Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 1040: Drive away tigers and devour wolves, reap the benefits

The entrance to Qiyun Mountain was already surrounded by players.

The brilliant spring was surrounded by the players of the Qiankun Demon Subduing Society. One hand held the Mingyan Cauldron, and the other hand controlled the Five Elements Demon God to protect him in the middle.

Xiaolou listened to the spring rain all night and returned to Qiyun Mountain at some point. At this time, he was directing the players to attack the brilliant spring.

In a group fight, there is a difference between using a large number of people to fight against a large number of people and using a large number of people to fight against a small number of people.

The difference between a hundred people and a thousand people is just a matter of battery life. The difficulty of the battle is not much different. After all, the targets are only the few in the encirclement. The only players who can really defeat them are the dozens of people inside and outside. .

The brilliant spring has extremely high operating skills, and the Five Elements Demon God under his command is very tyrannical, basically equivalent to six masters.

With the cooperation of the Five Elements Demon Gods, they can complement each other and double their strength. The Five Elements Formation integrates offense and defense. For a while, everyone in the Qiankun Demon Subduing Society really couldn't defeat him.

Several waves of attacks failed to take away the brilliant spring scenery.

Of course, the bright spring is not that easy. The Five Elements Demon God is commanded to support it hard, and his mana is consumed very quickly. It is only a matter of time before he is besieged and dies.

"Hahaha! The spring is shining brightly. Look where you, old dog, are going to run! Today we will let you live and die."

Splendid Spring is true and he has done a lot of evil. Not only did he deceive the bodies of Qiankun Fumo Club players, but he also deceived people's feelings. Everyone's hatred for Splendid Spring comes from the bottom of their hearts. Seeing this old dog being surrounded to death, everyone surrounded him. However, he was not in a hurry to kill him, but wanted to ravage him like a cat playing with a mouse to relieve his hatred.

Even the mages of the Emei sect and the controllers of the Kunlun sect no longer used spells, but instead used flying swords to stab the bright spring.


Spring Bright seems to be used to such big scenes, being besieged and ravaged by thousands of people. Not only is he not impatient, but he is also very calm, as if he has long been used to it.

It seems that this guy was hunted down a lot in the early years.

Come to think of it, with this guy's bad character, it would be strange not to be hunted down.

The more Splendid Spring looks like this, the angrier everyone becomes and the faster the attack frequency becomes.

Brilliant Spring commanded the Demon God to resist vigorously. Even though he knew that he was being surrounded and ravaged by others, he still had to show his unyielding attitude tenaciously.

The more you resist like this, the more excited the Qiankun Demon Subduing Club becomes.

"Ha ha!"

The brilliant spring scenery was about to be irresistible, and he suddenly laughed and raised the Mingyan Cauldron in his hand and said, "Do you know what this is?"


After hearing Chun Guang's words, the eyes of everyone in the Qiankun Demon Subduing Club were directly attracted to the Mingyan Cauldron in Chun Guang's hand.

The Mingyan Cauldron is a magic weapon used to suppress the six-pointed star array. It is naturally not a mortal object. It has a simple shape and contains purple light. It looks like a high-end product at first glance.

Moreover, Brilliant Spring tricked so many people to death just for such a cauldron. When everyone saw the Mingyan Cauldron, they immediately thought of artifacts and magic weapons, and suddenly became excited again.


Seeing the appearance of everyone in the Qiankun Demon Subduing Club, Chun Guanggliang raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

The brilliant spring is so treacherous, and he knows how to kill three people with two peaches.

The Qiankun Demon-Suppressing Society is a ragtag group of people. When there are no conflicts of interest and only common enemies, everyone is good to me. Once there is a conflict of interest, they will immediately have their own agenda.

The greater the interests, the less united they are.

The bright spring light immediately began to cover Yunshan Mist: "This is the Three Realms holy weapon Qiankun Ding, which can refine all demons and accommodate all things. If you get this holy weapon, let alone Qiyun Mountain, even the entire fairy world will be at your disposal, and this is the hometown of Beiting. The demon emperor's relic, with it, you can truly become the master of Mangcang Mountain."


