher the status, the stronger the momentum.

For example, the little Emperor Kangxi was only a child, but his aura was quite astonishing. He carried the aura of an emperor in his movements, and even when faced with life and death threats, he retained the emperor's final calmness.

Xiao Feng is also in a high position, but his aura is restrained and not so shocking. But once he puts on a serious face, Wang Yuan will be suppressed and breathless.

The above two people are both emperors, so it is normal to have such aura.

And this ugly monster in front of him is just a leader of the Demon Cult, but he has such an amazing momentum, which is really weird.

Wang Yuan stared at that person for seven or eight seconds.

The man remained calm and showed no emotion at all because Wang Yuan was staring at him. This showed that his mind was definitely capable of achieving great things.

Is there such a god hidden in the demon sect?

I think Wang Yuan has met Yang Dingtian, beaten Zhang Wuji, and pushed the bastard Yang Xiao into the shithole. Everyone in the demon sect's high-ups knows each other, but this is the first time he has met this guy. Is this guy one of the four great powers? One of the kings or one of the five scattered people?


Wang Yuan pondered for a moment and asked: "Who is your Excellency?"

"The current leader of the Five Elements Banner! Zhu Chongba!" the man replied in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

"Haha... Chongba..." Wang Yuan laughed and said, "Why does your name sound like a joke..."


Zhu Chongba was stunned for a moment and said bitterly: "It's not like the Mongolians. They don't regard us Han people as human beings at all. Untouchables like us have to even choose names according to their requirements. I am the eighth oldest child in the family." , naturally called Zhu Chongba."

"Oh... I'm so sorry..." After hearing Zhu Chongba's words, Wang Yuan quickly apologized.

Making fun of other people's names is in poor taste. Zhu Chongba's name has such an insulting historical background, so Wang Yuan doesn't dare to mess around.

"Marshal Niu does not need to apologize!" Zhu Chongba said: "Expelling the Tartars and restoring China has always been my dream! As long as you say a word, I, Zhu Chongba, am willing to go through fire and water for you!"

"Okay! Good brother!" Wang Yuan was very moved when he heard this.

When other countries send troops, they represent their own interests. Only Zhu Chongba represents the real common people. Their vision is very simple, that is, they want to be well fed, clothed, and live like human beings... If they even have this requirement Some people still think it’s high, aren’t those people beasts?

"Set up camp!" Wang Yuan ordered, and Zhu Chongba took the Five Elements Flag to set up camp.

Wang Yuan returned to his tent and continued to read the military books.

After turning a few pages, Wang Yuan started to have a headache.

When Wang Yuan was a child, he couldn't even read the simplest books, let alone something as complex and difficult to understand as a military book. This Wu Mu suicide note is the essence of the art of war. Wang Yuan read it for a long time, and he could recognize the words on it, but he couldn't understand the inside. What is said.

If I had known earlier, I would have studied hard, and I wouldn't have gotten so excited playing a game.

"Marshal Niu! All armies have been stationed! Please issue combat orders!"

Just as Wang Yuan came up, Gao Shengtai, Wei Xiaobao, and Zhu Chongba arrived at the big tent.

Marching and fighting are not gang fights, where whoever is ruthless will be awesome.

As a representative of all forces, you must have a detailed combat strategy on how to send troops. After all, the opponent is not someone else, but the Mongolian cavalry, which is famous for its tactics.


Wang Yuan was a little confused when Gao Shengtai asked.

Combat orders, Wang Yuan doesn't know what combat orders are. If you say it's okay to let Wang Yuan pick up equipment on the battlefield, this kind of frontal combat is not professional at all.


Wang Yuan thought for a moment and said, "What advice does Gao Junhou have?"

This was a very subtle move. It not only gave Gao Shengtai a certain amount of face, but also gave him room to perform, and it could also cover up the fact that Wang Yuan was a useless marshal.

"The Mongolian cavalry has always been known for their ferocity!" Gao Shengtai said: "Whenever they launch an attack, they will have the heavy cavalry charge in front, while the light cavalry will cover and fire with bows and arrows from behind. They have both offense and defense. No one can defeat them wherever they go."

"Can you please stop talking about such heart-wrenching things and say something optimistic..." Wang Yuan was a little depressed. Is this Gao Shengtai here to brag? I want you to give me advice. Why are you talking about how powerful the Mongolian soldiers are? How powerful do you think everyone doesn’t know?

"Ha ha!"

Gao Shengtai smiled and said: "I think that if you want to stop the Mongolian attack, you must first stop their cavalry army! Although the Jin Kingdom has heavy armored cavalry like Tiefutu, the ones coming now are long-range cavalry troops. The only thing that can stop the Mongols on the frontal battlefield is the heavy armored cavalry of the Liao Kingdom."


After Gao Shengtai said this, Wang Yuan finally understood the cunningness of Dao Duan Zhengchun and Kangxi. These two guys looked like they were bleeding profusely, but they were actually very unkind.

One led a scout unit, and the other led a long-range unit... There was no army that could stand head-on with the Mongolian cavalry. Although Wang Yuan didn't know how to fight, he also knew what the tank profession was. Winning such a battle would earn emotional gold. There will be no obvious direct casualties at all in Guodali.

Brother Feng is still the most interesting. He is a frontal force, the kind that can go head-to-head with the Mongolian cavalry.

Gao Shengtai's words are also very simple. Just let your Liao country go up and let us, Dali, deal with the damage from behind.

Wang Yuan would not do something that was obviously a loss, so he turned to look at Wei Xiaobao.

"Brother, you know that I don't know how to fight..." Wei Xiaobao waved his hands repeatedly.


Wang Yuan was speechless for a moment, and had no choice but to turn his head and look at Zhu Chongba.

To be honest, Wang Yuan admired Zhu Chongba very much, but after all, he was just a peasant uprising army. How many strategies could he have? Wang Yuan saw that he really didn't want the Daliao army to have a head-on confrontation with the Mongolian cavalry.

"Haha!" Zhu Chongba smiled slightly and said calmly: "This is not how the battle is fought!"

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