Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 1023 Love of Life and Death

"Soul-taking method..."

After seeing Xiao Xuan's information introduction, everyone immediately understood that the souls of the four wind, fire, thunder and lightning outside were taken by Xiao Xuan, and they became like zombies.

Those people have become puppets, and their cultivation levels are still so amazing, and their own cultivation levels may even be even stronger.

Xiao Xuan was able to capture their souls, and it was probably those righteous disciples who were seduced by Yang Hua.

The most intuitive expression can be seen in the ragtag group of losers.

Mario and Beimo Ting stared at Yang Hua with their arms around each other and said with emotion: "Here is a demonic witch. This is simply the female Bodhisattva who saves all sentient beings!"

"That's right!" Dao Kedao and Ding Laoxian nodded firmly.


Feiyun Taxue and Chang Qingzi have black lines on their heads.

Wang Yuan looked sad for his misfortune and angry at him.

As for the note, this guy not only has a good nose, but also doesn't speak much. He flicked the brush in his hand, drew a talisman and rolled it towards Yang Hua behind Xiao Xuan.


The talisman flew out, and a huge gold character lit up above Yang Hua's head.

[Wanlai is silent]

As a heavenly official, the output of Tiaozi is not high, but all of them are control methods. Various spells such as immobilization, confinement, and other spells can be controlled first.

This move [Wan Lai Silent] is a forbidden skill, which can prohibit the opponent from using spells in a short period of time.

The reason why the target is Yang Hua is because Tiao Zi's combat intuition is very keen. Although Yang Hua doesn't have any serious attack methods, for this group of bachelors, the lethality is definitely not worse than Xiao Xuan's. Killing Yang Hua might bring bad luck.

"Kill Yang Hua first!"

Yang Hua was banned by Tiao Zi and could not use magic. Wang Yuanyi understood the intention of Tiao Zi and jumped in front of Yang Hua. He raised his big fist and punched Yang Hua down.


Seeing that Yang Hua was about to be punched in the face by Wang Yuan, a red flame suddenly blocked the two people and turned into a shield. Wang Yuan punched the flame shield.

【Samadhi Fire Shield】

Looking up, he saw Xiao Xuan holding Huo Jue and glaring at Wang Yuan angrily.


There was a loud noise, Xiao Xuan's Samadhi Fire Shield was slightly shaken by Wang Yuan's punch, and sparks scattered in all directions.

Then another punch came down, and the shield dissipated invisible and turned into dots of fire.


Xiao Xuan was horrified when he saw Wang Yuan's fists and kicks were so brutal. He waved his palm with his backhand and lightly pushed Yang Hua's chest with a burst of fire. Yang Hua was pushed several feet away, keeping some distance from Wang Yuan.

"You righteous monks, how dare you hurt my wife!"

Xiao Xuan shouted loudly and raised his hands to summon a fire dragon.

The fire dragon circled in the air and dived towards Tiaozi.

Xiao Xuan is not stupid, and he also knows that people who can control magic are the most disgusting.

Tiaozi reacted very quickly, and quickly drew a circle in front of him with the judge's pen in his hand. He condensed his mana into a shield and blocked the fire dragon.

"Get out of the way! You don't want your life! This is the real fire of Samadhi!"

Mario saw this and hurriedly reminded loudly.


Tiaozi was slightly startled when he heard this.


At this time, the fire dragon collided with Tiaozi's magic shield, and a burst of fire shot into the sky. Tiaozi's magic shield made the fire dragon's body surge like fuel.


With a dragon's roar, the flames rushed towards the note.


Feiyun Taxue put his hands together, and a vine wrapped around Tiaozi and pulled him back. Tiaozi was pulled straight back to the team, avoiding the fire dragon's devouring.

"Want to run?!"

Xiao Xuan sneered, and the fire dragon followed Tiao Zi and chased him. In an instant, he was less than three feet away from Tiao Zi.

Everyone has suffered from the Samadhi True Fire before, and they know that this thing can only be dodged but not blocked, otherwise any spell will add fuel to the fire. At this time, the fire dragon flew over, and no one dared to take action, for fear of burning the fire even more. .

"Shit! What are you doing standing there in a daze? Split the light into different shadows, take it out!!"

Bei Moting shouted while making sword gestures with both hands. The Red Yin Sword behind his back was unsheathed, split into two, and then into four. In an instant, it turned into eighty-eight sixty-four long swords and went straight towards Xiao Xuan.

Even though I was having a sword duel with Electric Slave before, I also saw the power of Samadhi True Fire, so I would not be stupid enough to use my sword to cut spells, but directly attack the caster.

As long as Xiao Xuan is killed, his spell will be defeated.


Facing the endless sword light, Xiao Xuan chuckled, and with a thought, a Samadhi True Fire Shield enveloped him.

