Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 308 The Collapse of the Holy Dragon Gang

In "Wuxian", martial arts of the same type can be fused, and things of the same type can also be fused.

The puppet is a product of the mechanism technique, and the glider is also a product of the mechanism technique. When the two mechanisms are combined together, they can be directly upgraded to a more advanced mechanism.

After the upgrade, the originally clumsy puppet's movement attributes were greatly improved. He pushed the long stick to the ground and flew up with Dugu Xiaoling.

At this time, the attacks from the Holy Dragon Gang had also flown in, and they all landed on the puppet.

Unlike Wang Yuan's light industry, the puppet mechanism is a prop and will not be shot down as long as its durability is not lost to a certain extent.

I saw the mechanism puppet breaking through the attacks of the Holy Dragon Gang and jumping to a high place. With its wings spread out from behind, it passed over the heads of the people on the roof and disappeared out of everyone's sight at an extremely fast speed.

"I'm sorry..."

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Shenglong Gang could no longer describe their feelings in words.

Wang Yuan was okay. Although he also used hang gliders to fly away, at least he used Qinggong, which was still within the scope of martial arts.

Dugu Xiaoling is a product of another world in comparison.

We are all modern people, and everyone understands the truth, but in a martial arts game, a Gundam is made out of nowhere. This thing is more visual impact and spiritual shock than Wang Yuan just now. Nothing less.

Of course, the shock of Dugu Xiaoling's machine skills was only a small part. What made everyone in the Shenglong Gang feel desperate was that after Wang Yuan and his group killed Long Teng Sihai, they actually broke through the siege and escaped unscathed.

What is this concept?

In the words of the ancients, this is called taking the enemy's head among thousands of troops. At the same time, this is what Longteng Sihai is most worried about.

The previous harassment by the mob had made the members of the Shenglong Clan feel insecure. Later, Long Teng Si Hai was killed by Wang Yuan in front of all the members, which made the members of the Shenglong Clan feel less safe.

It would be fine if Wang Yuan and his group could be eliminated on the spot. No matter how ruthless the gangsters in front of them were, just being killed would prove that these guys were using their arms as a trap.

But now that Wang Yuan and his group escaped intact after killing everyone, there are two completely different concepts.

At this moment, it is basically equivalent to telling the people of the Holy Dragon Gang with practical actions: "You see, we will kill your boss whenever we want, and leave as soon as we are done. No one can stop you. Don't expect your gang to protect you." Trash fish!"

In this way, Wang Yuan gradually stripped away the sense of security from the players of the Holy Dragon Gang until they were dominated by the fear of the mob.

The so-called murder is heart-breaking, even so.

Looking at the direction in which Wang Yuan and his group were leaving, everyone in the Shenglong Gang froze on the spot. No one dared to chase them, and no one wanted to chase them. What they were thinking now was: "What if these guys come back again?" What to do? What if they find me? Surrounded by thousands of people, they can kill the gang leader and run away. But if they find me, I will basically have to wait for death."

You can be resurrected if you die in the game, but that doesn't mean there is no loss in death.

Not only will you lose 10% of your Jianghu experience when you die, but you will also randomly lose a layer of martial arts realm.

Not to mention how boring leveling is, reaching the level of martial arts is even more boring than leveling. If you lose combat martial arts, you will have no place to cry. Therefore, even if you can be resurrected, you will not be able to die. The deterrent is still great for most players.

"They won't catch up!"

When everyone in the Shenglong Gang was shocked, Wang Yuan and the five men had reunited.

Dugu Xiaoling looked behind her cautiously and asked Wang Yuandao cautiously. As the person with the most experience in being hunted, Dugu Xiaoling looked very professional in every move she made.

"of course not!"

Wang Yuan chuckled and said: "It's too late for them to be afraid now. Who will follow and die? It's time for us to close the net!"

"Close the net? What do you mean?" Cup Mo Ting and others asked in confusion.

"Just give them the last blow!" Wang Yuan said with a smile: "Send a city-wide announcement! The more arrogant the attitude, the better!"


After hearing Wang Yuan's words, everyone in the crowd suddenly felt a chill behind them.

For them, in front of so many people from the Holy Dragon Gang, killing their gang leader and then escaping was a punch that was enough to cast a shadow on the players of the Holy Dragon Gang. They didn't expect that Wang Yuan would have to make up for it with another blow. ...This time the Holy Dragon Gang is really going to die.

Being able to kill Wang Yuan completely, the Holy Dragon Gang didn't know what kind of people they had offended... and how much evil they had done.

Everyone uses money to do things, and although they feel sad, they will not sympathize with the Shenglong Gang.

With the help of the mob, Dugu Xiaoling issued a city-wide announcement in Yanjing City: "[Declaration of War] The mob family declares war on the Holy Dragon Gang. From now on, all members of the Holy Dragon Gang are the hunting targets of the mob. To the ends of the earth and to the ends of the earth, we will fight until death!"


The sudden city-wide announcement instantly alarmed the entire Yanjing City.

"A mob? How dare a family challenge the Holy Dragon Gang? How big a family is this?"

"I checked, it seems to be a small family of seven people..."

"Holy shit? Are you so arrogant? Seven people dare to pick on the Holy Dragon Gang. Does this mean they don't want to live?"

"Hype it up..."

For a while, the players in Yanjing City were talking a lot, full of curiosity about this "rabble" who dared to declare war on the Holy Dragon Gang, and more of them were laughing at this small family of seven for overestimating their capabilities. Some people had even posted a screenshot of the announcement to the forum. , the players on the forum burst into laughter when they saw that a small family of seven people dared to declare war on a large gang of three thousand people. The name of the mob quickly became popular, and soon became synonymous with mayflies shaking trees.

For the players in Yanjing City and the forum, the rabble's declaration of war on the Holy Dragon Gang may be just a joke, but for the members of the Holy Dragon Gang who have already seen the methods of the rabble, this announcement is undoubtedly the back of the camel's back. The last straw was more like a nightmare.

At the same time as the announcement sounded, the mentality of the Shenglong Gang players completely collapsed.

To be fair, if they were to fight head-on with real swords and guns, the thousands of members of the Shenglong Gang would not be afraid of Wang Yuan and the five others. But the problem is that these guys don't go head-on at all.

If there are fewer people, they will definitely not be able to defeat them. If there are too many people, they will not reveal their heads. If they kill people, they can leave if they want... Who can not be afraid of being taken care of by such a killer? We can't just go out with thousands of people in the future. Isn't this nonsense...

The thought of being stabbed in the back at any time filled everyone in the Shenglong Gang with fear. Everyone was panic-stricken and didn't know how to deal with it.

But there is no solution.

There are thousands of people in the Holy Dragon Gang, and they can't even recognize the leader of the gang, Longteng Sihai, let alone a ragtag group of people. These guys must be looking for the gang badge, so as long as they quit the gang, they don't have to worry about being hunted down by the ragtag gang.

Should he continue to stay in the Shenglong Gang and wait for death or run away? This multiple-choice question is not difficult. After all, the Holy Dragon Gang is not a commercial gang. What everyone joins the Holy Dragon Gang is the resources and the fact that they can get together to bully others.

In the online world, human nature is even more naked. Nowadays, the Holy Dragon Gang is being named and bullied by others, and most people do not have the consciousness to stay and live and die with the gang.

"Sorry, thank you for taking care of everyone...see you in the world!"

System prompt: Player xxx has quit the Holy Dragon Gang.

The Shenglong Gang channel was silent for a long time. Finally, someone sent a message and chose to leave the gang.

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