Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 1047 Tear apart the monster with your hands

"I'll wipe!!!"

Seeing Chang Hao breaking through two controls in succession, everyone in the mob couldn't help but feel panicked.

Physical judgment depends on strength, and magic judgment depends on Taoism.

The cultivation of monsters is inherently more difficult than that of humans. Chang Hao was able to cultivate into Nascent Soul. Needless to say, his Taoism and practice are needless to say. Moreover, this guy has a huge body and strength. Needless to say, his judgment is so high that it cannot be competed by ordinary magic.

Feiyun Taxue and Tiaozi's control skills obviously couldn't stop this guy at all, and they didn't even have any effect.


Seeing the bright spring scenery, my mind moved, and the five-headed demon gathered the five-element formation.

The Five Elements Formation is a formation, not a control spell. Although it can trap enemies, the control mechanism is different. As soon as the circle of five rays of light shrinks, Chang Hao is restrained by the Five Elements Formation, spinning back and forth in place.


Chang Hao shouted loudly and shook his head to both sides.

"Bang!" hit the aperture of the Five Elements Formation, and the aperture suddenly dimmed.


I was shocked by the brilliant spring scenery.

It is true that the Five Elements Formation is a basic formation, but all things originate from the Five Elements, and it is also the mother formation of all formations. As long as it is used properly, its power is not weaker than high-level complex formations.

Previously in Qiyun Mountain, Chun Guangguang used this Five Elements Formation to not only block the monsters, but also withstand the attacks of Li Yuanhua and the Eternal Fox King.

Chang Hao is just a king-level monster in the Nascent Soul stage, and he almost broke the formation with just one move... This shows that the strength of this event BOSS is completely super-level.

"Everyone, attack quickly, my formation can trap him for two seconds!"

The brilliant spring light pushed the magic power to the extreme, and the Five Elements Formation lit up again.

Dao Kedao slapped the gourd and shouted: "Immortal method, the true fire of Samadhi!"

A soft flame floated out.

Water dragon roars!

The fire dragon breaks!

The mob immediately released spells, adding fuel to the fire of Dao Ke Dao's Samadhi.

Under the fusion of the Samadhi True Fire, the four series of spells of Ice, Fire, Sword and Poison condensed into a large ball of Samadhi True Flame, which smashed into Chang Hao's face.

This combined spell is the strongest output spell developed by the rabble after many times of cooperation. It is based on the true fire of Samadhi and integrates all the strongest spells of the rabble into one. It also comes with the characteristics of each series of spells and the defense-breaking ability of the sword system. , the deceleration of the ice system, the burst of the fire system, and the continuous damage of the poison system are integrated into one, and super explosive damage can be dealt in one go.

Just now, when Wang Yuan and his group set fire to the mountain, they used this move to ambush the monsters that were lured out. Under this move of Samadhi True Flame, no monster could survive a round.

However, Chang Hao showed no fear in the face of everyone's combined spells. The golden head in the middle suddenly opened its mouth, and a vortex visible to the naked eye appeared in the mouth.

When the Samadhi True Flame flew to the door in front of Chang Hao, the vortex suddenly turned. The huge Samadhi True Flame was directly pulled into a straight line by the vortex and swallowed by force.


Seeing that the Samadhi True Flame was swallowed by Chang Hao in one gulp, the crowd was immediately dumbfounded.

What's going on? That was the true fire of Samadhi, the true fire of Samadhi that could burn anything and everything. Why was it swallowed by this evildoer?

This... this is too scary.


Chang Hao burped after swallowing the Samadhi True Flame, and two streaks of smoke came out of his nostrils, which seemed quite comfortable.

Then, Chang Hao's other two heads also opened their mouths, and three rays of light, one blue, one red, and one green, were sprayed towards the crowd.

The blue one is cold.

The red one is of course the pillar of fire!

The green one is poisonous mist.

At the same time, six flying swords came out of Chang Hao's six nostrils. The flying swords flickered in the air and turned into hundreds of sword shadows.

The attacks of the mob were returned by Chang Hao in another form.


The light of the Five Elements Formation shattered under Chang Hao's attack, and spells, poisonous mist, and sword shadows fell from the sky.


