The game "Wuxian" is very strange. Many players don't know their own position, especially the Huashan sect in it.

Although the blood is not thick, those who rush to the front are often the Huashan sect disciples, who can run faster than reporters.

Wang Yuan's catastrophe is imminent, and he didn't want to increase the number of killings, but now he has no way to retreat, no way to advance, and it's impossible not to kill! Fortunately, Wang Yuan had the Heavenly Official Talisman with him, so his chivalry would not be reduced if he killed someone. Otherwise, with so many people rushing forward, what Wang Yuan would be most afraid of would be losing his chivalry points.

We are Buddhist chivalrous saints. The power of the Twenty-eight Dragon Subduing Palms depends entirely on the chivalrous value.

Disciples of the Huashan Sect are sword cultivators. After ascending to the sky, they use their sword energy to move vertically and horizontally, flying up and down.

In an instant, the sword energy soared into the sky like thousands of rays of light, heading straight towards Wang Yuan.

The strength of the players after ascension has increased rapidly, and all of them have master strength above level 120. The Huashan sect's output is the best among all sects. Now that so many people are attacking at the same time, Wang Yuan does not dare to resist with his flesh and blood. .


Before the sword energy could be added to his body, Wang Yuan let out a loud shout, and a [Transformation] escaped the vertical and horizontal sword energy and rushed into the crowd in a flash.

Although there are many players besieging Wang Yuan, they also have a breakthrough point.

For example, these players who rushed to the Shaolin Temple for the first time were all a ragtag group of people in the world. They had no gangs or even teams, and they did not know each other. They just wanted to fight for their heads.

These people are unorganized and undisciplined, and the more people there are, the more chaotic they become. Now Wang Yuan is surrounded by them, with an obvious goal.

But as soon as Wang Yuan jumped into the crowd, these guys were completely in chaos.

If you don’t know each other, you won’t be able to form a team, and you won’t be able to form a group. Without team protection, everyone here will be against each other. If you throw a sword and try it, you may not know who will be hit.

No matter who is attacked by whom, no one will tolerate it, and when the time comes to fight, it will be a pot of porridge.

"Swish, swish, swish... (N numbers of swish are omitted here)"

As Wang Yuan escaped from the encirclement in a flash, sword energy fell like a hail of bullets. The gate wall and the ground of the Shaolin Temple were riddled with holes from a wave of attacks by the Huashan Sect disciples.

The guards of Shaolin Temple were helpless at this time.


At the same time, Wang Yuan landed on the ground, trampled several people to death, and then swayed his hands in the wind, turning into a ball that was more than ten feet long and as thick as the mouth of a bowl.

Wang Yuan exerted all his strength and swung the weapon out.

"Clang clang clang clang!"

The surrounding players were all destroyed by Wang Yuan, including their weapons and weapons. Their corpses flew out with their weapons, smashing everyone around them into a mess.

Wang Yuan was everyone's target. His attire as a great monk was quite eye-catching. Even if he got into the crowd, he would be easily targeted. So taking advantage of the chaos, Wang Yuan rolled on the spot and followed the crowd. At the same time, he used After using the [Disguise Skill], she turned into the appearance of Dugu Xiaoling.

A moment ago, he was a tall and sturdy monk with a height of eight feet and a waist that was ten inches wide. This time, he suddenly transformed into a short girl who was less than 1.6 meters tall. The image was completely different.

Wang Yuan just disappeared as if he had slipped into the crowd.

"Huh? Where are the people?"

There are not many players here who have seen Wang Yuan's disguise technique. After seeing Wang Yuan get into the crowd, he landed and disappeared. All the players in front of the mountain gate had a blank look on their faces.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing why.

"Could he have used the Earth Escape Talisman to escape?" someone speculated.

"Run away! If he could run, he would have run away long ago! Why should we wait for us to surround him?" some smarter players replied.


Wang Yuan was quite surprised. The player was right. All the teleportation props on Wang Yuan's body have turned gray and cannot be used. Otherwise, it would be so troublesome to use them.

"Then he must be in the crowd. He will come out when he scans the coordinates later!" The crowd's thinking is still very powerful.

Wang Yuan, who had become Dugu Xiaoling, felt a thump in his heart when he heard this. He quickly pointed down the mountain and shouted: "That monk ran down the mountain! Go and chase him!"

As he spoke, Wang Yuan ran down the mountain.

Others followed the sound and looked down the mountain, but did not see Wang Yuan's figure. It could be seen that some people were running down the mountain. They were afraid that they would not be able to keep up with the hot food, so they rushed down the mountain.

The target was transferred, Wang Yuan's pressure suddenly decreased, he summoned Tai Chi Bear, turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the crowd.

After escaping, Wang Yuan did not relax his vigilance.

Because Wang Yuan's coordinates are now refreshed every three minutes, no matter where Wang Yuan runs, he will be stared at. There is no place for Wang Yuan in the world.

In the past few days, all Wang Yuan could do was run around non-stop. Even when he logged off, he had to think carefully and find a remote and inaccessible place.

