Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 401 A low-key master

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Dao Kedao only heard a few sounds breaking through the air, and then saw several arrows flying in front of him.

They lost all five games in the last game, which really put a lot of psychological pressure on Dazzling Hundred Blossoms.

If it were an arrow shot by an ordinary person, Dao Kedao would definitely block it with his sword without even thinking about it. But at this time, Dao Kedao was quite wary of Dugu Xiaoling's attack. He was afraid that the girl might have some tricks up his sleeve, so he had to step back. Jump to avoid arrows.


The arrow was stuck on the ground without any reaction.

Dao Kedao looked confused.

At this time, Dugu Xiaoling took a step forward, and several more arrows were fired at her.

Dugu Xiaoling is also a smart girl. She knows how much she weighs. If she really wants to fight, she will definitely not be an acceptable opponent. In this situation, she can only fly the kite as much time as possible and rely on the frequency of attacks to defeat the enemy.

As long as Dao Kedao can be hurt, he can use his physical skills to deal with it. When the time comes, according to the blood loss ratio, Dao Kedao will definitely fail.

This is one of the methods Wang Yuan taught just now, relying on points to win.

If Dao Kedao's mental quality was not strong enough and he was forced out of the arena, he would probably still be able to win the game.

Sure enough, just as Wang Yuan expected, the more Dugu Xiaoling chased and attacked, the more Dao Kedao became afraid of Dugu Xiaoling's arrows. He did not dare to be hit by them and did not dare to block them rashly. Dugu Xiaoling took a step forward. Dao Kedao took a step back. The two of them chased each other, advancing and retreating. Soon Dao Kedao was forced to the edge of the arena by Dugu Xiaoling.

Dugu Xiaoling raised her crossbow, and several more arrows flew towards her.

At this time, Dao Kedao had no way out. Facing Dugu Xiaoling's attack, Dao Kedao simply gritted his teeth, took out his sword directly, pulled it sideways, and used the move [Jade Girl Dressing]!

"Clang clang clang!"

The sword light flashed, and all Dugu Xiaoling's arrows were shot down to the ground.


Dao Kedao was slightly startled when he knocked down Dugu Xiaoling's arrow with his sword.

In "Wuxian", attacks and blocks can cancel each other out, so masters can often use blocks to judge their opponent's attack capabilities.

Dao Kedao originally thought that Dugu Xiaoling's attack was some kind of trick, or that it was difficult to resist, but when the sword fell, he found that the attack power of the girl in front of him was ordinary, not even comparable to the average Tangmen player.


Dao Kedao blushed and immediately realized that the opponent in front of him was not as strong as he thought. He had been bluffed by someone's bluff.

Thinking of this, Dao Kedao felt ashamed and angry. He immediately jumped up and straightened his sword to attack Dugu Xiaoling.

"This kid has realized what he's doing!"

Seeing Dao Kedao's appearance, Wang Yuan couldn't help but sweat for Dugu Xiaoling.


When Dugu Xiaoling saw that Dao Kedao no longer retreated, but rushed towards her, she couldn't help but feel shocked and jumped back quickly. At the same time, she did not forget to fire a crossbow to block the rushing Dao Kedao, intending to distance herself from Dao Kedao. distance.

However, although Dugu Xiaoling's Qinggong is high, the arena is so big that it is impossible for Dugu Xiaoling to run away. In this case, in order to ensure that she can observe her opponent, Dugu Xiaoling can only jump back and attack the opponent.

Jumping back was never as good as jumping forward to do whatever he wanted, and the Qinggong of the Ancient Tomb Sect was also quite strong. Dao Kedao waved his long sword and knocked down the arrows flying towards him. After a few ups and downs, he caught up with Dugu Xiaoling. The sword flicked and stabbed Dugu Xiaoling's throat.

Disciples of the Tang Sect have always had weak blood, and they would definitely not be able to withstand a few blows when someone gets close to them. No matter how skilled they are, this sword thrust was strong, and Dugu Xiaoling was probably dead.


Just when Dao Kedao was about to stab Dugu Xiaoling to death with a sword, a shield suddenly stretched out from the thrust and pushed upward, deflecting Dao Kedao's attack. At the same time, a long stick fell on his head.

"What the hell?"

This sudden defense and attack caught Dao Kedao off guard. Dao Kedao quickly switched his weapon to an epee, canceled the attack and stood up, raising his hands upwards.


The long stick hit Dao Kedao's sword hard.

Dao Kedao intuitively felt a huge force coming from the sword, and his mouth was slightly numb. He quickly rolled back and stood up. When he looked up, he saw a tall and burly machine puppet standing in front of him. The puppet held a shield in his left hand and a stick in his right hand. , as dark as a god, standing in front of Dugu Xiaoling.

"good chance!"

Dugu Xiaoling knew that once the Tomb Sect players cut the heavy sword, their movement skills and shooting speed would be greatly improved. At this time, seeing Dao Kedao being repelled by the puppet, she switched the heavy sword and raised her crossbow again to aim at Dao Kedao. .

Dao Kedao rolled again on the spot and avoided Dugu Xiaoling's attack. He took advantage of the situation and switched from the heavy sword to the light sword.

"What a quick sword-cutting technique!"

In the eyes of ordinary players, Dao Kedao only switched swords once, but in the eyes of experts, Dao Kedao's sword-slicing skills were extremely amazing.

The Tomb Sect's special sword-cutting technique is its characteristic. Not only can light and heavy swords be used interchangeably, but also the player's attributes will be greatly improved within a short period of time after sword-cutting is completed.

When a light sword is switched with an epee, the attack and defense are increased by 50%. When an epee is switched with a light sword, the movement and attack skills are improved by 50%. Being able to skillfully use the BUFF generated by switching between the two swords is the basic quality of a Tomb sect player, but rolling and dodging This is an action with extremely low error tolerance and extremely high precision. The ability to cut the sword while rolling and dodging is absolutely first-rate.

Even Wang Yuan couldn't help but frown and said: "This guy is very knowledgeable! He is a difficult enemy!"

"Rolling and cutting the sword! Is the old Taoist so powerful?"

On the field, everyone in Dazzling Hundred Flowers was also surprised. Dao Kedao was recently brought into the gang by Cang Qiong God Beggar. Everyone didn't know much about his strength. They didn't expect him to be so powerful.

"Master of the Tomb Sect! Of course he is awesome!" The God of the Sky swept away his previous depression and said excitedly. In fact, this was the first time he had seen Dao Kedao use this move. The low-keyness of the players of the Tomb Sect really lived up to their reputation.

It has to be said that Dao Kedao's showmanship was really amazing, and it restored some morale of the Dazzling Hundred Blossoms team.

After switching back to the light sword, Dao Kedao's eyes tightened, he held the sword in his right hand and pressed the ground with his left hand, kicked his feet violently, and rushed to Dugu Xiaoling across a distance of several meters in an instant.

"Er Chun! Beat him to death!"

Dugu Xiaoling panicked when she saw Dao Kedao's body movement so fast, and quickly gave instructions to the puppet. After receiving the order, the puppet raised its long stick with its right hand and hit Dao Kedao head-on from top to bottom.

Dao Kedao suddenly stopped and took a step back.


The puppet's long stick fell to the ground, hitting the ground with huge force and sending smoke and dust everywhere.

But Dao Kedao took a step forward, stepped on the long stick in the puppet's hand and jumped to the top of its head. The long sword in his hand was switched to an epee, and he held the hilt of the sword with both hands and hit the puppet's head hard with the sword.

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