The true fire of Samadhi can't burn anything. Although Bei Moting's sword light is sharp, there is nothing he can do when encountering the true fire of Samadhi.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sword shadows were swallowed up by the shield one after another. Every time the shield swallowed a flying sword, the fire dragon grew stronger. All eighty-eight sixty-four flying swords were swallowed up, and the fire dragon became even stronger than before.

"What the hell?"

Cup Mo Ting was a little broken.

"Are you so shameless?" Everyone was shocked.

"Hahahaha! Ignorant rats, how can a mortal body dare to resist the magic?" Xiao Xuan laughed wildly, pushed forward with both hands, and the fire dragon rushed at him again.


Everyone felt cold...

"Tiaozi, I'm sorry!"

Feiyun Taxue threw the note into the sky, turned around and ran away.

Others also scattered around for fear of being affected by the fire dragon.

In the game, life is not important. If you keep Qingshan alive, you won’t have to worry about running out of firewood, and you won’t have to wipe out the whole group for someone.

"Depend on!"

Tiaozi was so depressed that he closed his eyes and waited for death. At the same time, he thought to himself: "If I had directly controlled Xiao Xuan just now, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so difficult."

Just when Tiaozi thought he was going to be burned to death, a thunderous voice suddenly sounded in his ears - "Stop!!"


Then there was a loud bang.

Tiaozi opened his eyes, his vision dimmed slightly, and he saw a figure as generous as a mountain standing in front of him, it was Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan used both palms to condense the true fire of samadhi into an unstoppable fire dragon.

The Samadhi True Fire followed Wang Yuan's hands and burned on Wang Yuan's clothes, igniting Wang Yuan's clothes. He was naked, revealing three bright lotus flowers on his back... The green lotus leaves under the lotus were shining brightly.

"This this……"

I have been playing games with Wang Yuan for more than a year. Everyone has seen Wang Yuan's abnormality, but now he has an incredible expression.

Everyone has personally experienced how terrifying the Samadhi True Fire is. It doesn’t matter who you are, there is nothing it can’t light. No one dares to question the power of the Samadhi True Fire.

However, at this time, Wang Yuan used his flesh and blood to block the Samadhi True Fire... Even the ragtag group of people who were familiar with Wang Yuan were a little doubtful about life at this moment.

Damn it, is this monk really not cheating? Who would believe it!

Not only did everyone in the crowd not believe it, but even Wang Yuan was a little surprised.

With 90% damage immunity from the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong and his own high defense, Wang Yuan is not afraid of the real fire of Samadhi, but he is not afraid of not proving that there is no harm... This thing absorbs the spell of the note, and he will not stop after another cup. The ultimate move was released by a monk of Xiao Xuan's level, and the damage was definitely not low. Wang Yuan was already prepared to be injured.

But who would have thought that after the Samadhi True Fire was blocked by Wang Yuan, except for the tattered clothes with no attributes that were burned, Wang Yuan did not suffer any harm at all, and did not even lose blood forcibly.

This is so weird.

" this demon monk at the highest level of Buddhism?" Xiao Xuan, who was in the air, was horrified when he saw that Wang Yuan was completely unafraid of the True Fire of Samadhi.

Wang Yuan and others did not understand this Samadhi True Fire, but Xiao Xuan knew it well.

The determination of Samadhi True Fire is essentially not a spell but a control! Because the true fire of Samadhi means the fire in the heart, as long as the mind has distracting thoughts, it will be hurt. If it cannot reach the state of peace of mind, it will be burned to ashes by the true fire of Samadhi.

Even if Wang Yuan has an indestructible body that is 90% immune to damage, without the blessing of the tenth level of Buddhism, it is only a matter of time before he is burned to death.

There are very few people in the world who are at the highest level of Buddhism and have a peaceful mind... Xiao Xuan never expected that he would meet one today.


Seeing that the Samadhi True Fire could not hurt him, Wang Yuan had no scruples and pressed down on the fire dragon with his left hand.


The fire dragon was pinned to the ground. Wang Yuan bent the five fingers of his right hand and grabbed it with one claw, grabbing half of the fire dragon's head. Then he pulled down with another claw, leaving only half of the fire dragon's mouth. When the third claw went down, the fire dragon was completely destroyed.

"Bastard monk! You dare to destroy my magic! Just die!"

Xiao Xuan knew that the Samadhi True Fire could not hurt Wang Yuan, so he simply drew a giant sword from behind, flew towards him, and struck Wang Yuan's head with the sword from top to bottom.

Wang Yuan smiled slightly, took a step forward, and stood in front of Xiao Xuan. He raised his left hand and grabbed Xiao Xuan's sword-holding wrist, and pulled it out with his backhand.

Wang Yuan is so powerful.

"Ding Dong!"

There was an unusual sound, and Xiao Xuan couldn't hold the giant sword in his hand and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Wang Yuan's right hand moved horizontally, using the supreme power of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, which was already imprinted on Xiao Xuan's chest.


