Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 1056 It’s you again, you damn bald ass

"Close the formation!"

Seeing the sword and shield hand rushing over, Chun Guangguang gave an order, and the mob immediately retracted their formation and hid behind Wang Yuan, retreating to prepare to control first and then fight.


However, the Tianyin League members were quite domineering and rushed forward to meet the collision.

"King Kong Barrier!"

The Great Sun Tathagata clasped his hands together and opened the barrier.


The sword and shield bearer who rushed forward was blocked by the barrier of the Great Sun Tathagata.

"Luo Zi Jue!"

At the same time, Sanyang Kaitai leaped high and fell from the sky.


There was a loud noise, and the sword and shield hand was shocked and flew up.

Kunwu formed a seal with his hands, slapped his palm on the ground and shouted: "Earth Thorn!"

Before the sword and shield bearers could fall, sharp earth spears rose from the ground.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

In an instant, all the sword and shield hands within a radius of several feet were pierced by ground thorns and unable to move.

Qingcheng Wushuang took out the gourd and shouted: "Sky Star Fire!"

White flames fell from the sky, covering the sword-snatching and shield-hand...

"Thousands of Shadows Strike"

The vast plain turned into a stream of light, passing through the strange crowd, bringing up a cloud of blood mist.

He is worthy of being called a top master with unique skills. His coordinated movements are very smooth and highly entertaining.

The ragtag group of people looked confused: "What the hell, are you so bold? Just hit it hard! The move judgment is so strong that it doesn't even need treatment."

To deal with this extremely aggressive monster, the mob would keep a distance, control and attack first, and try to be as safe as possible.

However, this group of experts from the Tianyin League went up to confront each other head-on, attacking with such wild abandon that it was simply unheard of.

Is this how masters play?


Seeing this scene, Chunguang Glancing said with disdain: "Typical PVP playing style! I can't fight monsters at all. I can't be handsome for more than three seconds. Everyone is ready to save the day."

"No way? Do they need us to save them?" Everyone looked doubtful.

Although the Tianyin League was completely taken care of by Wang Yuan, everyone still recognized their strength. This group of unique brothers all possess unique skills and are completely worthy of the Mario Cup. Don’t wait for the masters to fight the monsters. That’s all, do you need help from others?

However, at this moment, a few people from Yima Pingchuan were heard saying: "Huh? Why are these sword and shield wielders not dead? They can still withstand beatings!"

"Depend on!"

Everyone in the mob heard the words and had black streaks all over their heads.

It seems that Splendid Spring really hit the target. These guys are following the PVP routine, which means destroying the enemy in one wave.

But how can this monster be the same as the player?

In comparison, the player's health is much lower than that of monsters of the same level, especially the elite monsters whose health is so thick that they only lose to the BOSS. With the same wave of cooperation, the players will die if they can, and the monsters will lose half of their health. It’s the output of a master.

Moreover, even if the player is not killed in a wave, the remaining health will quickly distance himself and run away.

These swordsmen and shieldmen didn't care about that. After being dealt a wave of damage, the swordsmen and shieldmen stood up very strongly, aimed at Ma Pingchuan and smashed them with their shields.

Qingcheng Wushuang and Kunwu were okay, standing behind the front row of the Great Sun Tathagata, they were not afraid.

The two melee fighters Sanyang Kaitai and Yima Pingchuan were directly surrounded by dozens of sword and shield players.

Sanyang's kaitai operation is very strong. A long sword can use the four sword techniques of spread, point, poke, collapse and fall to separate all the monster's attacks.

Yima Pingchuan is also quite strong, dodging left and right, coming and going freely in the light of the sword.

There's really nothing these sword-and-shielders can do against the two of them.

But there are not only sword and shield players here.

There are also wolf demon arrow guards at the rear, and ice and fire wolf demons on the left and right wings.

"Fire the arrow!"

The leader of the wolf demon waved the flag in his hand, and the arrow guard drew his bow and nocked an arrow.

“Swish swish swish!”

Arrows rained down from the sky like locusts.

No matter how good the two of them are, they can't resist it.

The Sun Tathagata and others were separated on the other side of the sword and shield hand, and they couldn't help even if they wanted to go over to help.

"Five Elements Return to Heaven!"

Seeing that Ma Pingchuan and the two were about to be shot into a sieve, the bell in the bright spring light dangled in his hand.

"Ding bell!" a sound.

The five-headed demon gods descended from the sky and surrounded the two men, Yima Pingchuan, and at the same time activated the Five Elements Formation.

The densely packed arrows were all deflected away.

Wang Yuan jumped over the sword and shield hands and jumped into the five-element formation. He grabbed the two people by their collars with one hand and used the Sakyamuni Elephant Throwing Technique to throw them back into the team.

Then a [shrunk to an inch] flew out from the strange crowd.

The three people of the Great Sun Tathagata also took the opportunity to return to the team.

