Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 389 The Nemesis of the Xingxiu Sect

Unlike western fantasy games where you can only put the magic value of skills, in martial arts games like "Wuxian", internal force has a wide range of effects.

In addition to the most basic triggering moves, it is also related to the player's perception, strength, body skills and many other attributes. Even the power of ordinary attacks is related to the cultivation of internal strength.

It can be said that internal strength is the foundation of all things, and it is also the most important attribute in "Wuxian", bar none.

Chang Qingzi's attack only reduced his internal energy, which could be replenished by taking some elixirs and adjusting his breath. But at this time, he was losing the upper limit of his internal energy. This was basically the same as losing his internal energy cultivation level. The horror of it was obvious. A spot.

There really is something to this long-awaited child.

In panic, Mario quickly pulled back, trying to escape from Chang Qingzi's control.

But who knew that Chang Qingzi's palm was like a magnet, firmly attracting Mario's palm. Wudang Kung Fu mainly uses softness to overcome strength, and it is not known for its strong arm strength. At this time, Mario's internal strength was quickly consumed. He wanted to take back the power of his palm, but he seemed to have more than enough intention but not enough strength. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not break free from Chang Qingzi's palm.

Mario's expression became more and more anxious.


Wang Yuan on the side also noticed something was wrong with Mario. Mario's internal strength was not low, and the Wudang sect was famous for its long-lasting internal strength. Even if he encountered an opponent with higher internal strength than himself, he would not necessarily fall behind in terms of palm consumption. With this look, could it be that the internal strength of this long-awaited son is even stronger?

"Okay! That's it! You two are tied!"

Wang Yuan frowned at first, then quickly walked forward, stretched out his hand and patted the palms of the two people facing each other.


Mario's internal strength is really strong. Although Chang Qingzi can absorb him, it is still very difficult. At this time, Wang Yuan's external force intervenes forcefully. Chang Qingzi can no longer control it and involuntarily withdraws his palm power.

As soon as the palm force was released, the two people who were pulling each other took a few steps back and distanced themselves.

Mario glanced at Chang Qingzi in horror, and whispered behind Wang Yuan: "Old cow, be careful! This guy is very evil!"

"Well done!"

Chang Qingzi also stood firm at this time. When he saw that it was Wang Yuan who suddenly intervened, he immediately narrowed his eyes, kicked his feet on the ground, and slapped Wang Yuan with another palm.

To be honest, Chang Qingzi didn't take Mario seriously at all. What he wanted to deal with the most was this smelly monk who made it difficult for him to get off the stage. At this time, Wang Yuan came up to him. Of course Chang Qingzi would not be used to it. , it’s a killer move when it comes up.

"Have courage!"

Faced with Chang Qingzi's attack, Wang Yuan couldn't help but smile.

This guy is the first one who dares to confront Wang Yuan with palm power.

Wang Yuan did not dodge, and stretched his right hand forward, using the starting position of the Great Vajra Palm [Homage to the Tathagata]. Wherever the palm force touched, his inner strength and thoughts reached.

"Don't fight him!"

Mario was shocked when he saw this and quickly exclaimed.

But it was too late now.


Wang Yuan landed a palm, and the palms of the two were facing each other. Chang Qingzi's body was shaken by the slap, and his internal organs were shaken, and his throat was slightly sweet. Wang Yuan's palm force was so fierce and powerful that it really scared Chang Qingzi. It was quite annoying, but soon the corners of Chang Qingzi's lips raised again, revealing a smile that showed success, and loudly said: "You are finished!"

As he said that, Chang Qingzi sucked in the inner energy in his hand and used the same move he had just used against Mario.

However, at this moment, Chang Qingzi's smile suddenly froze.

The two palms were aligned, but no matter how Chang Qingzi activated his internal energy, Wang Yuan's internal energy remained motionless and did not decrease at all.

" is this possible?"

Chang Qingzi was completely dumbfounded.

The skill used by Chang Qingzi is called "Hua Gong Dafa", which is a unique skill of the Xingxiu Sect. This internal skill is very average in terms of internal strength cultivation, but its special effects are extremely terrifying. It uses one's own internal strength to dissolve the opponent's cultivation. for.

Among the people in the world, the cultivation of internal strength is the most difficult. This method of transformation can directly attack the cultivation level, and its effect is so disgusting that everyone avoids it.

Chang Qingzi flattered Ding Chunqiu for two months before he was able to teach him one and a half moves. He was always successful in the world. Many masters had already fallen into the hands of Chang Qingzi. This was Chang Qingzi's unique skill.

The reason why his love is growing day by day and he doesn't take the world's masters seriously is because of this martial arts.

I thought that if this move continued, Wang Yuan would be firmly attracted to him like Mario, and his inner energy would be transformed into cultivation. But who would have thought that the monk in front of him was so evil, and his own energy-transforming method had no effect on Wang Yuan at all. Damn it.

Chang Qingzi's mentality was already a little broken at this time.

Indeed, the Huigong Dafa is really terrifying, but after all, this technique is just an advanced martial art, and what Chang Qingzi learned was only one and a half moves.

Little did they know that Wang Yuan had the indestructible magic power to protect his body, which had extremely high bonuses in both defense and attack. What was even more frightening was that Wang Yuan's concentration attribute was also extremely high and could resist all abnormal conditions. In addition, Wang Yuan What he has learned is the original version of the Yi Jin Jing magical skill. His internal strength is very high, and he is second to none among the players.

It's already very difficult to transform Mario's inner strength using the Huigong Dafa. Naturally, it can't transform Wang Yuan's cultivation.

If Chang Qingzi and Wang Yuan showed off a few moves, they could still fight for a few rounds, but this kid fought Wang Yuan with his palms and internal strength, and Wang Yuan didn't kill him on the spot, which was already pretty good.

"Just these two moments?"

Wang Yuan smiled indifferently, flicked his wrist, and forcibly pulled away Chang Qingzi's palm. He grabbed a bench a few meters away with his left hand and swung it towards Chang Qingzi's head.


The bench shattered in response, and Chang Qingzi was knocked to the ground by a bench. Fortunately, Wang Yuan was merciful and didn't want to cause death. Otherwise, he would have charged up his palm and struck out with one strike and one strike. Chang Qingzi would have been resurrected directly. Click report.

Chang Qingzi rushed to the street, Wang Yuanfu followed up and kicked him.

Chang Qingzi reacted very quickly. The two of them daggered, which offset most of Wang Yuan's strength. He was kicked several meters away from the ground. He turned around in mid-air and knelt on one knee with his left hand on the ground. Opposite him, the other hand holding the dagger almost lost consciousness and could no longer stop shaking.

"not bad!"

Seeing that Chang Qingzi was able to block his own kick in this situation, Wang Yuan couldn't help but look up at him again. With this skill, he was confident enough to dare to look down on others.

But Chang Qingzi was shocked at this moment.

Chang Qingzi's skills were all honed in actual combat. This kid had encountered many masters throughout his travels, but this was the first time that Chang Qingzi had encountered an opponent as powerful as Wang Yuan.

This monk's strong inner strength and powerful attacks were simply unheard of.

The Xingxiu sect's martial arts are similar to those of the Xiaoyao sect. They are both famous for their dexterity, and they have additional poison attacks, making them superior to other masters.

But the monk in front of him is not afraid of poison-type attacks, nor is he afraid of fancy tricks. Even the power-transforming magic can't do anything to him. He is simply the nemesis of the Xingxiu Sect... What kind of freak is this guy? If he continues to fight, he will be dead.

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