Most people believe what they want to believe. The brilliant spring scenery boasted so much that he didn’t believe it himself, but Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night and believed it without any doubt: "Give me the tripod and I will let you go!"


Chun Guangming laughed and said, "For you? Are the others willing?"

With that said, Chun Guanggliang looked around and said, "You are not really willing to give up the sacred weapon, are you?"


Everyone in the Qiankun Demon Subduing Club was silent. It was obvious that these guys didn't take Xiaolou's whole night of listening to the spring rain seriously.

"Come on, come on!" Seeing the fish take the bait, Chun Guangguang said again: "This cauldron is of no use to me. If you can kill Xiaolou and listen to the spring rain all night, I will give it to him."


Everyone's eyes instantly turned to Xiaolou Yiye Tingchunyu.

"Don't listen to his nonsense!"

Xiaolou immediately panicked when he heard Chun Yu all night, and said loudly: "This guy is misleading the public again, haven't we suffered a loss before? Who doesn't tell Ding Gui? If you kill him, you will definitely be exposed!"

When the small building heard Chun Yu's words all night, everyone suddenly felt that it made sense and turned their attention to Chun Guangxiang again.


The spring scenery was bright, but he smiled slightly and looked into the distance and said: "It's finally here!"


Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and immediately realized that Chun Guanggui was stalling for time to wait for reinforcements, so they followed Chun Guanggli's gaze and looked over.

I saw a black shadow flying from the horizon.

The black shadow was extremely fast and was approaching in an instant.

I saw that the man was tall and muscular, naked to the waist and bareheaded, with a fierce look on his face.

"Isn't this that Mrs. Mao?"

Everyone recognized Wang Yuan at a glance and couldn't help but feel contempt.

I thought that Splendid Spring had some trump card, so I called so many helpers, but in the end I only waited for Mrs. Mao to come...

"Mao Tai" is very strong, but there are a thousand people here, and a few more Mao Tais are not enough to fight head-on!

"Stop him, don't let him come!"

Others did not know Wang Yuan, but Xiaolou knew clearly after listening to Chunyu and Guoyidao Zhenjiuzhou all night. These two people were well aware of Wang Yuan's power. Seeing Wang Yuan flying close, they were so scared that they were scared out of their wits. They quickly ordered everyone to surround Wang Yuan. Far.

Wang Yuan was also a participant in the Qian Kun Demon Subduing Society before, so he was very happy to be able to catch everyone in one fell swoop.

So they opened up their formation and surrounded them directly.

But at this moment, everyone suddenly discovered that Wang Yuan was not alone and there were two helpers behind him.

One of them has a beard all over his face and is walking with a sword, while the other has nine tails behind his back and is following closely behind.

Wang Yuan saw the Qiankun Demon-Suppressing Club players surrounding him, and then glanced at Li Yuanhua and the Eternal Fox King behind him. A smirk appeared on his face, and he summoned his magic power and shouted loudly: "Don't be stunned! Help!"

Wang Yuan has such magical power. Under the influence of [Ghost Crying and Divine Howling], the sound can be heard all over the place, and everyone can hear it clearly.



Li Yuanhua and everyone in the Qiankun Demon Subduing Association were all shocked, and they all thought in unison: "This monk actually has a helper!"

At the same time, with a thought in Spring Bright's mind, his demon god flew into the crowd and threw a ball of flame at Li Yuanhua and the Eternal Fox King.

Li Yuanhua's sword flashed, and the flame was dispersed by the sword...

Although this flame did not cause any harm, it was of great significance.

There needs to be a leader in everything. Seeing someone take action, other members of the Qiankun Demon Subduing Association also threw magic flying swords at Li Yuanhua and the other two.

Naturally, these two people did not have the character to fight back. Li Yuanhua's sword light surged several feet, and he slashed with one sword, taking away several lives on the spot. Not to be outdone, the Eternal Fox King used the wind blade like a knife to cut apart the players' formation.

The two sides immediately got into a melee.

Wang Yuan and Chun Guanghuan looked at each other and their plan worked out.


Spring is bright and I turn around and take the opportunity to leave.

Wang Yuan shook his head and said: "Don't leave yet, there are still benefits to be gained!"


The bright spring light confirmed it, looked back, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​leaving.