Spring Bright has experienced hundreds of battles and has a strong sense of danger. When Chang Hao opened his mouth, he knew that something was up to him, so he took up the escape light and distanced himself from Chang Hao.

Others don't have this awareness.

While everyone was still wondering what Spring Splendor was running for, Chang Hao's counterattack had already fallen.

Although everyone in the mob has their own strengths, there are only a few masters who can really react to this situation and successfully escape.

The writing brush drew a circle out of thin air, and when he got in, he appeared outside the range of the spell.

The two of them, Cup Moting Mario, are masters. They have quick reactions and speed. One red and one white escape instantly.

Dao Kedao has immortal magic in his body, and he releases the true fire of Samadhi to protect his whole body and leaves like a leisurely stroll.

Chang Qingzi summoned a big red centipede as a substitute for herself, and she took the opportunity to run away.

As for Feiyun Taxue Su Nianjinshi and the others, they had no intention of escaping at all.

Seeing that Feiyun Taxue and others were about to be covered by Chang Hao's spell, Wang Yuan turned around, grabbed Feiyun Taxue and Ding Laoxian one by one, and used the Sakyamuni Elephant Throwing Skill to throw them hard. far away.

Then Wang Yuan held Su Nian Jinshi in his arms, and his figure suddenly appeared outside the range of the spell. He reached out with his right hand and pulled Dugu Xiaoling in the last row over.

At this time, only Song Yang was left among his teammates within the range of the spell.

Of course she can't run with Song Yang's skill level, but she can't stand this poor girl. Since she learned [Lingxu Yufeng] and can fly in the air, this girl doesn't even have a flying sword... All the money saved is Bought fashionable clothes.

Things like flying magic weapons add basic attributes. Even if you can fly, you still have to hang a flying sword on the flying sword fence.

Due to Song Yang's good housekeeping skills, this girl's flying speed is basically the speed of a turtle... She has more than enough ambition but not enough strength, and she can't run away even if she wants to.

"Old Niu, you are blind, why don't you save my sister!"

Seeing that only Song Yang was left behind, Feiyun Taxue yelled anxiously from the side.

Wang Yuan said calmly: "You're so anxious! She won't die that easily!"

Before Wang Yuan finished speaking, hundreds of sword shadows fell from the sky.

Song Yang was not confused at all. He turned his feet and swayed left and right. His elegant figure shuttled freely among the dense rain of sword shadows. Not one of the sword shadows in the sky fell on Song Yang.


Although the ragtag group of people also knew that Song Yang was powerful, they were still amazed when they saw this elegant figure. Feiyun Taxue saw this scene and suppressed his curse words.

The rabble is a rabble and they're used to it.

But no one else has ever seen this scene.

Su Nianjinshi's eyes widened and she didn't know what to say.

Chun Guangguang was surprised and said: "Such an elegant movement, isn't it called the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper..."


When Wang Yuan heard this, a question mark appeared on his head.

This [Seven Steps of Star Gang] body technique is a secret that is passed down from family to family. Not to mention ordinary people, martial arts practitioners have very little experience of it.

Although Spring Splendor didn't get the name right, what he said about Seven Stars and Beidou was obviously familiar with this set of movements, which is very intriguing.

As for the group of people who were not going to work tomorrow, who were peeping from behind, they were completely stunned at this time, and their expressions were almost the same as Su Nian Jinshi's.

Using body skills to dodge spells didn't surprise everyone, but Song Yang completely relied on movement to avoid so many sword shadows. This... seemed to have broken through several people's understanding of operations.

After Song Yang successfully escaped, he came to Wang Yuan and kicked Wang Yuan hard on the leg.

"Are you sick!"

Wang Yuan was furious: "Why are you beating me?"

Song Yang said angrily: "Why don't you save me!"

"Why do you want me to save you?" Wang Yuan asked.

It was because he knew Song Yang didn't need to be saved that Wang Yuan ignored her, otherwise he would have been the first to save her.

"Is this a question of whether to save him or not?" Song Yang became even more angry.


Wang Yuan's mind was confused: "Should we save him or not?"

"Go to hell!" Song Yang turned around and ignored Wang Yuan.


Wang Yuan was even more confused: "This woman is crazy!"

