Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 1034 The legendary Qiyun Mountain

"Xiaochun, fly down quickly!"

As soon as he arrived above Qiyun Mountain, Wang Yuan suddenly received the news of a bright spring.


Although Wang Yuan didn't know what Brilliant Spring meant, he also knew that Brilliant Spring would not play tricks on him, so he landed directly without saying a word.

At the same time, Wang Yuan heard the horrified screams of the players of the Qiankun Demon Subduing Club.

"what is that?"

"Oops, it's flying this way!"

Wang Yuan raised his head and looked up when he heard the sound.

I saw a cloud of blood in the sky, overwhelming the players. The players panicked and took out their magical flying swords to prepare for battle.

The blood cloud was extremely fast, and before Wang Yuan landed, it was already flying close.

At this time, Wang Yuan also saw the true face of Xueyun.

There are clouds and birds in this thing! The blood-colored wings were spread out several feet, and their eyes glowed with a strange red light. There seemed to be people sitting on the backs of these big birds.

Those people were all dressed in black and held white swords in their hands.

【Northern Sword Demon】(Elite)

Cultivation: fifth level of golden elixir

Qi and blood: sufficient

Mana: Plenty

Spells: Wrath of Heaven Sword Rain Jue, Sword Meteor.

Background introduction: A demon sword spirit living in the far north, he refined the demon blood crow into the Heavenly Wrath Sword Technique and became extremely powerful.

An elite monster on the fifth level of Golden Core!

Wang Yuan's scalp felt numb after seeing the information about the Northern Sword Demon.

The fairy world is different from the mortal world.

Monsters in the fairy world are quite powerful, especially those beast cultivators and demons. They are naturally stronger than human monks, and their attack and control judgments are higher than those of human monks.

At this stage, players’ skills, spells, and equipment are still in their infancy and have not yet been completed.

Players in the same realm can deal with elite monsters of human cultivators with ease, but when encountering monsters or demons of the same cultivator level, those who can draw in a one-on-one fight can be regarded as masters.

Those who can leapfrog and kill are either well-equipped or extremely skilled and belong to elite level masters.

It is true that most of the Qiankun Demon Subduers are masters of the Golden Elixir, but Feiyun Taxue, who has the highest level of cultivation in the entire fairy world, is only at the third level of the Golden Elixir. Most of the Golden Elixir players have just stepped into the Golden Elixir. How can ordinary people be the opponents of these northern sword demons?

Of course, players have brains. If the formations of various sects cooperate properly, they will obviously not be afraid of monsters.

However, the Qiankun Demon Subduing Club is a newly formed team with no coordination with each other and lacks actual combat experience. In this state, when they come onto the field, their enemies are just a ragtag group of people, with no coordination at all.

Moreover, there are countless black sword demons in the North, and their number far exceeds that of the players.

The Northern Sword Demon is quite ferocious. Seeing the player without saying a word, he surrounds him with a set of [Sword Rain of Wrath of Heaven].

“Swish swish swish!”

In an instant, sword energy crisscrossed the sky and the earth, and the blue sword light was like a gust of wind and rain, stabbing the players in all unexpected directions.

With just one encounter, hundreds of players were strangled by sword energy on the spot.

When Wang Yuan saw this scene below, he thought to himself: "It's a shame. Otherwise, even if I have an indestructible body, I'll probably be peeled off if I try to withstand this wave of sword energy."

Flying over the players, the players in the Qiankun Demon Subduing Club were stunned by a wave of sword energy. The Northern Sword Demons pulled the reins in their hands, turned around in the air, and aimed at the panicked players again.

"Don't panic, don't panic!"

Seeing that the Northern Sword Demon is about to launch a second wave of attacks.

Spring Bright suddenly roared and shouted: "Everyone forms a circle back to back. Brahma Sect players are on the outside. Kunlun is ready to control. Shushan is in the back and outputs. Qingcheng Baihua Milk is in the front row to protect Emei in the rear."