Xiao Xuan received a hard slap from Wang Yuan, and the flame shield on his body dissipated, and he flew backwards spurting blood.


Seeing that Xiao Xuan's shield disappeared and before he landed, Feiyun Taxue clasped his hands together, and two huge vines emerged from the ground and entangled Xiao Xuan, who was flying in mid-air.

"Nan Ming Li Huo!"

"Yin Yang Fire Curse!"

Dao Kedao sacrificed the magic gourd, and Mario made a secret with one hand in the air.

Two fire dragons crossed and surrounded Xiao Xuan.


The vines burst into flames... Xiao Xuan was swallowed up by the flames.

"Water Dragon Break!"

Su Nianjinshi gave a sweet scolding, formed a seal with her hands, and a water dragon fell from the sky.

Wang Yuan looked embarrassed when he saw three people throwing spells and calling out their names...

The system settings are so disgusting, you have to shout out, you are the second batch.

In fact, it's okay to mutter quietly, but the atmosphere has become so heated that you feel embarrassed if you don't speak louder.

He was first burned by fire and then poured by water. Even the cold and heat could not be endured by iron. Xiao Xuan screamed and lost more than half of the blood on his head.

"Ms. sir!"

Xiao Xuan was seriously injured, and Yang Hua, who was not far away, screamed sadly and said loudly: "Why are you trying to make things difficult for us husband and wife..."


Yang Hua's voice reached everyone's ears. Mario and others were shocked and their eyes were dull.

Even Su Nian Jinshi's expression became stiff.

Only Wang Yuan and Bei Moting were not affected.

Wang Yuan is because the tenth level of Buddhism has profound concentration, but the cup does not stop because it does not have that function...

Yang Hua waved his hand again, and everyone in the crowd turned around and stared at Wang Yuan and Bei Moding with unkind expressions.

"What happened?"

Cup Mo Ting was confused and had no idea what was going on.

"Kill them for me!"

Following Yang Hua's order, the judge's pen in Tiaozi's hand was pointed at Wang Yuan.


A spell was placed on Wang Yuan's face.

System prompt: You have been hit by the [Five-door Ban] and cannot use the Five Elements spells within 20 seconds.

Wang Yuan dismissed it. Only his grandson used magic!

On the other side, Feiyun Taxue clapped his hands, and the vines tied up Bei Moting. A small vine stretched out from the side and slapped Bei Moting on the face, making a snapping sound.

"Boss, stop making trouble!"


"I'm a bastard!"

The curse words that Cup Mo Ting was slapped on came out.

"Shut up!"

Wang Yuan tore off the talisman from his face, jumped to Bei Moting's side and said, "They are being controlled!"

While speaking, Wang Yuan grabbed the vine with both hands and pulled it, breaking it and freeing Bei Moting.

"We have control, what should we do?"

Bei Moting asked stupidly.

"What do you think? Of course, kill them all!" Wang Yuan said angrily.

"Ah? I'm so sorry, can you leave Mario to kill me?" Bei Moting asked.

"I'll beat you to death with one punch! Are you serious about joking with you?" Wang Yuan was speechless. He really wanted to kill one of his own people.

Bei Moting said embarrassedly: "I was just joking. Lao Ma and I are so strong, how could we kill him."

While the two were talking, Yang Hua not far away had already begun to bleed Xiao Xuan's blood, and a mob of people gathered around him again.


Wang Yuan used the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong and suddenly shouted like a thunder.

Wild Ball Divine Fist [Ghost Crying and Howling]


Bei Moting felt his eyes go dark and almost fainted.

"Pap tap tap..."

The crowd of people fell from the air like dumplings, rubbed their heads and stood up, the charm state on their bodies had been lifted.

"Cake, wait!" Mario stretched out his claws towards Bei Moting, trying to catch Bei Moting to death.

"Tch!" Bei Moting curled his lips, not afraid at all.

On the other side, Yang Hua has already filled up Xiao Xuan's blood, and the two BOSS statuses have returned to full.

Wang Yuan and his group looked at the two bosses in front of them and began to be cautious.

Compared with the previous Mao Tai and Li Yuan, this couple can be said to be quite difficult to deal with.

Xiao Xuan's Samadhi True Fire is incombustible. Kill Yang Hua first, and Xiao Xuan will release the Samadhi True Fire at all costs. This thing is like a tarsal maggot. It cannot defend or attack, and can only be chased around in circles. .

Yang Hua's charm technique is not a five-element spell. Tiaozi's [Five-door Forbidden] cannot seal the ground. If Xiao Xuan is killed first, as long as his health drops to half, Yang Hua will definitely use the charm technique.

Although Wang Yuan is not afraid of charm, others can't resist it. If they come up to beat Wang Yuan after being charmed, Wang Yuan can't kill them all, right?

