Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 122 Song Yang has difficulty becoming a disciple


Level: Ignorant.

Buddhist martial arts attack increases by 10%

Buddhist martial arts consumption reduced by 10%

Opening the panel, Wang Yuan has an additional [Buddha Dharma] attribute in his attribute column.


Seeing this extra attribute, Wang Yuan couldn't help but feel happy.

This Buddhist method can indeed improve attributes. Although it is not the understanding of Wang Yuanxin, it can increase the attack power and consumption of Buddhist martial arts.

It's right to think about it. Shaolin stunts and Buddhism complement each other. The higher the Buddhism, the higher the martial arts. Wang Yuan has learned Buddhism now, and the attack power of Shaolin Temple's Buddhist martial arts has naturally improved.

When playing games, output is always the first priority. Attack attribute is the most important attribute for players, otherwise the weapons would not be sold so expensively.

However, for the current Wang Yuan, the attack power is actually enough, and the reduction in consumption is more in line with Wang Yuan's wishes.

What's special, this advanced martial arts is not supported by advanced internal skills. It cannot be practiced by humans... Wang Yuan's basic internal skills at the level of a first-generation master, and after taking medicine like Bodhi Seed, his internal strength is extremely strong. Currently, it is better than Wang Yuan's. Players with far greater internal strength can count them on one hand.

Even so, Wang Yuan's entire internal power can only be used once [My Buddha's Mercy].

You know, only when Wang Yuan's internal power reaches 70% can he survive in battle. If it exceeds 70%, he will be completely empty. Therefore, the "Great Vajra Palm" and "Great Skanda Pestle" both seem to be very awesome. skills, but Wang Yuan can only use a few starting moves. Even more advanced moves can drain Wang Yuan's internal energy in just one move.

In the martial arts world, internal strength is the root of everything. Without internal strength when fighting, the consequences are self-evident.

Therefore, the reduction in internal energy consumption of the technique was more valuable to Wang Yuan than the increase in attack.

At present, Wang Yuan's Buddhist practice is only at the lowest level. It is conceivable that after listening to Buddhist teachings a few more times, he will reach the highest level and his attributes will improve.

With this attribute, it was worth enduring the old monk's nagging for more than forty minutes.

It seems that this should be the hidden attributes of the sects. The sects are all balanced. Shaolin Temple has Buddhist attributes, and other sects must also have their own classic attribute bonuses.

I have to say that game designers are really troublesome. Hidden attributes can only be obtained by studying classics.

There are a few abandoned houses who play games at home all year round who love to learn, let alone learn these obscure and difficult-to-understand sect classics. If Wang Yuan hadn't had low understanding and was unable to learn martial arts, the old monk sweeping the floor would also We will not mistakenly think that Wang Yuan yearns for Buddhism. I am afraid that Wang Yuan will never discover the hidden attribute of Buddhism in his life.

Wang Yuan is not a person who hides his secrets. After discovering the hidden attributes, he immediately sent a group message to a few people, pretending to be: "Don't just focus on practicing martial arts every day, but also read more sects' classics and be a lover of learning like me. The young hero!"

"Bah! What's so interesting about that! You've made me unable to learn martial arts now, and you still want me to read a book? I see you!" Bei Moting is very emotional towards Wang Yuan now and vows not to fall in love with Wang Yuan again in his life. Of course.

"If you don't look, you can't understand!"

At this time, Dugu Xiaoling sent it. At first glance, this girl did not like to learn.

"We, the Five Poison Sect, don't seem to have any classics."

It would be more miserable if this is the case in a dream. For a typical Southern Wilderness sect like the Five Poison Sect, martial arts and techniques are all passed down orally, unlike the Central Plains sect that pays so much attention to the inheritance of classics.

"Is there any benefit?"

Ding Laoxian is indeed a winner in life who can sneak into Emei. He is much smarter than the other three idiots and can see the key points at a glance.

"Yes!" Wang Yuan first replied to Ding Laoxian, and then took a screenshot of the Buddhist attributes and sent them to everyone: "See, this is the reward for my love of learning."

"Damn it! That's awesome! I'm going to read a book and study right now!" Ding Laoxian received the news, replied and then lost contact.

"Are you so strong? It's a pity that I don't like reading..."

Dugu Xiaoling is really a person with personality. She would rather not have attributes than read books. Wang Yuan is also convinced.

"Our sect has no books..." Yimengru wanted to cry a little, wondering why his sect was so poor that he didn't even have a single classic.

"Damn it, Yue Buqun won't let me read, saying I've insulted the saints!" Bei Moting was already crying.

"What a poor child!"

Wang Yuan sighed and threw Bei Moting into the blacklist again.

This kid can't practice martial arts and have evil swordsmanship to support his appearance. Now he doesn't even read the book. He must be very resentful, so it's better to stay away.

After listening to the Dharma class for nearly an hour, it was still very effective and Wang Yuan felt calm.

After closing the message bar, Wang Yuang was about to continue practicing martial arts when suddenly the message bar lit up.

System prompt: Hengxing Wuji requests to add you as a friend.


"What the hell!"

Wang Yuan refused without thinking. With such an arrogant name, he was probably a primary school student begging his brother to take care of him.

Unexpectedly, just after Wang Yuan resisted the rejection, the unbridled friend application was sent again, this time with a note below: Song Yang!

"Depend on!"

Seeing the note, Wang Yuan was speechless for a while. This little girl was really dragged into the water by him, so Wang Yuan quickly approved the application.

"Wang Yuan?"

After adding Wang Yuan as a friend, Song Yang sent a question mark.

"it's me!"

Wang Yuan said with black lines on his head: "Sister! How come you, a girl, have such a public name?"

It’s okay if the name in reality looks like a man’s. After all, the name is given by the parents and there is no choice. The name in the game is so exaggerated. This girl’s thinking is really weird.

"Really? I originally wanted to call him Zonghengsihai!" Song Yang said.

"I suddenly felt that being unbridled sounded pretty good." Wang Yuan was completely convinced.

"Where are you now?" Wang Yuan asked Song Yangdao after wiping his sweat.

"Novice Village... I'm about to become a disciple. I'm so embarrassed. I don't know who to become a disciple..." Song Yang struggled and said, "Can you give me some advice?"


Wang Yuan couldn't help laughing when he saw the news about Song Yang. It seemed that this girl was also a loser who couldn't find a sect.

"Beggars, you can't come to Shaolin. We only accept male players." Wang Yuan suggested maliciously.

The Beggar Clan is indeed a very powerful sect, its boxing and stick skills, and Xiaoyaoyou Qinggong are even better than Shaolin Temple's Yiwei Dujiang.

"too ugly!"

Unexpectedly, Song Yang directly refused: "Which one should I choose, Wudang or Tianshan?"

"Wudang? Tianshan?" Wang Yuan heard this and said with a smile: "These two sects are not something you can enter just because you want to."

Wudang and Tianshan are by far the two most difficult sects to enter.

Wudang is better. In addition to high intelligence, it also requires high chivalry value. The chivalry value can be improved, but Tianshan, a garbage sect that requires not only intelligence but also appearance, is a typical example of judging people by their appearance.

Song Yang really knows how to choose.

"No way, they all pulled me to let me in..." Song Yang said blankly.


Wang Yuan was slightly startled and wondered: "How enlightened are you?"

"Only 40..." Song Yang replied.


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