Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 110 will be on the shelves tomorrow, so I will write a review for the release today.

In the blink of an eye, Lao Niu has been writing books for three years.

The first book "Online Games: I am a Martial Arts Expert" was put on the shelves a few days ago. "Online Games: The Indestructible King Kong" is the second book put on the shelves by Lao Niu.

In the past three years, Lao Niu has also tried to transition into writing urban fantasy, but unfortunately the results were not very good, and he ended up being a eunuch. There was a period of time when he had doubts about his own ability.

Thanks to everyone's love, the book "The Indestructible King" has done quite well, and it gave me a lot of confidence to persist until it was put on the shelves.

Lao Niu is not a full-time employee and is quite old. Regular readers know that Lao Niu has a lot of diseases and it is difficult to sit for a long time, so his weaknesses rarely break out when updating. But please rest assured, although Lao Niu does not grow long, he is very Lasting, the last book was written with more than four million words, which is pretty awesome.

People in middle age are under a lot of pressure. There are older people and younger people. Writing books is also to supplement life. Even if there are only 4,000 words of updates every day, it is because of illness that the old cow writes it word by word. What is the reward? Lao Niu has no shame to beg, Lao Niu only hopes that everyone will watch the genuine version.

In addition, I wish everyone a happy May Day!

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