It’s difficult, it’s too difficult!

The two of them, one with output and the other with support, complement each other, making it troublesome no matter who kills first.

"Kill Yang Hua first!" Wang Yuan thought for a moment and gave the battle order.

"What should I do if Xiao Xuan sets a fire?" Bei Moting was afraid of being burned.

Wang Yuan said calmly: "Don't worry, he can't let me go without me!"

In fact, the current situation is not unsolvable.

The biggest difficulty is Xiao Xuan's Samadhi True Fire and Yang Hua's Charm.

It is impossible to kill teammates, so we can only start with Xiao Xuan's Samadhi Fire and not let him cast spells. Naturally, only Wang Yuan can do this.

After playing the game for so long, everyone still has a tacit understanding. After hearing what Wang Yuan said, everyone realized what Wang Yuan was thinking.

So without saying a word, everyone went straight to Yang Hua.

"Eight-door golden lock! Fall!"

Tiaozi struck preemptively, and with a wave of his brush, eight characters - Xiu, Sheng, Shang, Du, Jing, Death, Jing and Kai - fell from the sky and covered Yang Hua. Formations formed at Yang Hua's feet, unable to escape.

[Eight-Door Golden Lock]: Trap the opponent within a certain range within 5 seconds and prevent him from escaping!

As the BOSS, Yang Hua was wary of Tiaozi. It was difficult for other single-target control spells to hit. Although the control time of the Eight-door Golden Lock Array was not long, it was range control and the hit rate was extremely high.

Yang Hua was trapped, and the Mario Cup Mo Ting Chang Qingzi and the others came with fire, poison, water, and swords, cutting off nearly one-tenth of Yang Hua's health in one wave.


Xiao Xuan is a model husband, but his wife was beaten again. Xiao Xuan shouted angrily and raised his hand to use Samadhi True Fire.

Wang Yuan had already targeted him, and he flew over with his sword, and slapped Xiao Xuan's pinching hand with his palm.


Xiao Xuan's spell was interrupted, and the Samadhi True Fire disappeared.


Xiao Xuan took a step back and wanted to continue casting spells. Wang Yuan followed closely and slapped him again, interrupting the spell casting again.


Xiao Xuan's spellcasting was interrupted twice in a row but he still refused to give up and wanted to seal the spell again.

"You're not done yet, are you!" Wang Yuan was a little impatient.

If it weren't for the fear that Xiao Xuan's health bar would drop below half and Yang Hua would use his charm technique, Wang Yuan would have pinned Xiao Xuan to the ground and beat him. This guy didn't know what to do and was desperately trying to set fire to him.

Do you know about setting fire to the kang? Do you understand if you sit in jail?

Wang Yuan's heart was cruel, and he reached out with his right hand to twist Xiao Xuan's wrist, and used a stumbling block under his feet to knock him down to the ground.


Putting his foot on Xiao Xuan's chest, Wang Yuan twisted his right hand with all his strength.


Xiao Xuan's arm was twisted and turned 720 degrees...


Xiao Xuan screamed loudly.

Wang Yuan was kind-hearted, but when he heard that he was heartbroken, he suddenly pulled back and pulled off one of Xiao Xuan's arms.

Xiao Xuan wanted to cast a spell with his other hand, but Wang Yuan repeated his old trick and pulled off his other arm and stuffed it into his mouth.

The world is quiet!

The spell requires making hand gestures and chanting incantations, both arms are broken, and the mouth is blocked. Wang Yuan does not believe that he can still use the Samadhi True Fire.

On Yang Hua's side, the five-second eight-door golden lock formation quickly dissipated. Just as Yang Hua was about to run away, Feiyun Taxue had already used the [Wood Taming Technique], and the vines wrapped around him tightly.

Another wave of water, fire, sword, and poison... Yang Hua was beaten and screamed repeatedly.

The control of the wood control technique was released, and the time for the eight-door golden lock to recuperate was over, and then there was another wave...

Control after control, output after output, continuous control and output, continuous.

With the right strategy and strong teammates, killing the two bosses is not too difficult.

The most depressed people at this time are not Xiao Xuan and Yang Hua, but Ding Laoxian.

He doesn't know how to control or twist people's arms, he only adds blood... Seeing others beating the boss, Ding Laoxian feels that he is very redundant. He obviously has no output, but he still has to throw the wheel at Yang Hua from time to time. , to prove that he is not a member of the team...

Embarrassing...unspeakable embarrassment.


"Ms. sir!!"

Under the ravages of Wang Yuan and others, Yang Hua and Xiao Xuan both died tragically and went to hell together, allowing everyone to witness a poignant love between life and death.

In Su Nian Jinshi, this silly girl was still secretly blaming herself: "Are we too bad? What a beautiful love."


Everyone was silent, women just think differently.

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