Li Yuanhua and the Eternal Fox King both have distraction cultivation, and they are also at the top master level. Their strength is naturally not comparable to that of a mere Golden Core monk. The two of them have one attack and one defense, one method and one sword, one good and one evil. They cooperate with each other to get started. The Qiankun Demon Subduing Club suffered heavy losses, and dozens of players were killed on the spot.

However, a high level of cultivation cannot support large numbers of people. There are over a thousand Jindan cultivators in the Qiankun Demon Suppressing Society.

Players who can reach this level are all experienced players.

At the beginning, everyone had no cooperation and could not withstand the sword energy and spells of Li Yuanhua.

However, after a few rounds, everyone in the Qiankun Demon Subduing Club gradually adapted to the style of play and gradually became more adept at cooperating.

The Brahma Sect masters gathered their formation and surrounded the two bosses. Qingcheng Baihua followed up with treatment, Kunlun controlled harassment, and Emei Qianji Pavilion in Shushan focused on fire output.

In an instant, magic arrows and flying swords were flying all over the sky, and the golden light of the Vajra Barrier flashed. Li Yuanhua and the Eternal Fox King were suppressed from just now, and gradually became 50-50.

Even though the BOSS's health bar is long, it can't stop players from having milk, medicine, and supplies. No matter how thick the health bar is, it can't stop players taking turns grinding away their blood.

The blood bars on the heads of Li Yuanhua and the Eternal Fox King were getting lower and lower, and it was obvious that they could not last much longer.

The players of the Qiankun Demon-Suppressing Club were not fools. They originally thought that Li Yuanhua and the Eternal Fox King were Wang Yuan's helpers, but when they found out that these two were BOSS, they realized that they had been deceived by Wang Yuan.

But so what? BOSS is hard to come by, not to mention that there are two BOSSs in the distraction period. Killing them is much more cost-effective than killing Wang Yuan and the other two.

Seeing that the health bars of the two BOSSes were getting lower and lower, the players of the Qiankun Demon Subduing Club became more and more excited, completely forgetting who their original target was.

"I won't play with you anymore!"

Just when the blood bar of the Eternal Fox King turned red, the old fox suddenly transformed into a nine-tailed giant fox tens of feet tall. He jumped out of the encirclement and ran straight to the top of the mountain at an extremely fast speed, disappearing in an instant. The horizon.

Li Yuanhua was the only one left in the encirclement.

Without the help of the Eternal Fox King, Li Yuanhua is unable to survive alone. Even with his cultivation in the clone stage, he is still unable to defeat the siege of so many players with two fists.

Soon the blood bar turns red.





Li Yuanhua's health bar is getting thinner and thinner, and the output of Qiankun Demon Subduing Club players is getting more and more crazy.

Seeing that Li Yuanhua's blood volume was only 2%, and he could be taken away with another wave of attacks, Wang Yuan suddenly appeared behind Li Yuan's incarnation. His hand shook in the wind and turned into the size of a beam, and he struck hard with a move [Unparalleled in the World]. on the back of Li Yuanhua's head.


With a muffled sound, Li Yuanhua's health bar cleared, and his figure blurred into a puff of breeze.

This guy is a clone of the soul, and it is normal for the soul to dissipate after death.

As Li Yuanhua was killed, a flying sword fell from the air. Wang Yuan stretched out his big hand and caught the flying sword.

【Seven Killing Sword】

Property: gold

Category: Weapons and magic weapons

Grade: fifth grade, top grade

External attack: +150%

Internal attack: +150%

Durability: 100/100

Usage requirements: one level of distraction

[Flight speed 350 kilometers/hour]

[Sword Heart Transparent]: The power of the sword is increased by 50%

[Heart and Sword Sympathy]: Spiritual power recovery speed increased by 50%

[Tattoo Technique]: Sword handling speed increased by 50%

[Seven Killing Sword Intent]: Active spell, consumes 50% mana, increases damage by 100% within 30 seconds, and has a recovery time of 120 seconds.

Background introduction: This sword was refined from overseas fine gold by Bearded Immortal Li Yuanhua. It has been cultivated for many years and has unparalleled power.


Wang Yuan was very satisfied and put it into his backpack.