At this time, the five people were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

Yima Pingchuan said with lingering fear: " was almost over...thanks to Brother Niu!"

"You should thank Uncle Chun!"

Wang Yuandao: "If he hadn't warned you earlier, I wouldn't have been able to save you! You tigers are monsters, not humans..."

"Uncle Chun...this..."

The faces of Yima Pingchuan and others looked very embarrassed.

All masters have ambitions.

People like Yima Pingchuan all have eyes on Tianling Gai. They didn't notice the ragtag group of people at all in the beginning. They joined because they were convinced by Wang Yuan, not because of others.

As for his attitude towards Chung Guang Guan, a remnant of the Quanzhen Sect, he truly despises her.

But he never expected that the bright spring scene would save him at the critical moment. I couldn't express my gratitude to him for a while.

"We are all teammates! Don't say thank you!" Chun Guanglan waved her hand and said calmly: "It won't be easy to fight after you are dead!"


Yima Pingchuan blushed to the root of his neck.

"Stop talking nonsense, the monster is catching up! Follow my command!"

At this time, Chun Guangguang pointed forward and saw that the Wolf Demon Sword Shieldmen had already caught up to the team not far away.

"Tiaozi! Form the formation!"

"Here we come!" Tiaozi scratched the ground with the brush in his hand and said loudly: "Eight-door golden lock!"

The pen falls and the formation rises.

The eight-character mantra fell from the sky and surrounded the sword and shield players in a circle.

"Ten Thousand Wood Barrier!"

Feiyun Tiesue's magic keeps up.

The vines entangled the sword and shield hands.

"Immortal magic, samadhi true fire!"

Following Dao Kedao's order, everyone took action at the same time.

The various attacks of ice, fire, sword and poison combined with the samadhi true fire ignited the vines of Feiyun Taxue.


A huge ball of fire engulfed the sword and shield players.

These wolf monster sword and shield players first suffered a wave of damage from a few people from the Tianyin League, and then suffered a wave of Samadhi True Fire from the mob. There was no residue left after being burned on the spot.


Looking at the huge fireball in front of them, the people in Yima Pingchuan were terrified.

This fireball looks familiar to them. It was this thing that blocked the Tianyin League's attack before, allowing the ragtag group of people to run away.

I thought it was a defensive spell at this time, but who knew that the output would be so brutal.

In addition to rich people like Feiyun Taxue, there are actually masters with such terrifying spells among the mob.

The front row on the opposite side was wiped out, and everyone was excited. Without the tanks, no matter how strong the arrow guard mage in the back row was, he couldn't stand.

But at this moment, the wolf demon leader standing at the center of the formation displayed his flag.


Shouts rose into the sky, and a wave of sword and shield wielders was refreshed again.

"What the hell? Can you still do this?"

Everyone was stunned, this piece of shit could actually summon monsters.

This time, the sword and shield players did not rush forward, but lined up in a row, raised their shields and smashed them on the ground, forming a shield formation.

"Wanli Xuanbing!"

The left wing Ice Wolf took action at the same time.

A cold air spread against the ground.

Everywhere he went, everything was frozen into ice.

The cold air spreads 360 degrees without any blind spots. The mob and others had nowhere to hide, so they were attacked one after another. After being frozen by the cold air, their speed dropped by 30%.

At this time, the right-wing fire wolf also took action at the same time, shouting "Raise fire to the sky!"

Balls of flames suddenly appeared above everyone's heads.

After being slowed down by Xuan Bing, everyone's speed dropped, their agility also dropped, and it was extremely difficult to dodge. The arrow guard at the back also launched an attack, hundreds of arrows falling from the sky accompanied by clouds of flames.


Everyone was shocked and used magic weapons to protect themselves.

Dugu Xiaoling took a step back and pressed down with her left and right hands.


Two honeycomb-like barrels protrude from the left and right sides.

"This...what is this?"

Seeing the gun barrel next to Dugu Xiaoling, the three words "Gatling" appeared in everyone's mind...

"Hundred Styles of Flying Feathers"

Dugu Xiaoling narrowed her eyes, grabbed the mechanism on the barrel with both hands and lifted it up.

"Tu tu tu tu..."

The two cannon barrels quickly rotated, and countless feathered arrows flew out of the cannon barrels, as if they had eyes, turned and headed straight for the flaming arrows in the sky.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

Under the interception of Dugu Xiaoling's artillery fire, the wolf soldiers' attack was smashed into balls of sparks.


Not only the Tianyin League members, but also the ragtag group of people were amazed.

Dugu Xiaoling is a girl who is full of tricks and can always bring new surprises to everyone... She used to play with flamethrowers, but now she even does Gatling.

"Now! Break the shield formation! Go and catch the leader!"

The bright spring waved his hand, and the Sanyang Kaitaihe Cup Mo Ting flew out.