Otherwise, the coordinates will be locked by someone, and if you go online again, 80% of your score will be taken away by a wave of people.

Wang Yuan felt miserable. It was so sad to play a game where humans and gods were angry, and to be hunted down by everyone.

As for remote places, the only ones Wang Yuan can think of are bitter and cold places like the Northern Barbarians in the Western Regions...

Players come to the game to have fun, not to suffer. Although there are five major regions in the game, the Central Plains has the most players, followed by the Eastern Sea, Southern Wilderness, Western Region, and Northern Barbarians. The original Northern Barbarians with the fewest players are those in the game.

Even the Huanglong Mansion in Shangjing, the capital of the Liao Kingdom, is now just a trading market, which shows that there are few Northern Barbarian players.

However, the Shaolin Temple is far away in Henan, thousands of miles away from the northern desert. How easy is it to go to the northern barbarians?

You definitely can't go to the inns. The leaders of those big gangs are all smart people and don't want to be fooled by ordinary players. Nowadays, the inns everywhere must have been tightly blocked and guarded by various experts.

Even if Wang Yuan changes his appearance, people can still see that there are not many players in the six doors, but there are still hundreds of people, and guarding the inn is not the same as playing.

Just when Wang Yuan was thinking about where to run, the coordinates in the pursuer mission prompt were refreshed again.

Wang Yuan had no mission, so he couldn't see his coordinates being refreshed. He was just wandering at the foot of Songshan Mountain. At this time, there were shouts of killing in his ears, and another wave of players surrounded him.

"Fuck! So fast?"

Wang Yuanyuan was surrounded again and was shocked.

At this time, a player said: "Sister, have you seen a fat monk?"


Wang Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I'm looking for him too!"

"Oh! Let him run away again! Let's chase him around!"

After hearing Wang Yuan's words, everyone dispersed again, searching for traces of Wang Yuan on the Songyang Ancient Road.

Wang Yuan secretly wiped his sweat and fled the scene, saying with lingering fear: "Damn it, there must be a time interval between the coordinate refresh and the player catching up, otherwise he would be surrounded again... It seems that he must grasp this time interval. !”

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan opened the team channel of the rabble.

Oh, it doesn't matter if you open it, the information in the channel will be overwhelming.

"Is Lao Niu okay?" This is Dugu Xiaoling.

"Is Lao Niu dead?" This is Song Yang.

"She shouldn't be dead, otherwise why wouldn't she say anything..." Tiaozi has always been thoughtful in his thinking.

"It's such a pity. If the good news doesn't go to outsiders, we have to kill him." Mario's shamelessness reached the sky.

"That's right!" Cup Mo Ting and Mario always wore the same pair of pants when it came to Wang Yuan's question.

"How much does the jade seal cost?" Feiyun Taxue's question always leaves people unable to find a flaw.

After being hunted like this just now, Wang Yuan never sent any news.

After briefly glancing at the news on the channel, Wang Yuan said: "Thanks to you, I am still alive!"


Everyone said in unison.

Although you are not here, you can still imagine the problems Wang Yuan is facing now, public enemies, this line of faces... We have played games for so many years, and we have never been so awesome.

Wang Yuan was able to hold on for such a long time without being killed, and he was still strong.

"Why didn't you reply to the private chat?" Song Yang asked dissatisfied.

"I can't go back," the note said, "I guess there are countless people who have added him as friends now..."

"Male or female?" Dugu Xiaoling and Song Yang said in unison.

"I can't say for sure. Anyway, they must have scolded him or asked him for the jade seal." Tiaozi said.

"Shit! Can you save some face for me!" Wang Yuan was speechless, feeling that even this little thing about himself had been guessed.

That's right, Wang Yuan no longer dares to send private messages. Wang Yuan has never been afraid of anyone in a fight, but being bombarded with text messages is extremely disgusting.

Bei Moting asked curiously: "Then why are you opening a group channel now?"

"Do me a favor!" Wang Yuan said truthfully: "Can you see my coordinate refresh time?"


Everyone nodded.

"Tell me when the coordinates are refreshed, so I can run away!" Wang Yuan told everyone about the time interval, and at the same time also gave a general overview of the situation on his side.

"I see, no wonder you were able to escape!" Everyone suddenly realized.

This monk is really full of tricks...

Disguise plus the time interval between players chasing coordinates can indeed perfectly avoid chasing players.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, maybe these few days will pass!" Bei Moting said excitedly: "Then let's build a country for fun..."

"What a joke! Do you look like someone who can govern a country?" Wang Yuan scorned.

Wang Yuan has never thought about the idea of ​​founding a country...

Now that the world structure has been decided, the good places have long been occupied by the big powers of the system, and players can only go to more remote places to build a country.

Wang Yuan can even treat the king of the South Campus as a hands-off shopkeeper, and let him go to a remote place to become the emperor? What nonsense... These rabble-rousers don't even want to form gangs. They still want to build a country and let the people eat dirt.

When the emperor makes the people miserable, that is a great sin.