"Retarded! What a retarded person!" Several people shook their heads and sighed in the Mario Cup.

Feiyun Taxue and Ding Laoxian also shook their heads and said: "You are so stupid!"

Wang Yuan also followed suit: "Yes! I think so too."


Everyone was speechless. It seemed that the monk didn't realize that everyone was talking about him.

God knows what this monk's head is made of. He is usually quite smart... he is also sinister and cunning... Why... it seems that everyone has weaknesses.


Chang Hao's spell failed, and he roared and chased after him again.

Spring Bright said: "Let's disperse our attacks this time! After all, this thing only has three heads."

Although the combined spell just now is powerful, it is fused into one, basically equivalent to one spell. Chang Hao has the characteristic of swallowing attack spells, so the combined spell cannot defeat him.

But after all, Chang Hao only had three heads, and there were more than a dozen people in the mob.

The scattered attack does not do much damage, but it does not mean that the attack has no effect.

Chun Guanggliang gave the order, and everyone immediately took up the escape light and spread out, surrounding Chang Hao in the circle, and then launched another attack.

Flames, flying swords, ice, poisonous miasma, poison ivy, and various spells hit Chang Hao from all directions.

Chang Hao's three heads shook, and his mouth opened to form a vortex again.

As everyone expected, this guy's three heads can only swallow up to three spells, and other attacks cannot be resisted.

But at this moment, reality hit her face again.

"Clang clang clang clang!"

As the attack landed on Chang Hao, the scales on Chang Hao's body flashed with black light, and all the attacks were deflected away.

"Shameless! This is it!!"

Everyone was speechless when they saw this.

This guy has no shame at all. His control is ineffective. He can also devour spells. His scattered attacks can't even break through the defense. What the hell, this is just for fun!

This is just a king-level monster BOSS, is he already so perverted? The strength of those great demons is unimaginable.


Chang Hao's three heads roared together, and he opened his mouth to release the spell again.

Everyone fled in a hurry.


However, before everyone could run far, there was a sudden muffled sound.

Looking back, I saw a mosquito coil on each of Chang Hao's three heads.

Behind Chang Hao, Wang Yuan flew to the back of Chang Hao's neck at some point and hit it with an iron rod.

"Seven inches! Hit the snake and hit it seven inches!"

Chunguang Guanglan said in surprise: "That's Chang Hao's seven-inch vital point! Everyone take advantage of it now!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Everyone quickly launched another attack.

In the dazed state, neither the player nor the monster has the ability to protect themselves with mana. This state is basically equivalent to a defenseless posture, and all damage taken is basically borne.

This time, the rabble's attack finally had an effect.

After a wave of crazy output, the health bar on Chang Hao's head obviously dropped a layer.

"That Niu Dachun doesn't seem to know magic."

I won't go to work tomorrow and I suddenly noticed Wang Yuan.

From just now, Wang Yuan has been flying around with a stick, without using any spells.


Being reminded that they would not go to work tomorrow, others also reacted and said one after another: "Niu Dachun, the once-all-powerful demon monk, was reduced to such a miserable state that he couldn't even learn magic."

"Haha, this is called retribution! Who made him do so many bad things?"

Everyone began to gloat.

Since entering the fairy world, spells have been the mainstream means of attack. Even sword cultivators have to learn sword spells. What is the difference between players without spells and warriors in the mortal world?

You can only fight hand-to-hand close to your body. In this world where you can easily wield a sword for thousands of miles, why don't you be hung up and beaten?

Even a ruthless character as strong as Niu Dachun, without magic, is basically like a tiger without minions.


While several people were gloating over the misfortune, Chang Hao's dizzy state was lifted.

The AI ​​of the king-level monster is certainly not weak, and it also knows who is the greatest threat to it.

Chang Hao roared, swinging his two huge heads and came to bite Wang Yuan.


Wang Yuan chuckled, and when Chang Hao took a bite, he stepped forward, dodged the huge mouth on the left side, and stepped on the lower jaw of Chang Hao's right side of his head. He raised his left hand to hold Chang Hao's upper jaw. , stood up suddenly.


Chang Hao's mouth was forced open by Wang Yuan. Wang Yuan swung the iron rod in his right hand into the wind, turned into a length of more than two feet, and struck Chang Hao's teeth violently.


