Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 1051 Cheating system settings

【Three Mountain Seals】(Magic Weapon)

Grade: Third level spiritual grade

Spell attack +70%

The sky is falling and the earth is falling: Use mana to activate the magic weapon, transforming into a mountain to attack the opponent, causing suppression and damage effects.

[Emei Mountain]: Transform into a famous Taoist mountain, and increase the suppression effect on Taoist disciples by 50%. It consumes 20% of mana and has a recovery time of 15 seconds.

[Mount Sumeru]: Transforms into a famous Buddhist mountain, and increases the suppression effect on Buddhist disciples by 50%. It consumes 20% of mana and has a recovery time of 15 seconds.

[Mount Tai]: Transformed into the Lord of the Five Mountains, the suppression effect on disciples of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism is increased by 100%. It consumes 50% of mana and has a recovery time of 60 seconds.

Status: Refined

Binding: Kunwu

Item introduction: Kunlun Master collects the Qi of the Three Mountains and the Five Directions Stones to refine the spiritual treasure that suppresses the luck of the three religions. It has endless power.

"Third level spiritual treasure!"

Seeing the attributes of the Three Mountain Seal, Wang Yuan felt excited.

As expected of a brother with unique skills, he really has something good in his hand. This brick-like thing is actually a spiritual treasure.

Wang Yuan didn't pay attention to the description in the introduction that it had infinite power to suppress luck. After all, the introduction of the first-order low-grade flying sword was all about being indestructible, and these descriptions were very watery.

But the attributes of these three mountain seals are to be awesome.

The special effect of suppression is quite rare. Generally, suppression can occur only when the attributes far exceed the opponent's. Once suppressed, it is complete control.

These three mountain seals have their own suppressive effects.

It can cause suppression even when the attributes are inferior to those of the opponent.

The suppression effect will also increase according to the different transformed mountains.

The monks in the fairy world are nothing more than Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, especially the two schools of Taoism and Buddhism, which account for 80% of the monks in the fairy world.

The 50% increase in suppression on the two peaks of Sumeru and Emei is enough to target 80% of the players' opponents.

As for Mount Tai, the last of the Five Sacred Mountains, it represents the royal power between heaven and earth and has the terrifying attribute of suppressing everything.

If this thing is combined with the [Sakyamuni Elephant Throwing Technique], wouldn't it mean that gods can kill gods and Buddhas if they block them?

It's a pity that this thing has been refined and recognized...Wang Yuan can't use it even if he holds it in his hand.

After all, things like recognizing one's master have a system-forced binding effect. Unless the target who is recognized as the master is completely destroyed, this thing will not be released.

If it is a magic weapon dropped by an NPC or BOSS, players can naturally refining it and binding it.

But all players are immortal, and they can be resurrected after death... There is no such thing as the death of spirit and form, so it is almost impossible to force the players to recognize and refine the main magic weapon.

But Wang Yuan is not helpless. Shi Gong is a being who can even refine the souls of Baimo Taoist and Ancestor Youquan. How much cultivation is Kunwu... It shouldn't be a big deal to sacrifice his magic weapon to refine it. question.

Even if it can't be refined, it's better if it's in your own hands than in someone else's hands, and that person is still your opponent.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan casually put away the three mountain seals.

At this time, the Tianyin League players saw Wang Yuan kill people and seize treasures in one go, with such a high level of proficiency that they were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

No matter how cruel Wang Yuan's killing methods are, no matter how bloody they are, wiping the neck, tearing out the heart, tearing people apart, it is just sensory stimulation, and the death penalty will not be aggravated because of how miserable you die.

Everyone may be frightened because of this guy's vicious attacks...but they will never back down because of this.

But like now, directly stealing people's magic weapons to equip them is a completely different concept.

What is the most important thing in the game? Of course it’s magic equipment!

The last few deaths were just a matter of falling into a lower level of cultivation. Now that everyone's cultivation level is not very high, they can afford this kind of loss and come back after just a few days of cultivation.

But once something like a magic weapon is taken away, there really is nothing left.

Kunwu's Three Mountain Seal is a third-level spiritual treasure. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most powerful artifact at the current stage. It also has the characteristics of refining and binding... It must be forcibly taken away by others in this state. How terrifying?

For a moment, everyone was in a daze and did not dare to take a step forward, for fear that Wang Yuan would rise up and take away all their magic weapons and equipment.


I don't know who shouted at this time.

When everyone in the Tianyin League heard this, they turned around and scattered in all directions...

Wang Yuan is a man who knows how to handle matters. It is currently during the event, so it is more important to earn points. Murder and revenge can be done at any time. The Tianyin League guys are always in the arena, so it is easiest to find them.