In this case, the player lacks nothing but a leader and commander-in-chief.

The Northern Sword Demons are higher than the players in terms of cultivation and quantity.

Fighting on their own, it is only a matter of time before they are all killed by the Northern Sword Demon.

But if everyone lined up and cooperated properly, it was not difficult to form a rope to deal with the Northern Sword Demon in front of them.

Everyone understands this common sense, it’s just a matter of whether they are willing to obey it.

Normally, these players would definitely not obey a stranger.

In this situation, life and death are at stake, and no one can care too much. If someone is willing to give instructions, and they are not giving random instructions, they must follow the instructions instinctively.

Following Chun Guangguang's command, the formation of the players in the Qiankun Demon Subduing Congregation quickly shrank and gathered into a circular formation.

The Northern Sword Demon also launched a second wave of charges and flew towards the players again.


The moment the Northern Sword Demon flew over, Chun Guangguang shouted loudly: "Open the shield!"

[King Kong Barrier]!

The Brahma Sect disciples shouted in unison and released streaks of golden Buddha light.

Diamond Barrier is the signature spell of the Brahma Sect disciples. It can not only instantly improve one's own defense and be immune to up to 80% damage in an instant, but can also force the target to come to him.

This move is somewhat similar to Wang Yuan's previous move [Vajra Worship Tower], the difference is that it is not immune to all damage.

Even so, being able to be 80% immune is already very powerful.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The Northern Devil's attack was very high, but its defense and HP were just that. When it hit the Brahma Sect disciple's beam of light, a cloud of blood mist rose up, preventing them from moving forward at all.

In this collision, the Northern Sword Demon behind collided with the Northern Sword Demon in front, one after another, and they collided into a ball.

【Kunlun Xuanbing】

The Kunlun players all took action, and white frost spread out in all directions.

The northern sword demons that encountered the frost all condensed into ice.

Most of the Kunlun sect are Tianshan players, and their skills are mostly water-based and ice-based. Wood-based skills like Feiyun Taxue are rare spells. Kunlun Xuanbing is the basic control commonly used by Kunlun disciples.

Kunlun Xuanbing's control is very strong, but this time it's a bit stretched.

Because the Northern Sword Demon is in an extremely cold place and is naturally strong in ice resistance, isn't it nonsense to use ice spells to control it?

In less than two seconds, the Northern Sword Demon escaped.


Chun Guangguang gave the order to attack.

The flying swords of Shushan disciples all arrived, and when they chanted the sword formula, the flying swords split into two and then into four, turning into eighty-eight sixty-four sword shadows.

Qingcheng disciples sacrificed the gourd to release the [Nanming Lihuo Curse].

The Emei master pinched the sword and used the Fire Dragon Roar, and fire swords fell from the sky one after another.

[Fire Dragon Yin]!

The ice resistance is strong, but the fire resistance is definitely weak!

Wherever the fire dragon went, countless northern sword demons were burned, killed and injured.


Watching the players gradually take control of everything, Wang Yuan really admired the brilliant spring.

This old guy looked at him with a smile on his face, but he had a good grasp of people's hearts. He would not make a sound in the early morning and would not make a sound in the later time. He raised his arms when he was in the most danger. Now the players of [Qiankun Demon Subduing Club] have basically listened to his orders.

Even Xiaolou, who listened to Chunyu and Cutting a Knife all night to shock Kyushu, probably doesn't have the right to speak as he does in the [Qiankun Demon Suppression Club].

Seizing power quietly is the highest level of occupying the magpie's nest.

"Xiaochun, stop looking and open the Bagua Stone in front of you."

While Wang Yuan was thinking wildly, he received another instruction from the brilliant spring.

Wang Yuan looked forward, and sure enough there was a big stone not far ahead. Under the stone was a Bagua, printed with the Bagua position.

As more and more sword demons in the sky were killed, the stones on the ground became brighter and brighter.

"This is a formation, right?" Wang Yuan said.