Sanyang Kaitai's sword technique is thick and powerful, and it can open a gap with one move of Bengzi Jue.

Bei Mo Ting's sword technique was light and pervasive, and the sword's light was like threads and lightning. It was like cutting tofu, passing through the sword-and-shielding hand's shield and inserting it into the sword-and-shielding hand's throat.

In an instant, the two of them killed several sword and shield wielders, and the wolf demon's front row of shields was dispersed.

Wang Yuan followed closely, jumped through the gap, and landed next to the leader of the wolf demon.


The wolf demon leader was startled and waved his flag to hit Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan took a step back, stretched out his left hand, and used the [Wandering] move to grab the right arm of the wolf demon leader, and squeezed it hard.


The flag fell to the ground.

Then Wang Yuan raised his foot and kicked the wolf demon leader firmly in the crotch.


The leader of the wolf demon was slightly startled, his eyes changing.

After a second of silence, he let out a scream.


The shrill voice rose into the sky, and everyone who heard it was moved. The leader of the wolf demon bowed down.

Wang Yuan bent his right arm and dropped it from top to bottom.


With a muffled sound, Wang Yuan's elbow hit the wolf demon leader hard on the back of his head.

The wolf demon leader was knocked to the ground on the spot.

Wang Yuan stepped on his back with his foot and pressed his neck with his left hand. The sandbag-sized fist in his right hand came down like raindrops. One punch after another, he hit the wolf demon leader on the back of the head.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

The attack was heavy and rhythmic, and everyone was stunned. Every sound of a fist hitting flesh made people tremble.

This is BOSS, can you leave some dignity to others?

When Yima Pingchuan and others saw this scene, they were most touched.

Damn it, I pushed the BOSS to the ground and beat him like a dog. Is this guy still a human being?

Previously, this group of guys were quite dissatisfied with Wang Yuan's torture and killing of themselves. Now seeing the end of the wolf demon leader, everyone was grateful that Wang Yuan gave them a happy life at that time.

The reason why these wolf soldiers cooperate strictly is because of the command of the wolf demon leader.

At this time, the leader of the wolf demon was pinned down by Wang Yuan's crotch, unable to protect himself. Without his command, the wolf demon soldiers below became a mess.

There are matching monsters called army elite monsters.

The monsters that did not cooperate were called mobs, and they were no different from the previous demon monsters.

Everyone in the rabble and the Tianyin League are all masters, and they cooperate with each other to control and fight. Killing all these wolf demons without any suspense.

The points for defeating demons skyrocketed.

After this wave, each person made a full three hundred points.

Looking at the points on the task bar, everyone in the vast plains smiled with their molars exposed.

Although these guys are experts, they still know what they are good at.

If they were to earn points by themselves, with Yima Pingchuan's ability to lead the way, they might not be able to get out of Mangcang Mountain until the event is over... let alone earn hundreds of points in one wave.

If I had known this, I would have shamelessly attached myself to him, so why fight to the death?

On the other side, the wolf demon leader was also beaten to death by Wang Yuan.

Let's all get another hundred points.

At this time, Wang Yuan, who had the highest points, had reached more than 1,700 points, holding the top position on the activity list, followed by a ragtag group of people.

It's still the same as before, the mobs only explode the blood and not the equipment and props.

The leader of the wolf monster only exploded a few pieces of equipment of average quality, and nothing good. Other than that, it was a dark token with a word "wolf" engraved on the front and four tigers, leopards and jackals engraved on the reverse. pattern.

The wolf pattern has been lit.

Obviously this token comes in a set, and after collecting four tokens, they can all be activated.

After cleaning the battlefield, everyone continued moving forward according to the map.

The next monsters are Jackal Warriors, Leopard Riders, and Tiger Guards.

The wolf soldiers are cunning, the jackal warriors are ferocious, the leopard cavalry are swift, and the tiger guards are ferocious.

Although each of these monsters is more difficult to deal with, the mechanism is similar. They all rely on the command of the leader to exert their highest combat power.

With the experience of killing wolf soldiers, the next step is not too difficult.

When encountering a monster, without saying a word, Wang Yuan went up first and held down the leader, and the others cooperated with each other to destroy the monsters. Everything fell into place, except for the last wave of Tiger Guards, which was more difficult to deal with. Everything else went smoothly.

After a lot of struggle, Wang Yuan finally killed the eye-catching white-fronted Tiger Queen, and Wang Yuan got the last tiger order.

When the four tokens are put together, all the patterns on the tokens light up.

At the same time, a strong wind hit, and the scene in front of everyone changed, and the next moment they appeared in a huge palace.

Sitting on the throne directly in front of everyone was a handsome young man.

The young man was dressed in white, with two furry pointed ears on his head. He was looking down from a high position, staring at Wang Yuan angrily and saying, "Why is it you bald donkey again!"

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