Seeing the Tianyin League people running away, Wang Yuan did not chase him, but opened the team channel and asked: "Where are you? Come pick me up, old immortal..."

However, Wang Yuan sent the message for a while, but there was no response.



Wang Yuan looked over with a puzzled expression and asked, "Are you all dead?"

In the fairy world, cross-regional chatting is not allowed. Previously, Wang Yuan was doing a mission in his hometown of Beiting, and a ragtag group of people could not contact him, saying that he was not in the service area.

At this time, no one answered that he probably died and returned.

"Fuck, I still can't stand it!!"

Just when Wang Yuan was confused, Mario's reply lit up in the channel.

Then Bei Moting also said: "I'm so angry that I was destroyed by the group!"

"It's all the old immortal's fault!" Soon everyone was accusing them: "How did you open your teleportation gate! How did you open it into the demon clan's lair!"

"None of my business!"

Ding Laoxian said depressedly: "The situation was so urgent at the time, so I just opened it casually. Who knew it was such a coincidence."

"After all, we were destroyed by the group..."

After the listener said this, Wang Yuan roughly understood what was going on.

Ding Laoxian just opened the door and ran away, and actually opened the door into the demon clan's den... Everyone was unprepared, and the demon clan monsters rushed up and killed them. This is fate.

"Hey, that's not right!"

At this time, Wang Yuan suddenly realized something and asked, "Where are you?"

Logically speaking, you cannot use channels or private chats between regions. At this time, a ragtag group of people was wiped out and should have been teleported back to the Central Plains... Why can they still chat?


Seeing Wang Yuan's question, everyone was stunned for a moment and then at a loss: "We don't know where we are, this is an ice city..."

"Beiting's hometown!! Damn it!" Wang Yuan said in surprise: "You died and went to Beiting's hometown to resurrect."

"Hometown of Beiting?"

Hearing what Wang Yuan said, everyone in the crowd quickly looked around...

All I saw were monsters coming and going around the resurrection point... A group of human monks were blocking the resurrection point... Damn it, this is indeed the hometown of Beiting.

At this time, everyone finally realized a problem. After death, the player will not return to the Central Plains to resurrect, but will be trapped in the resurrection point of the demon clan's base camp.

This... what a bullshit setting.

The resurrection point is a safe zone, and players cannot be harmed. However, if players are blocked here, they will definitely not be able to get out.

The hometown of Beiting is now the nest of the demon tribe. Outside the resurrection point, a group of demon tribes are staring at the people inside and drooling. Anyone who dares to go out will have to die again...

"The road between enemies is narrow, didn't you run away?"

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded from behind Feiyun Taxue.

Feiyun Taxue looked back and saw a group of people from the Tianyin League looking at him with resentful faces. The one who spoke was Yima Pingchuan.

This guy has obviously been here for a long time. He is trapped here and can't get out. His face is full of resentment.

"Oh! It's you!" Mario has always been a mean-mouthed guy. When he met an old acquaintance in a foreign land, he couldn't help but mocked when he saw Yima Pingchuan here: "From my understanding of Lao Niu, you guys have been here for a long time!" "


Yima Pingchuan and others remained silent.

"Don't worry, your brothers will be back soon!" Chun Guangguang also did not forget to touch up the damage.


Everyone in Yima Pingchuan didn't want to talk.

Hitting someone without slapping someone in the face, exposing someone without exposing their shortcomings, a group of people besieging one person but being killed in pieces, this is not shameful for anyone, and besides, everyone in Yima Pingchuan is a famous master, it is even more embarrassing at this time, and in the end They haven't been able to refute the irritating things.

After someone opened the scar and poked the wound, the Tianyin League and the others wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

"Do you know where this is?" Feiyun Taxue asked.

Yima Pingchuan said angrily: "Fuck you! If I didn't know the way, would I go to the arena every day?"

"Turns out he is a third-class cripple!" Chun Guangguang laughed mercilessly again.

"Your uncle!!" Yima Pingchuan has already started rehearsing the headshot of Splendid Spring a hundred times in his mind.

"Waiting for us to go out!" said the Great Sun Tathagata on the side: "Look where you are going!"

"Oh?" Mario raised his eyebrows and said, "You've been kicked into the resurrection point, how dare you show off?"

Everyone in the Tianyin League: "..."

"Kunwu, why don't you say anything?" Yima Pingchuan turned his head and asked Kunwu who was huddled in the corner with a proud look on his face: "Then Niu Dachun was stabbed by me, isn't he still alive? Didn't you kill him?"

After being stabbed, there was still blood... these two words hurt Ma Pingchuan very hard.

The meaning was obviously to show off to the rabble: "Don't be complacent, I can stab Niu Dachun's blood with one sword, and I will kill him under the horse with three swords."