"That's right!"

"What's the order?" Wang Yuan asked again.

This formation must be activated according to the Eight Directions hexagram position.

Spring Bright said: "How the hell do I know? I lead people to lead the monsters in the sky. You try it slowly."

Wang Yuan: "..."

Okay, it seems that Chunxiang has been to Qiyun Mountain before and knows that there are monsters and formations here.

It was probably because he was attacked by monsters while breaking the formation that he couldn't resist, so he thought of going to Beiting's hometown to find people to use as cannon fodder.

Wang Yuan came to the Bagua Stone and casually stepped on the direction of the hexagram.

Bagua Shi showed no reaction.

Tried a few more times, still the same.

Wang Yuan has a big head. This is so fucking disgusting. Who the hell knows how to break the eight-digit password? This thing must not be tried until the end of the year of the monkey.


Wang Yuan simply took out his Douzhan, swung it in the wind and turned it into the size of a beam, and smashed it directly against the Bagua Stone.

What bullshit formation is just a combination lock.

There is no lock that cannot be broken with a stick. If there is, then break it twice!

Compared to serious unlocking, Wang Yuan is more accustomed to violently breaking formations.


A loud bang! !

Wang Yuan's battle landed heavily on the stone.

The stone was unharmed, but Wang Yuan was so shocked that his jaw went numb and he almost lost his weapon.

"What the hell, are you so awesome?" Wang Yuan frowned, knowing that the stone was extremely hard and could not be broken open, at least with his current cultivation level.


After thinking for a while, Wang Yuan walked over, hugged the stone with both hands and pulled it up suddenly.

"Creak..." There was an unusual sound.

Shitou was picked up directly by Wang Yuan.


Wang Yuan's head was covered with black lines.

Game designers really lack virtue.

Placing stones between the Bagua array gives people the illusion of an array. In fact, this thing is not an array at all...

If he were a more honest player, he would have to try the Bafang Sequence over and over before he could activate it. By the time he finished trying it, it would be a long time ago and it would be useless at all.

After further investigation, he even smiled slightly and said: "Where are such big rocks placed? You go to step on the Bagua array, do you blame me?"

It is said that the game designer of Longteng was put in a sack in the early years. It seems that this matter is definitely not groundless.


Wang Yuan spat, picked up the stone and trotted all the way, carrying the stone to the distance of the Bagua array.


The Bagua formation under the stone suddenly shone with light, and a vortex appeared in the air.


As the vortex appeared, the Northern Sword Demons in the sky shouted loudly, and rushed towards the players with murderous intent.

After several rounds of fighting, the members of the Qiankun Demon-Suppressing Association were able to suppress the monster's attacks and fight back with their cooperation. At this time, they saw these northern sword demons rushing up again, and they were not afraid at all.

It was still the Brahma Sect disciples who opened the Vajra Barrier, and the other players continued to control and attack, everything was in order.

However, just after the Brahma Sect disciples activated the [Vajra Barrier] again to stop the Northern Sword Demons rushing in front, those blocked Northern Sword Demons were not bounced back like before, but a stream of blood burst out from their bodies. Light.


Everyone looked confused.


Before everyone could react, there was a loud noise, and the Northern Sword Demons that hit the barrier suddenly exploded, creating a gap in the formation.

The Northern Sword Demons behind them swarmed into the players' formation, constantly exploding themselves.

"Boom boom boom!"

Rays of blood rose into the sky, and the players' formations were blown to pieces, killing and injuring hundreds more.

"Everyone rush into the whirlpool! Ignore the monsters behind!"

Chun Guanggliang waved his hand and threw out five black beads. The beads turned into five huge zombies in the wind, guarding Chun Guanggliang.

In the mortal world, they are called zombies, but in the fairy world, they should be called demons.

With a thought in Brilliant Spring, the five demon gods pulled their hands together, and the five-color light of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth formed a wall to stop the Northern Sword Demon.