"That's right..." Bei Moting also said, "I'm just talking. What do you plan to do with this jade seal?"

"Deal with it?" Wang Yuandao said, "I'll avoid being chased first and then I'll tell you!"

"You have the art of disguise and you can run fast. Isn't this simple?" Bei Moting said in an understatement.

Wang Yuan pondered: "Theoretically, it can be established, but I always feel that it's not that simple!"

"Lao Niu is right to worry!" Tiaozi analyzed: "The reason why Lao Niu can escape the pursuit of ordinary players is because ordinary players can only follow the coordinates... This time interval is enough for Lao Niu to run away, but Those big gangs are not easy to deal with.”

"What? Can they fly?" Cup Mo Ting asked.

"You have known the boss for so long, don't you know that there is a prop called the [Great Teleportation Talisman]?" Tiaozi asked.

"I'll do it!" Mario also retorted: "Are you crazy? Do you know how expensive the [Great Teleportation Talisman] is? One thousand gold can only move ten people! Who can afford it?"

"There are more people who can afford it!" Feiyun Taxue said calmly.

"I didn't say anything about you! You're not short of money!" Mario said Feiyun Taxue shouldn't take his seat on such an occasion.

"But have you ever thought about it! How valuable is the jade seal?" Feiyun Taxue ignored Mario's squeeze and asked.


Upon hearing Feiyun Taxue's words, Mario and Bei Moting immediately stopped talking.

Wang Yuan also thought thoughtfully, his own teleportation props cannot be used, but the other party's teleportation props may not be inoperable. If it is really surrounded by [Great Teleportation Talisman], it will not be difficult to do it.

After all, the gangs that can afford the [Great Teleportation Talisman] are basically at the level of Halloween Mountain.

Tiaozi said firmly: "Yes, that's what I'm worried about. Anyway, old Niu, you'd better be careful. Let's do this. We also want to help... but there's nothing we can do. This is all I can do."

What Tiao Zi said is also true. In this situation, the Shaolin Temple does not dare to intervene, and a few players cannot stop it.

Now a mob of people went to help Wang Yuan, but all they could do was sacrifice in vain. Apart from appearing more loyal and fearless of life and death, it had no effect at all.

In the game, everyone is just fooling around and intentionally losing their cultivation.

Wang Yuan also understands this truth, so he never thought of asking a ragtag group of people to help him in the first place. Now he is asking a ragtag group of people to help him, because the coordinate reminder is so busy that everyone can do what they can.

"It's okay! Lao Niu still has the art of disguise!" Mario said again: "It's okay to run away."

"Do you know that Liumen has a skill called Thousand-mile Tracking?" Tiaozi added: "You must be rigorous in doing things and consider all aspects. You can't take it for granted, otherwise you will die miserably. Lao Niu is in this situation now. , the error tolerance rate is extremely low!”

"Every aspect..."

Everyone in the crowd was silent, secretly wondering how they could help at this time.

The rabble are all friends of Wang Yuan, and Wang Yuan has nothing to say to his friends. Everyone in the rabble has been helped by Wang Yuan. Now that Wang Yuan is in trouble, everyone can only hide here to remind the coordinates to refresh, and they still feel very sorry.

To be friends, of course we have to keep going back and forth.

"Remember to remind me, someone is here again!"

After Wang Yuan finished his sentence, he continued to run away.

With the coordinate reminder from Wuhezhong and others, Wang Yuan knew himself and the enemy.

As soon as the coordinates were refreshed, Wang Yuan ran away and hid before the player who was chasing him arrived.

Tai Chi Bear is a tenth-level mount, and Wang Yuan has the light skill of "Divine Movements". If he takes one step first, no one can catch him.

In one day, Wang Yuan ran all the way from Songshan to the outskirts of Luoyang, and then from the outskirts of Luoyang to the border of Chang'an.

There are more and more players chasing Wang Yuan, but without exception, they have not seen Wang Yuan so far. Now that Wang Yuan has turned into Dugu Xiaoling, it would be strange to see him.

All the players were furious.

This piece of shit is really slippery...

Naturally, there were also people from major gangs among the players who were chasing him. Seeing that several hours had passed without Wang Yuan being seen, he became very impatient and concluded that this person must have been an expert at hide-and-seek when he was a child.

Of course, during this period, many players also thought that if they directly used the [Transportation Talisman] to teleport as soon as the coordinates were refreshed, they would be able to capture Wang Yuan directly.

But after thinking about the price of [Moving Talisman] and Wang Yuan's strength, this idea was directly rejected.

Damn it, although Niu Dachun has become a lost dog now and everyone calls for beating him, no one dares to underestimate his strength. Not to mention that the [Moving Talisman] is worth a thousand gold. Even if he is not short of money, what is the use of flying there?

Can one person beat him? You can't keep ten people... If you can't beat them and fly there, isn't that a waste of money?

No, no!

Ordinary players have this idea, and so do players in big gangs.

For example, on the Haihe River side of the big gang that is as famous as Halloween Mountain, a group of gang core members have gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

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