Kunwu huddled in the corner, wanting to cry but without tears, the expression on his face was extremely ugly.

"What's wrong? Did you drop your equipment?"

Seeing Kun Wu's expression, everyone in the Tianyin League at the resurrection point felt very strange.


Kunwu said with a tearful tone: "That's almost's not that it fell, it was that it was robbed..."

"Rob? Rob what?" The word "rob" made everyone's hair stand on end.

"Three Mountain Seal..." Kunwu burst into tears.

"What the hell..."

After hearing Kun Wu's words, Yima Pingchuan, who had been so proud just now, now turned pale.

That's a bound magic weapon, and it can be "robbed" away... Just thinking about it makes me go crazy.


The crowd on the side heard that Kunwu's magic weapon was forcibly "robbed" by Wang Yuan. They were stunned at first, and then couldn't help laughing.

He was worthy of everyone's impression of the monster monk. Although it was unexpected, it was reasonable to do such a thing. He took away all the magic weapons used by others to identify his master. Only Wang Yuan could do this.

"Brother, don't worry! When we get out, we'll find Niu Dachun to snatch the magic weapon back!" Yima Pingchuan patted Kunwu on the shoulder to comfort him.

After all, he is the boss, and he is still very responsible at this time.

"Well... no need... I'm afraid..." Kunwu, as the person involved, was already shocked by Wang Yuan. Hearing that Yima Pingchuan would continue to provoke Wang Yuan after he left, Kunwu was frightened.

Firstly, I am afraid that everyone will lose their lives because of their own affairs, and secondly, I am afraid that they will be robbed by Wang Yuan again... There are not many magic weapons left, there really are not many.

"What are you afraid of!" Sanyang Kaitai said: "Isn't he just a Niu Dachun? There is nothing to be afraid of. It is nothing more than high defense, high attack, and fast speed... What other advantages does he have?"


As soon as Sanyang Kaitai said these words, everyone broke into a cold sweat. This guy really knew how to talk. After his words, everyone felt even more guilty.

The Great Sun Tathagata said weakly: "According to you, does Niu Dachun have any weaknesses?"

"Weakness?" Everyone was speechless.

Yima Pingchuan said: "Does not knowing magic count as..."

"Yes, he doesn't know magic!" After everyone found Wang Yuan's weakness, they were extremely excited, as if they could use this weakness as a breakthrough to kill Wang Yuan after they went out.

When Chunguang Guanglan heard this, she couldn't help but curl her lips and said: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you were beaten so badly by a person who doesn't know magic..."


The words of the bright spring were like a basin of cold water poured on the heads of everyone in the Tianyin League. The hearts of Yima Pingchuan and others seemed to have been stabbed seven times by someone, and they fell silent for an instant...

The ragtag group of people felt so happy when they saw the frustrated expressions of these guys.

You can't fight each other in the safe zone, and it's quite satisfying to defeat your opponent by taking advantage of your words.

"Old immortal, can you open the door?"

The atmosphere at the resurrection point in Beiting's hometown was harmonious, and Wang Yuan was still trying to find ways to rescue the ragtag group of people.


Ding Laoxian said: "This is an absolutely safe zone, no magic can be used."

"Where's the Great Teleportation Talisman?" Wang Yuan asked again.

"It can't be used!" Feiyun Taxue paused for a moment and replied: "It is said to be a special scene and teleportation props cannot be used."

"If we join together, you will be stuck in there and unable to get out." Wang Yuan also realized the seriousness of the situation.

Tiaozi said: "Theoretically, that's the case! But if the players can conquer Beiting's old land, we will definitely come out."

"It's the year of the monkey and the month of the horse. I hope they can save you instead of me." Wang Yuan replied.

Mario smiled and said, "You can't even enter the city by yourself."

The old land of Beiting is now occupied by the demon clan, and there are demon bosses at every entrance and exit. Unless players gather together to attack, they will not be able to enter at all.

"That's not certain." Wang Yuan touched his chin and said, "I might actually have a way to get in. Just wait."


After seeing the news about Wang Yuan, everyone was filled with questions.

Bei Moting said: "According to what I know about Lao Niu, Lao Niu will definitely turn into Chang Hao and sneak into the city..."

"The key is what's the use of him coming in?" Dugu Xiaoling said: "There are so many monster bosses here, it's useless for him to come alone."

"You're stupid, aren't you?" Chun Guang said with a bright smile: "Who told you that you have to kill the BOSS to save people? As long as we can create a disturbance and lure away the monsters here, we can go out."

"Creating riots? Could it be that he..." Song Yang frowned, looking unhappy.

Obviously this girl is the one who knows Wang Yuan best.

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