【Five Elements Formation】

Although this formation is a basic formation, it requires monks with similar five elements attributes to perform it at the same time to achieve miraculous effects.

Five rays of light fell, temporarily blocking the Northern Sword Demon.

Everyone was so moved when they saw this, they scrambled to get into the whirlpool.

However, fierce winds emerged from the whirlpool, cutting the players at the front into dozens of pieces...


Seeing this scene, everyone was frightened and did not dare to step forward.

At this time, Chunguang smiled secretly and sent a message to Wang Yuan: "You can go!"

Then, Chun Guangguang went straight to the whirlpool and said loudly: "Don't be afraid, I will take the lead!!"

"Brother Chun is mighty!"

"Brother Chun is awesome!"

The players of the Qiankun Demon Subduing Club shouted in unison, as if they regarded the brilliant spring as their idol, but they didn't know that all of this was within the plan of the brilliant spring.

Xiaolou listened to Chunyu's expression very unhappy all night.

The knife shocked Kyushu, but he still sighed stupidly: "Brother Chun is indeed a brother."

"That's bullshit! If this continues, we will soon lose our prestige." Xiaolou listened to Chunyu lamenting his misfortune all night and looked at Guoyida Zhenjiuzhou with anger.

Chun Guangguang was the first to pass through the whirlpool, and Wang Yuan jumped to follow and was the second.

Seeing that the two of them were safe and sound, everyone followed and stepped into the whirlpool.

After passing through the whirlpool, everyone received a system prompt: You have discovered the intersection of the three realms, and the cultivation level of Qiyun Mountain has improved...

At this time, no one paid attention to the system prompts, but were attracted by the scenery of Qiyun Mountain.

Qiyun Mountain has a beautiful name and gives people a sense of pleasant scenery.

But the scene in front of me was like purgatory on earth.

Looking around, there are dead bones everywhere in the field of vision, the spiritual energy of the world is extremely chaotic, and there are violent spiritual energy groups everywhere.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Xiaolou couldn't help but feel angry after hearing the spring rain all night. He pointed at the bright spring scenery and said angrily: "Is this the place you said is most suitable for a gang station?"

There are two reasons why Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night and criticized Chun Guangguang. One was that Chun Guangcai had just acted and had more prestige in the gang than the two gang leaders.

Secondly, Qiyun Mountain is completely different from the one described in the Brilliant Spring.

Not only is there not enough spiritual energy or abundant resources, but monsters are running rampant, Shuras are everywhere... and there are many dangers.

Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night. In order to summon the monks, he spent a lot of money and people. In order to enter Qiyun Mountain just now, the Qiankun Demon Suppression Society suffered more than two-thirds of the casualties, and the pension was a huge expense. The purpose is to get a residence in Qiyun Mountain.

Now when I came in, I found that Qiyun Mountain looked like this. Xiaolou listened to the spring rain all night, and his mood was as if his wife had taken off her makeup and turned into Wang Yuan on the wedding night. Simply.


Spring Bright smiled: "If I didn't say that, why would you bring someone with me?"

"What do you mean? Could it be..." Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night and heard the words "Spring Sunshine". He immediately reacted and knew that he was being used.

The Qiankun Demon Subduing players originally thought that Chun Guanglan was a good big brother, but when they heard this, they became very angry.

"What the hell! How dare you trick us brothers into committing suicide for you! Kill him!"

Xiaolou was extremely angry when he heard Chun Yu all night. Pointing to the bright spring scenery, he gave the order to kill on the spot.

But the bright spring scenery suddenly smiled.

"Small building, behind you!"

At this time, Cut a knife shook Kyushu and shouted loudly.

Xiaolou heard that Chun Yu was about to turn around one night when he felt a chill on his back. A big hand stretched out from behind his chest, holding a bloody heart in his hand.

"This this……"

Looking at Xiaolou's big bloody hand on Chun Yu's chest all night long, he recalled the fear of being dominated by a certain monk.

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