Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 126 Shadowless Knife Technique


Fohai Wuya's body lay straight on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Yunheng Qinling and Shi Potianjing were immediately shocked and angry.

What was shocking was that although Fuhai Wuya was just a boxing monk, but he also had profound internal skills, he was instantly killed by Wang Yuan with a claw.

What makes him angry is that the great monk has been surrounded and not only refuses to be captured, but also dares to commit murder. He is extremely arrogant and does not take his own people seriously at all.

These guys in the Brotherhood are very powerful, they all have high standards and perverse tempers. After playing games for so long, these guys have never been so despised by anyone.


Yunheng Qinling immediately waved his hand without saying a word, and the long knife in his hand came out, turning into a sword of light and striking at Wang Yuan.

[Clone without a shadow]!

Yun Hengqinling was born in the hidden sect "Shadow Sword Sect", and the technique he practiced was the intermediate martial arts Shadowless Sword Technique. This clone shadowless sword technique is a unique skill in the Shadowless Sword Technique. It can cause damage to the target remotely and punish the stun. Yunheng Qinling's commonly used starting position.

The most important thing in the Shadowless Knife Technique is physical skills and precision, and the speed of the move is invisible. This Shadowless Clone is also extremely fast as a long-range move.

In the blink of an eye, the long knife in Yun Heng Qinling's hand had flown to the door in front of Wang Yuan.

However, Wang Yuan did not panic at all. He saw his feet slip and his body tilt. It seemed that his movement was not very fast, but he happened to avoid Yun Hengqinling's long knife.


Seeing that Wang Yuan had avoided his clone Wuying, Yun Hengqinling couldn't help but be shocked.

Players from the Shaolin Temple are not very skilled in movement, and this move has a very high hit rate. The great monk just turned to one side and dodged it. This is really weird.

Of course, if Song Yang knew what Yun Hengqinling was thinking, he would have to beat him to death with an old punch.

Just turn to one side? Blind your dog eyes! This is obviously the "Stepping Tianxuan" in the Seven Steps Star Gang, which Song Yang used just now when he dodged Chenzi's attack.

Wang Yuan is such an old and unkind guy that he secretly learns other people's kung fu.

Surprised, Yunheng Qinling's attack did not stop at all.

The moment he threw the weapon, Yun Hengqinling used Qinggong to fly over. When Wang Yuan sidestepped to avoid it, Yun Hengqinling had already rushed to Wang Yuan. He grabbed it with his right hand and held the handle of the long knife, and at the same time he took advantage of the trend to move towards Wang Yuan. Swing right.


The long knife drew a streak of black light and slashed horizontally towards Wang Yuan's neck.

[Feiying cuts his neck]

Different from the speed and control of [Clone without Shadow], [Flying Shadow Neck Slash] focuses on precision and critical strikes. It mainly attacks the vital parts of the target and has extremely high lethality. It is the main output move in Shadowless Knife Technique.

But Wang Yuan did not dodge or evade, pushing his left hand sideways to the right.

Just hearing a "dang" sound, the long knife in Yunheng Qinling's hand struck the palm of Wang Yuan's left hand and stopped an inch away from Wang Yuan's neck. He could not move forward any further. -


A weak blood loss number floated on Wang Yuan's head, seeming to laugh at Yun Hengqinling's overestimation of his capabilities.

Before Yun Hengqinling could put away his sword, Wang Yuan grasped Yun Hengqinling's long sword with his left hand. At the same time, he pressed his right palm together with one hand to activate his inner strength to the extreme. His right palm lit up with golden light, and then Wang Yuan held it. Yuan suddenly slapped forward sideways, and struck Yunheng Qinling's chest with a powerful Vajra Palm gesture [Salute to the Tathagata].

The Great Vajra Palm is the first of the seventy-two unique skills of the Shaolin Temple, and it is also the strongest palm technique of the Shaolin Temple. There is no doubt about its power.

Although the Shadow Sword Sect has fast movement and high attacks, it is not very advanced as an assassination sect.