Chang Hao was in pain and quickly pulled his head back. Wang Yuan took advantage of the situation and landed on the back of Chang Hao's neck, and stepped down hard with his feet.


Wang Yuan's strength was astonishing, and this time he stepped on Chang Hao's seven-inch vital point. Chang Hao's body was shaken by the step.

Wang Yuan chuckled, and the fight in his hand became more than three feet long. He thrust it down diagonally and inserted it between the gap between the two scales. Then he pressed down with all his strength with both hands and shouted: "Get up." !”


A piece of snake lin was pried up by Wang Yuan with a stick.

Wang Yuan stepped forward to follow, grabbing the scales and pulling back.


The scales were pulled up by the roots by Wang Yuan, and a pool of blood was "smeared" up to a height of more than one meter.


Chang Hao let out a fierce roar.


At the same time, Chunguang Guanguang once again issued an attack order.

Although Chang Hao was not stunned at this time, he was in severe pain and had no time to take care of everyone. The ragtag crowd attacked and dealt another wave of damage.

Chang Hao shook his body wildly, trying to throw Wang Yuan down. Wang Yuan inserted his hand into Chang Hao's wound and grabbed his flesh. His right hand showed no intention of stopping and continued to pull out the snake lin from Chang Hao's back piece by piece along the wound. .

Pieces of snake lins were pulled up by Wang Yuan with blood on them.

Chang Hao screamed in pain every time he pulled out a piece, and the mob took the opportunity to deal a wave of damage.

Chang Hao screamed repeatedly and rolled on the ground. The blood bar on his head dropped rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


In the distance, a group of people who won't go to work tomorrow looked at Chang Hao, who was so arrogant just now, looking so pitiful, with extremely complicated expressions on his face.

These guys thought that Wang Yuan had lost his magic and became a lost dog that everyone could bully, but Wang Yuan told them with reality, you are still Niu Ye...

Although the spells are powerful, and the special effects of the spells are very entertaining, but now Wang Yuan is tearing apart monsters with his own hands, the bloody methods and the violence of his attacks are more shocking than the powerful spells.

Not going to work tomorrow, a few people suddenly felt that Wang Yuan might as well be a magician, at least as his opponent, he could die quickly.

Chang Hao's screams echoed in the Mangcang Mountain. The back of his neck had been damaged by Wang Yuan until it looked like a snake, and his scales had been stripped off by Wang Yuan. The large area of ​​bloody flesh was shocking.

The blood bar on Chang Hao's head also dropped to one-third of the level and turned red under the constant attacks of the ragtag group of people.

"Damnable human monk, unforgivable!"

Chang Hao shouted, and purple light burst out from his body.

"It's about to transform!"

Wang Yuan saw that Chang Hao was acting strangely. He hurriedly flipped forward and stepped on the air to distance himself from Chang Hao.

At this time, Chang Hao's whole body lay on the ground, and his three heads merged into one purple head.

Not only did the head grow dragon whiskers, but there were also two protrusions on the top of the head. If it weren't for the horns, it would be no different from a dragon.


After going berserk and transforming, Chang Hao's arrogance soared into the sky, his body swelled again, and his mouth opened and a huge vortex appeared in his mouth.

The vortex turns!

The boulders and trees around Chang Hao were all pulled up by the strong attraction and involved in the whirlpool. A few tens of feet away, the flying swords of the mob at their feet seemed to be unruly. Under the gravitational pull of the vortex, they could not help but move. Hao often flew out of his mouth.

It seemed that this guy was so scared that he was going to eat people when he showed his true colors.

It is said that the demon clan has snakes that can swallow even elephants. With Chang Hao's cultivation, eating several people is not as easy as eating peanuts.

Under the pull of gravity, the bodies of the mob were completely out of control, and they couldn't even use magic to escape.

Everyone was getting closer and closer to Chang Hao's big mouth.

Just when everyone was about to be swallowed, Wang Yuan came back from behind Chang Hao and stepped on Chang Hao's mouth.


Chang Hao's mouth was stepped shut.

The gravity disappeared, and a ragtag group of people escaped.

At this moment, Chang Hao turned around, opened his mouth, and swallowed Wang Yuan whole.

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