Seeing Wang Yuan suddenly appear and snatch away the obtained BOSS, everyone in the Qiankun Demon Subduing Club immediately exploded.

Damn it, you two bastards just ran away. For the sake of the two bosses, I won’t argue with you for the time being. But everyone finally reduced Li Yuanhua to a residual health, but you came back and grabbed the boss. equipment.

Who can bear this?

The hatred for grabbing monsters is irreconcilable! In the game, he is comparable to killing his father and seizing his wife.

"Damn it! Don't let him escape! Kill him and explode his equipment!"

Xiaolou heard Chunyu yelling one night and gave an attack order.

The players next to Wang Yuan all took action with hatred, using flying swords and spells.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Yuan laughed and started to use Xuan Gong.


Dozens of flying swords fell on Wang Yuan, shooting out a string of sparks.

The spell fell on Wang Yuan, and its effect was minimal.

Although Wang Yuan's cultivation was only at the Golden Core stage, in terms of physical defense, Li Yuanhua and the Eternal Fox King were no match.

With 90% damage immunity, coupled with the Nine-turn Mysterious Power's Gang Qi body protection and Wang Yuan's terrifying defense, any attack from a monk of the same level falling on him is basically like scratching an itch. A wave of output only takes away a tenth of Wang Yuan's body. One's blood volume.

Frankness is the kingly way.

"This this……"

Seeing that Wang Yuan's defense was so amazing, everyone was stunned. What the hell is this?

The wave of attacks just now, although not everyone attacked at the same time, there were still hundreds of people. Any player who was exposed to such a wave of output would be dead. However, Wang Yuan resisted the wave of damage and not only survived, The blood bar on his head is still very strong, which is a bit strange.

"Control him first and then attack! Let's attack together! Don't take any chances!"

Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night and knew better than anyone how difficult Wang Yuan was to deal with. After the Qiankun Fumo Club players were consumed by Li Yuanhua and the Eternal Fox King, there were still seven or eight hundred people. However, Xiaolou listened to Chunyu all night and faced Wang Yuan. I still didn't dare to feel negligent in the slightest.

He knew very well what kind of terrifying pervert his opponent was.

"Kunlun Xuanbing!"

As Xiaolou listened to Chunyu's order all night, the Kunlun disciples of the Qiankun Demon Subduing Society cast control spells at the same time.

It's not just talk about strength in numbers. No matter how strong Wang Yuan is, there is a limit. The cold air attacks from all directions. Wang Yuan has no way to avoid it, and his lower body is directly sealed by Kunlun Xuanbing.

With Wang Yuan's control resistance, usually three or five people are not afraid of using control spells. However, this time, hundreds of people cast spells at the same time. Wang Yuan was still unable to avoid it. The control was layered one after another. No matter how high Wang Yuan's judgment was, he could not escape. .

【Shrink to an Inch】It is still recovering and cooling down, so even if you want to teleport away, you can't escape.


Seeing that Wang Yuan was frozen, everyone in the Qiankun Demon Subduing Association launched another attack.

The output this time was several times stronger than before, and everyone also used their killing moves.

While under control, the player will automatically cancel the magic protection effect and can only use his body to resist, and his defense will be greatly reduced.

Although Wang Yuan has an indestructible body, he is not absolutely invincible. Even if he resists the damage of hundreds of people, he will still be skinned.

But Wang Yuan didn't panic at all.

Just when Wang Yuan was about to be overwhelmed by attacks from the sky, five light pillars suddenly rose up to protect Wang Yuan in the middle, and all attacks were isolated and bounced back.

The five elements are restored to heaven! !

Bright Spring controlled five demon gods to block a wave of attacks from Wang Yuan.

At this time, a black curly hair appeared in Wang Yuan's hand.

"Holy crap! Is this the great magical power you're talking about?"

When Chun Guanglan saw the hair in Wang Yuan's hand, she was so angry that she almost cursed.


Everyone in the Qiankun Demon Subduing Association frowned when they saw the hair in Wang Yuan's hand, and couldn't help but secretly said: Is this monk still using his life to make fun of himself when he is about to die? Are you trying to make us laugh to death? What a sinister intention.

Wang Yuan took his time, put his hands together, and shouted: "External incarnation, open!!"

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