Wang Yuan's internal strength is strong and his arm strength is unparalleled. With this palm strike, Yun Hengqinling will be beaten to death on the spot.

But Shi Potianjing on the side was not just watching the fun.

Seeing that Yun Hengqinling was about to lay a corpse on the spot, a heavy giant sword suddenly reached out from his side and blocked Yun Hengqinling's chest.


With a deafening loud noise, Wang Yuan stamped his palm on the shocking epee sword.


There was another muffled sound. Although Shi Potian Jing blocked most of Wang Yuan's palm power, Wang Yuan still had enough energy to hit Yun Hengqinling with his heavy sword.

The two of them were slapped away by Wang Yuan on the spot.

Yunheng Qinling's long sword was held in Wang Yuan's hand, while Wang Yuansheng's heavy sword had a deep palm print on it.

"My darn thing!"

Seeing the palm prints on the sword, Shi Potianjing suddenly felt horrified.

As a sword weapon, the epee belongs to the category of heavy weapons. Although the epee in Shi Potianjing's hand is not as sharp as the Black Iron Sword, the treasure of the Ancient Tomb Sect, it is still quite weighty, and its blocking and defensive power are both excellent.

As a result, after being slapped by Wang Yuan, he was directly hit with a handprint. Such terrifying palm power was absolutely unheard of.

At this time, Shi Potianjing finally understood why Beiming Youyu refused to accept this mission. The great monk in front of him must be too evil. It is really hard to earn fifty gold.

"X! Give me back my knife!"

However, Yunheng Qinling didn't seem to believe this evil. When he saw that the weapon in his hand was taken away by Wang Yuan, he immediately became anxious.

Weapons are the lifeblood of the player. If the weapon is taken away, it is no longer a matter of money.

Yun Heng Qinling cursed and broke away from Shi Potianjing, casually drew a short knife from his back and pounced on Wang Yuan again.

Wang Yuan is a man who treats courtesy first and then fights. Wang Yuan has said before that as long as he hands over the antidote, it will be treated as if it never happened. Otherwise, there will be consequences.

Since the people in the Brotherhood did not listen to the advice, Wang Yuan would naturally not tolerate them.

Seeing Yun Hengqinling rushing towards him again, Wang Yuan put the knife in his arms, stood firm on his horse, lowered his weight, and opened his stance.

Although Yun Hengqinling's movement was not as nimble as Beiming Youyu, he was not much weaker. In an instant, Yun Hengqinling rushed to Wang Yuan again, slashing at Wang Yuan with his short sword and slashing with light.

Wang Yuan was self-contained, and he did not play any fancy tricks with Yun Hengqinling. After being stabbed by Yun Hengqinling without dodging or evading, Wang Yuan grabbed Yunhengqinling's hand with his palm the size of a leaf fan. On his shoulder, he caught it in his hand with one move of [Huranmantuan].

Just when Wang Yuan was about to kill it with a palm, the cloud in his hand suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke.

Just as Yun Heng Qin Ling exploded in Wang Yuan's hand, there was a distortion behind Wang Yuan, and the true form of Yun Heng Qin Ling appeared behind Wang Yuan.

[No phase afterimage]! !

The essence of the Shadowless Knife Technique is to use the unique internal power of the Shadow Knife Sect to create an illusion to attract the target. At the same time, the real body enters an invisible state. The clone is immortal and the real body is invisible. Whether it is a sneak attack or escape, it is a magical skill.

Based on these two points alone, even if Yun Hengqinling was given a set of advanced techniques, he would not change them.

The reason why Yunheng Qinling is now on an equal footing with masters like Beiming Youyu in the Brotherhood is because of this assassination stunt.

Appearing behind Wang Yuan, Yun Hengqinling grabbed the short knife and took a step forward to put it against Wang Yuan's back. He wrapped his arms around Wang Yuan's neck and made a sharp stroke...

PS: My stomach hurts badly today. Go to bed early. Will continue with three updates tomorrow.

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